True Humanity of Divine Infinite Consciousness

For thousands of years, humanity has been living a veiled existence on Earth.  This frequency veil has hidden the knowledge of our true being that is infinite Divine consciousness.  The fear-based cultural system of conflict, control, and separation has conditioned awareness to identify at various levels of the continuum of body and mind.  In this time of shifting frequencies, humanity on Earth has the opportunity to move beyond all false identification of external belief systems, and awaken to the pure inner knowing of our Divine awareness within soul and spirit.

In truth, our infinite consciousness is our seamless unity with the mind and body.  The bodymind is part of our infinite consciousness continuum for experiencing and expressing love and creativity in this frequency dimension of the universe on Earth.  The error of the false matrix has been to condition an identification of the whole self within a certain frequency range of the mind and body.  As we awaken and remember who we really are, we will know our true human nature as infinite consciousness.  We will then be able to express that consciousness directly within the mind and through the body.

The human being on Earth is one unified Divine infinite consciousness expressing this awareness as organized frequency patterns of mind and body.  Thus, we are one consciousness of the Divine infinite that is creatively emanating through two main energetic frequency domains of body and mind.   Our true being of infinite consciousness is spirit and soul.  As we awaken, we will remember and know how we express on Earth as Divine infinite consciousness, mind, and body.


Mind as Both Operating System and Content Programs

When humanity became infiltrated by a restricting fear-based consciousness, the core disruption occurs at the level of the mind.  If we use the computer analogy, which is not entirely accurate, but is helpful in our transition of recovering knowledge, the body and mind is a consciousness and energy bio-computer that is a receiver/organizer/transmitter of information.  The physical body is hardware—structure, central processing unit, and hard drive memory.  This includes sensory awareness, the major consciousness organs of heart and brain, all systems such as the nervous and endocrine systems, DNA, and cellular awareness or memory.  The mind is the software—operating system and content programs.  The operating system is the overall belief of either our personal identity or our infinite being, and the content programs are our beliefs, emotional encodings, experiences, and secondary defense mechanisms and patterns of action.

The infiltration into the human system occurred within the operating system of the mind.  The true operating system of the mind is an awareness of infinite consciousness that can support the intentions, thoughts, emotions, and experience in the Earth reality.  When the operating system supports infinite awareness, energy will go to any content mind processes and body frequencies without blocking the free harmonic flow of energy.  Without identifying with the mind contents, energy is never restricted.  The energy harmonically pulses to content frequency and flows back to infinite consciousness.  The false programs which orchestrate the fear, conflict, control, and separation illusion stems from an operating system of personality that identifies with the mind content and physical body.  This identifying operating system enables energy to restrict as blockages in mind and body through limiting beliefs, emotional codes, and painful experiences.  This energy then becomes one with the physical frequencies of the body vehicle.


Wilhelm Reich and the Energy Restrictions of the Fear-Based Matrix within the Bodymind

Wilhelm Reich pioneered an understanding of how the fear-based operating system restricts energy and manifests as blockages in the physical muscular and cellular system.  He identified seven major areas where the life energy or “orgone” is restricted in the physical vehicle.  These body armor segments include the forehead/eyes, chin/jaw/throat/, neck musculature/upper back, chest, diaphragm, solar plexus/stomach, stomach muscles between ribs and pelvis, and the pelvis.  All of these areas interact with each other, and must be released or transformed in order for energy to move in a fluid harmonic of expansion and contraction pulsation through the body.  Only when all areas are unhindered will sexual energy express as its highest purest Divine frequency in the human being.  Reich determined that the full freedom and flow of energy in physical sexual expression was a measure of whether the human being had an armored or unarmored consciousness.

Reich saw that the content programs of the mind manifest as muscular restriction in the body which he called “body armor.”  It is our understanding that these content mind programs which cause energy restrictions in the physical body originate from the personality identifying operating system.  This system is the foundation of the false fear-based 3D mind matrix that limits the awareness of infinite consciousness.


The Relationship between the Mind and Energy Movement through the Physical Body

Wilhelm Reich’s experience with the segments of body armor can give us some insight into how and where the mind’s content system and operating system may be expressing or anchoring in the body.  The knowledge of specific areas provides us some direction in understanding how our consciousness emanates through the mind and body.  However, it is only a guide for our awakening to inner knowing as our infinite consciousness ultimately manifests throughout the entire cellular body.

Reich found that the energy blocks in the upper four segments (forehead/eyes, chin/throat, neck/back, and chest) released as emotions and word language, such as fear, anger, sadness, and crying.  However, with regard to the diaphragm and solar plexus, Reich found that a release of the blocking armor did not correspond with expressive emotion and word language.  The diaphragm/solar plexus did not reflect specific emotional energy and expressive language that would be indicative of content conditioning.  Here, Reich’s work can give us insight into both the content and operating systems of the mind.  It appears that the four upper segments and the lower stomach and pelvis may be directly associated with the mind’s content programs of limiting beliefs, emotions, and experience.  Whereas, the core of the mind’s operating system may relate to the frequencies of the physical body by being situated in the muscular armor of the diaphragm and solar plexus.  With this connection to the operating system of the mind, we can see why unrestricted breathing and the solar plexus/gut reactions are pivotal for expressing the free flow of energy of Divine human consciousness through the body.

The freedom of the diaphragm and solar plexus is vital to transforming to an unarmored bodymind.  This can only occur when we are the awareness of infinite consciousness, and we relinquish the fear-based operating system of personal bodymind identity and open to the operating system of higher mind in unity with the heart.  In order to live directly as infinite Divine consciousness through the body, we must let go of the attachment to the fear-based operation system of the conditioned personality.  This transformation coincides with the shift to harmonic energy flow in the diaphragm and solar plexus.


Transforming Beyond the False Fear-based Operating System within the Mind 

We cannot work at primarily the body or mind level in order to transform all restrictions and restore the pure harmonic flow of infinite consciousness through the energy movement within mind and body.  By working through the body and/or mind we can release many restrictions, but we cannot fully restore the unarmored human solely by changing beliefs, emotional codes, and their resulting physical restrictions.  We can heal and transform to a high degree by loosening blockages at the body and mind frequencies, but we will not eliminate the problem of the infiltrated human consciousness.

In order to awaken, remember, and restore the pure unarmored expression of the spirit and soul through the mind and body, we need a wholesale change of operating system.  The only way to effect this change to an operating system that reflects the soul’s infinite love and creativity, is through direct awareness of the true human nature as infinite consciousness.  While incarnate, a heart-centered consciousness is the interface between the bodymind and the unity of infinite consciousness in Divine awareness.  We are actually working from all three levels of body, mind, and infinite consciousness at once.  When we are working to change and transform the bodymind programs, we make it easier for consciousness to awaken and remember Divine awareness.  And as we can directly restore and emanate Divine awareness, we can transform the operating system of the mind, and thus, fully go beyond all limiting conditioning and body armor.


Awakening Inner Knowing as Divine Infinite Consciousness

When we awaken, remember, and restore our inner knowing as our true Divine nature, we shift frequencies beyond the infiltrated program of the limiting fear-based mind of conflict, control, and separation.  This false matrix has veiled our knowledge of who we are, and installed the error that the fear-based matrix system is our nature.  This misperception has made us think and feel that humanity is something less than infinite Divine consciousness.  It has caused the normalizing of conflict, harm, and separation, and the false belief that humanity must somehow change or transform its nature to solve its painful situation.

With this mindset, humanity has been conditioned to look outside to external belief systems, groups, organizations, and technology to try to understand human nature.  This very external energy continues to veil humanity from its truth of infinite Divine consciousness.  By shifting attention and intention within, humanity will awaken to its infinite consciousness and full capacity of interior consciousness technologies—an infinite experience and expression of love and creativity, telepathy, teleportation, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity and manifestation.

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