The Galactic Center and a Magnetar in the Ascension to a 5D Earth

We are now in the process of the Sun and Earth coming into alignment with the Galactic Center on December 21, 2012 which occurs every 26,000 years. The alignment and accompanying acceleration of energies gives Earth and humanity full access to the information, consciousness, and energy encoded through the Galactic Center.  At this transition of the current cycle, the encoding is not only for a new Sun, a golden age, and typical Earth changes, but is primarily a Dimensional Shift. In the Galactic, solar, and planetary evolution cycles, the current Galactic Center intelligence is organizing a Dimensional Ascension.

The infinite intelligence organizes this Galactic, solar, planetary, and human evolutionary process in infinitely complex ways that are still beyond our present understanding within human physical form.  However, increasingly we are being given, as well as remembering, knowledge of major structural pieces that are expanding our awareness and insights.  We must be mindful that all of the intelligent creativity is infinitely organized in dimensions beyond the physical. In a continuum of energy, this consciousness works through the frequencies of information transduced into the oscillation speeds of the physical dimension.   When we talk about alignments, Galactic Center, cosmic rays, etc., we are referring to one aspect of how infinite intelligence is evolving the consciousness manifestation in the universe, galaxy, solar system, and Earth.


Magnetars in Galactic Evolution and Dimensional Ascension

Thus far in recent articles, we have put forth an understanding of the primary role of the Galactic Center with a secondary transforming input from an interstellar dust cloud. We will now add another major piece in this evolutionary ascending process – a Magnetar in the direction of a Scorpio nebula.  We will also briefly discuss the role of Sirius and the possibility of the Sun being in a binary star relationship.

In a previous article, “Toward a Mechanism of Transition From a 3D Earth to a 5D Earth,” we discussed how the Earth and humanity are not transforming from the third dimension into the fifth dimension, but rather manifesting and emanating in the fifth in a complex renewal and birth process.  All of the acceleration on the 3D Earth is the preparatory stages of transition for a 5D emanation.  Thus, on the Earth in 3D space and time, we see the regular cyclical action of the galaxy:  Galactic alignments, increasing cosmic and gamma rays, interstellar dust clouds, Galactic superwaves, solar flare activity, magnetic pole shifts, and significant Earth changes in terms of earthquakes, volcanoes, and weather patterns.

In this article, we are providing further insights into the evolutionary and energetic sequence of the stage of preparation for the current timeline encoding of a Dimensional Ascension.  The Mayan Interdimensional Star Map from the, will provide us context for the Galactic movement and the transformation of human consciousness to a higher dimensional Light Body in Divine unity.  This is the awakening to our true self of a heart-centered unity consciousness incarnate on Earth.  A correlation of the Map with the seven major chakras is as follows:  crown (Omnigalactic Source), third eye (Galactic Center), throat (Sirius), heart (Pleiades), solar plexus (Midway support from Arcturus and Antares), sacral (Sun), and root (Earth).

Humanity in third dimensional physicality has been primarily sacral based through an isolation at solely the solar level.  This level of duality enabled the polarity fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation to condition human consciousness and veil human awareness from the true self in Divine unity.  Human ascension to a 5D consciousness of heart-centered unity will manifest as primarily third eye driven.  This is our restoration back to a Galactic humanity and a Galactic civilization with other incarnate intelligence in the universe.

Before we describe further insights into the transforming process in a somewhat linear format, we want to focus on the heart which is harmonic to the Pleiades in the Interdimensional Star Map.  For humanity incarnate, all consciousness, evolution, and ascension is organized by the heart center.  The heart is the central foundation for all souls when they are incarnate in the dimensions of the universe. Thus, we emphasize the centrality of the heart.  Therefore, even though we use linear sequencing for our 3D understanding, ultimately all is a nonlocal synchronic love and creativity through the heart to infinite Being.  In reality, it all takes place simultaneously from all directions in infinite feedback loops of vortex motion and nonlocal emanation.


Sirius and the Pleiades in Earth Ascension

Sri Yukteswar, in his book, The Holy Science, discusses our Sun’s binary motion around a companion star, and the Sun’s other motion around a great center Vishnunabhi or universal magnetism.  Walter Cruttenden, in his book, The Lost Star of Myth and Time, discusses a binary star theory and includes a description of Magnetars and Vishnunabhi.  Magnetars are thought to be a type of neutron star and/or pulsar with a very powerful magnetic field and a consistent frequency of pulsation.  Their magnetic fields can affect the Sun and Earth from great distances of over thousands of light years.  Magnetars have magnetic fields trillions of times greater than the Sun and emit x-ray and gamma rays.

Before we discuss the Magnetar’s role in Dimensional Ascension, we need to provide some information on Sirius which is 8.6 light years from the Sun.  Walter Cruttenden in Lost Star of Myth and Time, has presented some compelling information on the potential of the Sun being in a binary relationship with Sirius.  The Sirius system is composed of three stars:  Sirius A (a blue-white star that is twice as massive and 25 times more luminous than the Sun), Sirius B (a white dwarf), Sirius C (possibly a red dwarf that is larger but fainter than Sirius B. The knowledge of the existence of Sirius C was first put forth by the Dogon tribe of Mali in West Africa.  The presence of Sirius C is still unconfirmed by science). 

The resonant frequencies of Sirius are important for reconnecting the Sun and Earth, and for reconnecting human consciousness on Earth back to a synchronization of Galactic 4D and 5D time.  Jose Arguelles saw this connection of Sirius with Galactic synchronic time.  He pointed out that the 52 year relationship of the 365 day year with the Maya 260 day Tzolkin calendar relates to the 52 year timing frequency that is the orbital time of Sirius B around Sirius A.  Sirius with its blue light is key in human ascension, and we will see its effect on chakra transformation from a 3D consciousness to a unitary consciousness of the 5D Light Body incarnate.

I believe that the Sun does revolve around a more central sun as it revolves in its millions of years cycle around the galaxy.  This central sun is the Pleiades with its largest star Alcyone.  It is the “sweet influence” in the Book of Job (Job 38:31).  For incarnations on Earth, all is within the heart center. The Pleiades is a guiding energy for our nonlocal awareness of the heart for humanity on Earth.  Therefore, I do not see the Magnetar as a central sun.  Rather, the Magnetar is part of the information stream of the alignment with the Galactic Center.


The Magnetar’s Role in Dimensional Ascension

In the Interdimensional Star Map, the Galactic Center correlates with the third eye.  The influence of the Magnetar on the solar system and human consciousness occurs when we align with the Galactic Center.  Thus, the Magnetar is very much associated with the Galactic Center and the third eye. 

The Magnetar or Magnetars are most likely within or beyond the Scorpio constellation.  Both the constellations of Sagittarius and Scorpio point the way to the Galactic Center.  The Earth is 23,000 light years from the Galactic Center.  At this point, we do not yet know the distance of the Magnetar from Earth.  Svargo F. Schuller, in a series of paintings entitled, “Scorpio Nebula Near the Galactic Center,” “Magnetars around the Galactic Center” –These transformers of 3D dualistic love in Oneness of a 5D World, and “Insight of a Magnetar Planet” — This energy transforms 3D Love energy into 4D and 5D Love, has brought through information on the Magnetars in the direction of Scorpio.  (See Svargo’s work and Zen painting at

We are ascending to a 5D consciousness that is primarily third eye oriented compared to the denser orientation of the sacral in 3D.  The omnigalactic source (crown chakra) originates the Galactic Center energy which is sent through the Magnetar.  The Magnetar transduces the energy and through its magnetic field sends the information in resonance with Sirius.  The energy of Sirius is always accessed through the heart (Pleiades) and resonates to the sacral (Sun) and root (Earth).  The relationship of Sirius and Pleiades represents the higher mind within the heart.

Sirius represents a gateway for a 5D humanity at the throat center.  The current 3D humanity on Earth has operated from the gateway of the solar plexus or third chakra.  If we view the seven chakras as the heart center with three above and three below, we see the gateway situated on either side of the heart.  In 3D humanity, the gate is just below the heart in the solar plexus which processes the energy from the root and sacral.  In 5D humanity, the gate is just above the heart in the throat which processes energies from the crown and third eye.  A sacral oriented 3D humanity has a solar plexus gateway interaction with the heart.  A third eye oriented 5D humanity has a throat gateway interaction with the heart. 

In the Interdimensional Star Map, the Midway Station of Arcturus and Antares correlates with the solar plexus.  This is because Arcturus and Antares have played a critical role in assisting the healing, transformation, evolution, and ascension of humanity to a higher dimensional consciousness.  The solar plexus is the key that ultimately releases the mental body’s attachment to the egoic 3D fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  When the physical and emotional body have been cleared to a great degree, the last to be released is the core of the mental body that has anchored through a distortion at the solar plexus.  The core of the whole false matrix is maintained by the negative emotional encodings and body restrictions at the solar plexus – see also my recent article, “Ascension and the Mental Body: Uniting the Heart Center and the Third Eye.”  Thus, we see the tremendous supporting role that primarily the energies of Arcturus and also Antares have played in human healing and the ascension process to 5D.


The Magnetar’s Frequency Transforms the Physical Body and the Human Sexual Energies

In evolving from 3D to 5D, the human body will emanate at the less dense higher dimensions of matter.  It is through both a change in carbon and an evolution to a higher light transmitting and amplifying crystalline (silicon) structure frequency.  This is a higher oscillation of consciousness organizing and expressing as matter.

The Magnetar’s highly magnetic and electric energies broadcast information to the human nervous and hormonal systems.  In ascension to higher consciousness, the nervous system must be balanced in order for the hormonal system to be transducing and transmitting higher dimensional light throughout the body’s cellular system.  This is why the restrictions of the physical body and emotional body must be cleared in order to fully balance the nervous system.  Once the nervous system is fully balanced, the full capacity of the multidimensional heart consciousness is anchored.  The heart consciousness then can hold and support the full evolution and activation of the hormonal system of the higher chakras (pituitary, hypothalamus, thalamas, and pineal gland) to process high energy coherent light throughout the physical body.

The Magnetar’s energy will have a most specific effect on transforming the experience of human sexual energy to a unitary harmonic of masculine and feminine energies in a 5D heart-centered unity consciousness.  In dimensions of 5D and above, the sexual energies harmonize with a pure spiritual love within the heart through Divine Being.  There are still male and female relationships in 5D in physical incarnate bodies.  They are solely spiritual unions through heart consciousness that fully express the true self in Divine unity through the emotional and physical body which includes the sexual energies.  Only beginning at the seventh dimension do we have mainly an energetic incarnate body.

Wilhelm Reich was able to foresee the perfect expansion and contraction of orgone energy through the sexual energies in an entirely unrestricted physical body of consciousness as matter.  He was really tapping into the understanding of the fully free flowing harmonic energy that will be only fully present in a fifth dimensional consciousness.  For the pure unencumbered flow of sexual energies in heart consciousness, there must be no armoring or restriction in the body and mind.  This is moving beyond the egoic fear-based trauma conditioning of negative emotions and false beliefs.

Because Reich was working in the first half of the twentieth century before the current ascension timeline beginning 25 years ago, he could get in touch with this dynamic of what inhibited it, but human beings could not yet realize this harmonic on a permanent basis.  Reich’s pioneering work can give us insight in these times of healing, evolution, and ascension.  The absolute pure harmonic of the expansion and contraction frequencies can only be experienced in a 5D consciousness.  The Light Body must be in full unity with the incarnate physical body.  In male and female sexual union, the pure harmonic energies can only be expressed by the fully free true self in Divine unity of the male with the fully free true self in Divine unity of the female from the love and creativity of heart consciousness.

Through heart consciousness in the 5D frequency, the more dense frequency of the sexual energies becomes a pure harmonic expression and experience of the Divine.  These physical frequencies are elevated to their most pure oscillation of higher light energy.  In the current ascension process, the Magnetar’s transforming frequency of the Galactic Center energy will play a major role in assisting the transformation of the physical cellular body and the sexual energies in the preparation for ascension into a 5D humanity on Earth.

Healing and Transforming Core Traumas and Conditioning with the Solar Eclipse Energies

All truth and love is from within the heart in the center of our Being. The many different frequencies from the solar eclipse energies of Novermber 13 are providing a transformative action to clear and transform the deepest layer of our core traumas and conditioning. The core of our dense 3D restrictive energies is the structure of illusion that has hidden our true self. In order to transform all restrictions at the core, we must continue to look within.

We need to heal all restrictions of the bodymind in order to awaken the full capacity of heart consciousness. We cannot open the full infinite power of love through our heart center, if we maintain dense energy frequencies that are encoded and activated in the mind and body. Only through the full capacity of an open heart can the higher dimensions of the Light Body be united with the physical body. Therefore, the multitude of frequencies received from the eclipse are creating a unique transformative action that can enable the full release of all frequencies of the fear-based conditioning of conflict, control, and separation. It is only through our firm commitment to completely release all energies that do not resonate with love and creativity that we can awaken the heart to a level that will support higher dimensional human life on Earth.

We need to move beyond all traumas and restrictive energy patterns that do not resonate with our true self in Divine unity. As we delve into healing the deepest core of the 3D fear-based separation consciousness, we will find that the healing of the mental, emotional, and physical body is happening more simultaneously. With the accelerating galactic energies, we have been elevating our frequency of oscillation. We have reached a point where the very complex and multifaceted energies of the solar eclipse can penetrate the deepest layer of our core wounds. Thus, we find the release of multiple aspects of thought, emotion, feeling, and sensation all at once. Whereas in earlier phases of healing, we were much more fragmented and had to integrate the different aspects of a wound over a longer period of time.

It remains of utmost importance to place our intentional consciousness on the healing of all restrictions in the bodymind from childhood, intergenerational, and/or past lives. Only through a total commitment to transform all energies that are not of love, harmony, unity, and creativity, can we open the heart center to its fullest capacity to support the emanation of higher frequency Divine energy in the physical body.

With the fear attachments released, our awakened heart enables the soul to harmonically resonate with the body. As our body and higher mind resonate within heart consciousness, we unite the higher dimensions of the Light Body within the physical body. From our Light Body we live the higher mind within the heart. The Light Body is expressed from within the interior of our heart consciousness where we are able to communicate a higher influx of Divine Light.

Thus, as we clear all dense energetic restrictions, fully awaken heart consciousness, and integrate the Light Body with the frequencies of the physical body, we are evolving and ascending to a fifth dimensional and beyond consciousness on Earth. We will awaken to our true Divine humanity of unconditional love and creativity with all of our abilities of telepathy, teleportation, cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity.

May we utilize the opportunity of the dynamic transformative frequencies of the solar eclipse energy to heal all conditioning in the egoic mind and body that is not of love, peace, unity, harmony, and creativity. In order to choose to ascend with the Earth to a higher dimensional frequency, each human has the free will to decide if they are truly done with the 3D life of fear, conflict, control, and separation. If the attachments to any activities that utilize these frequencies still persist, they indicate where we are not ready to live a higher dimensional incarnation. The key is to decide to relinquish all dense energy encodings and embrace the evolution and ascension to our true self in Divine unity.

In actuality, the number and complexity of our wounded conditioning is infinite within 3D. Therefore, it is impossible to heal in consciousness every single wound, encoding, and trauma coming from all life experience, genenerational frequencies, and past lives. However, in order to ascend to a higher dimensional consciousness, the responsibility is to decide and commit to healing all bodymind trauma. By doing so, we will be guided to healing the deepest structure of the core which will enable an evolutionary shift beyond the 3D frequency into a 5D frequency. We will say more about this aspect of core healing in an upcoming article.

Within the current phase of preparatory transition in the Dimensional Ascension which includes the recent eclipse energies, the clearing and transforming of the 3D dualistic energies of trauma is foundational. When we enter the manifestation phase of the Dimensional Ascension in 2013, the healing of the core traumas and conditioning will continue to be important for those that need to continue this work and their soul evolution is to choose ascension. The manifestation phase of Dimensional Ascension is the beginning that ultimately leads to a Dimensional shift of Earth Ascension and a higher dimensional humanity living on a New Ascended Earth.

The Subtle New Energies in the Current Phase of Dimensional Ascension

The current phase of the dimensional shift is the time period from the fall equinox to the winter solstice of 2012. The whole turning of the cycles and shifting dimensions has been a twenty-five year process of a continual acceleration. The galactic energies have been a catalyst within the third dimension to transition the Earth and humanity to a birth into a higher dimension.

In the past changing of these galactic, solar, and planetary cycles of evolution, the Earth and humanity would undergo a shift of ages and cataclysmic Earth changes accompanying the Galactic Center and solar energies. The exact same galactic cycle is occurring now, but with a different information and knowledge encoding to the consciousness and energy.  This time the changing of the cycles is a dimensional ascension.

Foundationally, it is an Earth ascension. The Earth, following Divine, infinite, cosmic, galactic, and solar intelligence, is shifting dimensions regardless of how humanity chooses to exercise its free will consciousness through the transition. It is also a human ascension because humanity is incarnate with the Earth during the dimensional shift. As part of soul evolution, each human person has a free will to choose whether to ascend to a higher dimension with the Earth.

The precise mechanism and manifestation of transition of the Earth in a dimensional shift has been veiled from human consciousness. As the energies accelerate and we continue to evolve and ascend in consciousness, it will be important for us to be diligent in self-observation, observation of nature, and awareness in multidimensional consciousness. We will have more information on the understanding of the mechanism of shift as the Divine timing sequence unfolds.

The December 21, 2012 date is an accurate reference point for a dimensional shift. It is not a date of Earth dimensional ascension. However, the reference point means something of significance and therefore we can expect some type of noticeable change on or around the winter solstice juncture of the dimensional shift. This transitional marker or reference point will not be the time of an instantaneous evolution and ascension to a higher dimensional Earth and humanity. It is a turning point which indicates the beginning of the first manifestation phase of dimensional ascension.

This brings us back to the current phase. The energies that are directly a part of the final preparatory phase were first felt a few weeks prior to September 22, 2012. We will make two significant observations regarding these galactic frequencies. 1. The subtle nature of their experience, and 2. The major importance that we clear and transform all core level trauma and conditioning from the dualistic 3D system.

These two points of focus are within our overall ascension process to the true self in Divine unity. The process is our awakening, transforming, and evolving to a heart-centered unity consciousness of a higher dimensional humanity on Earth. Thus, we will continue our healing practices, meditations, and opening the higher mind in the heart in the ways that we are guided. As we integrate the higher frequencies and move toward ascension we are taking action in loving service of humanity, the Earth, all of creation, and the cosmos.

Since the galactic energies are working within the Earth and human consciousness in the 3D world, they are part of the period of transition. Thus, they are experienced and felt in a subtle way. We may have ups and downs of high energy, dimensional openings, and releasing of dense energies and ascension symptoms, but the underlying awareness of the energetic change is subtle. This is because it is an energetic transition taking place at this point in the 3D world. In fact, the dimensional shift does not actually transform or morph the 3D world into a higher dimensional Earth.

Therefore, the dimensional shift does not actually take place in our current incarnate consciousness experience in the 3D world. The current acceleration of the 3D world of the Earth and human consciousness is a preparation for a dramatic change to a new higher dimensional human incarnate on a higher dimensional Earth. This is a higher frequency of our multidimensional being with the total harmony of the light body in unity with the physical body. The ascension process after December 21, 2012 will be both a phased ascension and a continuing process leading to a wholesale change of a higher dimensional Earth and a fifth dimensional and beyond humanity incarnate on Earth.

For those souls choosing a heart-centered unity consciousness beyond the old 3D dense duality of the fear, conflict, control, and separation matrix of consciousness, the current phase includes a simultaneous experience of 3D and the emerging 5D without being fully in 5D consciousness. The awareness of both 3D and 5D is not yet an ascended state. This is the subtle level of the ascension process that is the final phase of the preparatory gestational stage of the dimensional shift. This is a preparation in the 3D world to a change that takes place beyond the 3D frequency. Because the ascension is not actually a movement of one energetic frequency flipping into another, but rather a manifestation, emanation, or revealing, it will not be felt as a dramatic change. Yes, personal human ascension and Earth ascension happen beyond time in the blink of an eye. It is a glorious and magnificent change. However, it is not experienced as a stark dualistic difference as takes place in current 3D experience. It is a seamless moment of a permanent and higher dimensional awareness.

As we continue to experience the subtle nature of our evolving in the current preparatory phase of energies, our most important action in this phase is to clear and transform all core level trauma conditioning within the bodymind. In doing so, we can anchor in the full capacity of heart consciousness which is needed to support the higher dimensional mind and light body in incarnate form. With our deep clearing, we also need to choose a nonattachment to all of the lower 3D fear, conflict, control, and separation systems that have been infecting human consciousness on Earth for thousands of years.

We are shifting awareness to the spirit, soul, and higher mind within the heart in unity with the body and all of life. Within our present experience of the ascension process, we must commit to a life solely of love and creativity. May we choose to live as our true Divine self and evolve and ascend with the Earth into a fifth dimensional and beyond unity consciousness.

Heart Consciousness and the Body: Transforming the Physical Body to Higher Frequencies of Matter

Heart consciousness fully unites the soul with the body in pure harmony through the spirit.  Through a heart-centered consciousness, our infinite and eternal being can be expressed within the physical body on Earth.  It is the fullness of love and creativity unhindered by the duality density of incarnate life.

We awaken, transform, and evolve to the higher consciousness of the true self in Divine unity by the intentional choices of the soul through the heart and mind.  While the interior consciousness of dimensions beyond the physical is the initiator and catalyst for all change in human consciousness, there are very real changes to the physical body.  The body receives a harmonic upgrade of its vehicle.  All systems of the body must be able to relay the information and consciousness of the multidimensional and beyond dimensional soul while expressing through the incarnate body. This is the importance of understanding the human energy field, chakras, heart, brain, nervous system, and endocrine system.  We learn of the importance of the heart’s nervous system and electromagnetic field, and all of the brain’s systems in mediating the consciousness of the soul in the body.  While the body is the vehicle for expressing the nonlocal and infinite soul, it forms a unity with the soul and spirit during incarnate expression of the soul’s evolution of its eternal cosmic and Divine being. Therefore, even though the soul transcends its physical organization as body, its being is one with the body for experience on Earth and other interdimensions of incarnation.

The fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation has dimmed awareness of the multidimensional self that is peace, joy, love, and creativity.  The lower 3D duality consciousness has conditioned disharmonic blockages throughout the energy system of the body.  The result has been a conflict oriented frequency of matter that enables disease, separation, and disharmony.  Under this level of egoic 3D consciousness, the body is not able to be in resonance and carry the higher dimensional information of the heart and the full capabilities of the higher Divine mind, i.e., peace, joy, love, unity, intentional creativity, telepathy, harmonic cellular regeneration, and teleportation.

While incarnate, the heart is the center of life for multidimensional consciousness and how the soul experiences consciousness within the body.  In order to anchor in the fullness of heart consciousness, all restrictions of the bodymind throughout all chakras must be healed and released.  In choosing the practices that resonate for us which may include meditation, prayer, energy healing, introspection, self-observation, experiencing feelings and emotions, and service along the pathways of the many spiritual, metaphysical, esoteric, and scientific traditions, we open to the awareness of the higher self and Divine unity. All of these practices and paths are intended to be guides for our inner intentional consciousness in choosing to live our heart-centered unity of love and creativity.

It is only from this awareness and intention that the restrictions are healed, heart consciousness is anchored, and the higher mind capabilities restored. Throughout the entire process, the physical body is changing in order to receive and transmit the harmonic frequencies of the higher mind in the heart. From within this aspect of evolving consciousness, we see the transformation of DNA, the easing of the nervous system, coherence of the electromagnetic frequencies of the heart, increased frontal lobe brain activity, and entrainment of the pituitary gland, hypothalamas, thalamas, and pineal gland. Therefore, all of the physical changes are part of evolution and ascension, but they must be understood from the level of the soul and spirit that is enabling the change.

Thus, the frequencies and harmony of the physical body are critical for our Divine expression of love and creativity while our soul is incarnate. Our key context becomes the seeing of the physical body not from a linear 3D mechanisitc awareness as organizing consciousness with density, but as the vehicle for expression of consciousness, and even as consciousness itself vibrating along a continuum of frequency. When the body is understood from the centrality of consciousness from the infinite soul and mind beyond the physical, then the physical changes to the density of the body and the workings of the heart, mind, and brain fit well into the ascension process.

In awakening to unity consciousness of the heart, the bodymind restrictions are primarily released by the emotional work of integrating the false self defenses of the shadow and by forgiveness.  All this must be done with the clear intent to live a life of love and creativity.  In this process, the conditioning of the fight or flight trauma response and the improper use of the 3D thinking mind is changed.  These nervous system changes are necessary to open the heart by quieting the inharmonious noise of the 3D thinking mind.  Practices that are helpful here are the many types of meditation, harmonic sound frequency resonance of soul and body with 432Hz, and Divine energy transmissions such as the Oneness Blessing and Oneness Meditation.  They quiet the lower mind and move activity to the frontal lobes where frequencies of the higher unity mind are expressed.

All of these are preparatory steps of fully anchoring the organization of heart consciousness, and the evolution of the body to a less dense frequency of matter.  This will be a change to either a refined carbon structure or a shift to a more crystalline silicon structure.  All of these changes involve the Divine energy and soul evolving both the information sent to DNA and a transformation or activation of the DNA itself.

This brings us to the role of certain systems of the physical brain that transduce and mediate the higher mind in its support of the central consciousness organization of the heart.  The purely resonant properties of these physical systems are necessary for the fully harmonic functioning of the third eye and crown chakras through the pituitary, hypothalamas, thalamas, and pineal gland. A highly functioning nervous and hormonal system is key to resonance tuning for heart consciousness in expressing all its capabilities in the body.

The fully awakened heart supported by the higher mind through the fully functioning brain is vitally important for our interdimensional communication, remembering who we are, our mission, and our soul evolution while we are incarnate in the body on Earth. May we continue to progress in our understanding of our Divine Being as spirit and soul, and the role of the physical body in our ascension to a fifth dimensional and beyond consciousness.

432Hz and the Dimensional Shift

Harmonic sound frequencies, both audible and inaudible, can assist human consciousness to remember the true self.  The harmonic resonance of our Divine consciousness as a unified spirit, soul, and body being gives the soul an experience and direction in making a free will choice to open to heart consciousness.

In this way, sound is one vehicle of consciousness as energy that can be used in healing, transforming, evolving, and ascending in our heart consciousness of Divine unity.  We can resonate with the sounds of nature, the animals, and sound consciousness instruments such as drums, singing bowls, bells, crystal bowls, gongs, flutes, whistling vessels, etc.  These are just some of the numerous instruments used throughout sacred traditions for healing and transforming consciousness.  We also have chant, tuning forks, and all types of music that harmonizes with the energetic frequencies of love and creativity.

The understanding of tuning music and instruments to various frequencies in cycles per second (csp) or Hertz (Hz) for optimal human resonance of the true self in Divine unity is very complex.  We can find knowledge among the spiritual, philosophical, psychological, metaphysical, and esoteric traditions, and in the sciences of physics, biology, and studies of acoustics, sonics, and cymatics, etc.  In this article, our purpose is to outline a general understanding of a range of frequencies with an emphasis on 432Hz. in order to gain a context for the healing and ascension of our soul and body to a higher fifth dimensional consciousness.

Our aim is not to understand an in-depth comparison of frequencies for instrument and music tuning, but rather to see an overall sequence and movement of frequencies as we shift dimensions and realize a new Divine humanity on Earth. In the audible range of human sensory hearing, we find frequencies for tones and tuning that are harmonic with all the musical notes in various frequencies in a range from A=418Hz up to A=456Hz. Since the first half of the twentieth century, A=440Hz has been the standard concert pitch tuning. Prior to this time, we had much more variability of many lower pitches as well as some higher frequencies. Today, there are various viewpoints on the standard 440 and alternatives such as 432Hz, 444Hz, and above such as 446Hz, 448Hz, and 456Hz.

Because of the multidimensionality of the harmony of consciousness in the subtle energetic domains beyond the physical, the simplicity and infinite complexity cannot be reduced into individual frequencies.  The pure frequency resonance of the spirit, soul, and body in Divine unity is a multidimensional, multifrequency harmonic. It cannot be reduced to only one frequency measured through physical instruments in Hertz.

However, we can discover some important information on individual frequencies and the range of frequencies that are harmonic with them.  This general knowledge can provide us with an important context for the dimensional shift, healing, and evolving to a higher consciousness of a new Divine humanity incarnate on Earth.

In order to ascend to a fifth dimensional consciousnsess and beyond, we must anchor in the full capacity of heart consciousness.  We can only open a full heart-centered consciousness by healing all restrictions of fear-based conflict, control, and separation frequencies within the body and mind. This includes all of the negative emotional encoding and false beliefs within the body and lower 3D conscious mind.

For the human incarnate, the heart is the center of human consciousness for the soul within and through the body.  The importance of 432Hz frequencies for the current stage of the dimensional shift is that they resonate an energy of the unity of the soul and body.  Therefore, 432Hz is also heart-centered because the heart is the unified center of how the soul expresses through the body.  By bringing into conscious awareness the centered and grounded feeling of the experience of the soul and body in perfect harmony, 432Hz can assist further healing of any restrictions of the bodymind that create a separation of the soul from perfect harmony with the body.

As we release all restrictions, we can bring in the full capacity of the heart to transduce the higher dimensional frequencies into the body. With the full capacity of the heart, all of the capabilties of the higher mind/Divine mind of intuition, intentional creativity, telepathy, regeneration, teleportation, etc. can be organized from heart intelligence.  Thus, the heart is the central organization that is served by the functions of the higher mind and the physical body through the brain, nervous system, endocrine (glandular), and all other physical systems.

The experience of 440Hz is a more separate awareness through the senses, emotional level, and the thinking of the lower 3D mind and brain.  It resonates at a more egoic frequency that is received in separation outside of the self.  The 432Hz frequency is sensed and felt as coming from within and without. This means that the spirit, soul, and body is feeling a peaceful energetic oneness.  The harmonic habitation of the soul in the body is necessary to fully open heart consciousness.  This is the gift of the 432Hz resonance at this time of healing, evolution of consciousness, and shifting dimensions.

I believe that we will realize another basic frequency that will be the resonance of the spirit and soul’s higher mind in the heart.  This unified heart, mind, and brain resonance will be at a frequency at or above 448Hz.  This frequency will help adjust the human incarnate to a fully 5D consciousness.  After an adjustment period, a singular frequency will no longer be necessary for assistance.  The spirit, soul, and body will naturally resonate a multidimensional frequency of intention as sound within and harmonize without to a multifrequency sound.

As we are currently working with 432Hz to heal, harmonize soul and body, and open to the full capabilities of heart consciousness, frequencies lower than 432Hz are useful in helping quiet the 3D thinking mind. This quieting of the 3D conscious mind opens the heart and enables a heart-centered awareness to listen to the knowledge of the higher mind. There are many examples of the lower frequencies within the A=420’s range.

Thus, 432Hz is a pivotal frequency for assisting our intentional consciousness at this juncture in the dimensional shift.  We can use 432Hz in conjunction with some work in lower frequencies as we move to a new multidimensional humanity in the fifth dimension.

Evolving the Multidimensional Human Within the 2012 Energies

The energetic field of the Earth and human consciousness has significantly changed throughout the month of May.  This change of the base foundational frequency for human incarnations on Earth is now the new field in which humanity will transform and ascend to a new Divine humanity.   At this level of soul evolution to a new Divine humanity, the human spirit and soul emanates as one with the body in expressing a fifth dimensional and above harmony.  It is a heart-centered unity consciousness of love, creativity, and peace.

The new wave pattern of Galactic, Solar, Earth, and Human energy will be fully anchored in the physical/etheric dimensional realm at the completion of the Venus retrograde on June 27.  Although, the energies and consciousness will continue to transform and evolve, the basic template of energies will be in place for the dimensional shift of Earth ascension and a new Divine humanity incarnate on Earth.

The Solar, Earth, and Human energies have been progressively changing for the last several decades.  Humanity has become conscious of this movement at different levels of degree through spiritual awakenings, change in perception of time, and the intuitive knowing of Earth changes and a higher dimensional humanity.  The sequencing of awareness has been unique for all souls along their path of soul evolution.  Within the differences in the timing of personal awareness, there has been the overall acceleration in the last twenty-five years.

Prior to this time period of accelerating energy, the early movement of the shifting energy and consciousness was first picked up in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century.  We see the pointing toward our time period most strongly in the work of Sri Aurobindo, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Nikola Tesla, Wilhelm Reich, and Edgar Cayce.  While there are many other great contributors to the understanding of a transforming shift in human consciousness from the early twentienth century, as well as the great prophetic and esoteric traditions of the Vedic, Buddhist, Biblical, Maya,  Inca, and Hopi, etc., the above mentioned contributors can focus our awareness as examples of the early transducers of this new energy.

The new frequency pattern of the energies that will be our foundational template for the remainder of the shift process were most specifically introduced through the solar flares in April.  This culminated in the critical mass energetic buildup on around April 29.  This set up the new moon energies of May 5 with planetary alignments.  All of these energies were integrated leading up to the Solar eclipse in alignment with the Pleiades on May 21.  This infusion from the Solar eclipse and the higher frequency Pleiadian energies has both intensified and organized the energies for the June 4 Lunar eclipse and the Venus transit on June 5-6.  This event is the fulcrum or hinge point to establishing the template of the 2012 energies and the energetic consciousness field in which the Earth and humanity can evolve and ascend to a higher dimensional consciousness.  The energies will become fully cohesive and harmonize by June 27.

Beyond this point, there will be many changes as the exact knowledge of how and when the shift occurs is being continually evolved by the healing and choices of consciousness. There may be many profound, dramatic, and intense shifts in energy. However, the grounding energetic field in which the acceleration of consciousness is taking place will be consistent to our awareness.  With the fast-paced accelerating movement, all the same inner work must be done.  There are no short cuts.  All of the 3D dualistic blockages and inharmonic fear, conflict, control, and separation energies must be fully released from the bodymind in order to anchor in the full capacity of the heart. A fully open heart can transduce very high frequencies of Divine energy and organize all the dimensions of the Divine mind within the incarnate form.

With the upgrade in energetic frequency, the new template is enabling a greater compressed healing, transformation, and ascension to the true self in Divine unity.  With the new template, we will continue to receive new more streamlined modalities that will support healing and the transformation of consciousness.  In addition to the new modalities, we will maintain the depth of the transforming movement to a higher dimensional humanity, but we will acquire new knowledge and perception of how we are transforming in a higher oscillating frequency harmonic.

All of the information and experience of the great mystics and visionaries within the spiritual, esoteric, and metaphysical traditions of the last three thousand years remain fully valid.  However, the information was developed in a more dense, heavier, and slower energetic field.  We can use the timeless wisdom of the great mystics of the past, but we must process our journey within a whole new energy template and timing sequence.  In fact, being aware of how they contributed will keep our consciousness focused on the true depth and height of Divine unity and the evolution to a higher dimensional human consciousness on Earth.

Even though we have transformed to a great degree over the recent time sequence period,  we are in effect just beginning to anchor and express the information, consciousness, and energy that will shift Earth humanity from a fear-based to a unity consciousness.  As this occurs, our isolation in consciousness will be over, and we will join other galactic higher dimensional intelligence and interdimensional intelligence during the incarnate experience on Earth.

Fully opening to the Divine love and heart-consciousness of the Venus transit energy is our next step in this rapidly moving journey.  It is an opportunity to open all of our deepest remaining wounds to the healing of Divine love.  By availing ourselves of this energy through intentional consciousness, we will incorporate and integrate the information through the rest of the Venus retrograde.  Thus, we will then be most fully aware of our new underlying energy field template as we transform throughout the remainder of 2012 and into 2013 and beyond.

As we continue to open to our multidimensional nature, the changes and next steps will be given more and more in the moment.  There is much challenging work ahead.  It will be assisted by our developing higher frequency consciousness and Earth consciousness that is more fluid, mobile, and harmonic.  May we continue to heal, remember, transform, evolve, and ascend to our true multidimensional consciousness so as to be able to make the human choice with all of creation to embrace a fifth dimensional and above unity consciousness on Earth.

Cosmic Energy, The Dimensional Shift, and a New Divine Humanity

We are experiencing a very intense and distinct change in the cosmic energies that are transmitting to us through the Sun and Earth.  We receive energy directly from the Sun and Earth, directly from the galaxy, and as galactic energies that are transmuted by the Sun and then communicated to human consciousness.

Our focus throughout this article is on how humanity interacts with physical/etheric energy in the solar system, galaxy, and cosmos.  This forms one of our key connections with nature and the cosmos.  On a deeper level, our spirit/soul/ body beings are also mediating energy direct from higher beyond space and time realms. Here, our information and consciousness is not dependent on any of the space and time cosmic energies of the physical/matter dimensions.  Therefore, our consciousness operates on these different multidimensional channels simultaneously.  Because our souls are experiencing incarnate life, we must heal, integrate, and harmonize with the physical cosmic energies of the galaxy to which we are also in unity.  The emphasis of this article is to focus on our interaction with the changing information through cosmic energies within the physical/etheric frequencies.

The human heart center is our soul’s interface with the physical/etheric dimension.  Our heart, the Earth’s core, the Sun, and the Galactic core form an energetic unity for our incarnate experience in the dimensional universe.  The heart is the central foundation for mediating the human soul’s higher mind capabilities and the infinite eternal Spirit in Divine unity.

In the evolution and ascension process, we are increasing the heart’s capabilities to transduce much higher dimensional energy than we have experienced in the fear-based 3D consciousness of control, conflict, and separation.  In order to open the heart to its fullest capabilities, we must continually release all mental, emotional, and physical restrictions of the bodymind.  Therefore, the incoming energies can assist the integration of all chakra centers, nerve plexus, and endocrine system glands.  Transformation, evolution, and ascension is a movement of interior information, consciousness, and energy.  It is intentional within the soul evolution as coordinated by the higher self, higher intelligence, and the Divine Being.  However, our interior process also works in coordination with the timing frequencies of galactic and stellar evolution.  This is where the current cosmic energies are coordinating with and assisting our evolution to a new Divine humanity incarnate on Earth.  It is a fifth dimensional and above unity consciousness of the true self in Divine unity.

We understand this elevation in human consciousness as a dimensional shift.  While there is a synchronized galactic and stellar evolution, incarnate human consciousness needs to assent to the sequence of an evolutionary leap.  There is much assistance through interdimensional and angelic intelligence, but the dimensional shift must be mediated directly through the multidimensional human in incarnate form.  Thus, with the accelerating changes in our solar system and galactic energies, the timeframe for the unfoldment of  humanity on Earth completing a dimensional shift with the Sun and Earth is not specifically delineated.  We are definitely within a dimensional shift window and huge changes will occur for humanity and the Earth regardless of the exact level of shift that manifests. However, humanity must play its role in working for the Divine plan to bring a clear universal shift into a new Divine humanity living a fifth dimensional and above unity consciousness on Earth.

Notwithstanding the timing of the dimensional shift and the coming new Divine human, we are currently in the midst of an important change in the galactic and solar cycles.  We have seen these signs in solar system warming and the increasing activity of the Sun’s solar flares and CME’s over the last few decades.  Today, we see a potential increase with the possibility that the Sun’s eleven year change of magnetic field may develop into four poles as the field of the Sun’s Northern hemisphere is reversing much faster than the Southern hemisphere.

There are several factors that can give us insight into the sequence of the cyclical sequences of galactic evolution. One manifestation is the solar system entering a more active interstellar dust cloud in our orbital path around the galaxy. These particles may penetrate the heliopause, which is the reach of the Sun’s solar wind that keeps many incursions of interstellar dust outside the solar system. With a greater degree of dust entering, the energy and information between the Sun, Earth, and human consciousness is changing frequency.

Next, we have our solar system alignment with the galactic equator which occurs according to the Earth’s 26,000 year precessional cycle.  This provides us with a more direct infusion of cosmic rays from the galactic center or core. These rays of charged particles are in the form of infrared, light, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma rays. All of these rays are part of the information and consciousness evolution. While it is important that we learn and remember these larger galactic and cosmic cycles, the infinite complexity of the exact sequencing is beyond the current levels of the human mind. We will be better able to discern this information as we evolve to our higher dimensions of mind in the spirit.

Another galactic cycle that we need to understand is the periodic galactic superwave. The understanding of galactic superwaves has been developed by the research of Paul Laviolette. Using astronomy, ancient Egyptian, many other esoteric systems, the sciences, and ice core samples, Laviolette has theorized superwave expansions of energy that emanate from the galactic core and move throughout the edge of the galaxy approximately every 15,000 years. These waves push interstellar dust into the solar system which greatly affects the Earth’s climate in terms of ice ages, heating, and floods.  The dust affects the levels of light and heat from the Sun, as well as impacting the Sun directly causing increased solar flares. At times of great change in the solar system, Earth’s climate is in a flux of cooling, warming, magnetic field change, and seismic and volcanic activity.

The galactic superwave, moving at the speed of light, is seen as a large bright blue light in the direction of the galactic center. The visual of the superwave may relate to the Hopi prophecy of the Blue star which heralds the time of great change. We find knowledge of galactic cycles, Earth changes, and shifts in human consciousness within all major esoteric, spiritual, metaphysical, and prophetic traditions throughout our recent twelve to thirteen thousand year history.

Interestingly, Laviolette was able to determine that the Earth had higher levels of cosmic dust and coolings around 3,200 BC. This date is near the beginning date of 3,114 BC of the current 5,125 year Mayan Long Count calendar which recycles on the winter solstice of 2012.  The cosmic energies around 3,200 BC may have occured from a relatively smaller superwave than the wave that ended the last ice age over 15,000 years ago.  This coincides with Jose Arguelles understanding of a galactic synchronization beam which has been evolving us through 3D mechanical time to a 4D synchronic time of telepathic unity consciousness.

Thus, we see information being exchanged at the physical/etheric level through the light and sound spectrum of the cosmic energies.  We are also being influenced by the Sun, Earth, galaxy, and cosmos through higher dimensional subtle energies beyond the physical and etheric level.  These levels of energy are communicated to our higher dimensions of soul and spirit without being reduced to physical cosmic energies.

We have the opportunity to evolve and ascend our incarnate being to higher dimensional levels of consciousness.  The timing of the galactic and cosmic forces through their interaction is helping us remember, reorient, and transition to higher harmonic levels of our being of love and creativity.  This transformation is a spirit, soul, and body evolution.  We are moving to a less dense and more harmonic patterns of matter and higher dimensions of our soul as experienced through the spirit in unity with the body.  We will reach the true freedom of the human being of our own interior consciousness technology of telepathic communication, teleportation, and harmonic levels of heart, mind, and body creativity.

As we continue to reunite with nature, we restore our consciousness of infinite loving being and we remember our connection to the greater cosmos of intelligence. It is our choice to do the work of healing, transforming, evolving, and ascending to realize our true higher consciousness within incarnate being. May we continue to embrace the cosmic healing energies, and use our consciousness to resonate with our true being and to unite with the Divine, in order to flow with the evolution to a new Divine humanity on Earth.

The New Human Being of the Divine Cosmic Galactic Mind

We are in the midst of an evolutionary shift to the next stage of human consciousness in incarnate form on Earth.  Within this shift to a new consciousness, humanity is experiencing a transformative movement to a whole new reorganization of our multidimensional spirit, soul, and body beings in the physical body.

This evolution includes a complete harmonization of our energy system of the physical bodymind, an evolution beyond the egoic 3D levels of mind to the higher dimensions of unitive consciousness, and a descent of the Divine mind to create the full expression of the new Divine human.  The new human being on Earth, which has been described by Sri Aurobindo as the “supramental consciousness,” is what we are currently understanding as a transition to a fifth dimensional and beyond consciousness.  When we describe the new consciousness in dimensional terms, we are describing a change in information, consciousness, and energetic frequency that is existing within the physical/etheric domains of the universe.  Higher frequencies of spiritual consciousness beyond the physical/etheric express in unity within the physical/etheric frequencies.  We are experiencing an evolution to a Divine humanity as experienced in incarnate form on Earth within physical/etheric energy.

Earth incarnations exist within a much greater evoltionary system of other incarnations, and within a soul evolutionary system that is beyond incarnate experience. It is all part of a dynamic spiraling of infinite being and consciousness.  Along the infinite continuum, higher dimensions of the cosmos exist at a purely energetic level beyond physical/etheric organization (This is beyond what we are describing as the new Divine Earth humanity), and then beyond into dimensional spiritual realms. 

What we refer to as fifth dimensional consciousness is a spectrum of spirit and soul energies that can unite within the physical/etheric bands such as in our experience within this solar system and throughout the galaxy. Therefore, this current transformation to a new Divine humanity is part of a natural change to human incarnate experience on Earth.  

Various solar and planetary systems go through a timing sequence of stellar and planetary evolution.  This includes all planetary matter and ether–mineral, plant, and animal life, and intelligent human life which serve as vehicles for human soul evolution.  The information and consciousness that determines different ways of planetary and life evolution is coordinated by intelligence at higher domains as part of the Divine Being.

Human evolution beyond the current heart, mind, and body systems that we know as Homo Sapiens occurs with a precise sequencing of solar and Earth evolution.  In order for humans to evolve to a stage of being that is the new Divine Humanity, the Earth (including the atmosphere, electromagnetic field, and noosphere), the Sun, and the Galactic frequencies, are also evolving with human consciousness in synchronistic timing.

Human evolution now directly coincides with Earth evolution.  Within the last five to six thousand years of human experience on Earth, human consciousness has inharmoniously separated itself from the unitary physical/ether level of our Earth environment.  This separation through a fear-based system of external conflict and control has created energetic restrictions within our bodymind. 

In the physical plane, the body, emotions, and mind function in unity.  In current human culture, we have been conditioned in a separation from our bioenergy and nature.  In the 1930’s, Wilhelm Reich began a modern understanding of the consciousnesss of the bodymind through the development of his body-oriented therapy.  He utilized “character analysis” to release the energy restrictions manifesting as “character armour,” and “vegetotherapy” to release the same energy restriction manifesting as “body armour” (somatic muscle restrictions, i.e., forehead, chin, chest, diaphragm, abdominals, and pelvis).

In our present evolution and ascension to a new Divine Humanity, Reich’s work points to the importance of the free flowing harmonic movement of our bioenergy at the level of the physical body, emotions, mind, and ether.  This is our unification with nature and represents the deeper healing of our lower chakras which is necessary to evolve to a higher mind and align with a supramental consciousness.  Our natural bioenergy is a continual inflow and outflow of expansion and contraction.  This movement is a natural harmonic tension and discharge of energy.  The harmonic of expansion and contraction is the freedom of expression of our love and creativity in the Earth dimension.  When we restore the bodymind back to its balance of energy, any of our secondary defense mechanisms for releasing blocked energies within our incarnate body and mind will disappear.

All of the restricted energies at the somatic and egoic mind level result from negative emotional encodings and beliefs within our bodymind that exist from childhood, intergenerational transmission of information fields, and past lives.  These codings have occurred in human consciousness because of the fear, conflict, control, and separation system that has inhibited the true self in divine unity. 

The deeper healing of all the bioenergic systems of our bodymind will enable the full capacity of our heart consciousness to transduce, transmit, and express the full loving power of higher dimensional frequencies.  Without the full restoration of our harmonic expansion and contraction of bioenergies that express to a great degree through our lower chakra centers, the heart cannot anchor in the tremendous spiritual energy of higher domains.  As we release the restrictions of the bodymind, anchor in the full potential of the heart, and develop all our higher dimensions of mind (telepathy, teleportation, cellular regeneration, etc.), we will ascend through a descent of the supramental consciousness.  We become the realization of a new Divine Humanity.

In addition to the modern body-oriented therapies and somatics begun with Wilhelm Reich’s work, there are other healing systems and pathways that also focus on the full restrictions of the bodymind that is necessary for a deeper level of healing.  The Taoist Esoteric Yoga path is one of the more intact ancient systems for balancing the total energies of the bodymind vehicle.  This knowledge has been recently brought forth in the works of Mantak Chia.  Fragments of knowledge that can help us heal the bodymind frequencies in this time of transition exist within many esoteric traditions.  Some include the ancient Egyptian, Hindu, esoteric Christian, Sufi, Kaballah, earth-based shamanic paths, i.e, Incan, and many esoteric and metaphysical paths that include crystal healing and sound healing.

Our evolution and ascension to the new Divine Human being is now a simultaneous healing of the bodymind level, opening heart consciousness, and evolving Divine mind capabilities.  This human evolution is taking place in unity with Earth evolution.  Both the changing Earth frequencies and an emerging Divine humanity will open this solar system and incarnate Earth humanity to a larger connection and communication with other solar systems and intelligence that operate at the next level of intelligent evolution within the physical/etheric planes of the cosmos. 

Intention, Energy, and Healing Modalities in the Evolution and Ascension of Human Consciousness

Discovering the proper relationship between the intention of the inner mind and heart, and the resonance with outer energies is an important step in the evolution and ascension of humanity.

Ultimately, all healing, change, and manifestation occurs through a change of information in the mind in unity with the heart.  Only the human mind–the unconscious, intuitive mind, and higher self can change the information and energy from one conditioned state to the free choice of another expression.  All healing modalities, including talk therapies, body therapies, sound healing, energy healing, meditation, and/or any outer assisted process can only assist the soul, heart, and, mind to change consciousness, information, and energy which translates into forms of emotional codings, beliefs, decisions, and actions. Throughout this article, we will examine the integral relationship of how any exterior modalities may assist the inner soul technology of the human being to evolve to a unity consciousness and new level of being.

If all evolution and transformation of consciousness occurs at the mind, soul, and spirit domains of the multidimensional human, what effect does the awareness or assistance of external energies at the physical level of consciousness and body have in the transformation process?  Is the external ritual only an outer active component that has no direct effect on the inner actions of the mind and heart, or does the external energies or ritual play another role in assisting consciousness?  It is clear that the external energy cannot change human consciousness in and of itself.  A major pitfall in the consciousness journey is to fall into the subtle trap that the modality is responsible for the healing.  So the question arises, is the external energy or ritual just an anchoring point for the mind and heart to conduct its purely internal process of change, or is there a more direct effect of the ritual without it being the cause of transformation?  The outer support of the real energy of the modality has a direct effect through resonance by neutralizing the interference patterns that form the restricted energy of negative emotional blocks conditioned by fear, conflict, control, and separation.

By neutralizing the interference patterns and supporting the body, soul, and spirit with a higher energy resonance, it is easier for the spirit and soul through the heart and mind to heal the blockage and change consciousness through the intention of information.  Thus, the outer ritual or modality has a very real effect in the intentional process without directly causing the change.

In order to evolve to a new incarnate being of a fifth dimensional consciousness in Divine unity, we must heal all of the restrictions at the bodymind level.  This is a very deep level of healing that includes a full freeing of all the lower chakra energies.  Throughout history under our current level of conditioned being, many spiritual and esoteric traditions have focused on developing the higher level of mind in the spirit without truly freeing all levels of the bodymind.  We can find this knowledge among fragments of many ancient traditions, as well as more recent twentieth century integrations of modern Western psychology with the mystical traditions. However, the difficulty of healing all restrictions in the bodymind still persists.  An example of one ancient tradition that has maintained a high level of cohesive knowledge of the full energetic healing of our physical and mind being is the ancient Taoist esoteric yoga tradition. We will need to integrate the more comprehensive fragments with new understandings of how intention and healing modalties can completely heal the energetic restrictions within our biopsychicspirit being in order to evolve to the next level of humanity.

The total bodymind level of healing will restore the human being to its freely functioning soul in unity with the body.  The conditioned bodymind currently develops from fear-based culture in childhood development, intergenerational transmission of emotional encodings, past life, and entire soul history.  This complete level of biopsychic healing is necessary in order to bring in the full capacity of the heart to transmit Divine energy in the incarnate form.  The strengthened capacity of the heart to transmit higher dimensional energy will assist the continual tranformation of the current human mind to a higher capable multidimensional mind.

The threefold transformation stages as described by Sri Aurobindo are helpful for us to characterize the further development of our evolutionary and ascension pathway.  Aurobindo delineated three stages of psychic transformation, spiritual transformation, and supramental transformation.  The first two stages of psychic transformation and spiritual transformation could occur in conjunction with each other in preparation for the human ascent and Divine descent of the supramental consciousness into the human incarnate form.  For Aurobindo, the “psychic transformation” is a total change to our core being of a soul instrumentation.  We understand this to be the total unrestriction of the bodymind unitary system as well as the full awareness of our human being as an eternal evolving soul.  The total healing of the physical and emotional aspects of our incarnate being is part of the psychic transformation stage as described by Aurobindo.

In Aurobindo’s understanding, the “spiritual transformation” stage is a move beyond our current conditioned egoic mind to successive stages of the higher mind, illumined mind, intuitive mind, and overmind. With the transformation to the overmind, the human spirit, soul, and body is now ready to evolve to the third stage of a “supramental transformation.” The supramental transformation is the evolution to a Divine human incarnate on earth.  This is a fifth dimensional and above human with total interior consciousness capabilities of telepathy, teleportation, harmonic regeneration, creativity, and unconditional love.

Now that we have taken a look at the overall evolutionary view of our total transformation, let’s return to our discussion of the relationship of intention, energy, and healing modalities in our transformation.  This relationship mainly applies to the first stage of “psychic transformation.”  To some extent it overlaps into the second stage of “spiritual transformation.” At this point in our journey, the energetic assistance of the modalities as a help to our intentional consciousness is necessary because we are healing and transforming from within our energy restricted condition.  Once we have completely transformed the bodymind to a free psychic being, the interior consciousness of intention through mind organization of information and energy can generate and manifest all creativity, action, and love in the world without external modality assistance. With this understanding, we can see how truly foundational the full healing of our biopsychic being is in order to operate from the next evolved level of human being on earth.

When we make changes and manifest from our intentional consciousness as we are still in the healing stage of “psychic transformtion,” we are using the higher mind to organize and manifest intention.    Here, we use the mind and body to feel and know the outcome as already in existence.  Through this level of higher mind, we can enable the inner mind to heal energetic blockages in the bodymind and manifest creatively in our action in the world.  However, the level of higher mind is still working along with the egoic dualistic mind until we have evolved to full psychic transformation. It can heal and manifest in specific situations, but is is far from an unrestrictive and global creativity and manifestation.

Only through a healing of all timelines, negative emotional codings, childhood wounds, past life, and soul history conditioning can the pure power of the intentional mind be exercised through the incarnate human being on earth.   This level of total heart-centered intention through Divine mind is intrinsic to the unitary consciousness of the human being.  The feeling and thought centered intention of the current human mind while vitally important for our transformation, is nowhere near its full capabilities of the overmind.  Therefore, in our level of “spiritual transformation,” we are transforming the operating system of the current human mind to an entirely new system.  This is Aurobindo’s progression from the higher mind, illumined mind, and intuitive mind to the overmind.  Once at the overmind, an new operating system is in place to receive the supramental mind.  The level of the supramental mind is our true self in Divine unity living its full expression in incarnate form on earth.

This is our journey to a heart-centered fifth dimensional unity consciousness.  A better understanding of the proper relationship of intention, energy, and healing modalities in our healing stages within the psychic transformation and spiritual transformation stages will further our evolution as we align with the shifting energies to evolve and ascend to our true Divine unity on earth.

Heart Consciousness: Pure Intention and the Full Awareness of Negative Energy Without Attachment

As we continue to proceed in our healing and transformation to a heart-centered unity consciousness, we become more aware of our choice in thoughts, beliefs, emotions, feelings, and actions.  We understand that heart consciousness, which utilizes the full capabilities of the mind and body, is intentional.

It is our intentional consciousness of spirit and soul that expresses as information and feeling states through the mind and body that manifests healing and our creative action in the world. The level of our unified harmonic flow from the heart of our spirit, soul, and body being enables a given experience of the level of the true self in Divine unity that we energetically express through our multidimensional being.  Our spirit through consciousness, intention, and energy expresses in a unified continuum of soul, heart, mind, and body.

The human true self is fully creative and solution oriented.  It is our love, unity, peace, and joy in harmony with others, nature, the dimensions of the cosmos, and infinite spiritual realms.  Therefore, any fixation on any negative beliefs, emotions, and energies is not the full expression of our true nature in Divine unity.  The perpetual heart-centered being is the new multidimensional human incarnate on earth that we are evolving and ascending toward as incarnate souls and as a unified humanity.  We see the understanding of our intentional consciousness within fragments of many of the ancient esoteric systems, as well as more recent spiritual and scientific approaches.  Some examples include Taoist, Essene, Biblical, New Thought, HeartMath, and numerous other traditions that understand the nature of human creative intention through the consciousness of information, feeling, and action.  In order to help put the understanding into action there are ways of prayer, meditation, and many methods of feeling intentional consciousness in heart, mind, and body.

 However, in order to heal at deeper levels we need to balance the truth of our full intentional capabilities with the radical awareness of negative restrictive energies within our bodymind, as well as the actions of negative cultural systems of fear, conflict, control, and separation. These systems express through materialistic scientific paradigms, government, religions, the educational system, entertainment, negative frequency conditioning, energy, agriculture, artificial control of the environment and biology, etc.

Thus, evolving and transforming is an ever rebalancing of our deeper awareness of how the lower energies separate us from our true self of pure love and creativity, and the pure intentional awareness of only our high states of being.  We are making a shift toward only attention in pure loving, creative, and joyful intention in experience, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, feelings, and actions.  However, we still need to have an awareness of the deep rooted inharmonic restrictions within our conditioned consciousness and the world cultural systems.  Healing at this level is a balance of our intentional awareness with a full freeing of our biopsychic being to reveal the original Divine human blueprint. As we successfully seek this balance, we will heal to levels that will support the full capacity of our heart and all our interior communications capabilities of the Divine mind in the heart such as telepathy, teleportation, etc.

The ability to exercise pure intention and maintain an awareness of lower energy states still existing in the world will enable a true compassion and empathy for the challenges of others and the very real restrictive energies that have infiltrated the human condition on earth for thousands of years.  The ability to make others aware of these energies without our falling into a participation or manifesting them will assist others in their healing, transformation, and evolution.  Our goal is to move with the shifting cosmic energies to go beyond the lower level dualistic consciousness to a unity consciosness of the true self in Divine unity.

This is a time to continually place more awareness on the truth of where we are moving toward an expression of only higher or more harmonic frequencies of energy, love, joy, creativity, peace, etc. while also being more aware of how the inharmonic frequencies have conditioned restriction of energy and inner conflicts within our incarnate being.  It is also important to be more aware of how the fear-based conflict, control, and separation system operates through culture in the world.  In doing this, we can open to the next level of healing and transformation of the human being that can support the alchemical transformation of time, a new heaven and new earth, the noosphere, and Sri Aurobindo’s description of the Divine descent of a supramental consciousness within human incarnation and the divinisation of matter.