The Galactic Center and a Magnetar in the Ascension to a 5D Earth

We are now in the process of the Sun and Earth coming into alignment with the Galactic Center on December 21, 2012 which occurs every 26,000 years. The alignment and accompanying acceleration of energies gives Earth and humanity full access to the information, consciousness, and energy encoded through the Galactic Center.  At this transition of the current cycle, the encoding is not only for a new Sun, a golden age, and typical Earth changes, but is primarily a Dimensional Shift. In the Galactic, solar, and planetary evolution cycles, the current Galactic Center intelligence is organizing a Dimensional Ascension.

The infinite intelligence organizes this Galactic, solar, planetary, and human evolutionary process in infinitely complex ways that are still beyond our present understanding within human physical form.  However, increasingly we are being given, as well as remembering, knowledge of major structural pieces that are expanding our awareness and insights.  We must be mindful that all of the intelligent creativity is infinitely organized in dimensions beyond the physical. In a continuum of energy, this consciousness works through the frequencies of information transduced into the oscillation speeds of the physical dimension.   When we talk about alignments, Galactic Center, cosmic rays, etc., we are referring to one aspect of how infinite intelligence is evolving the consciousness manifestation in the universe, galaxy, solar system, and Earth.


Magnetars in Galactic Evolution and Dimensional Ascension

Thus far in recent articles, we have put forth an understanding of the primary role of the Galactic Center with a secondary transforming input from an interstellar dust cloud. We will now add another major piece in this evolutionary ascending process – a Magnetar in the direction of a Scorpio nebula.  We will also briefly discuss the role of Sirius and the possibility of the Sun being in a binary star relationship.

In a previous article, “Toward a Mechanism of Transition From a 3D Earth to a 5D Earth,” we discussed how the Earth and humanity are not transforming from the third dimension into the fifth dimension, but rather manifesting and emanating in the fifth in a complex renewal and birth process.  All of the acceleration on the 3D Earth is the preparatory stages of transition for a 5D emanation.  Thus, on the Earth in 3D space and time, we see the regular cyclical action of the galaxy:  Galactic alignments, increasing cosmic and gamma rays, interstellar dust clouds, Galactic superwaves, solar flare activity, magnetic pole shifts, and significant Earth changes in terms of earthquakes, volcanoes, and weather patterns.

In this article, we are providing further insights into the evolutionary and energetic sequence of the stage of preparation for the current timeline encoding of a Dimensional Ascension.  The Mayan Interdimensional Star Map from the, will provide us context for the Galactic movement and the transformation of human consciousness to a higher dimensional Light Body in Divine unity.  This is the awakening to our true self of a heart-centered unity consciousness incarnate on Earth.  A correlation of the Map with the seven major chakras is as follows:  crown (Omnigalactic Source), third eye (Galactic Center), throat (Sirius), heart (Pleiades), solar plexus (Midway support from Arcturus and Antares), sacral (Sun), and root (Earth).

Humanity in third dimensional physicality has been primarily sacral based through an isolation at solely the solar level.  This level of duality enabled the polarity fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation to condition human consciousness and veil human awareness from the true self in Divine unity.  Human ascension to a 5D consciousness of heart-centered unity will manifest as primarily third eye driven.  This is our restoration back to a Galactic humanity and a Galactic civilization with other incarnate intelligence in the universe.

Before we describe further insights into the transforming process in a somewhat linear format, we want to focus on the heart which is harmonic to the Pleiades in the Interdimensional Star Map.  For humanity incarnate, all consciousness, evolution, and ascension is organized by the heart center.  The heart is the central foundation for all souls when they are incarnate in the dimensions of the universe. Thus, we emphasize the centrality of the heart.  Therefore, even though we use linear sequencing for our 3D understanding, ultimately all is a nonlocal synchronic love and creativity through the heart to infinite Being.  In reality, it all takes place simultaneously from all directions in infinite feedback loops of vortex motion and nonlocal emanation.


Sirius and the Pleiades in Earth Ascension

Sri Yukteswar, in his book, The Holy Science, discusses our Sun’s binary motion around a companion star, and the Sun’s other motion around a great center Vishnunabhi or universal magnetism.  Walter Cruttenden, in his book, The Lost Star of Myth and Time, discusses a binary star theory and includes a description of Magnetars and Vishnunabhi.  Magnetars are thought to be a type of neutron star and/or pulsar with a very powerful magnetic field and a consistent frequency of pulsation.  Their magnetic fields can affect the Sun and Earth from great distances of over thousands of light years.  Magnetars have magnetic fields trillions of times greater than the Sun and emit x-ray and gamma rays.

Before we discuss the Magnetar’s role in Dimensional Ascension, we need to provide some information on Sirius which is 8.6 light years from the Sun.  Walter Cruttenden in Lost Star of Myth and Time, has presented some compelling information on the potential of the Sun being in a binary relationship with Sirius.  The Sirius system is composed of three stars:  Sirius A (a blue-white star that is twice as massive and 25 times more luminous than the Sun), Sirius B (a white dwarf), Sirius C (possibly a red dwarf that is larger but fainter than Sirius B. The knowledge of the existence of Sirius C was first put forth by the Dogon tribe of Mali in West Africa.  The presence of Sirius C is still unconfirmed by science). 

The resonant frequencies of Sirius are important for reconnecting the Sun and Earth, and for reconnecting human consciousness on Earth back to a synchronization of Galactic 4D and 5D time.  Jose Arguelles saw this connection of Sirius with Galactic synchronic time.  He pointed out that the 52 year relationship of the 365 day year with the Maya 260 day Tzolkin calendar relates to the 52 year timing frequency that is the orbital time of Sirius B around Sirius A.  Sirius with its blue light is key in human ascension, and we will see its effect on chakra transformation from a 3D consciousness to a unitary consciousness of the 5D Light Body incarnate.

I believe that the Sun does revolve around a more central sun as it revolves in its millions of years cycle around the galaxy.  This central sun is the Pleiades with its largest star Alcyone.  It is the “sweet influence” in the Book of Job (Job 38:31).  For incarnations on Earth, all is within the heart center. The Pleiades is a guiding energy for our nonlocal awareness of the heart for humanity on Earth.  Therefore, I do not see the Magnetar as a central sun.  Rather, the Magnetar is part of the information stream of the alignment with the Galactic Center.


The Magnetar’s Role in Dimensional Ascension

In the Interdimensional Star Map, the Galactic Center correlates with the third eye.  The influence of the Magnetar on the solar system and human consciousness occurs when we align with the Galactic Center.  Thus, the Magnetar is very much associated with the Galactic Center and the third eye. 

The Magnetar or Magnetars are most likely within or beyond the Scorpio constellation.  Both the constellations of Sagittarius and Scorpio point the way to the Galactic Center.  The Earth is 23,000 light years from the Galactic Center.  At this point, we do not yet know the distance of the Magnetar from Earth.  Svargo F. Schuller, in a series of paintings entitled, “Scorpio Nebula Near the Galactic Center,” “Magnetars around the Galactic Center” –These transformers of 3D dualistic love in Oneness of a 5D World, and “Insight of a Magnetar Planet” — This energy transforms 3D Love energy into 4D and 5D Love, has brought through information on the Magnetars in the direction of Scorpio.  (See Svargo’s work and Zen painting at

We are ascending to a 5D consciousness that is primarily third eye oriented compared to the denser orientation of the sacral in 3D.  The omnigalactic source (crown chakra) originates the Galactic Center energy which is sent through the Magnetar.  The Magnetar transduces the energy and through its magnetic field sends the information in resonance with Sirius.  The energy of Sirius is always accessed through the heart (Pleiades) and resonates to the sacral (Sun) and root (Earth).  The relationship of Sirius and Pleiades represents the higher mind within the heart.

Sirius represents a gateway for a 5D humanity at the throat center.  The current 3D humanity on Earth has operated from the gateway of the solar plexus or third chakra.  If we view the seven chakras as the heart center with three above and three below, we see the gateway situated on either side of the heart.  In 3D humanity, the gate is just below the heart in the solar plexus which processes the energy from the root and sacral.  In 5D humanity, the gate is just above the heart in the throat which processes energies from the crown and third eye.  A sacral oriented 3D humanity has a solar plexus gateway interaction with the heart.  A third eye oriented 5D humanity has a throat gateway interaction with the heart. 

In the Interdimensional Star Map, the Midway Station of Arcturus and Antares correlates with the solar plexus.  This is because Arcturus and Antares have played a critical role in assisting the healing, transformation, evolution, and ascension of humanity to a higher dimensional consciousness.  The solar plexus is the key that ultimately releases the mental body’s attachment to the egoic 3D fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  When the physical and emotional body have been cleared to a great degree, the last to be released is the core of the mental body that has anchored through a distortion at the solar plexus.  The core of the whole false matrix is maintained by the negative emotional encodings and body restrictions at the solar plexus – see also my recent article, “Ascension and the Mental Body: Uniting the Heart Center and the Third Eye.”  Thus, we see the tremendous supporting role that primarily the energies of Arcturus and also Antares have played in human healing and the ascension process to 5D.


The Magnetar’s Frequency Transforms the Physical Body and the Human Sexual Energies

In evolving from 3D to 5D, the human body will emanate at the less dense higher dimensions of matter.  It is through both a change in carbon and an evolution to a higher light transmitting and amplifying crystalline (silicon) structure frequency.  This is a higher oscillation of consciousness organizing and expressing as matter.

The Magnetar’s highly magnetic and electric energies broadcast information to the human nervous and hormonal systems.  In ascension to higher consciousness, the nervous system must be balanced in order for the hormonal system to be transducing and transmitting higher dimensional light throughout the body’s cellular system.  This is why the restrictions of the physical body and emotional body must be cleared in order to fully balance the nervous system.  Once the nervous system is fully balanced, the full capacity of the multidimensional heart consciousness is anchored.  The heart consciousness then can hold and support the full evolution and activation of the hormonal system of the higher chakras (pituitary, hypothalamus, thalamas, and pineal gland) to process high energy coherent light throughout the physical body.

The Magnetar’s energy will have a most specific effect on transforming the experience of human sexual energy to a unitary harmonic of masculine and feminine energies in a 5D heart-centered unity consciousness.  In dimensions of 5D and above, the sexual energies harmonize with a pure spiritual love within the heart through Divine Being.  There are still male and female relationships in 5D in physical incarnate bodies.  They are solely spiritual unions through heart consciousness that fully express the true self in Divine unity through the emotional and physical body which includes the sexual energies.  Only beginning at the seventh dimension do we have mainly an energetic incarnate body.

Wilhelm Reich was able to foresee the perfect expansion and contraction of orgone energy through the sexual energies in an entirely unrestricted physical body of consciousness as matter.  He was really tapping into the understanding of the fully free flowing harmonic energy that will be only fully present in a fifth dimensional consciousness.  For the pure unencumbered flow of sexual energies in heart consciousness, there must be no armoring or restriction in the body and mind.  This is moving beyond the egoic fear-based trauma conditioning of negative emotions and false beliefs.

Because Reich was working in the first half of the twentieth century before the current ascension timeline beginning 25 years ago, he could get in touch with this dynamic of what inhibited it, but human beings could not yet realize this harmonic on a permanent basis.  Reich’s pioneering work can give us insight in these times of healing, evolution, and ascension.  The absolute pure harmonic of the expansion and contraction frequencies can only be experienced in a 5D consciousness.  The Light Body must be in full unity with the incarnate physical body.  In male and female sexual union, the pure harmonic energies can only be expressed by the fully free true self in Divine unity of the male with the fully free true self in Divine unity of the female from the love and creativity of heart consciousness.

Through heart consciousness in the 5D frequency, the more dense frequency of the sexual energies becomes a pure harmonic expression and experience of the Divine.  These physical frequencies are elevated to their most pure oscillation of higher light energy.  In the current ascension process, the Magnetar’s transforming frequency of the Galactic Center energy will play a major role in assisting the transformation of the physical cellular body and the sexual energies in the preparation for ascension into a 5D humanity on Earth.

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