The accelerating energetic frequencies that we are receiving from the galaxy and sun are creating a resonance where we are given the choice to reawaken to our Divine awareness as infinite consciousness.
We are an infinite Divine consciousness experiencing and expressing through mind and body frequencies. Infinite consciousness emanates as a consciousness continuum of spirit, soul, mind, and body. This is our true humanity. Because of an infiltration of a fear-based conflict, control, and separation false matrix in humanity over thousands of years, we have been living in various states of amnesia from our true nature.
We know we are living in a time of awakening and remembering our true nature as a result of a direct awareness of Divine consciousness. We are becoming aware of a Divine timing sequence that is part of an awakening and shifting consciousness on Earth to a higher frequency organization. The Divine synchronic timing sequence is neither linear nor cyclical. It is beyond time and is now manifesting in our current awareness of Earth experience. This awareness is intrinsic to our consciousness and being, and is not part of any prophecy or cycle. We remember from an inner knowing through an awakening heart consciousness.
The change in frequency is assisting an accelerating awakening and healing of fear-based conditioning and programming. It is loosening rigid inharmonic energy patterns, and making it easier to transform limiting beliefs and emotional encoding. We are moving beyond identifying with these mind programs as personality, and trusting in our innate nature as Divine awareness of infinite love and creativity. While this work is still very challenging and takes great attention, intention, and patience, the shifting energetic frequencies are enabling healing/transforming at deeper and multiple layers simultaneously. This is the main preparation of human consciousness for living in a higher frequency dimension of Earth. Our awakening to Divine awareness is in synchrony with a Dimensional Ascension of the Earth incarnate experience.
The encodings of the lower thinking mind programs of the fear-based matrix are virtually infinite. The human mind has been encoded, conditioned, and manipulated by cultural, educational, childhood, intergenerational, and past life contents of limiting beliefs, emotions, and traumatic experience. It would be impossible to directly clear all of the attachments to this content at either a conscious or unconscious level within a current lifetime. Therefore, as we awaken to infinite consciousness and transform the content programs, we are moving toward a change in the mind’s operating system. The key to this change is to know that we are an infinite Divine consciousness, and no longer attach to the programmed contents of the mind which are part of the fear-based matrix programs of conflict, control, and separation.
Only with a change in the mind’s operating system will we fully remember our Divine awareness as lived directly through the cellular consciousness of the body. While incarnate, our true Divine awareness is a heart-centered consciousness that expresses through the mind and body.
Our preparation for ascension includes an accelerating transformation of mind content which will assist a change in the operating system of the mind. We will go beyond the current fear-based belief conditioning of the mind, and shift to the higher mind of creativity that supports heart consciousness. We have been conditioned to be veiled from Divine awareness by a false mind operating system. Through this disconnection at the mind level, we have been simultaneously separated from both full body awareness and our Divine awareness.
In an upcoming article, we will provide more detail on the consciousness of our true Divine humanity, as well as the flow of communicating energies through the bodymind. The human bio-computer has been primarily infiltrated in the mind. Once this infiltration has taken place, the human being can be manipulated at both the mind and physical body frequencies. Awakening to our true Divine consciousness will transform the operating system beyond the false programming mind, and thus restore the oneness of the Divine awareness throughout the body frequencies and cellular consciousness.
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