We are now in a very rapid change of the frequency domain on Earth. The configuration of the information and energy from the cosmos and galaxy as transduced by the Sun is assisting a human resonance with the harmonic frequency of the Divine soul. This is part of an evolving consciousness shift to a Divine physical humanity on Earth.
At this point in the shifting frequency, the collective energy of the Earth is experienced as more of a deconstructing frequency. This is the collective frequency experience that is the current organization on Earth. It is a fear-based conflict and separating energy that is the distortion and false perception of matter in a disharmonic 3D matrix. Even within the overall current false perception of matter, we can open to the unitary harmonic truth beyond the veils of the inharmonic overlay.
Artificial Frequencies in a Distorting Perception of Matter
At present, the soul must resonate in heart consciousness to experience the harmonic flow of the Divine being of love and creativity. As humanity is awakening to a more coherent resonance with infinite consciousness on Earth, the current perception of matter in the 3D world is devolving in an exterior frequency simulation. It is the artificial frequencies that are constricting all the current 3D systems. While the means of frequency manipulation of air, water, food, and the visual/acoustic waves are too numerous to delineate here, we can get an overview of the 3D deconstruction through computer and RF/microwave technology.
The merging of electronic communication into everyday life is the main sign of a devolving 3D frequency and the larger movement to a Divine emanation of matter on Earth. The true Divine soul human manifesting as the physical body has its own intrinsic interior consciousness technology that is a spontaneous knowing, telepathy, teleportation, and perfect harmonic emanation and communication of the cells.
Artificial external communication frequencies are affecting humanity within a 3D perception in two major ways. First, the myriad of chaotic electromagnetic frequencies being generated by RF and microwave transmission is disharmonic to the cellular consciousness of the physical body. Second, the systematic use of electronic communication is stressing the thinking mind and sensory system. It is changing the way the mind and brain process information. The body’s habituation to this awareness carries over into all areas of life. If awareness remains in the 3D frequency, then the result is a dulling of awareness in everyday interaction. This occurs because the mind and senses are always functioning in an electronic information processing mode. Thus, both the electromagnetic frequencies and the change to a habituated sensory and thinking overload of the mind and body is a major contributor to the devolving human 3D systems.
The Harmony of a Divine Physical Cellular Consciousness
In heart consciousness, the true human infinite Divine consciousness emanates as the soul-body through the knowing Light mind and Divine feeling body. The level of Divine awareness is beyond the thinking mind and current sensory system. The true human soul-body as Divine physical is a direct cellular consciousness. It is a spontaneous knowing and acting Divine consciousness that is emanating as a pure harmonic cellular consciousness. The purity of a Divine cellular consciousness is the true frequency of matter without a distorting and constricting frequency overlay. The Light mind and Divine body is the true nature of matter, not the false distortion of the perceived conflict, control, and separation in current collective 3D perception. The true nature of the direct Divine cellular consciousness of matter is the Life Divine of a supramental consciousness that Sri Aurobindo wrote about and the “mind of the cells” that Mirra Alfassa, “the Mother” described.
The true nature of matter on Earth has not been part of the human experience. The current experience of matter is a complex web of restricting frequencies. This is the matrix that imprisons human incarnate consciousness in an extreme limitation. While some view the human electronic web as an advance to a global brain or nervous system, it is actually an intensification of the matrix as the 3D frequencies of perception devolve. A Divine soul-body consciousness through the cells forms its own direct awareness of infinite communication.
At times, the transformation to a Divine matter on Earth is referred to as a fifth dimension or beyond. While this term conveys much of the essence of a Divine life on Earth, it is not fully coherent in that its awareness is being interpreted by levels of mind and not fully by the consciousness of the cells. We must emanate the Divine awareness fully and directly as the cells of the body. In the past, we have used the higher levels of the mental mind with some separation of body in order for our consciousness to access or participate in the infinite Divine awareness. By using the mental domains as not fully the Divine physical body, the body is only able to participate in the access of Divine awareness. In order for humanity to live and be our Divine soul of love and creativity on Earth, the physical body must be directly the Divine awareness.
This is our evolving transformation to a true Divine humanity on Earth within the true perception of matter which is purely fluid, harmonic, and loving. In our true being, we are incarnate in frictionless frequency patterns. The current false distorting frequencies of matter on Earth form an intricate web that is intertwined with our perceptions of mind and matter—this perception is conflict, control, inertia, separation, and friction. The soul, mind, and body cannot be purely harmonic in this milieu. This is why the artificial frequencies are only contributing to a further devolution of the current 3D based frequency organization. In awakening and transforming our consciousness, may we continue to open to the harmonic Divine awareness of love and creativity and to emanate our soul-body directly as a Divine physical cellular consciousness.