Awakening the Heart: The Experience of Consciousness and Creativity

We open to our Divine infinite consciousness from within the heart.  An infinite and eternal Divine consciousness of love and creativity is who we are as souls in spirit.  Our journey of awakening and remembering is to live our infinite consciousness incarnate on Earth through a spiritual mind and Divine body.


Self-Recognition of the Heart and Divine Infinite Consciousness

The full opening of heart consciousness is a self-recognition.  Within the heart, the unity and joy that we seek in the transformative journey is known through our own nature.  This active restful awareness is felt as both transcendent and immanent.  In heart consciousness, we know and experience our being as in the Divine.  In truth, it unites and moves beyond transcendence and immanence.   We will relinquish any perception of separation as we elevate in multidimensional awareness.  It will no longer be about time, space, and distance, but will be a given frequency of consciousness, energy, and expression.  In pure harmonic frequency, we can be the non-local All of Divine consciousness and simultaneously experience varying frequency patterns as incarnate experiences along the dimensional continuum.  It is our essence and incarnate experience that oscillates at a certain frequency of the Divine.  Our true human nature is Divine infinite consciousness.

The recognition of the Divine energy within the heart is the inner movement of consciousness that is non-local and non-dual.  In our movement to this awareness, we must clearly form attention on the inside.  The reason we need to place awareness on the inside first is because an infiltrating consciousness of fear, conflict, control, and separation has conditioned human consciousness to use the senses through perception from the “thinking mind” to see and feel the world through separation.  The only way to awaken to the truth of non-separation is to see and feel the unity from the inside.  When awareness is brought back to heart consciousness, the inside and outside become one.  The unitary consciousness is a myriad of frequencies and infinite organization to provide the experience of pure uniqueness within a unitary being.


Beyond the Lower Mind to the Light Mind

The unitary consciousness of knowledge and love places the soul within a peace where the fullness of creativity can be expressed in freedom.  Heart consciousness, as an awareness of our Divine infinite consciousness, is a knowing and doing awareness of action.  The essence and energy of the creativity is a simultaneous knowing and doing.  Love and creativity is knowledge in action that is an emanation and expression of Divine infinite consciousness.  It is the perfect synchronic harmonization of a frictionless expansion and contraction.  This is the frequency of oscillation of Divine consciousness.

The current lower human “thinking mind” is a mind of limitation.  It is a mind that is always searching, learning, doubting, and seeking, but it never knows.  It can give information, insights, and partial knowledge and understanding.  However, it does not know.  This level of the mind, the “ignorant mind” as termed by Sri Aurobindo, can infinitely search and gain information, but never reach “knowing.”  The more information it gains on the mechanism or functioning of a process, the more elusive is the knowing.  In operating from the lower human mind, there is no peace and freedom.

In order to live our Divine infinite consciousness through heart consciousness, we need to change the operating system of the mind from the ignorant thinking mind to the knowing mind of light.  The “knowing mind” is purely supportive of our Divine infinite consciousness.  The evolving embodiment of the knowing light mind requires Divine infinite awareness to elevate the frequencies of the body.  The physical body and all systems such as the nervous system, electromagnetic fields, endocrine system, circulatory system, as well as its cellular consciousness and DNA, must become the multidimensional frequencies of harmonic light and sound.  Therefore, in order for our incarnate humanity to fully and perpetually live from heart consciousness, we need to directly emanate Divine infinite consciousness through a Divine light mind and a Divine frequency physical body.

Within the heart, we will awaken to who we truly are, and express our Divine awareness through the mind-body.  Heart consciousness is the essence of a higher dimensional incarnate life.  Only from the heart will we remember, be open to, and evolve to a Divine mind and body.  This will be the true incarnate consciousness vehicle for the experience, knowing, and action of our Divine infinite consciousness on Earth.