The current phase of the dimensional shift is the time period from the fall equinox to the winter solstice of 2012. The whole turning of the cycles and shifting dimensions has been a twenty-five year process of a continual acceleration. The galactic energies have been a catalyst within the third dimension to transition the Earth and humanity to a birth into a higher dimension.
In the past changing of these galactic, solar, and planetary cycles of evolution, the Earth and humanity would undergo a shift of ages and cataclysmic Earth changes accompanying the Galactic Center and solar energies. The exact same galactic cycle is occurring now, but with a different information and knowledge encoding to the consciousness and energy. This time the changing of the cycles is a dimensional ascension.
Foundationally, it is an Earth ascension. The Earth, following Divine, infinite, cosmic, galactic, and solar intelligence, is shifting dimensions regardless of how humanity chooses to exercise its free will consciousness through the transition. It is also a human ascension because humanity is incarnate with the Earth during the dimensional shift. As part of soul evolution, each human person has a free will to choose whether to ascend to a higher dimension with the Earth.
The precise mechanism and manifestation of transition of the Earth in a dimensional shift has been veiled from human consciousness. As the energies accelerate and we continue to evolve and ascend in consciousness, it will be important for us to be diligent in self-observation, observation of nature, and awareness in multidimensional consciousness. We will have more information on the understanding of the mechanism of shift as the Divine timing sequence unfolds.
The December 21, 2012 date is an accurate reference point for a dimensional shift. It is not a date of Earth dimensional ascension. However, the reference point means something of significance and therefore we can expect some type of noticeable change on or around the winter solstice juncture of the dimensional shift. This transitional marker or reference point will not be the time of an instantaneous evolution and ascension to a higher dimensional Earth and humanity. It is a turning point which indicates the beginning of the first manifestation phase of dimensional ascension.
This brings us back to the current phase. The energies that are directly a part of the final preparatory phase were first felt a few weeks prior to September 22, 2012. We will make two significant observations regarding these galactic frequencies. 1. The subtle nature of their experience, and 2. The major importance that we clear and transform all core level trauma and conditioning from the dualistic 3D system.
These two points of focus are within our overall ascension process to the true self in Divine unity. The process is our awakening, transforming, and evolving to a heart-centered unity consciousness of a higher dimensional humanity on Earth. Thus, we will continue our healing practices, meditations, and opening the higher mind in the heart in the ways that we are guided. As we integrate the higher frequencies and move toward ascension we are taking action in loving service of humanity, the Earth, all of creation, and the cosmos.
Since the galactic energies are working within the Earth and human consciousness in the 3D world, they are part of the period of transition. Thus, they are experienced and felt in a subtle way. We may have ups and downs of high energy, dimensional openings, and releasing of dense energies and ascension symptoms, but the underlying awareness of the energetic change is subtle. This is because it is an energetic transition taking place at this point in the 3D world. In fact, the dimensional shift does not actually transform or morph the 3D world into a higher dimensional Earth.
Therefore, the dimensional shift does not actually take place in our current incarnate consciousness experience in the 3D world. The current acceleration of the 3D world of the Earth and human consciousness is a preparation for a dramatic change to a new higher dimensional human incarnate on a higher dimensional Earth. This is a higher frequency of our multidimensional being with the total harmony of the light body in unity with the physical body. The ascension process after December 21, 2012 will be both a phased ascension and a continuing process leading to a wholesale change of a higher dimensional Earth and a fifth dimensional and beyond humanity incarnate on Earth.
For those souls choosing a heart-centered unity consciousness beyond the old 3D dense duality of the fear, conflict, control, and separation matrix of consciousness, the current phase includes a simultaneous experience of 3D and the emerging 5D without being fully in 5D consciousness. The awareness of both 3D and 5D is not yet an ascended state. This is the subtle level of the ascension process that is the final phase of the preparatory gestational stage of the dimensional shift. This is a preparation in the 3D world to a change that takes place beyond the 3D frequency. Because the ascension is not actually a movement of one energetic frequency flipping into another, but rather a manifestation, emanation, or revealing, it will not be felt as a dramatic change. Yes, personal human ascension and Earth ascension happen beyond time in the blink of an eye. It is a glorious and magnificent change. However, it is not experienced as a stark dualistic difference as takes place in current 3D experience. It is a seamless moment of a permanent and higher dimensional awareness.
As we continue to experience the subtle nature of our evolving in the current preparatory phase of energies, our most important action in this phase is to clear and transform all core level trauma conditioning within the bodymind. In doing so, we can anchor in the full capacity of heart consciousness which is needed to support the higher dimensional mind and light body in incarnate form. With our deep clearing, we also need to choose a nonattachment to all of the lower 3D fear, conflict, control, and separation systems that have been infecting human consciousness on Earth for thousands of years.
We are shifting awareness to the spirit, soul, and higher mind within the heart in unity with the body and all of life. Within our present experience of the ascension process, we must commit to a life solely of love and creativity. May we choose to live as our true Divine self and evolve and ascend with the Earth into a fifth dimensional and beyond unity consciousness.