Dimensional Ascension: An Elevation in the Holographic Frequency on Earth

We are living in a time of a change, shift, and elevation in the organized level of the frequency pattern on Earth.  For hundreds of thousands of years, humanity has experienced life on Earth in a 3D frequency field.  Thus, the human soul and mind-body has been decoding, perceiving, interpreting, and experiencing this reality through the frequency of a 3D hologram.

In addition to our Divine infinite consciousness incarnating in a more limited 3D conscious reality, the experience in 3D became distorted by the infiltration of a fear-based matrix of conflict, control, and separation.  Because of the nature of this embedded false matrix in human consciousness for so many years, as humanity awakens and remembers the true infinite self, it is part of an ascension in the dimensional expression on Earth. The elevating shift is to a 5D consciousness and embodiment.


Divine Humanity of Love, Freedom, and Unity

There was a time on Earth when humanity lived a heart-centered unity consciousness in the 3D holographic frequency.  We have no known records or artifacts of human civilization experiencing this level of consciousness.  Certainly, the last 5,000 to 6,000 years have been heavily structured in the fear-based conditioning.  Before this time, we find a mix of some higher consciousness civilization, but not a true Divine unity consciousness in 3D.

The higher technology civilizations such as ancient Egypt, Atlantis, Lemuria, and others all existed within some level of the duality 3D matrix.  In fact, a true heart consciousness human civilization in 3D is before any of the advanced technology structures and monuments on the planet.  This includes high technology sites and monuments such as the Great Pyramid at Giza, Baalbek in Lebanon, Ollantaytambo Peru, Sacsayhuaman in Cusco Peru, Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku in Bolivia, and Gobekli Tepi in Turkey. Therefore, what we understand as golden ages from various traditions are not cycles of fully incarnate Divine 3D human life.  We need to go back at least 250,000 years of more before this level of human consciousness was experienced Earth.

The true infinite consciousness of the human being is multidimensional.  The spirit and soul of humanity is infinite and eternal, and expresses through the incarnate form of the physical body.  We are each unique beings of frequency expression that is love, freedom, and creativity with the unity of all that is.  As we awaken and remember who we really are beyond the fear-based mind and body programs of limitation, we will begin to experience and express our infinite consciousness directly through the cellular consciousness of the physical body.  For a more detailed description of the higher mind in the heart of cellular consciousness, see my recent article, “Awakening the Higher Mind of Cellular Consciousness.” http://blog.peterborysjr.com/2013/04/10/awakening-the-higher-mind-of-cellular-consciousness/.  I am working on a book on Divine cellular body consciousness, “Heart Consciousness and the Body” which is scheduled to be released by the end of 2013.


Interior Technology of the Multidimensional Human

The multidimensional human expressing in the fifth dimension and above is the fullness of an interior consciousness technology.  The current bandwidth of the physical senses and the thinking mind within the fear-based 3D matrix is a very narrow band of frequencies within the electromagnetic spectrum.  Along with the narrow electromagnetic frequencies, the current capabilities of the conscious mind are limited to only a few experiences of attention at once.  Within the limits of 3D, the direction has been to extend the human senses through external technology.  The difficulty of reliance on external technology in a distorted 3D culture of conflict, control, and separation, is that it has become part of a devolving transhumanist agenda.

If personal consciousness stays at this level, humanity in 3D will succumb to a continual restriction of consciousness.  With the higher dimensional galactic and solar energies now interacting with human consciousness, we have the choice to awaken and remember our infinite Divine awareness.  This is our true self where we experience our interior consciousness technologies of the spirit and soul through the mind and physical body.

Our own internal technology includes telepathic consciousness, multichannel telepathy, teleportation, bi-location, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity and manifestation.  The human consciousness of the higher mind in the heart through cellular consciousness is the power of Divine love and creativity.  We have been asleep to our true being on Earth for thousands of years within the fear-based matrix conditioning of severe limitation.  As we remember and awaken to our Divine consciousness, we will move beyond using artificial technologies to extend a very narrow conscious and sensory awareness.


The Devolving Transhumanist Agenda in 3D

Because of the nature of the infiltration of the inharmonic energy of fear, conflict, control, and separation into human life in 3D, this matrix continues to devolve in 3D with participation from a negative bandwidth in 4D.  As this matrix continues to centralize through external technology and the religious, political, and economic cultural system, its agenda is to create an artificial reality.

The transhumanist agenda is an extreme movement of limitation through external genetic modification, mind control, and biological electronic interface.  The fallacy is the need to transform a perceived fallible biology and limited consciousness with external control and technology when the current limited consciousness and body is only a result of the false fear-based matrix.  We are expressing a limited consciousness because of the infiltration of a dense inharmonic matrix, not because of our true nature.  Therefore, we do not need to transform and evolve to a new being through external means.  We need to awaken and remember who we already are as infinite Divine consciousness.  It is at once an awakening and change to a higher frequency dimension of our authentic being of love, creativity, and unity.

The agenda of the transhumanist matrix is to create an artificial reality of control using the centralizing structures of religion, politics, economic, and material scientific institutions.  As part of this agenda, we see the movement to alter human genetics and biology through artificial changes in food, air, and water.  The agenda includes the genetic modification of food through GMO’s, water fluoridation, weather modification through chemtrails and external frequency systems such as HAARP, and through electronic radiation from wireless technologies.  This is changing the climate, vegetation, and animal life, and is all leading to human genetic engineering.  With artificial genetic alteration and ever expanding electronic technology, the religious, political, and economic culture is moving toward a central global fascist state with the merger of biology and the machine through the microchip and electronic tracking of all information.  In the current 3D culture, this is devolving through environmental and chemical stressors on the body, mind, and consciousness, and through hypnotic programming of the limited 3D mind-body consciousness through mass media.


Awakening Divine Awareness and Choosing Ascension

In this time of shifting frequencies, we are awakening to the infiltration of humanity by a false conflict, control, and separation system that began on Earth and within human consciousness thousands of years ago.  We see its ultimate devolutionary movement in the current centralized global control and transhumanist agenda.  The infinite human soul incarnate in the physical body on Earth was never meant to live under an authoritarian system of rulers, conflict, and separation.  The fear-based consciousness that dominates and controls through separation and its extreme negative emotions of fear, hate, greed, and control has divided humanity against itself.  It has become embedded in all religious traditions and cultural institutions because we always find the same pattern of external doctrines and authority outside of the self which promotes separation from our infinite consciousness and our unity with all that is—nature, universe, cosmos, infinite spiritual dimensions.  This good and evil duality experience within human consciousness is not human nature.  For thousands of years, humans have been living on Earth co-opted by this enslaving consciousness.  The true nature of the human being is an infinite unique expression of free choice to experience the soul in body consciousness so the infinite goodness of the Divine can express infinite ways of love and creativity within certain frequency dimensions of the Earth.

In truth, we are infinite information, consciousness, and energy of spirit and soul in the vehicle of the body.  When we remember who we are, we will emanate our Divine consciousness within the cells of the body.  Through Divine consciousness, we open the full capabilities of the heart to receive, organize, and transmit the highest frequency information and energy in harmonic flow through spirit, soul, and body.  Here, our DNA becomes a receiver/transmitter of our complete expression of infinite information through biophotons and liquid crystals.  The consciousness of the physical body level becomes a pure harmonic expansion and contraction of plasma pulsation without friction or stress.  The true human being is unlimited creativity without disease, conflict, or limitation.  We journey in soul evolution by experiencing and learning from incarnate life through infinite choice of love and creativity.

As the 3D holographic frequency devolves, we have the opportunity to awaken and choose Dimensional Ascension to a higher dimensional frequency of Earth reality.  We do not yet understand the actual progression, the mechanics, and the Divine timing sequence of both a change in the Earth hologram and human dimensional consciousness.  This understanding will continue to unfold as we move through the evolving shift in consciousness frequency.  For now, it is important to make a firm choice and commitment to awaken, remember, and be our infinite consciousness.


An Earth and Human Shift in Holographic Frequency

In this article, we have described the reality of thousands of years of humanity living on Earth in a false 3D matrix of consciousness and energy that is fear, conflict, control, and separation.  It has invaded all of human life and severely restricted human consciousness in limitation and fear-based enslavement.   When in reality, the human being is an infinite Divine consciousness that is unlimited.  Any healing , transforming, and evolving of the limiting beliefs, emotions, and experiences of frequencies of consciousness is really within the awakening and remembering of the infinite consciousness that is our true being.  Our infinite consciousness is part of our current experience of bodily form within a certain Earth dimensional frequency.

We also discussed the continuing devolutionary pathway of the fear-based conflict, control, and separation system in the 3D hologram as part of the transhumanist agenda.  Given the collapsing nature of this embedded frequency within the 3D holographic dimension of the Earth, how do we awaken, remember, and ascend to a higher dimensional consciousness on Earth in this shared frequency space.  Human awakening involves our own personal work to heal and remember our true infinite Divine consciousness, and to live our awareness within the body in unity with others and nature.  As part of this healing and awakening, we must truly wake up to the full extent of the fear-based reality of conflict, control, and separation that has been restricting human consciousness–this includes the devolving transhumanist agenda.  Our seeing and remembering opens awareness and assists our ascension to a Divine consciousness in the body on Earth.

Within this experience, we then open to the larger context of a shift in Earth dimensional reality.  This is part of a Divine intelligence timing sequence of galactic, solar, and planetary evolution.  In our awakening and remembering, we are preparing for a shift, change, and ascension to a 5D and beyond consciousness that is within a higher frequency dimension of the Earth.  May we continue to awaken and choose to live our infinite Divine consciousness through the physical body vehicle in the organization of a 5D Earth hologram that will emanate in Divine timing.

Awakening the Higher Mind of Cellular Consciousness

As we continue to receive and resonate with the higher dimensional galactic and solar energy that is communicating with the Earth and humanity, we are awakening to Divine awareness.  This awareness of infinite consciousness is who we are as a Divine human consciousness in incarnate expression.

Our journey is to awaken and remember our multidimensional and infinite humanity.  As this occurs, we no longer resonate with the false 3D fear-based matrix of conflict, control, and separation.  The inharmonic false frequencies have conditioned the dualistic thinking mind to decode Earth reality in a very narrow and disconnected way.  This imprisonment to the “thinking mind,” with its restrictive use of just a narrow range of sensory frequencies of the five physical senses, has separated humanity from both the Divine and the body.

The thinking mind removes humanity from the body, nature, and the Divine by censoring all experience based on the past and future.  It has separated us from the experience of the Divine within the body in the now.  Thus, as a result of this false intrusion into our mind, we have been imprisoned from our true being of spontaneous freedom of knowing in action.  By using the mind to separate our infinite Divine consciousness from the life of the body, humans have been enduring a conditioned anti-life orientation that has greatly inhibited our love, freedom, harmony, and creativity as Divine being.


Supramental Approaches to Cellular Consciousness

The way to awakening, remembering, and being our wholeness is to unite the Divine consciousness and the body.  With the false matrix infecting humanity for thousands of years, the body is imprisoned by the limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and dense inharmony of the distorted thinking mind process.  When the body is imprisoned by armoring precipitated by the mind, there is a veiling of the soul and spirit.

We are awakening to the fact that the conditioning of the thinking mind has enabled a false dichotomy between an external materialism and a mind spiritualism.  Both materialism and spiritualism are part of the same fear-based separation of the Divine and the body.  We are beginning to see this understanding put forth by several different approaches to knowing our true Divine being as expressed through the incarnate body.

Sri Aurobindo, in the early twentieth century, envisioned the awareness of Divine human embodiment as a supramental consciousness of incarnate humanity on Earth.  Mirra Alfassa, known as the Mother, continued Aurobindo’s vision of an evolving Divine human consciousness through an intense work from 1950 to 1973 to realize the Divine body mind.  She understood that the way beyond the thinking mind was in the body mind, or the mind of the cells (See Satprem’s books on Mirra Alfassa insights and practical action to awaken the Divine body mind, including “The Mind of the Cells).

The spiritual, esoteric, and metaphysical traditions have understood the trap of the thinking mind that restricts awareness to a mechanical physical mind that is separated from the true infinite freedom of consciousness.  However, they have mainly used the mental and spiritual frequency bandwidths of consciousness to open to the experience of the Divine.  This is still a level of translation that keeps the body separate from the Divine.  We can open to and connect with higher mystical states through mental and spiritual domains, but it is only a level of translation until it is expressed as a pure oneness in the cellular consciousness of the body.

Baird T. Spalding, in his books, “Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East,” details the life experience of incarnate human beings living in God consciousness or Divine unity.  They express the consciousness abilities of telepathy, bi-location and beyond, teleportation, levitation movement, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity and manifestation.  These humans living on Earth in the early twentieth century show the higher consciousness that humanity is awakening to and remembering within the current time of higher dimensional galactic and solar energy.  The way to realize this higher dimensional consciousness that is our true Divine human awareness is to awaken this resonance in the physical body.


Consciousness Science Approaches to Cellular Consciousness

Wilhelm Reich, through the sciences of psychology, biology, physics, and subtle energy came to a similar understanding of the body consciousness.  He referred to the wholeness of the body consciousness as “orgonotic functionalism.”  Reich saw materialism and spiritualism as contained with a “mechanistic-mystical civilization” that is the false matrix of the fear-based consciousness.  The erroneous distortions of the thinking mind has armored the body and furthered either a mechanical mind-body veiled from consciousness or a mystical supernatural understanding of nature.  Thus, the 3D thinking mind has both taken humanity from connection with the body and connection with our true Divine consciousness.  On Earth, the only way to be our true Divine nature is to be one in the body consciousness.  Therefore, once we awaken to the Divine in the physical body mind, we experience full infinite being through the incarnate cellular consciousness.

In recent times, the understanding of awakening to Divine awareness in the body mind of cellular consciousness has come from sciences such as somatics and biophysics, as well as dimensional approaches including star being channeling and direct heart knowing.  We will discuss these dimensional viewpoints in the next section.   Somatics encompasses body-centered approaches to the integration of body mind awareness.  Don Hanlon Johnson, in his book, “Groundworks: Narratives of Embodiment,” covers many somatic disciplines including the Body-Mind Centering of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and Emilie Conrad’s Continuum.

In biophysics, Fritz-Albert Popp discovered that DNA emits photons.  This shows us that the body is a vehicle of light that receives, decodes, transmits, intends, and expresses infinite consciousness.  Matter and the body is consciousness organizing at various frequencies of the consciousness continuum.  We are finding that the cells are of a liquid crystalline nature that receives, decodes, and transmits the light of Divine consciousness within incarnate experience.

Quantum physics describes the experience of this level of the consciousness continuum of the universe as frequency wave form information that can be organized, slowed in frequency, and transduced into particle form.  Our higher frequency nonlocal consciousness can decode the wave form information as a particle experience in consciousness and can also intend experience through creative intention and manifestation.  David Icke views the mind-body as a lens for experiencing consciousness in this frequency domain on Earth.  Our incarnate reality is holographic, and we express and intend our experience by decoding electromagnetic energy through consciousness.


Dimensional Approaches to Cellular Consciousness

The understanding of a physical ascension of consciousness has also been furthered during the last several decades by channeling from star beings.  For example, the Pleiadian channeling of Barbara Marciniak conveys a shift from two strands of DNA to twelve strands.  This is part of the awakening to Divine consciousness of the higher mind within the heart through the body mind cellular consciousness.  Many insights and experience from higher intelligent consciousness have also awakened us to the understanding of frequencies of consciousness along a dimensional continuum.

Through the higher dimensional frequencies that humanity is receiving at this time in the cycle of galactic, solar, and planetary evolution through a direct higher mind and heart knowing, we are becoming aware of the physical ascension of consciousness.  We are learning that the physical body needs to become unarmored through a balanced nervous system, and that the heart-mind connection coordinates the hormonal system of the pineal gland, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus within heart consciousness and throughout the cellular body as a whole.  In awakening, the physical body becomes a fluid harmonic pulsation of information as light through a cellular consciousness.  Ascension is awakening and remembering our true infinite being in the body consciousness that when fully awakened is a higher dimension of matter.

The physical ascension is waking up to our true infinite consciousness within the heart, and experienced and expressed in our being through every cell of our body.  In cellular consciousness, we are our multidimensional Divine humanity of the higher mind.  It is an infinite heart consciousness lived as one with the Divine consciousness emanating as the frequencies of the body.  May we move beyond the separation of the thinking mind, and be the oneness of the Divine in the life of the body on Earth.

Divine Cellular Consciousness: Beyond the False 3D Transhumanist Matrix

We are now in a time where the highest dimensional frequencies are communicating with the Earth and humanity through consciousness, light, and energy.  This more direct resonance of the infinite consciousness is providing humanity with an opportunity to awaken to our full Divine awareness in the body consciousness.

With the awakening of humanity to our true Divine awareness, we are also seeing a continuing degeneration or devolution that is the false 3D matrix of conflict, control, and separation.  This dense and narrow band of consciousness, through the thinking mind, has veiled human awareness from infinite consciousness and separated humanity from the pure knowing higher mind within the heart in resonance with the body mind.  In this veiling, most of human awareness is restricted to a narrow decoding program of the current five physical senses. As a result, humanity has become separated from both infinite consciousness and unity with the body.

In this time, the fear-based 3D matrix is intensifying through a controlling transhumanist agenda.  This is apparent throughout the centralizing structures of religious, political, and economic institutions.  As part of this agenda, we see a movement to alter human genetics and biology through artificial changes in food, air, and water.  Within this low level consciousness, there is a reliance on digital technology systems to externally extend the human senses.  This entire agenda keeps frequencies that do not harmonize with the true Divine interior consciousness technologies of humanity.  The true Divine consciousness of the incarnate human being is the higher mind in the heart expressed through a cellular body consciousness.  Here, we have the consciousness abilities of telepathic consciousness, multichannel telepathy, bi-location and beyond, teleportation, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity and manifestation.

As the false agenda rolls along, our purpose is to awaken Divine awareness through infinite consciousness.  All this is happening in our time within a much larger context of a shift in Earth’s dimensional reality.  This shift is part of the Divine timing sequence of galactic, solar, and planetary evolution.  The holographic pattern of how we decode and express incarnate experience on Earth is changing.  The change is a Dimensional Ascension.  It is an unveiling or unfolding to incarnate life on a higher frequency dimension of the Earth.  This is a fifth dimensional and beyond frequency that is part of our journey of awakening to Divine awareness within the incarnate experience.

We continue to learn how this sequence progresses amidst the developing transhumanist agenda, our awakening to Divine awareness, and the shifting energies of the dimensions on Earth.   May we continue to open to our Divine awareness within the heart so as to live a heart-centered consciousness of love and creativity.

Telepathic Consciousness in Higher Dimensions of Heart, Mind, and Body

As we awaken to our true multidimensional humanity, we become aware of our unlimited consciousness abilities of Infinite Being.  We are Infinite Divine Being in unity consciousness experiencing the cosmos through incarnate form. Within a heart-centered consciousness in Divine unity, we can experience a seamless harmonic communication exchange of pure meaning. This type of direct communication from the higher mind in the heart has been historically referred to as “telepathy.”  We will find that the unveiled frictionless frequencies of information transmission and decoding in a telepathic consciousness are very natural in a higher dimensional humanity.


The Fear-Based Conflict, Control, and Separation Matrix Infecting Humanity

For thousands of years, humanity on Earth has experienced the spirit, soul, and body within a very limited 3D frequency band of consciousness through the five physical senses and the fear-based egoic level of the mind.  The false system of fear, conflict, control, and separation has conditioned human consciousness to decode and sense life experience in dense energetic frequencies of extreme limitation and disharmony. By being restricted to a slower and dense frequency range of conflict, the pure flow of love and creativity of the true Divine human has been blocked by fear-based thoughts, negative emotional encoding, traumas, and body armor. This restricted flow of human multidimensional energies reduces life force, and thus inhibits love, creative expression, and the natural state of the physical body that is beyond all disease.

As a result of the narrow frequency band of fear-based duality perception, humanity has negative emotional encodings and limiting beliefs in a separation of the conscious and unconscious mind.  The restriction to the very narrow frequency band of information that is consciousness vibrating at a dense level of the physical has veiled humanity from its true capabilities of nonlocal consciousness in Divine Being.  All of the accumulated traumas, attachments to lower frequency emotions, and repetitive limiting thought patterns have reduced the full energetic transduction and emanation capability of the heart center.


Higher Dimensional Communication and Creativity

With the full capacity of the heart to experience and express the higher dimensional light and love of the Divine, humanity can restore the ability of the higher mind through the brain to decode, transmit, and express multiple frequencies and bandwidths of information and consciousness.  The higher mind operating from within the organization of the heart has the abilities of instantaneous memory, telepathic consciousness, multichannel telepathy, bi-location and beyond, teleportation, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity and manifestation. In this article, we will focus on the ability and experience of telepathic consciousness.

We are infinite and eternal souls experiencing our awareness with the physical frequencies of consciousness that organize and express as the physical vehicle of the body. We are experiencing a level of incarnate form that is humanity on Earth. The current experience of incarnation has been in a very dense range of inharmonic duality within the third dimension.  The level of conflict, control, and separation that has been conditioning Earth humanity for thousands of years does not reflect who humanity truly is as infinite multidimensional beings. 

There are many dimensions and levels of experiencing incarnations within the universe.  The true Divine freedom of the human being can best learn in a consciousness of infinite choice of love and creativity within the incarnate experience. Most incarnate soul experiences within the many dimensions of the cosmos experience their soul evolution in these frequencies of consciousness.  Earth humanity now has a choice to awaken and ascend to these harmonic frequencies and move beyond the severe control frequencies that have enslaved and imprisoned the incarnate experience on this planet.

Communication that is nonlocal, multidimensional, harmonic, and of pure meaning is foundational to the learning through unlimited love and creativity.  Living from a heart-centered unity consciousness is a fully cooperative experience of our unique being in shared unity with others. The seamless, open, free, and purely understood communication of telepathic consciousness is natural to our unique soul experience and our shared activity to further unlimited creative human expression of Divine Being.


Language in a Limited 3D Frequency

The story of the Tower of Babel is one aspect of the narrow frequency of human communication that has impeded our true nature.  When the negative force intervened within humanity on Earth, the resulting consciousness encodings restricted awareness to a level of miscommunication, misperception, and misunderstanding of the egoic mind using symbol and sound within a fear-based consciousness.  There is a limitation of knowing through language communication using 2D and 3D symbols and frequencies in visible light and in the auditory range of the present physical senses. 

Currently, language in the visual and auditory band of the human physical senses within the limited 3D consciousness is only partial.  The 3D language tools are incapable of communicating full meaning.  The meaning is greatly stepped down and must be interpreted.  Thus, at this level humanity is constantly working under a dark veil of misperception and misinterpretation.  As a result, the egoic mind works incessantly to deal with this conflict and creates tremendous background noise and static.  In this type of language communication through stepped down frequencies that do not have the energy to carry precise information, meaning is diluted and distorted.  Within this dense frequency band, humanity never has full unimpeded communication.  There is always a level of disharmonic friction.

When the senses and communication abilities are limited to a particular 3D bandwidth, the only way to receive and express pure meaning is in silence beyond words.  We can do this, even in the vastly reduced level of decoding consciousness in 3D, because we have multidimensional awareness of infinite consciousness as souls in Divine Being.  We can directly communicate the love of the Divine which infinitely transcends the slow and friction based frequencies of 3D language.

Before we discuss our awakening to the full message communication of the higher mind in a heart-centered consciousness, we need to describe one other capability of the visible and audible frequencies of language.  While we are focusing on the severe limitations of this form of communication as compared to our higher dimensional communication abilities in a much broader spectrum of energy, we will first mention the gifts of even this lower level communication.  First, the ability to communicate the level of meaning that we currently do in 3D is a remarkable use of just the current visible light frequency and present frequencies of hearing.  It is a powerful intelligent use of the lower level 3D communication tools to communicate a relatively high level of meaning with the limits of symbols and sound combinations within the narrow range of the present decoding capabilities of humans for light and sound. 

Secondly, words in symbols and sounds do have the ability to hold and emanate the frequencies of consciousness of the communicator.  Even higher dimensional meaning can be encoded within the sequencing and expression of words and multi-frequencies of sound, as well as carrying the frequencies of intent, emotions, and feelings of the communicator.  The soul has found ways to communicate its essence even among the most limiting and narrow frequency bands.  Even with some level of success within daunting limitation, it remains extremely challenging to communicate through perpetual inharmonic and conflicting energies that cannot convey full meaning.


Higher Dimensional Mind and Body Communication within the Heart

Humanity is awakening and evolving beyond its narrow level of consciousness in dense 3D frequencies.  We are healing the conditioning and attachments to low level trauma frequencies and opening to the full capacity of heart consciousness to receive and emanate higher dimensional energy. Within the heart, the full capabilities of the mind and physical brain can return to humanity. In order for humans to see, hear, feel, and know in the fullness of multidimensional and nonlocal frequencies, the nervous system must be balanced. This balance will enable the part of the hormonal system through the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and the pineal gland to decode and transmit higher frequencies of light. With the heart consciousness remembering the infinite unity of the soul in Divine Being, biophotons can communicate through the cellular network of the body through a DNA manifestation that expresses the Divine human.

We begin to open to our full meaning and conflict free communication at the 5D and 6D frequencies of consciousness.  In telepathic consciousness, there are no longer any 3D interference frequencies of the uncertain conscious mind and the unconscious mind chatter.  The awareness of the Divine consciousness from the higher mind within the heart and through the body is a noiseless, no static state.  Therefore, in this harmonic awareness without the friction of conflict, humanity is free to love, and create as both personal souls and in intersubjective unity with other humans and all of creation. 

The higher mind frequencies are able to communicate the full message without misunderstanding in all situations.  This frees the soul incarnate to fully create and to develop their soul evolution.  Within this consciousness of complete loving communication without the veils, misperceptions, and conflict, humanity can express infinite choice and creativity. All choices have no conflict or negative impact on other souls. Infinite intelligence organizes in cooperative frequencies to enable ever higher levels of creativity.  The gifts of all souls will be working in harmonic conjunction with other souls to further their own soul evolution and creativity and their shared experiences and gifts.

There is no misperception of meaning and nothing is hidden between personal souls. At this dimensional level of consciousness, there is a whole new meaning of teacher, student, and learning. It is a cooperative exchange of information to further the creative mission of each.  The understanding and flow of information is open as all parties intuitively know the information and knowledge that is meant to be exchanged in order to further their purpose in love and creativity.

Within the higher dimensional consciousness in Divine unity, communication is a telepathic exchange where the parties know the meaning of the shared encounter.  The dynamic power of higher frequency light is uninhibited by doubt, fear, misunderstanding, or competitive conflict.  Each unique soul in total freedom works in unity with others within the cooperative purpose for knowledge in furthering the infinity of creativity and love.   

Within the heart-centered consciousness in Divine unity, we have full memory and instantaneous nonlocal communication to all in the universe through our multidimensional Being.  Fifth dimensional life and beyond is a dynamic interchange conveying information through our multisensory and multichannel mind within an incarnate physical body that can tune and emanate these frequencies.  May we continue to awaken to our true Divine human consciousness so as to remember, restore, and evolve our harmonic telepathic consciousness on Earth.

Awakening to Divine Human Consciousness

In our journey to become a higher expression of our true consciousness in Divine Being, we often use language that includes words such as “healing,” “transformation,” and “evolution” to describe a process of change.  Because we are moving from one frequency of consciousness to another, we perceive this pathway as becoming something new—transforming into something that is different than what we are expressing at present. 

We see the journey to a higher consciousness this way because a false awareness of limitation, separation, conflict, and external control has been conditioned into our consciousness.  It is this error in our vision, feeling, and memory that has been described as the fall of humanity.  The conditioning in consciousness then emanates throughout the mind, emotions, and physical body.


True Humanity is God Consciousness

The false belief structure of limiting thoughts and dense frequency emotional encoding is at once a veiling, an overlay, and an infiltration of our true essence as a soul in spirit expressing through a physical body.  Thus, our true being and nature is pure God consciousness.  We are infinite beings of unconditional love and creativity experiencing and expressing through a body in the matter frequencies of consciousness.  The key is that we have no separation from the pure goodness and intelligence of Infinite Being.

Our understanding of the word “God” is interchangeable with Divine Source, Divine Being, Infinite Being, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Light, and Divine Energy. The Source emanates through the spiritual realms and multidimensional existence in an infinite range of frequencies. Quantum physics terms such as zero-point field move us toward a unitary consciousness level, but we do not here equate this level with the Godhead of Divine Being that as yet surpasses the understanding of the human mind when in incarnate form.  We are awakening to the reality that we emanate from Divine Being, and are one with the Divine as love, peace, harmony, and creative intelligence. We are Divine Light.


The Core Error of Misperceived Separation and the False Search for Transmutation of Being

A conditioned and perceptual sense of separation from the pure love of the Divine has been the human predicament on Earth for thousands of years.  The misperception in our vision, feeling, and memory of not experiencing our absolute unity with the Divine has been described using the concept of a “fall.” This can be understood as acting in a way that is “less than” or does not reflect our Being.  Closely allied with this understanding of “fall” is the human idea that we must compensate by becoming or controlling something that we are not.  The core error of perceived separation enables this misguided search to become something more as a way to fix the erroneous thought of separation.

Humanity has always been one with God.  This means that we have always been love, wholeness, harmony, and creativity.  Even in incarnate form, we have always been everything of God because of our oneness.  We are unique conscious souls of one Divine unity of love and creativity.  Jesus conveys this understanding in the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32).  Both the son that seeks to compensate for his perceived separation by squandering his inheritance, and the son that stays at home must learn that everything that God has is theirs.  In our intentional creativity, we have all the blueprint capabilities of the Divine Source. Jesus emphasizes this in saying, “Have faith in God. Truly I tell you, if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea’ and if you do not doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will come to pass, it will be done for you.” (Mark 11:22-23).

However, the whole misperception of separation and its relation to becoming what we are not, begins with humanity not accepting and understanding that we do not have the full understanding of Divine manufacture.  In the Divine plan of humanity in Divine unity, the development into Divine manufacture would organically ensue throughout a soul evolution and ascension to higher frequencies of love and unity.  The temptation and fall of humanity was to not accept this understanding of Divine manufacture.  In our current human incarnate consciousness, our unity in God gives us full Divine blueprint creative capability, but we must leave the full Divine manufacture ability to the Divine Source.

In the Genesis story of the serpent tempting humanity, the serpent says that you can have the full Divine manufacturing capabilities of God now.  By humanity believing and taking action on this misrepresentation, humanity has reinforced a false sense of separation.  This is the feeling that something is lacking, that we are less than our true nature in God.

These errors have been conditioning our consciousness for thousands of years.  Because of this deep conditioning that has affected the mind, emotions, DNA, and the cellular frequencies of the body, we view our process of awakening as a healing, transforming, and evolving journey.  But this transforming is not becoming something new or different.  We are just transforming the conditioning to awaken to our true self in God that always is.  This misrepresentation of transforming our Being has crept into all esoteric, metaphysical, alchemical, religious, scientific, and spiritual traditions.  It is part of the initial error of wanting to be something else in order to have full Divine manufacturing knowledge right now.  This is the universal falsity of feeling separate or thinking that humanity is lacking because it does not have immediate infinite knowing of God Source. We are not separate. We have always had the full creative ability of God, but we conditioned the misperception that we needed full knowledge of the Infinite Mind in how it manufactures the creativity. For incarnate beings, this knowledge comes in Divine timing. Not accepting this has established an erroneous mind frequency of separation when in fact we have always been Divine.

We can understand the process of awakening from our false conditioning as a transformation or evolution, but we must not interpret the awakening to our God consciousness and shift to our true multidimensional capabilities of the higher mind in the heart as an alchemical or transformative movement.  We are awakening to our pure transparency and pure reflecting of the Divine love and creativity of God.  Jesus says, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said you are gods?’” We must return to our knowledge of our oneness with the Divine within the heart. Jesus says, “the kingdom of heaven is ‘within’ or ‘among’ us” (Luke 17:21), and he prays that we will come to know that we are one in God as Jesus is. (John 17:).  He says to be perfect in love as God is (Matthew 5:48).

Jesus sums up the whole illusion of separation from God and the human misunderstanding of intention and Divine manufacture in saying, “to be perfect in love as God is and that all our creative intentions will be given to us as well.”  Therefore, we can awaken to the God consciousness that we have always been–our full infinite capabilities of love and intentional creation beyond the illusion of limitation.  As we continue to awaken to our true humanity of God consciousness, we will express our true multidimensional capabilities of the higher mind within the heart through the body.  Jesus points to our full Divine human abilities in saying that “those who choose to awaken will do the works that he does and, in fact, will do greater works than these…” (John 15:12).


Infinite Human Creativity

Humanity can create anything from within our being in God.  We must only recognize that when we are expressing as spirit and soul through incarnate form, we must exercise our infinite knowledge through participation in the Divine mind of God.  This is the whole challenge of incarnate existence.  By nature we are one in God.  We are God.  By nature we have the full creative capabilities of the Divine, but we do not always have the full knowledge of organization and manufacture. 

The Divine simplicity organizes an infinite complexity of expression as the universe.  For example, science understands that a human cell has over 100,000 chemical reactions per second among billions of cells in the body. This is a superconscious intelligence of a harmonic timing sequence of communication and recognition that the Divine Mind arranges. The unitary harmonic coordination of the universe is beyond human understanding in the full details of its coordinated expression.  Not being able to see this manufacturing aspect has opened humanity to the error of separation and the false human project of creating an artificial nature that is not the expression of the true nature and Being of God.

Therefore, in our journey of awakening to a higher dimensional frequency of consciousness, we reach a point when we must decide that we are our true nature—one in God.  It is the only way that we will not live by the falsity of separation.  As we awaken, we are healing and transforming all traumas and conditioning in the mind and body from the system of fear, conflict, control, and separation.  We are clearing any resonance patterns with dense frequencies conditioned in the lower chakras, and opening to the full capacities of the heart to radiate the powerful frequencies of the infinite higher mind in the Divine.  As we decide to awaken to our true nature, we will allow our God consciousness to inform our DNA and enable the harmonic flow of love and creativity as consciousness and energy through all cells and systems of the body.  When we emanate our Divine consciousness in Being and expression, our incarnate form vibrates at frequencies of a less dense physicality without the conflict of separation.  Our spirit and soul then expresses through a consciousness frequency that is a higher dimension of matter.

When we awaken to our truth in God consciousness, we express our true nature of pure love and creativity.  Anything less is not our true being.  By essence of our spirit, soul, and incarnate body, we have all Divine capabilities within our interior. This includes harmonic cellular regeneration, telepathy, teleportation, living on light, and full creative intention.  These qualities are our infinite and eternal Being of spirit/souls within God.  We no longer need to ascribe to the error that we must transmute humanity to falsely become what we fail to see that we already are.

In this process of awakening and ascension, we are elevating our consciousness to the highest and pure frequency of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding as Divine Beings.  May we continue to awaken to our authentic humanity in the integrity of love, peace, harmony, and creativity.  This is who we are as a Divine consciousness of unique souls within the oneness of unitary Being.

Solar Ascension: The Shift to a 5D Sun

We often talk about the Dimensional Shift to a 5D Earth, and the human ascension process to a higher dimensional consciousness in Divine Unity.  However, we rarely find discussion of the dynamics of the Sun’s transformation process and transition into the fifth dimension.

The indigenous cultures such as the Maya, Hopi, and Aztec have described the galactic, solar, and planetary evolutionary cycles, including the 26,000 year precessional cycle, as a changing of the Sun.  The traditions refer to the current change of cycle as the beginning of either the fifth or the sixth Sun.  This reflects a change or shift in human consciousness and the Earth, and not necessarily the specifics of the Sun’s consciousness, energetic, and physical change.

It is true that we are always including the Sun in the ascension process.  For our incarnate life on Earth, our consciousness is foundationally interconnected with the information, energy, and Being of the Sun.  The Sun transduces, translates, and transmits the galactic energies, and communicates with the Earth and humanity through subtle energies and the physical electromagnetic spectrum. 

We receive information from the Sun along the continuum of different frequency light waves from radio, microwave, infrared, visual, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma rays.  For example, information as energy in the form of solar flares is one way the Earth and human consciousness receives higher frequency energy.  Galactic, solar, planetary, and human evolution is a process of frequencies and encodings through an intersubjective resonance field in a Divine timing sequence.


The Physical Ascension of Sun

In this article, we begin to go beyond the understanding of the Sun’s role and effect on consciousness, and look for a context of the physical shift of the Sun into a higher dimension. As with many of the details of ascending consciousness in the universe, the understanding of how the physical matter of the Sun emanates in a higher dimension has been veiled from the human mind in the limited 3D consciousness.

When humans are incarnate, we have all of the infinite capabilities of the Divine Mind in the creative blueprint capacity, but we do not yet have the knowledge of the Divine Mind and Intelligence to organize, coordinate, and manifest form in its infinite complexity. All of the finest spiritual and esoteric traditions have understood human intentionality as a relational cooperation between human creative blueprint and Divine manufacture. Humanity has the ability to think and feel the creative blueprint in present experience, and then in nonattachment let the Divine Source manifest the creation in the ways and timing sequence of its infinite intelligence into full incarnate experience.  Thus, we must trust that we have the full blueprint capabilities without the full knowledge and manufacturing ability.

Therefore, the full details will always be beyond our mind capabilities to know when we are incarnate within certain frequencies along the dimensional continuum.  However, our increasing knowledge is part of our intentional creativity and evolving journey.  This knowledge of the manufacturing side will increase as we evolve into the fifth dimension and beyond.  With this in mind, our discussion of the physical dynamics of the Sun’s ascension is to provide context for our ascending into our true Divine unity within our incarnate body.  This framework of knowing is in service of becoming who we really are as a heart-centered unity consciousness in the Divine Being.


Solar Flares, the Human Energy Field, and the Sun’s Effect on the Elemental Decay Rate

We are responding to the higher mind within our heart through Divine intelligence to successively reveal a greater knowledge.  We are not attempting to delineate an exact understanding of how the Sun shifts dimensions.  We are using spiritual insights, science, and direct heart knowing to help shape a context of understanding.  Perhaps, we are beginning to understand the ascending change in the Sun through greater knowledge and study of solar flares, coronal holes, coronal mass ejections, the Sun’s magnetic field, cosmic rays, and the interplay with the Earth’s magnetic field.  The electromagnetic frequencies/particles of solar flares interact with the human energy field in an exchange of information that is part of the elevation of frequencies of consciousness.

The Sun also influences the radioactive decay of elements on the Earth.  Recently, science is finding that because of the Sun’s energy there is a change in the decay rate of elements such as Carbon 14.  Some type of change in the energetic frequencies of the Sun and/or its physical particles is causing an increase in the decay rate which radiates more energy.  We can see that with the change in the decay rates of the elements, the increasing energy may also be transforming our consciousness, DNA, and entire physical body in many ways.

Therefore, we see the cosmic and Galactic Center energy evolving the Sun and transducing that information, consciousness, and energy to the Earth and humanity.  The changing of the current cycle is encoding a Dimensional Ascension of the Earth and humanity to the fifth dimension.  Now that we have some knowledge of how the Sun is interacting with these energies through solar flares, magnetic fields, and changing particles, we can begin to learn more about the Sun’s transformation from a 3D to a 5D Sun.


The Sun’s Transition to a Fifth Dimensional Frequency

It is our understanding that the Sun will shift its frequencies and quality of physical light in the fifth dimension.  Just as the human physical body will emanate at higher dimensions of matter, the Sun will have a different physicality in 5D.

As the Earth ascends with the Sun into 5D, there will be a significant change to the Sun in how it is experienced by the 5D human consciousness and physical body.  In the current 3D physical body, the sacral and solar plexus chakras give us the orange and yellow frequencies which correspond to the 3D Sun.  The 5D Sun emanates in the white to blue visible light through the 5D senses.  The human throat chakra emanates at the blue color frequency.

We can correlate the 3D and 5D sunlight to the human energy centers.  If we see the 3D Sun as white to yellow light and the 5D Sun as white to blue, this correlates with the solar plexus and throat chakras respectively.  This relates to the gateways of energy to and from the heart center. In 3D consciousness, the solar plexus is the primary gateway from the heart. In 5D consciousness, the throat chakra is the primary gateway from the heart. With this transformation, the human being is evolving from a sacral oriented consciousness to a third eye oriented consciousness.  Thus, in the ascension to 5D, our solar gateways shift from solar plexus yellow to throat blue.

Pane Andov discusses the potential of a galactic superwave accelerating the Sun’s evolution to a red giant, then to a white dwarf, and then to a merger of binary white dwarfs which will result in a larger white star than a white dwarf.  While we see that a galactic superwave may be likely in the stages of Dimensional Ascension as following Paul LaViolette’s work on superwaves, we are not stating a viewpoint on Andov’s information on red giant/white dwarf accelerated evolution.  However, we do resonate with Andov’s understanding of a whiter Sun in 5D.


The Early Stages in an Emerging 5D Sun

All aspects of the ascension process are a unique shifting of energies in the lower organized dimension and then a spontaneous emanation or manifestation in the higher organized frequency.  Thus, a transforming, evolving, and transitioning process occurs in the slower frequency.  The transition of the ascension process is a different type of transformation.  The frequencies begin to accelerate and gain momentum in the more dense organized domain, and lead toward a moment of instantaneous emanation in 5D within Divine timing.

As part of human, Earth, and Sun ascension from 3D to 5D, we intuit the green color frequency as being a very important transitional frequency in the stages of ascension.  Svargo F. Schuller in his painting, “The First Stage of Our 5D Sun: Emerging of the New DNA Network,” communicates the very active, focused transformation process that is in development in the early stages of a transitioning Sun to a higher dimensional frequency. We can see the dynamic interplay of the colors green, yellow, and blue within a grid formation structure. Svargo’s painting can be viewed at https://www.facebook.com/peter.n.borys#!/photo.php?fbid=4381536264134&set=a.1548793407333.2071827.1460026040&type=1&theater. Many of Svargo’s paintings on the Dimensional Shift can be seen at https://www.facebook.com/peter.n.borys#!/svargo.schuller?fref=ts and his overall work at http://www.svargozen.com. In the early stages, there is a very dynamic action within the Sun to create a comprehensive foundation of support for a manifestation in the 5D frequency.

Solar ascension occurs through an intelligent Divine organization of a unified cosmic, galactic, solar, and planetary evolution. In Divine timing, the encodings and energetic frequencies for ascending dimensions unfold for star systems according to their evolutionary sequence. We are participating in a unified Solar, Earth, and incarnate Earth human ascension to a fifth dimensional consciousness and body frequency.

Choosing Ascension Beyond the Galactic Alignment Transition

With the energies of the Galactic alignment on December 21, both the higher energetic foundation and the unity consciousness grid is now in place.  Energies will continue to accelerate, harmonize, and become more coherent, but now for the first time the full foundation of frequencies for higher dimensional incarnate consciousness are present.

The alignment with the Galactic Center and the subsequent three days of integration was a key marker or reference point in the Dimensional Ascension.  These direct energies are a transition point from the preparatory phase of transition to the current manifestation phase of transition.  The twenty-five years of preparation was a period of accelerating frequencies, healing, opening to higher consciousness, changing Earth magnetic field, and the establishment of a unity consciousness grid.  These frequencies of light, information, consciousness, and energy, will enable a telepathic consciousness of fifth dimensional life.

All of the foundational frequencies are present and the unity grid of the Earth and humanity is established.  This is all part of a complex rebirth of a higher dimensional Earth.  As this grid is now in place on the 3D Earth in the transition process, the new 5D Earth has begun revealing and emanating in the fifth dimensional frequency.  In the culmination of ascension, Earth will be a 5D Earth, and the Earth at the 3D frequency will dissolve its function for supporting incarnate life.  My article, “Toward a Mechanism of Transition From a 3D Earth to a 5D Earth” discusses how the 5D Earth evolves and the 3D Earth disintegrates. http://blog.peterborysjr.com/2012/11/16/toward-a-mechanism-of-transition-from-a-3d-earth-to-a-5d-earth/.


The Beginning of Physical Ascension

With the preparatory phase of transition complete, the energetic structure is now present to enable ascension of the physical body.  The energetic structure will support a full ascension in consciousness and/or physical ascension.  We can either begin to fully ascend our consciousness to 5D in the spiritual, mental, and emotional body, or we can also begin to ascend the etheric and physical body with the ascension of consciousness.  This choice is made on a personal level.  It depends on the choice of ascension, the healing and clearing of dense energies within mind and body, the opening and anchoring of higher capacities of the heart to transduce, organize, and express higher dimensional light, and the Divine timing sequence of soul evolution.

Prior to the completion of preparation, humanity for the most part has only been able to have a certain level of a personal ascension of consciousness without the ascension of the incarnate physical body.  This has always been possible, even within the more dense energies of the fear-based 3D duality consciousness of conflict, control, and separation, because humanity is a multidimensional being of spirit, soul, and body.  However, within the heaviness of 3D, only a very small percentage of humanity could open their consciousness to the higher dimensions of light and spiritual realms.  Also, prior to Earth Ascension, we did not have the possibility of physical ascension to a 5D Earth. 

The preparatory phase of ascension has elevated the Sun and Earth frequencies to a level that will now enable higher degrees of a 5D consciousness ascension, as well as ascension of the physical body to a higher dimension of matter. In the manifestation phase of the dimensional shift, we have a sequenced personal physical ascension.  This is all leading to a final culminating collective moment of ascension.  The energies and signs within the manifestation phase will let humanity know that the time is near.  “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree:  As soon as its leaves get tender and its leaves come out, you know that the summer is near.  Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door” (Matthew 24:32-33).  The exact day of the culmination of ascension has never been important for humanity to know.  The information of the time being near is of such close proximity to culmination so as to be sufficient knowledge.  “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven… (Mathew 24:36).  


Current Timeline of Dimensional Ascension

The current timeline of Earth and human ascension is within a five year window.  The highest potential is for a 2 ½ to 4 year period where events and the ascension dynamic accelerate to a culmination of ascension.  Since we are within the window period of the manifestation phase, this dynamic of ascension could occur at any time. The manifestation phase will occur in stages – we do not as yet have specific information on their delineation and what constitutes these stages.  Basically, all of the stages contain Earth changes of solar activity, earthquakes, volcanoes, changing Earth magnetic field, and some type of pole movement.  We are getting pieces of information from crop circles, science, and higher dimensional information, but we do not have a clear enough picture for a detailing of stages at this point. 

What is clear is that the physical 3D Earth goes through cyclical changes at Galactic Center alignments and interstellar dust clouds at 13,000 year and the 26,000 year cycle of precession.  Not only are we aligning at the Galactic Center in a changing cycle of 26,000 year precession, but this alignment coincides with the encoding information of galactic, solar, and planetary evolution of a Dimensional Ascension for the Earth.  At regular precession and alignment cycles, the Earth undergoes Galactic energies such as superwaves that effect the Sun and change the Earth such as in ice ages, heating, and floods.  The same type of changes occur in a Dimensional Ascension, but through the ascension process the 3D frequency of the Earth will no longer support life as all life shifts to the new 5D Earth.  It is the same Earth emanating in a higher or more inner frequency dimension.


Transitional Lightworkers and the Human Choice of Ascension

In the manifestation phase, we can now have personal ascension with the physical body prior to the culmination point of total Dimensional Ascension.  As in the stages of the manifestation phase, all of the details for the different options for this occurrence are not yet fully known.  In Divine timing, this sequence will become better understood as we are now in the post Galactic alignment phase. 

One of the ways of personal ascension will be transitional workers who ascend into the 5D Earth in both consciousness and the physical body who also simultaneously remain on the 3D Earth to assist the Earth and all of humanity choosing to ascend.  This is part of a sequencing of the ascension process that takes place within a very short time of 3D Earth years.

Ascension always remains a free will choice.  It is ultimately determined by free choice, soul evolutionary history, and working with the higher intelligence of the Divine.  Our intention is to have all of incarnate humanity choose to ascend to the 5D Earth in their current incarnate body.  If the Divine timing and the soul evolution does not choose ascension, the soul will take the well-established transition beyond the physical body back to the spiritual realm.  The next experience of incarnate life, whether 3D or other, is determined by Divine intelligence, the soul’s guidance, and the soul.

All evolution in the dimensions of the universe and the experiences of incarnate life is in Divine order and timing.  We must trust in the ascension process, and awaken to the truth and love within our heart.  We are evolving and ascending to the true multidimensional self of a heart-centered unity consciousness.  It is an intentional journey where our love desires the joy, harmony, and creativity of ascension for all of creation.

The Galactic Center and a Magnetar in the Ascension to a 5D Earth

We are now in the process of the Sun and Earth coming into alignment with the Galactic Center on December 21, 2012 which occurs every 26,000 years. The alignment and accompanying acceleration of energies gives Earth and humanity full access to the information, consciousness, and energy encoded through the Galactic Center.  At this transition of the current cycle, the encoding is not only for a new Sun, a golden age, and typical Earth changes, but is primarily a Dimensional Shift. In the Galactic, solar, and planetary evolution cycles, the current Galactic Center intelligence is organizing a Dimensional Ascension.

The infinite intelligence organizes this Galactic, solar, planetary, and human evolutionary process in infinitely complex ways that are still beyond our present understanding within human physical form.  However, increasingly we are being given, as well as remembering, knowledge of major structural pieces that are expanding our awareness and insights.  We must be mindful that all of the intelligent creativity is infinitely organized in dimensions beyond the physical. In a continuum of energy, this consciousness works through the frequencies of information transduced into the oscillation speeds of the physical dimension.   When we talk about alignments, Galactic Center, cosmic rays, etc., we are referring to one aspect of how infinite intelligence is evolving the consciousness manifestation in the universe, galaxy, solar system, and Earth.


Magnetars in Galactic Evolution and Dimensional Ascension

Thus far in recent articles, we have put forth an understanding of the primary role of the Galactic Center with a secondary transforming input from an interstellar dust cloud. We will now add another major piece in this evolutionary ascending process – a Magnetar in the direction of a Scorpio nebula.  We will also briefly discuss the role of Sirius and the possibility of the Sun being in a binary star relationship.

In a previous article, “Toward a Mechanism of Transition From a 3D Earth to a 5D Earth,” we discussed how the Earth and humanity are not transforming from the third dimension into the fifth dimension, but rather manifesting and emanating in the fifth in a complex renewal and birth process.  All of the acceleration on the 3D Earth is the preparatory stages of transition for a 5D emanation.  Thus, on the Earth in 3D space and time, we see the regular cyclical action of the galaxy:  Galactic alignments, increasing cosmic and gamma rays, interstellar dust clouds, Galactic superwaves, solar flare activity, magnetic pole shifts, and significant Earth changes in terms of earthquakes, volcanoes, and weather patterns.

In this article, we are providing further insights into the evolutionary and energetic sequence of the stage of preparation for the current timeline encoding of a Dimensional Ascension.  The Mayan Interdimensional Star Map from the lawoftime.org, will provide us context for the Galactic movement and the transformation of human consciousness to a higher dimensional Light Body in Divine unity.  This is the awakening to our true self of a heart-centered unity consciousness incarnate on Earth.  A correlation of the Map with the seven major chakras is as follows:  crown (Omnigalactic Source), third eye (Galactic Center), throat (Sirius), heart (Pleiades), solar plexus (Midway support from Arcturus and Antares), sacral (Sun), and root (Earth).

Humanity in third dimensional physicality has been primarily sacral based through an isolation at solely the solar level.  This level of duality enabled the polarity fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation to condition human consciousness and veil human awareness from the true self in Divine unity.  Human ascension to a 5D consciousness of heart-centered unity will manifest as primarily third eye driven.  This is our restoration back to a Galactic humanity and a Galactic civilization with other incarnate intelligence in the universe.

Before we describe further insights into the transforming process in a somewhat linear format, we want to focus on the heart which is harmonic to the Pleiades in the Interdimensional Star Map.  For humanity incarnate, all consciousness, evolution, and ascension is organized by the heart center.  The heart is the central foundation for all souls when they are incarnate in the dimensions of the universe. Thus, we emphasize the centrality of the heart.  Therefore, even though we use linear sequencing for our 3D understanding, ultimately all is a nonlocal synchronic love and creativity through the heart to infinite Being.  In reality, it all takes place simultaneously from all directions in infinite feedback loops of vortex motion and nonlocal emanation.


Sirius and the Pleiades in Earth Ascension

Sri Yukteswar, in his book, The Holy Science, discusses our Sun’s binary motion around a companion star, and the Sun’s other motion around a great center Vishnunabhi or universal magnetism.  Walter Cruttenden, in his book, The Lost Star of Myth and Time, discusses a binary star theory and includes a description of Magnetars and Vishnunabhi.  Magnetars are thought to be a type of neutron star and/or pulsar with a very powerful magnetic field and a consistent frequency of pulsation.  Their magnetic fields can affect the Sun and Earth from great distances of over thousands of light years.  Magnetars have magnetic fields trillions of times greater than the Sun and emit x-ray and gamma rays.

Before we discuss the Magnetar’s role in Dimensional Ascension, we need to provide some information on Sirius which is 8.6 light years from the Sun.  Walter Cruttenden in Lost Star of Myth and Time, has presented some compelling information on the potential of the Sun being in a binary relationship with Sirius.  The Sirius system is composed of three stars:  Sirius A (a blue-white star that is twice as massive and 25 times more luminous than the Sun), Sirius B (a white dwarf), Sirius C (possibly a red dwarf that is larger but fainter than Sirius B. The knowledge of the existence of Sirius C was first put forth by the Dogon tribe of Mali in West Africa.  The presence of Sirius C is still unconfirmed by science). 

The resonant frequencies of Sirius are important for reconnecting the Sun and Earth, and for reconnecting human consciousness on Earth back to a synchronization of Galactic 4D and 5D time.  Jose Arguelles saw this connection of Sirius with Galactic synchronic time.  He pointed out that the 52 year relationship of the 365 day year with the Maya 260 day Tzolkin calendar relates to the 52 year timing frequency that is the orbital time of Sirius B around Sirius A.  Sirius with its blue light is key in human ascension, and we will see its effect on chakra transformation from a 3D consciousness to a unitary consciousness of the 5D Light Body incarnate.

I believe that the Sun does revolve around a more central sun as it revolves in its millions of years cycle around the galaxy.  This central sun is the Pleiades with its largest star Alcyone.  It is the “sweet influence” in the Book of Job (Job 38:31).  For incarnations on Earth, all is within the heart center. The Pleiades is a guiding energy for our nonlocal awareness of the heart for humanity on Earth.  Therefore, I do not see the Magnetar as a central sun.  Rather, the Magnetar is part of the information stream of the alignment with the Galactic Center.


The Magnetar’s Role in Dimensional Ascension

In the Interdimensional Star Map, the Galactic Center correlates with the third eye.  The influence of the Magnetar on the solar system and human consciousness occurs when we align with the Galactic Center.  Thus, the Magnetar is very much associated with the Galactic Center and the third eye. 

The Magnetar or Magnetars are most likely within or beyond the Scorpio constellation.  Both the constellations of Sagittarius and Scorpio point the way to the Galactic Center.  The Earth is 23,000 light years from the Galactic Center.  At this point, we do not yet know the distance of the Magnetar from Earth.  Svargo F. Schuller, in a series of paintings entitled, “Scorpio Nebula Near the Galactic Center,” “Magnetars around the Galactic Center” –These transformers of 3D dualistic love in Oneness of a 5D World, and “Insight of a Magnetar Planet” — This energy transforms 3D Love energy into 4D and 5D Love, has brought through information on the Magnetars in the direction of Scorpio.  (See Svargo’s work and Zen painting at http://www.svargozen.com).

We are ascending to a 5D consciousness that is primarily third eye oriented compared to the denser orientation of the sacral in 3D.  The omnigalactic source (crown chakra) originates the Galactic Center energy which is sent through the Magnetar.  The Magnetar transduces the energy and through its magnetic field sends the information in resonance with Sirius.  The energy of Sirius is always accessed through the heart (Pleiades) and resonates to the sacral (Sun) and root (Earth).  The relationship of Sirius and Pleiades represents the higher mind within the heart.

Sirius represents a gateway for a 5D humanity at the throat center.  The current 3D humanity on Earth has operated from the gateway of the solar plexus or third chakra.  If we view the seven chakras as the heart center with three above and three below, we see the gateway situated on either side of the heart.  In 3D humanity, the gate is just below the heart in the solar plexus which processes the energy from the root and sacral.  In 5D humanity, the gate is just above the heart in the throat which processes energies from the crown and third eye.  A sacral oriented 3D humanity has a solar plexus gateway interaction with the heart.  A third eye oriented 5D humanity has a throat gateway interaction with the heart. 

In the Interdimensional Star Map, the Midway Station of Arcturus and Antares correlates with the solar plexus.  This is because Arcturus and Antares have played a critical role in assisting the healing, transformation, evolution, and ascension of humanity to a higher dimensional consciousness.  The solar plexus is the key that ultimately releases the mental body’s attachment to the egoic 3D fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  When the physical and emotional body have been cleared to a great degree, the last to be released is the core of the mental body that has anchored through a distortion at the solar plexus.  The core of the whole false matrix is maintained by the negative emotional encodings and body restrictions at the solar plexus – see also my recent article, “Ascension and the Mental Body: Uniting the Heart Center and the Third Eye.”  Thus, we see the tremendous supporting role that primarily the energies of Arcturus and also Antares have played in human healing and the ascension process to 5D.


The Magnetar’s Frequency Transforms the Physical Body and the Human Sexual Energies

In evolving from 3D to 5D, the human body will emanate at the less dense higher dimensions of matter.  It is through both a change in carbon and an evolution to a higher light transmitting and amplifying crystalline (silicon) structure frequency.  This is a higher oscillation of consciousness organizing and expressing as matter.

The Magnetar’s highly magnetic and electric energies broadcast information to the human nervous and hormonal systems.  In ascension to higher consciousness, the nervous system must be balanced in order for the hormonal system to be transducing and transmitting higher dimensional light throughout the body’s cellular system.  This is why the restrictions of the physical body and emotional body must be cleared in order to fully balance the nervous system.  Once the nervous system is fully balanced, the full capacity of the multidimensional heart consciousness is anchored.  The heart consciousness then can hold and support the full evolution and activation of the hormonal system of the higher chakras (pituitary, hypothalamus, thalamas, and pineal gland) to process high energy coherent light throughout the physical body.

The Magnetar’s energy will have a most specific effect on transforming the experience of human sexual energy to a unitary harmonic of masculine and feminine energies in a 5D heart-centered unity consciousness.  In dimensions of 5D and above, the sexual energies harmonize with a pure spiritual love within the heart through Divine Being.  There are still male and female relationships in 5D in physical incarnate bodies.  They are solely spiritual unions through heart consciousness that fully express the true self in Divine unity through the emotional and physical body which includes the sexual energies.  Only beginning at the seventh dimension do we have mainly an energetic incarnate body.

Wilhelm Reich was able to foresee the perfect expansion and contraction of orgone energy through the sexual energies in an entirely unrestricted physical body of consciousness as matter.  He was really tapping into the understanding of the fully free flowing harmonic energy that will be only fully present in a fifth dimensional consciousness.  For the pure unencumbered flow of sexual energies in heart consciousness, there must be no armoring or restriction in the body and mind.  This is moving beyond the egoic fear-based trauma conditioning of negative emotions and false beliefs.

Because Reich was working in the first half of the twentieth century before the current ascension timeline beginning 25 years ago, he could get in touch with this dynamic of what inhibited it, but human beings could not yet realize this harmonic on a permanent basis.  Reich’s pioneering work can give us insight in these times of healing, evolution, and ascension.  The absolute pure harmonic of the expansion and contraction frequencies can only be experienced in a 5D consciousness.  The Light Body must be in full unity with the incarnate physical body.  In male and female sexual union, the pure harmonic energies can only be expressed by the fully free true self in Divine unity of the male with the fully free true self in Divine unity of the female from the love and creativity of heart consciousness.

Through heart consciousness in the 5D frequency, the more dense frequency of the sexual energies becomes a pure harmonic expression and experience of the Divine.  These physical frequencies are elevated to their most pure oscillation of higher light energy.  In the current ascension process, the Magnetar’s transforming frequency of the Galactic Center energy will play a major role in assisting the transformation of the physical cellular body and the sexual energies in the preparation for ascension into a 5D humanity on Earth.

The Primary Role of Starseeds in Dimensional Ascension

As we move toward December 21, 2012, we are evolving and preparing for a change of phase in the process of Dimensional Ascension.  For the last twenty-five years, we have been in various stages and sequences of a preparatory phase of transition. This preparatory phase of transition has had many levels of increasing acceleration of galactic energies.  These higher frequency energies have assisted in our healing and transformation, our working through ascension symptoms, and our opening to the awareness of higher consciousness.

We are evolving and ascending to a heart-centered unity consciousness beyond the 3D duality ego consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  Our awakening to heart consciousness is within an overall Dimensional Shift of the Earth and humanity to a fifth dimensional consciousness.  Through the Winter Solstice period, we will be moving into the manifestation phase of Dimensional Ascension.  This will be a much more dynamic timeframe of transition that will lead to the ultimate fulfillment and emanation of the Dimensional Shift.


Moving to the Manifestation Phase of Dimensional Ascension

When a planet and incarnate beings participate in a Dimensional Ascension, there is a sequence of transition time which culminates in a New Earth in a higher dimension.  Most of the shift occurs within the preparatory phase of transition and the manifestation phase of transition.  It is a unique birthing process that is described in my article, “Toward a Mechanism of Transition From a 3D Earth to a 5D Earth.”

As the Divine timing proceeds into the manifestation phase, we will be learning more about the sequence of souls ascending to the 5D Earth in the current physical incarnation.  Within the entirety of the preparatory phase, all activity of healing, transforming, and evolving has taken place on the 3D Earth.  Even though some souls have awakened to a higher consciousness and can experience higher dimensional frequencies, interdimensional travel, etc., no human beings ascend to the 5D Earth in the preparatory phase of transition.  The preparatory phase has been the twenty-five year period from the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 to Winter Solstice 2012.  Once we move into the manifestation phase in 2013, sequential ascending will begin based on human choice and pathway of soul evolution.


Mission of Starseed Souls

Starseed souls on planet Earth at this time of Dimensional Ascension are incarnate to assist humanity during the ascension process.  These souls are anchoring frequencies, increasing the experience of Light, providing information, and modeling the resonance that will align with those souls who choose to ascend.  With all the various roles of starseed souls, their primary role is to ascend.  They are helping humanity through their own ascension as human beings. Through their soul path of incarnating on the 3D Earth to ascend to a fifth dimensional consciousness and body, starseeds are an important catalyst and bridge for humanity to transition from a 3D Earth to a 5D Earth. They have been doing the work of healing, transforming, and evolving during the last few decades in order to ascend to a fifth dimensional consciousness beginning in the manifestation phase of the shift. In this way, they are guides, lightworkers, and communicators to help guide by example for those of humanity that are choosing to ascend to a heart-centered unity consciousness of higher dimensional life.

A starseed soul is an incarnate human being whose primary soul history is not Earth based. While all souls are in a larger sense starseeds because their soul evolution in the universe and spiritual realms is more than Earth experience, souls that are Earth based and not mainly starseed have had their soul evolution focused on multiple 3D Earth incarnations.   

For souls that we are terming “starseeds,” the great majority of soul evolution and incarnate experience has not taken place on Earth.  Starseeds have most of their incarnate experience in other physical and energetic systems.  Some starseeds have more Earth experience than others. For example, one group of starseeds has had many Earth incarnations over thousands of years in preparation for the current Dimensional Shift.  Another group has had three to four Earth incarnations within the last few hundred years in a more streamlined preparation for the Dimensional Ascension.

Within the past fifty years, another group of starseeds has incarnated with no prior Earth experience.  They have incarnated with the purpose of experiencing Earth humanity and undergoing the healing and transformative journey of ascension.  Their primary mission is to ascend and be examples for others on the ascension journey to a higher dimensional human consciousness.  This is a consciousness of the true self in Divine unity expressing the unity of the Light Body in the physical body at a fifth dimensional frequency and beyond.  Dolores Cannon has communicated the general characteristics of this group.  She describes this group of starseeds as “volunteers,” and has categorized them as incarnating in first, second, and third waves in her book, “The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth.”   

Starseeds have been helping integrate the higher energies on the 3D Earth in preparation for the emanation, manifestation, and revelation of the new 5D Earth.  While starseeds are doing all types of work and human service, many are often in healing and teaching work to evolve and express a heart-centered unity consciousness among humanity.


A Sequencing of Ascension Beginning in the Manifestation Phase of Transition

As we near the change-over to the manifestation phase of ascension through the Winter Solstice, we are beginning to learn more about how personal souls may begin to ascend after December 21, 2012, as well as how some souls may have access to both the 5D Earth and the 3D Earth for up to the full duration of the manifestation phase of ascension.  According to the understanding of the current timeline, the duration of the manifestation phase up to the full actualization of the 5D Earth is relatively short.  The current timeline is approximately a five year sequence.  The actual ascension for each person happens “in the blink of an eye,” and is in accordance with many ancient, prophetic, and biblical descriptions of an ascension to a New Earth.

Even though persons will be ascending at different times within the Divine timing of this period, the evolution will be experienced seamlessly as all ascending souls will be on a new 5D Earth in this very short sequence within years.  The challenge will be on the 3D Earth as conditions become more difficult with the changing magnetic fields, Earth changes, approaching Galactic superwave, the interstellar dust cloud, solar activity, and the current 3D Earth system seeking to pursue a controlling transhumanist agenda which attempts to impede humanity’s awakening to our infinite multidimensional Light Beings of freedom, harmony, love, and creativity. 

The Earth and the life incarnating on Earth is ascending. It is organized by a Divine intelligence that is way beyond the level of expression of that intelligence in human form at this time.  Therefore, it is not a human choice whether the Earth or humanity ascends to a higher dimension.  While frequencies gain intensity and manifesting ability with greater numbers focusing on a given consciousness, the mechanism of ascension is not under humanity’s call like a one-hundredth monkey concept or a tipping point.  While group consciousness as in a “tipping point” is a very real part of the creativity and manifestation of souls, humans alone cannot make this determination for such a large dynamic as planetary ascension.  Thus, the human choice is to decide whether to go with the ascension in the current incarnate body.  We are working to ascend and to help and assist as many humans that choose to ascend at this point in their soul evolution.

Once the 5D Earth is fully actualized with the humans whose soul evolutionary pathway is to ascend from the 3D to the 5D Earth in this incarnation, the Earth will begin its process of dissolution in the 3D frequency. “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away…” (Revelation 21: 1).  Human consciousness does not yet know fully how this all takes place, but will continue to learn more as the manifestation phase of ascension ensues.


The Role of Starseeds in the Culminating Phases of Earth and Human Ascension

At this point in the Dimensional Shift, the primary role of starseeds is to ascend. Many starseeds have been working on healing, transforming, and evolving for years and/or decades.  The mission of the long journey of work is to ascend and express the heart-centered Divine Light and Energy that may assist all humans choosing ascension at this time in their soul evolution.

Starseeds can be a major help for those seeking further understanding, newly awakening souls, good hearted souls who have not yet done the majority of their clearing and healing work of traumatic dense energy, and souls still in confusion whose pathway of choice will be to ascend. Many souls will awaken and ascend in a very short time period.  

This relates to Jesus’ parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20: 1-16). In the parable, the landowner goes out early in the morning and hires workers for the daily wage. As the day goes on the landowner sees others idle and asks if they would like to work for whatever wage is right with the last group beginning with one hour left in the day.  When the evening came, the owner gave the wages beginning with those who had come last to those that came first. All the workers starting later received the usual daily wage. “Now when the first came, they thought they would receive more; but each of them also received the daily wage.  And when they received it they grumbled against the landowner saying that he had made those who worked only one hour equal to them who had borne the burden of the whole day.  But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage? Take what belongs to you…; I choose to give this last one the same as I give you” Matthew 20: 10-14). 

In the same way, when it comes to ascending to the fifth dimension, some will awaken and be prepared in the very last hour. They will ascend to the fifth dimension in the current incarnate body just like those who have been working hard at healing and transforming for years and leading the way and carrying the burden of all the phases of the ascension process.  The goal is that we desire all to make the choice to ascend and experience human life in the fifth dimension.  We are all interconnected and united in heart consciousness and Being.

We have just touched upon the starseeds role in ascension as we approach the manifestation phase of transition, as well as described some of the dynamics of the ascension process.  There are many more questions and specifics that are still beyond the human mind to clearly grasp.  As we continue in the process, we will gain increasing clarity and a greater understanding will be revealed in Divine timing.

Earth Humanity: Both an Experiment and a Dimensional Evolution

We are infinite souls of Divine Being experiencing incarnate physical life and incarnate energetic life in the dimensional realms of the universe. Within our infinite and eternal journey of soul evolution, we experience and express through the physical body in the more dense frequency dimensions, through the energy body in the higher frequency dimensions, and solely as Divine energy and spiritual consciousness in the dimensionless realms.

Soul incarnation as human beings on Earth was originally intended as a new type of incarnation, or in other words as an experiment. As infinite spirit and soul beings of Light, we were to embody Divine Being within the density of the 3D embodied planet Earth. This is an unconditional loving harmonic and creative experience of the Divine human that for thousands of years has not been known within the oscillations of matter at the third dimensional frequency.

The current Earth is organized at the 3D frequency, even though it can resonate to higher dimensional frequencies while still being within 3D. Because of the accelerating energies from the Galactic Center that are encoding a Dimensional Shift in the Divine timing sequence, the Earth has more access to higher fourth and fifth dimensional energy. Because of the greater access to these higher frequencies, some lightworkers believe that the Earth is already in a higher dimension. In reality, the Earth is still very much in the third dimensional frequency. It has a complex process of overlays as it transitions in the Dimensional Ascension cycle. The Earth’s primary frequency organization is only at one manifested dimensional height at one time, i.e. either 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, etc.

Planets only organize or embody up to a given frequency of dimension. Thus, the current Earth at 3D includes the second and first dimensions, but its organizing frequency does not include above the third dimension even though the higher ranges can be accessed from within the third dimension because of the multidimensional nature of existence.

When the Earth ascends dimensions, it emanates and manifests at a higher frequency of organization which then includes all of the lower dimensions. Presently, in the Divine timing sequence of galactic, solar, and planetary evolution, the Earth is in the process of a Dimensional Ascension from the third, through the fourth, and into the fifth dimension. Humanity incarnate on Earth is evolving and ascending with the Earth. As part of personal soul evolution, each incarnate soul has a choice to ascend with the Earth to a higher dimension within the current incarnate body.

This is the pathway or timeline of soul evolution for humanity on Earth. The choice is either an ascension to a 5D frequency Earth or return to spirit world and reincarnation in other systems, including 3D for those not ready to ascend, as well as other dimensional experience for souls according to their soul history and evolutionary sequence.

What is clear for all souls currently on Earth is that we are in a 3D experience of a fear-based conflict, control, and separation consciousness. How did we get here? The original experiment did not call for this, although this potential timeline exists because of the light and dark frequencies in certain manifestations of galactic dimensional experience. Humanity was to embody the pure Light of the Divine all the way down in third dimensional experience. The vision was for the full glory of the Source in all its unity, harmony, love, creativity, and infinite light expressing in a very dense frequency.

It was to be an awesome gift to experience such pure love in the density of only three dimensions. This was the experiment. It had never been done before in any universe. Earth humanity was intended to be ambassadors of 3D Humanity to other 3D planets that would live incarnate life solely from a heart-centered unity consciousness. The experiment did not materialize as intended because the consciousness of humanity fell into the lower frequencies of matter in the first three dimensions. We were supposed to express the highest dimensional frequencies within the first three dimensions, not veil or limit our consciousness within those lower dimensions.

Once humanity became immersed with the conflict and control energies, the fear-based consciousness took hold and the timeline of the experiment of embodying pure Divine Being as a perfect expression in the first three dimensions was over. With this fall, the plan to be a model and an ambassador to other 3D planets was changed. The soul evolution for incarnate humanity on Earth would now develop in another transformative and evolutionary sequence. Incarnate humanity on Earth would only move beyond the fear-based conflict, control, and separation consciousness when the Earth reached the Dimensional Ascension encoding in the sequence of galactic, solar, and planetary evolution.

What makes soul evolution in Earth humanity so challenging is both the depth of the fall into the separation energies and the soul and body remembrance of the original glory of the experiment. The Christ expressing in the incarnation of Jesus of Nazareth embodied the original experiment even living within the changed human timeline of the fear-based conflict, control, and separation consciousness. The infusion of Divine Light and Divine Energy in Jesus was a reminder of the glory of the experiment, and reminder of who we really are as infinite Light Beings, and a model and pointer for our current timeline of evolution and ascension to a fifth dimensional consciousness.

Therefore, with the change in the experiment we have incarnate souls as humans on Earth in one of the most extreme polarizing 3D experiences in the Universe. This is why humanity is garnering so much attention now from the angelic realm, ascended masters, extraterrestrial intelligence, and interdimensional intelligence. They are observing and assisting in ways that they can in this most extremely polarizing 3D incarnate experience in the transition time of a Dimensional Ascension.

Some have thought that the attention is because a whole planet has never ascended before. However, planets always ascend dimensions. It is part of their evolution as conscious beings in the universe. All creation in the dimensional realms of the universe evolve along the dimensional continuum according to the planning of Divine timing sequences. Therefore, all of the attention from the universe is not just to watch and/or assist a planet ascend from the third to fifth dimension, but to observe the Earth humanity experiment that did not exist on the planet as intended make a dimensional ascension after its long travails mixed in the polarity of good and evil energies amidst the Earth’s 3D experience.

If humanity had lived the original experiment of the highest levels of Divine unity in 3D experience, it would have assisted with this type of Earth humanity on other 3D planets. When the current time of ascension was reached, humanity would have made the same ascension to 5D that it is doing now from a fear-based 3D consciousness. Our journey is not to look back. We have the opportunity to embody the Light Body in physical form in a fifth dimensional frequency. We are following the infinite Divine in the glory and magnificence of soul evolution in the dimensional universe. May we continue to awaken to our true self in Divine unity and evolve to a heart-centered unity consciousness on a new ascended Earth.