Love trusts in the infinite freedom of one’s soul and the soul of another. Love is not a grasping or controlling energy. Its infinite connection is based in freedom. From this freedom flows the harmony of creative action in union.
Love only seeks what is best for the uniqueness of each personal soul. In its unity, love sees the other’s uniqueness as one’s own. Therefore, the pure unity allows the uniqueness of each soul to express its being in freedom.
Love uses wisdom and experience to guide, assist, and offer inspiration. It never imposes an agenda, either conscious or unconscious, or tries to move an endeavor or communication through external means of control. Love is an ultimate trust in infinite freedom.
Love manifests as an energy that works in interior resonance. This means that it sees and feels the harmony of the whole and allows each unique frequency in resonance to express the tune of its harmonic consciousness.
Love always emanates as inner knowing. As an incarnate being, this inner knowing emanates from the heart center. The freedom of each unique soul path is only known from the heart. There is no external knowledge to the soul that can replace the inner knowing in Divine unity. External knowledge can only provide a means to look and observe information, but it can never be the knowing.
A knowing is always an internal choice of the soul in the Divine. Knowing arises from a direct apprehension by the soul through Divine intelligence. It is from the awareness of a unique soul frequency as one with the Divine unity.
We awaken to our intersubjective unity when we are whole within—a spirit, soul, mind, and body unity that is wholly sufficient in Divine awareness. This recognition of the Divine self is recognized as the other in an intersubjective union. In total freedom, the two are one. This is a unity consciousness where the two are one harmonic consciousness that is experienced as a oneness with the awareness of the unique frequency of each soul.
May we continue to awaken to the awareness of our Divine soul as a Divine physical body on Earth. In awakening to our true self in Divine unity, we will be the love that emanates an infinite freedom. In this freedom, we are truly one with each other in our uniqueness of soul. It is through this uniqueness in unity that we will be the infinite love and creativity on Earth as Divine being, consciousness, and energy. Let us choose to awaken to the true freedom and creativity that is love.