Our Divine communication is through our Divine soul from within the heart. In heart consciousness, the heart is served by the knowing mind of Light which seamlessly communicates the knowing of our Divine soul in the Spirit. When the fullness of our Divine soul emanates through the heart within the cellular consciousness of the physical body, we are being our infinite Divine nature in, through, and as the body on Earth.
Divine Soul as One with Body-Mind
In the full harmonic freedom of our Divine soul, the body, mind, and soul is a unitary communication resonator of infinite Divine knowing. The incarnate vehicle of consciousness in the dimensional universe is the body-mind. When we emanate in consciousness the infinite Divine soul as one with the body-mind, we are realizing the soul-body. We are awakening to our pure Divine frequency of love and unity where the soul is expressing as the physical body.
In the current shift of dimensional frequency on Earth, we are awakening and transforming to an operating system of the body-mind that is fully transparent to the Divine soul. In the purity of our Divine soul, we are emanating on Earth as an aspect of the Divine infinite consciousness of Spirit.
Divine Infinite Consciousness of Knowing
In the clear and harmonic frequency channel of information, knowing does not move. It is non-local. Knowing has no limitation of time and space. It is everywhere in an infinite field of “now.” This is the Divine flow of communication that can emanate in the physical frequency dimension. In the infinite field of “now,” rest and action are completely one. At perfect rest, time is infinite motion. As this translates into slower frequency speeds on Earth, matter will have a fluidity that can express the non-local knowing. This is what some perceive as a fifth dimensional and above consciousness.
There is absolutely no restriction to knowing. Thus, we have no need of a thinking mind which is an operating system that developed and is conditioned to operate in a 3D chaotic frequency of limitation. Human communication in a fear-based 3D condition always bears some distortion, misunderstanding, or limitation. The “thinking” operating system of mind developed to deal with limitation in a frequency field of conflict, control, and separation. It is a separate consciousness designed to experience limitation and restriction. The thinking mind is not knowing because its frequency is misaligned from knowing. It is always dealing with parts and never the whole. The limitation of language in both sound and visual frequency is always a separation of the whole. Language is always partial, an approximation of knowing. It is never total, complete, or whole.
The thinking mind consciousness forms a network of filters and overlays that distort experience in the “now.” The thinking mind is never in the “now” because its nature of misalignment is always slightly outside reality or experience. It is separate. Therefore, the knowing of the infinite field is never available to it.
Our consciousness of ego personality is formed from the separation of limitation. This level of lower mind is separated into a conscious and unconscious awareness. It became conditioned to operate in a 3D fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation. In the unconscious, there are all of the limiting frequencies of experience, beliefs, emotional codings, and actions. What we understand as the unconscious is not our pure knowing.
Knowing is Through the Light Mind Within the Heart
Our pure knowing is our Divine soul in infinite consciousness. It emanates on Earth through our knowing Light mind and the feeling of Divine cellular consciousness. Our body-mind as soul is our Light mind and Divine feeling body. The experience of our Light mind and Divine body is expressed through heart consciousness.
From the Light mind within the heart, there is an infinite range of meaning that is knowing. This is beyond the cognitive thinking operations of the lower mind. The soul as heart and Light mind through the body is an infinite Divine awareness. Here, the information flows without interference, restrictions, or limitation. There is no static background noise that occurs in a misalignment from the eternal now of love, peace, and creativity. There is only pure knowing in an infinite spontaneity of unique expression of love and its creative action.
Unity of Knowing and Feeling Within the Heart
The heart is beyond words. The knowing is one with feeling. This is the unification of the light and sound aspects of consciousness as it vibrates in the physical frequencies of matter. Because of a fear-based consciousness of limitation, the lower mind uses the separation frequencies of thinking and reactive emotion. The true human knows and feels in the action of love and creativity.
In the quiet of silence, there is an infinite communication of knowing and the power of love. May we continue to awaken to our true Divine communication beyond the thinking frequencies of language to realize our Divine soul in and as the physical emanation of the soul-body.