We often talk about the Dimensional Shift to a 5D Earth, and the human ascension process to a higher dimensional consciousness in Divine Unity. However, we rarely find discussion of the dynamics of the Suns transformation process and transition into the fifth dimension.
The indigenous cultures such as the Maya, Hopi, and Aztec have described the galactic, solar, and planetary evolutionary cycles, including the 26,000 year precessional cycle, as a changing of the Sun. The traditions refer to the current change of cycle as the beginning of either the fifth or the sixth Sun. This reflects a change or shift in human consciousness and the Earth, and not necessarily the specifics of the Suns consciousness, energetic, and physical change.
It is true that we are always including the Sun in the ascension process. For our incarnate life on Earth, our consciousness is foundationally interconnected with the information, energy, and Being of the Sun. The Sun transduces, translates, and transmits the galactic energies, and communicates with the Earth and humanity through subtle energies and the physical electromagnetic spectrum.
We receive information from the Sun along the continuum of different frequency light waves from radio, microwave, infrared, visual, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma rays. For example, information as energy in the form of solar flares is one way the Earth and human consciousness receives higher frequency energy. Galactic, solar, planetary, and human evolution is a process of frequencies and encodings through an intersubjective resonance field in a Divine timing sequence.
The Physical Ascension of Sun
In this article, we begin to go beyond the understanding of the Suns role and effect on consciousness, and look for a context of the physical shift of the Sun into a higher dimension. As with many of the details of ascending consciousness in the universe, the understanding of how the physical matter of the Sun emanates in a higher dimension has been veiled from the human mind in the limited 3D consciousness.
When humans are incarnate, we have all of the infinite capabilities of the Divine Mind in the creative blueprint capacity, but we do not yet have the knowledge of the Divine Mind and Intelligence to organize, coordinate, and manifest form in its infinite complexity. All of the finest spiritual and esoteric traditions have understood human intentionality as a relational cooperation between human creative blueprint and Divine manufacture. Humanity has the ability to think and feel the creative blueprint in present experience, and then in nonattachment let the Divine Source manifest the creation in the ways and timing sequence of its infinite intelligence into full incarnate experience. Thus, we must trust that we have the full blueprint capabilities without the full knowledge and manufacturing ability.
Therefore, the full details will always be beyond our mind capabilities to know when we are incarnate within certain frequencies along the dimensional continuum. However, our increasing knowledge is part of our intentional creativity and evolving journey. This knowledge of the manufacturing side will increase as we evolve into the fifth dimension and beyond. With this in mind, our discussion of the physical dynamics of the Suns ascension is to provide context for our ascending into our true Divine unity within our incarnate body. This framework of knowing is in service of becoming who we really are as a heart-centered unity consciousness in the Divine Being.
Solar Flares, the Human Energy Field, and the Suns Effect on the Elemental Decay Rate
We are responding to the higher mind within our heart through Divine intelligence to successively reveal a greater knowledge. We are not attempting to delineate an exact understanding of how the Sun shifts dimensions. We are using spiritual insights, science, and direct heart knowing to help shape a context of understanding. Perhaps, we are beginning to understand the ascending change in the Sun through greater knowledge and study of solar flares, coronal holes, coronal mass ejections, the Suns magnetic field, cosmic rays, and the interplay with the Earths magnetic field. The electromagnetic frequencies/particles of solar flares interact with the human energy field in an exchange of information that is part of the elevation of frequencies of consciousness.
The Sun also influences the radioactive decay of elements on the Earth. Recently, science is finding that because of the Suns energy there is a change in the decay rate of elements such as Carbon 14. Some type of change in the energetic frequencies of the Sun and/or its physical particles is causing an increase in the decay rate which radiates more energy. We can see that with the change in the decay rates of the elements, the increasing energy may also be transforming our consciousness, DNA, and entire physical body in many ways.
Therefore, we see the cosmic and Galactic Center energy evolving the Sun and transducing that information, consciousness, and energy to the Earth and humanity. The changing of the current cycle is encoding a Dimensional Ascension of the Earth and humanity to the fifth dimension. Now that we have some knowledge of how the Sun is interacting with these energies through solar flares, magnetic fields, and changing particles, we can begin to learn more about the Suns transformation from a 3D to a 5D Sun.
The Suns Transition to a Fifth Dimensional Frequency
It is our understanding that the Sun will shift its frequencies and quality of physical light in the fifth dimension. Just as the human physical body will emanate at higher dimensions of matter, the Sun will have a different physicality in 5D.
As the Earth ascends with the Sun into 5D, there will be a significant change to the Sun in how it is experienced by the 5D human consciousness and physical body. In the current 3D physical body, the sacral and solar plexus chakras give us the orange and yellow frequencies which correspond to the 3D Sun. The 5D Sun emanates in the white to blue visible light through the 5D senses. The human throat chakra emanates at the blue color frequency.
We can correlate the 3D and 5D sunlight to the human energy centers. If we see the 3D Sun as white to yellow light and the 5D Sun as white to blue, this correlates with the solar plexus and throat chakras respectively. This relates to the gateways of energy to and from the heart center. In 3D consciousness, the solar plexus is the primary gateway from the heart. In 5D consciousness, the throat chakra is the primary gateway from the heart. With this transformation, the human being is evolving from a sacral oriented consciousness to a third eye oriented consciousness. Thus, in the ascension to 5D, our solar gateways shift from solar plexus yellow to throat blue.
Pane Andov discusses the potential of a galactic superwave accelerating the Suns evolution to a red giant, then to a white dwarf, and then to a merger of binary white dwarfs which will result in a larger white star than a white dwarf. While we see that a galactic superwave may be likely in the stages of Dimensional Ascension as following Paul LaViolettes work on superwaves, we are not stating a viewpoint on Andovs information on red giant/white dwarf accelerated evolution. However, we do resonate with Andovs understanding of a whiter Sun in 5D.
The Early Stages in an Emerging 5D Sun
All aspects of the ascension process are a unique shifting of energies in the lower organized dimension and then a spontaneous emanation or manifestation in the higher organized frequency. Thus, a transforming, evolving, and transitioning process occurs in the slower frequency. The transition of the ascension process is a different type of transformation. The frequencies begin to accelerate and gain momentum in the more dense organized domain, and lead toward a moment of instantaneous emanation in 5D within Divine timing.
As part of human, Earth, and Sun ascension from 3D to 5D, we intuit the green color frequency as being a very important transitional frequency in the stages of ascension. Svargo F. Schuller in his painting, The First Stage of Our 5D Sun: Emerging of the New DNA Network, communicates the very active, focused transformation process that is in development in the early stages of a transitioning Sun to a higher dimensional frequency. We can see the dynamic interplay of the colors green, yellow, and blue within a grid formation structure. Svargos painting can be viewed at https://www.facebook.com/peter.n.borys#!/photo.php?fbid=4381536264134&set=a.1548793407333.2071827.1460026040&type=1&theater. Many of Svargos paintings on the Dimensional Shift can be seen at https://www.facebook.com/peter.n.borys#!/svargo.schuller?fref=ts and his overall work at http://www.svargozen.com. In the early stages, there is a very dynamic action within the Sun to create a comprehensive foundation of support for a manifestation in the 5D frequency.
Solar ascension occurs through an intelligent Divine organization of a unified cosmic, galactic, solar, and planetary evolution. In Divine timing, the encodings and energetic frequencies for ascending dimensions unfold for star systems according to their evolutionary sequence. We are participating in a unified Solar, Earth, and incarnate Earth human ascension to a fifth dimensional consciousness and body frequency.
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