Awakening the Light Within

In order to awaken to our true self of infinite Divine consciousness, we must relinquish the conditioning of the disharmonic frequencies of our consciousness that is the operation of mind as thought and emotion.  This is the thinking mind and emotional energy system that is within both the conscious and unconscious levels of mind.  We open to heart consciousness when we directly resonate the Light within.

The awareness within is the way that we experience and express our nonlocal unity.  The moment we look without for the resolution of our true nature, we fragment our consciousness in a veil of separation.  Ideas, thoughts, people, places, etc., cannot provide our unity that is only from the pure awareness of our heart consciousness.  Our fear-based conditioning has directed us to look outside for an answer to our wholeness, success, or evolution.  If we are looking outside for an answer, we will reinforce the neural circuitry and emotional encoding of conflict, control, and separation.  The resonance of our love, peace, and creativity is solely an inner choice.  Any external experience in this dimension can only serve as a reminder of our response to receive, generate, and transmit our frequency.


The Light Mind in the Heart

The Light is harmonic, fluid, frictionless, and with no opposition, conflict, or resistance.  In the incarnate dimensions of the universe, the full embodiment of Divine consciousness is a pure movement of frequencies of matter that pulse in a synchronous expansive and contractive movement.  There is not the constant inertia, friction, resistance, and struggle that has been the experience in a 3D/4D experience of the movement of matter.  Divine infinite consciousness experienced through the Light mind in the heart is a whole new experience of the frequencies of consciousness as physical matter.  These harmonic frequencies do not operate on the reactionary friction based energies of thought and emotion.

The thinking mind and emotions are based on accumulated past programming.  This conditioning system of mind and emotional signaling system is a restrictive protective system of conflict in a survival based consciousness.  The experience of hurtful actions of conflict is a result of the inharmonic dense level of consciousness that has infiltrated the human mind and body over thousands of years.


Thought and Emotion as an Operating System of Limitation

At first look, we may ask the question, “How do we live without thought or emotion?”  It seems so fundamental to the experience of life incarnate on Earth—a vital part of the soul’s journey of learning and experiencing in a world that uses veils of fragmented attention.  This may appear to feel normal because we are asking the question with the conditioned thinking mind and emotional system.  Thought and emotion by themselves cannot vision and feel how a free human with a knowing Light mind of wisdom and pure feeling can act in this incarnate world.  We only begin to glimpse our true potential of intelligence to love and create without the slow dense frequencies of thought and emotion when we place attention within the heart and the infinite that is.

Creativity is love in the moment.  It is the pure expression of Being—there is no censoring, commenting thought, or reacting emotion.  The experience itself is its own delight.  Our use of language is a transducing of consciousness into a limited frequency pattern.  We do not have a word that translates into the understanding of natural infinite pleasure.  The words, “pleasure, ecstasy, bliss, joy, etc. all have a certain charge. They all have resonance patterns that extend from emotion.  Words such as peaceful, tranquil, and calm can point us to an aspect of our natural feeling, but cannot entirely grasp it.  The natural feeling state is a pure unity of dynamic active energy, and pure quiet and calm. We do not have a word that can define our natural feeling state.  At present, we can only feel this from our interior.

We have been under an illusion that our awareness and action from thought and emotion is natural.  In fact, they are both a time bound and compensatory reaction to experience.  They are not the intrinsic instantaneous awareness of being that is life.  This is the controlled programmed human being.  At the level of thought and emotion, all life of experience and action are processed through this filter or overlay.  We have been under the perception that our identity is somehow merged with the thinking and emotional overlay of who we are.  The thinking and emotional frequencies form an ego structure of survival and protection of a continuity of identity.  It is compensatory for a misguided view of lack, unworthiness, shame, and guilt, as well as attachment to the knowledge, beliefs, thought forms, and emotions that have formed the contents of the mind under a fear-based operating system of trauma, conflict, trial and error, and doubt based learning.


Disharmony of the Thinking Mind and Emotional System

The identity that we develop from our early childhood, past life thought patterns and emotional imprints, intergenerational transmission, and cultural conditioning, forms a false-self persona of who we think we are.  The way that the current mind responds to trauma-based conditioning through beliefs and negative emotional encoding, reinforces the misperception that the human being is not good by nature.  When we combine this conditioning with the thinking mind’s accumulation of knowledge through programming or learning, the mind is set up to continually search for a solution to a problem it cannot solve.

This mind can never find wholeness and truth because its very nature is conflict and repetition of past knowledge.  Therefore, we develop a thinking mind that is operating from partial knowledge that is always from past accumulation.  Using this frequency of mind is always in conflict and searching mode because it never functions from knowing.  In knowing, there is freedom, peace, and creativity in the infinite now.

What is the origin of the frequencies of the thinking mind and emotional energy within human incarnation?  Did it evolve?  Is it cyclical? Or is it an infiltration of a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation into human consciousness when this level of disharmonic frequency is not necessary?  It is clear that humanity as Divine infinite consciousness of soul in spirit incarnate through a frequency vehicle of body is our true nature.  Therefore, we need to understand how we awaken beyond the false thinking mind and emotional energy to the Light mind and Divine body through heart consciousness.


Light and Sound Frequencies of our Interior Consciousness Technology

As long as we are using the thinking mind and its associated emotional system, we are veiled from the frequencies of our interior consciousness abilities.  The frequencies of the Light mind and its sound resonance through the feeling body are beyond the past learning thought process and emotional reactions.  The knowing and feeling frequencies that are organized by heart consciousness is the harmonic energy of telepathy, teleportation, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity.

When we are coherent light and harmonic sound as a unitary energy through the body, we are in heart consciousness.  The consciousness of the heart is our soul in spirit that is our Divine Being.  When in heart consciousness, the infinite intelligence of Divine awareness can express through a Divine body.  The body is a receiver/transmitter of intelligence as information and feeling—a vehicle of consciousness organization at frequencies of matter for being love and creativity within incarnate dimensions.  The Divine intelligence through the heart forms a communications resonance to the prefrontal cortex.  This part of the brain forms neural circuitry with the midbrain, including the pineal gland.  The hormones from the glands assist many electromagnetic means of communication through the body’s cellular crystalline receiver-transmitter systems.

The Light mind operates through the pure harmonic resonance of the body at frequencies that do not inhibit our interior consciousness technologies.  Without the overlay of the thinking mind/emotional system, we are all of our natural Divine abilities.  They do not need to be developed.  The human being by nature is Divine infinite consciousness.  When we are embodied in physical form, we live our true being through heart consciousness.

Human Embodiment of Divine Consciousness: Resonating Dimensional Ascension

We are at a point where human life on Earth is at a crossroads. It is a turning point for the soul’s experience in incarnate form. While the essence of our being is Divine, the current operating system of mind is producing an experience and expression through the incarnate vehicle that is of a much lower nature in fear, separation, and conflict.
Our intrinsic unity is that we are a multidimensional being of a pure Divine nature. We need not transform, evolve, search, seek, or ascend according to the conflict of the thinking mind. We cannot use the ways of our conditioned thinking mind’s perspective in association with its emotional anchors within the unawakened state in order to transform to our true being. However, we must change the basic awareness of the manifestation of our energy. We do this from the inner silence of a heart-centered awareness where we experience love and intentional creative action of the Divine.
From within the heart, we are still assisted by an overall context to open to understanding, knowledge, practice, meditation, transforming, etc. However, we are not approaching this activity from the direction of the thinking mind, but from the intuitive insight and wisdom of the heart. We are not using the conditioned thinking mind that is a perpetual censor of experience according to its known inputs from the past. As we live from the guidance of the heart, we are working our way through the elements of using our lower nature in transformative practice in order to go beyond their necessity. We will need to integrate and continually move beyond systems of thought, ideas, and concepts as we embody the Divine consciousness.

Divine Timing in Human Awakening
We sense and feel at a deep soul level that it is time to awaken and embody Divine awareness through the body on Earth. Humanity for thousands of years has been desiring to awaken to our true nature. While all of the past wisdom has been valuable, we have not evolved into who we really are as an infinite consciousness of love and creativity experiencing and expressing in an incarnate bodily vehicle of consciousness. We sense at the level of soul and spirit that we must choose to awaken. Thus, in recent times we have ways of communicating this inner sensation, feeling, and knowing—supramental consciousness, evolution of consciousness, a dimensional shift, 5D Earth, ascension, etc. We feel that a Divine synchronic timing is at work in our current experience on Earth.
In whatever way that we are guided to awaken and to choose a change of our awareness through a pure harmonic embodiment of Divine consciousness, there is not a defined system, method, idea, concept, language, or thinking that can accomplish this for us. This is a soul realization of awakening to pure being of love and creativity. At some level of frequency, all external systems are based on the thinking mind’s memory, conditioning, and emotional encodings. External resonances can at times remind us of our interior infinite being, but only a free consciousness can create in the present moment outside of time and space.
Therefore, as a unique expression of the unity in Divine Being, the multidimensional self is its fully self-sufficient technology. The true human being is Divine infinite consciousness of soul in spirit with an intelligent organization of the Light mind in unity with a Divine cellular crystalline physical body. Humanity as the embodiment of Divine infinite consciousness is a pure infinite knowing with unlimited intelligence capabilities to love and create in the fluid now of life.

Beyond the Conditioned Thinking Mind—Choosing Divine Embodiment
If we choose not to awaken to our Divine embodiment, we will continue to follow the way of the fear-based thinking mind and external systems, ideas, methods, and controls. Humanity has a momentous choice. The entire fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation has in effect been a wrong turn for humanity. It has been a choice of trauma, chaos, conflict, and lack of freedom. It is a false self egoic consciousness of the fear-based thinking mind of survival through conflict.
The whole dualistic material consciousness is a disconnection from the heart’s intelligence and its intercommunication with the prefrontal cortex, limbic system, and the entire transceiving crystalline body. The inharmonic frequencies of the thinking and emotional system is both a transmission to and a reaction to the reptilian hindbrain survival impulse that reinforces the fight, flight, and freeze response of the autonomic nervous system. This low level warning system of emotional encoding enables a human shock response that loops the mind and addicts the body to the biochemicals of negative emotion.
The fear-based frequencies of the mind translate to physical body consciousness frequencies that restrict and armor the body in separation. The whole trauma based humanity has been masking our true interior consciousness technologies of infinite love, creativity, and freedom. External technology has been developed to take advantage of this veiling of our Divine consciousness ability. If humans do not wake up, they may in fact be choosing to continue to diminish the experience of true being and ultimately lose the incarnate human expression within external technology. The biological conscious human being would be lost in a fabrication of manipulated frequencies that would be a merger of humanity with technology. If one really sees and hears, the movement of transhumanism, computer chips, digitalization, EMF, ELF, and RF fields, biotechnology, geoengineering, etc. is the choice to lose the incarnate human in an artificial reality.
Within the incoming universal and galactic energies transduced by the Sun and then relayed in resonance through the Earth, humanity has moved into a 4D psychological dimension of consciousness. From within the old operating system of mind, it is experienced as a sort of artificial compression of time into shorter and shorter cycles—a type of mechanical repetition without knowing and feeling. In part, this is occurring because of the successive transition and morphing of digitalization. In effect, it is a fabricated illusion of being in the now without the fluidity of a natural feeling memory and presence. Its result is a robotic conditioning of the fear-based thinking mind of the last five thousand years, but with a more fundamental controlled restriction of the multifaceted nuance of human communication and interaction. From within the resonance of the conditioned thinking mind, this is the fear-based bandwidth of the 4D frequency.
When we place our attention in heart consciousness, we can open our awareness to the harmonic range of the 4D frequency in preparation for receiving and transmitting the 5D frequency. In harmonic 4D, time is experienced as synchronistic without any sense of duration through the freedom and creativity of the heart. Here, this level of time perception is a transitioning to a multi-frequency that is beyond time in a 5D and above dimension.

Divine Embodiment, Light Mind, and Divine Frequency Body
Our choice is to awaken and emanate our infinite being within and through incarnate physical life on Earth. This shift in consciousness is to move beyond the 3D-4D simulation that is an extremely fabricated artificial restrictive awareness. Within our Divine nature embodied, we are our own interior consciousness technology. In Divine embodiment, we are harmonic crystalline cellular physical bodies in unity with the Light mind of knowing through heart consciousness.
In Divine consciousness, the conflict and friction ceases. The Light mind does not think. It is an intelligent consciousness and energy that just knows without seeking knowledge in the fragmented duality of thought. In the Light mind, intuitive knowing is a harmonic pulsation of synchronic expansion and contraction. Knowledge maintains its inherent frequency of felt knowing. This knowledge of light can then harmonize with harmonic sound frequencies through incarnate form. With the mind in the fullness of the now, our multidimensional being is free to love and create. We express a continual knowing action of infinite potential as we love and create in physical form. In Divine embodiment, creative intention and manifestation is the instantaneous perpetual operating system of the Light mind through the body. Creativity is through intention that is beyond thought and emotion. It is a pure knowing through an organization of a mind of Light and Divine feeling throughout the body.
In Divine consciousness, we awaken and restore our full communication and movement ability. We go beyond the fragmented translation of language to the pure heart-centered telepathic communication. Our natural unlimited movement is restored to the fullness of teleportation. We move beyond the physical consumptive model of cellular regeneration to the pure energy regeneration of biochemical processes. The Divine consciousness in physical bodily form is self-sufficient in manifesting the harmonic organization and regeneration of cellular form. In a 5D frequency and beyond of our physical embodiment of Divine infinite consciousness, our multidimensional self restores a conscious connection with all in universal spirit. With restoration of our true being, we clearly have synchronistic communication with all souls in the universe and dimensionless spiritual realms. We feel no sense of separation or loss from all souls that we have ever known.
With the Divine embodiment in the physical through the pure harmonic frequencies of light and sound, the human being will go beyond death as we currently know it. With perfect cellular regeneration, consciousness as energy and bodily matter is beyond entropy. The process that has been leading to cellular breakdown is from the trauma based inharmonic thinking mind of conflict, fear, and separation. In this conditioned operating system of mind, we lose the full dynamic intensity of love and creativity that is our soul and spirit. With the awakening and remembering of heart consciousness, we will enable the Divine infinite consciousness to fully embody within our spirit, soul, and physical body. Then, the transition of the soul to experience other dimensions, incarnations, and dimensionless spiritual realms is through an intentional transformation of energy as consciousness.
At present, the lower level mind comes into being through early development in cultural civilization, past life incarnational encodings, and intergenerational transmission. These inharmonic frequencies disrupt and block the harmonic movement of the Divine consciousness. They may prevent strong energy circuits of connection between the heart and Light mind—i.e., the full electromagnetic movement of light and sound frequency through the nervous and endocrine systems. For example, the trauma based thinking mind and negative emotional encodings may keep in place the telomere caps on chromosome within DNA which over time inhibit effective cellular regeneration.
As we awaken, evolve, and embody the true human being on Earth, we will be infinite creators in the pure harmonic fluidity of life. We will experience the unlimited nature of consciousness as experienced through the frequencies of bodily expression. We will express our true humanity as Divine infinite consciousness that is telepathic, creative intention, teleportation, harmonic cellular regeneration, intentional soul transition, and perpetual conscious soul connection. This is human freedom, love, and creativity incarnate on Earth.