We are moving toward manifesting a new level of healing the body and mind. This deeper level healing will truly enable the soul embodiment of heart consciousness.
We are using the term “heart consciousness” here to convey a very high level of human transformation to the true self in Divine unity. Heart consciousness incorporates the physical body and the Divine mind in the spirit, soul, and body being of incarnate humanity on earth.
As we move throughout 2012, the current dynamic phase of the dimensional shift in consciousness will support the development of the next level of body/mind healing. The healing of the body and mind at the deepest levels is necessary in order for the heart to be upgraded and elevated in the human incarnate being to its full capacities. We must be able to anchor the full ability of the heart center to handle the flux of higher dimensional light and Divine energy.
Throughout the last few thousand years of humanity, there has been a history within the spiritual, esoteric, and consciousness traditions of a threefold path of transformation. Some brief examples include the three ways of Christian mysticism and esotericism–the purification way, the illuminative way, and the unitive way, and in alchemy we have the three ways of inner change, outer change, and the transformation of time. One of the most insightful illuminations of the threefold way in modern times was communicated by Sri Aurobindo. He described a triple transformation of psychic transformation, spiritual transformation, and supramental transformation. The supramental transformation includes the full transformation of the human to express the Divine life on earth and the divinisation of matter. This can equate to the noosphere or a fifth dimensional and above humanity and earth.
Throughout the past few thousand years, humans have been able to heal and transform through the first way of the threefold path by a lifetime of meditation, psychological healing, and spiritual practice. For the most part, the next level of healing of body and mind is within this first way. Aurobindo stated, “there must first be a psychic change, the conversion of our whole present nature into a soul-instrumentation” (The Life Divine). This means that the frequency and oscillation of the body and its energy system must be unrestricted and free flowing to the extent that the heart center can fully receive and express the Divine light and energy.
At this time, we must seek to build awareness, understanding, and potentially some modalities that will enable a greater percentage of humanity to heal at this depth so as to anchor in the full capacity of heart consciousness. We must translate into action within the natural grounded life of incarnate living greater capabilities for more of humanity to reach the level of great mystics, avatars, and enlightened beings. In our transformation, evolution, and ascension, we are moving toward the supramentalisation of Aurobindo which is the full embodiment of a Divine human consciousness on earth.
The challenge that we face is to heal our biopsychological system to the level that the fullness of spiritual and supramental transformation proceeds to the true self in Divine unity of the new human on earth. The ability to assist the psychic transformation of our whole being is most likely to be found in synthesizing the understanding of the human energy system–frequency, vibration, oscillation, the chakra system, sexual energy, the etheric, orgone, chi or prana, and light as sound frequency in the more dense levels of consciousness in matter.
Within the incarnate human being, heart consciousness organizes the expression of the Divine mind through the human in this reality of experience. The heart is central to our love, knowledge, and creativity of the true self in Divine unity on earth. When the human being is fully grounded on earth with the full capacity of the heart, the heart consciousness operates through the higher chakras that express the higher mind, supramental mind, or Divine mind. As in transforming to the true capability of the heart center, the heart must mediate the Divine mind through a transformation of the pituitary, hypothalamus, and pineal gland so as to receive and transmit cosmic information through the heart’s intelligence. With a free flowing biopsychic energy system, heart consciousness, and the Divine mind, humans can use their interior technology in telepathy, teleportation, cellular regeneration, unconditional love, and creativity.
If we desire to know who we truly are as human beings on earth, it is time to truly understand the depths of healing required to support the fullness of our heart consciousness and all the capabilities of the mind. May we continue to seek new understandings of this level of healing as we are supported by shifting dimensions, energy, and consciousness.