Humanity has been experiencing life on Earth within a narrow range of dualistic inharmonic frequencies. This is a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation. It is a consciousness of reactivity through the hindbrain and left brain thinking mind, as well as the emotional system. This is not the true awareness and consciousness of the human being. The inharmonic frequencies that veil our true humanity do not resonate with the greater synchrony of the multidimensional Divine infinite consciousness.
Humanity’s fall into the narrow bandwidth of separate linear thinking that is processed through the receiver of the left brain is a self-destructive pattern. These energies are never coherent. They are working against each other in misalignment and friction. This kind of conditioned consciousness never lives in the reality of a unitary now. The frequency level of the thinking mind through the physical vehicle is always censoring experience with its conditioned filters. Its very operation separates our awareness from the reality of our Divine infinite consciousness.
Given that this frequency has infiltrated humanity on Earth, we must awaken from our immersion within it. Thus, we are transforming from within our conditioning and participating within the duality of the fear-based consciousness. However, the fallacy is that the inharmonic bandwidth is necessary for our spiritual growth and experience as a soul in Divine consciousness.
The Misperception of Learning as the Primary Purpose of Soul Experience
Because humans have been so veiled from the knowing mind and feeling body within infinite consciousness, we have come to view learning as natural to our experience on Earth. As a result of knowing so little in the extremely narrow fallen frequency of consciousness, we have equated learning with becoming who we truly are. In truth, we are already the Divine consciousness—we are not evolving or ascending. We are disconnecting from the disharmonic programming and conditioning within the thinking mind that has enabled a dominant left brain transmitter/receiver.
The linear hierarchical mind of the reptilian brain with left brain connections is about status, control, fight or flight, and conflict. The infiltration within humanity to form the reptilian (hindbrain) and left brain as the dominant mode of consciousness is a form neurological damage (See also Tony Wright and Graham Gynn, “Return to the Brain of Eden: Restoring the Connection between Neurochemistry and Consciousness,” or “Left in the Dark: The Biological Origins of the Fall from Grace”). The erroneous level of the thinking mind has allowed the chemical and cellular frequencies of consciousness that is the body to become maladaptive as the human transmitter/receiver that is the soul’s incarnate vehicle. This maladapted consciousness operates within an imprisonment of tunnel vision.
By operating from the fallen thinking mind mode, we have come to enjoy learning. We have been misguided to believe that learning is the primary purpose of life. But is learning really the primary activity that our infinite consciousness is on Earth to do through the bodily vehicle? What if our purpose was to solely create and experience within the boundless infinite. Maybe the dualistic frequencies that we have been living on Earth are a restricted frequency mode that does not have to be the consciousness experience on Earth. The reality that is never exhausted is love. Within its unity there is an infinite possibility of unique frequencies of harmony. It creates and experiences infinitely. Thus, our true awareness has the ability to experience and create from the unity of being. Creativity is infinite choice—it is free.
True Freedom in Unity Consciousness
This brings us to a concept of the human mind that is known as free will. As this concept is understood across virtually all traditions and paradigms, it is believed that we need the narrow fear-based conflict frequencies of separation in order to have free will. Do we really need conflict, control, separation, and disharmony to know the unity of our Divine infinite consciousness of harmony? Does our true being and transformation depend on the duality of unity versus separation? No, the reality of the goodness of infinite consciousness just is in truth. It needs no opposite to define itself.
Our current participation in the conflict frequencies is a gross distortion and veiling of our true being of Divine consciousness. It is a particular narrow frequency range of experience that offers heavy inertia and learning in a bandwidth that attempts to maintain the imprisoned veiling through self-replicating dualities. Does free will depend upon the choice to access both the true reality of love, unity, harmony, and creativity; and the distortion of fear, conflict, control, and separation? Do we need an erroneous contrast or separation in order to know the truth of unity? Again, the disharmonic frequency is not needed even though it is a frequency range that unfortunately can be currently experienced in a veiled aspect of the third dimension of the universe.
The Freedom and Creativity of Divine Consciousness
If we were not in dimensional frequencies where the inharmonic choices exist, what happens to free will? In reality, within a dimension where the inharmonic frequencies are not accessed, human choice actually becomes truly free. In a pure unity consciousness, the harmonic choices are infinite and are all good. It is never finite—a range of experience that never exhausts and never ends. This is true freedom. It is not some narrowly conditioned notion that we need bad in order to know good and to be free.
The good and bad duality that is presently identifying our infinite consciousness with a false damaged thinking mind as programmed censor and reactor is not true freedom. The dual consciousness is a restriction, and under this restriction, infinite choice is never accessed, experienced, or expressed. Within this mode of consciousness, awareness is perpetually restricted by the censoring mind and the inharmonic frequencies of a fear-based culture. Thus, experience and creativity is drastically narrowed. It is relegated to the narrowly repeating patterns of conditioning and programming. Therefore, to believe that free choice is dependent on the negative is a blindness of awareness.
Only love is free. Within this freedom is an endless range of experience that chooses to be, create, and express infinite knowing that is the wisdom of love. True freedom is the Divine awareness as knowing mind in the now of unity through the feeling of the body. May we all be our heart consciousness that expresses our Divine infinite awareness of love as the fullness of freedom and creativity.