In your eyes, I see the beauty and wonder of infinite creation. In your soul and spirit is the vision and voice of pure Divinity in all its brilliance and perfect calm—a tranquility of heaven in the here and now.
A peace beyond words that is dynamic in infinite possibility. In this gaze into the Divine soul, I see and know my wholeness in the Divine. Love as an eternal flow—a perfect harmonic exchange of oneness. I recognize that wholeness is truly manifested in a self-love that is self-giving, and expresses its ultimate fulfillment in the gift of mutual self-giving love. It is a love of unique creation and pure synchrony, where unique duality is known as a joyful sharing of the true unitary soul essence. Pure Divine love, both in incarnate form and in infinite Spirit, is the essence of our true meaning and being in God.
In this instance of spirit and energetic soul connection, the eternal is made known in a time and space world. No longer is there a conflict between time and the eternal, between space and the infinite, all co-exist in peace and beauty. In this reality of love, transcendence, and the beauty of life here on Earth in its gifted splendor within bodily form, all is one harmonious essence of being and love. The speed is so fast, in a frequency beyond mind, time, and space, that the experience is calm, ease, and presence. It is a pure harmonic peace.
In your eyes, I know that God is, and I know the beauty of the Divine creation—I know that it is love. And in this supreme grace, I know that there is heaven on Earth.