We are presently within a divergence point in human consciousness. For thousands of years, humanity on Earth has been in an egoic fear-based consciousness. This limited consciousness of the thinking mind and reactive emotional system is a disharmonic frequency range of conflict, control, and separation. For the most part, this consciousness has limited humanity to the external physical sensory system which provides input for the thinking mind. As a result, humanity for the most part functions in thought, feeling, and action through encoded conditioning of limited beliefs, negative emotions, and fear-based actions.
The whole narrow range of ego mind consciousness has placed humanity in a matrix of linear time, restricted spatial movement, and limited communication. Ultimately, our true Divine being incarnate has non-dual, non-local, and multidimensional awareness. Our soul as it expresses through a body-mind system has infinite regeneration, intentional movement, and communication abilities.
An Artificial System of External Technology
Within the restrictive awareness, the egoic consciousness has sought to lessen its sensory and mind limitation through an artificial external technology. Here we have man made radio waves, microwaves, and digital communication of information. This is an attempt to expand the current limited range of physical senses through external frequencies.
We are at a point in the galactic dimensional hologram where the shifting frequencies are enabling an awakening to our Divine soul as a physical body. At the same time, the false egoic consciousness is accelerating the false frequencies of limitation. The Earth and humanity is more and more within a discordant matrix of radio waves, wi-fi, cellular/radio microwaves, and high voltage transients (dirty electricity), as well as disharmonic sound waves, visual stimuli, and negative food, air, and water frequencies.
If humanity goes the way of external technology at this point of the diverging energies, it will change the incarnate human to a level where the Divine soul is no longer incarnating as a human being. With the disharmonic frequencies and the loss of freedom to external technologies, the true autonomy of the Divine soul through a human body will be lost.
Thus, the pathway of digital and microwave technology leads to transhumanism. In the transhumanist agenda, humanity merges with external technology. This is the loss of the Divine intelligence of infinite freedom that is love and creativity. The choice at this point in the shifting multidimensional, galactic, and solar energies, is between an artificial world of human-machine and our true humanity of the Divine soul emanating as a Divine physical body.
True Humanity of Divine Soul as Physical Body
Our true humanity as Divine spirit, soul, and body has infinite interior capabilities of consciousness, and operates in a harmonic frequency of matter. In our Divine being incarnate, we no longer need to rely on artificial external technology to extend our senses and creativity. We emanate our infinite intelligence abilities through information, consciousness, and energy as our Divine soul-body.
Human infinite consciousness is non-dual, non-local, and multidimensional. It is a knowing and doing consciousness through the Light mind in the heart. It is a consciousness that is perfect cellular regeneration beyond disease. Our Divine consciousness as body expresses telepathy, teleportation, and infinite intentional creativity. The true Divine humanity is a unity consciousness of unique soul awareness in unity. Our heart knowing, Light mind, subtle energetic senses, and Divine physical senses are limitless. We are Divine love.
The Divine soul has infinite connectivity with other souls and energies. The unique signature frequency of each soul is part of a unitary continuum of the multidimensional universe and the dimensionless spiritual realms. When incarnating, the soul emanates an operating system from the heart center. The Soul’s intelligence through the heart coordinates the mind and the physical body. When the Divine soul is fully expressing as physical body, the whole body functions as part of a frequency continuum of infinite knowing.
Humanity is awakening and transforming to our true humanity of a seamless spirit, soul, and body emanation of love and creativity. All of the energies for the fullness of Divine love through the knowing Light mind and feeling body pulse in a unified waveform that expresses as a harmonic expansion and contraction of fluidity of matter.
The human Divine soul-body is an infinite Divine technology of intelligence. This is the natural state. Using both subtle energies and electromagnetic energies, the body is a magnetic and electrical system using a crystalline cellular matrix. It is a liquid crystalline system transducing subtle energies in a biochemical cellular and organ structure of consciousness. The human being at its pure and true level is a unified soul-body experience of Divine spirit. Spirit and matter is one energy that expresses and oscillates at different frequencies. All dimensions of the soul can be experienced through the multidimensional energies of the body. This includes the sexual energies that are powerful lower level electromagnetic frequencies that open to the non-dual and non-local infinite being. The sexual energies are one of the direct ways in incarnate form that humans communicate non-local Divine consciousness in the same way that the Sun and Earth communicate instantaneously through the Birkeland currents of electromagnetic light frequency.
All of the electromagnetic light and sound waves that are used as communication, regeneration, sexual, intention, and creative are powered by love. It is through love that the entire human energy system and interior intelligence technology emanates into experience, expression, and creativity. May we continue to awaken to our true essence of being, consciousness, and love that is our infinite expression of our soul in spirit. As one unified soul-body, we are Divine love.