Embodying Divine Sexual Energy beyond all Fear-Based Frequency

Humanity is in a transition of moving from fear-based co-dependent relationships to Divine soul unions.  In a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation, the sexual energies manifest as incoherent electromagnetic energy.  Any wounds and emotional armoring within our multidimensional body system inhibit the pure harmonic of sexual energy.

At this level, the sexual relationship maintains some levels of self-interest, motivation, feelings of comfort and self-balance, self-definition, and conditional expectations in relationship.  This has been the level of human egoic consciousness that has formed a relationship template of sexual attraction, romance, and feelings of falling in love. These feelings are the denser levels of electromagnetic charge between an attraction of wounded persons with constricted chakra energy.  The similar wounds and compensation of the chakras attract.  This becomes the typical co-dependent relationship where mutual self-serving maintains a tenuous balance of wounded energies.  All types of addictions and conditions are maintained in order to avoid genuine feelings of unresolved emotion.

As humanity shifts to a higher frequency of consciousness, we are awakening to our true Divine soul love in relationship and sacred union—an unconditional love which unites from the heart and the infinite spirit. This emanation of love is a Divine awareness through the sacred heart energy that informs the mental body, emotional body, and the sexual energies through the physical body.  It is a soul-to-soul unity that in its purest expression in incarnate form is a soul-body to soul-body unity.  We are awakening to the true heart and soul intimacy of human sacred union.

Divine Sexual Energy

The resonance of attraction of Divine sexual energy is a totally different frequency.  It is a Divine soul energetic where the sexual energies are purely harmonic and soft—a highly powerful frequency, but without the charge of the denser egoic sexual energies.  When the energies are of harmony, unity, and self-giving tenderness, Divine love emanates within the physical sexual energies.  For most souls incarnate on Earth, this feeling through the sexual energies is not experienced, although many can remember the feeling of purity from prior soul history and times incarnate in other dimensions.  In order for this experience of harmony, all inharmonic frequencies must be cleared from the mental, emotional, and physical body.

As we transform to a humanity where the Divine soul is unified with the mind and physical body, the purity of sexual union will return.  This is a Divine soul that loves the soul and body as one, without the self-interest of the ego’s need to seek something that it perceives as incomplete in itself.  Within the Divine soul in the spirit, there is unconditional love.  It is a love that loves within one whole heart, mind, soul, and being.  It is an infinite and eternal love in the depths and heights of the Divine.  This love can manifest through the human sexual energies.  May we be open to our healing and transformation, and bring this Divine love to human relationships in sacred union on Earth.

Healing all Armoring to Reveal Divine Love Expressed within Sexual Energy

In order to emanate the trust and intimacy to express the purity of Divine love in sexual union beyond all fear, we must heal, clear, and release all imprints and wounds embedded in the etheric body in conjunction with the emotional and mental body.  The imprints/wounds are conditioned from ancestral templates, intergenerational transmission, soul history, and childhood conditioning.  All of the fear-based resonances inhibit the full experience of the Divine soul in the body-mind.  They form armoring and restrictions in the mind and tension within the energy centers and physical body which inhibits the free harmonic infinite flow of the sexual energies in the purity, softness, tenderness, and dynamism of Divine love.  May we heal and release all fear-based restrictions in the body-mind to enable our Divine soul embodied to experience and express infinite eternal love within the physical sexual energies of our incarnate life on Earth.

Love, Intention, and the Soul’s Knowing

The power of intention both begins and manifests with love.  Divine love is the creative force that emanates all into existence throughout all dimensions. Loving intention is beyond mind. It is within the knowing soul and Divine feeling energy through the heart and body.

Thought and emotional energy are part of the lower mind’s direction, overlays, and filters in a 3D duality world.  These secondary energetic frequencies can be a general guide and a sense of boundary protection, but they are not the soul’s knowing and intention.  The thinking mind and emotional system developed within a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  These levels of mind and emotional energy are part of the egoic consciousness of separation.  As humanity awakens and transforms to a Divine Light mind and Divine body, we will transcend thought-form and reactive emotional energy.  Creativity and true feeling will be directly from Divine love through our pure soul in spirit.

In our current human consciousness that has veiled the fullness of the Divine soul within the mind and body, it is possible to use the inefficient thought-form and emotional energy for creativity. However, it is a pushing energy of self-need that can appear to achieve goals, but in actuality is only partly successful, and it never really satisfies because it is not the purely coherent harmonic energy of creation.  Love is creative. And it is only from the Divine soul as a knowing, wisdom, and harmonic feeling that we create and manifest our unique gifts through self-giving on Earth.

Love as Aspiration, Appreciation, and Admiration

The essence of intention and creativity is love. It is the dynamism of infinite Divine love that creates and manifests within the dimensional world.  Love emanates from the knowing soul in spirit.  From this frequency of soul resonance, there is an outpouring of aspiration for what is good, true, and beautiful. There is great appreciation and admiration which is the essence of manifestation. Love creates.

True intention is not about “want” and possessions.  The energy of “wanting” is an attachment energy of the egoic thinking mind that is based in fear.  This level of fear-based thinking and reactive emotional energy results in suffering.  The conditioning of the unconscious mind in a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation has many levels of mind looping thought processes until we release this operating system from our mind programming.  If our thought energy and emotions directly created our reality on Earth, our lives would be astronomically more challenging than they currently are in a difficult 3D system.  The thinking mind and emotional system are reactive.  The mind-emotional system is a censoring/reactive system that is of the egoic consciousness.  The conditioning of the unconscious mind and thought patterns of the conscious mind can shape our experience, but they do not create our reality.  Only appreciation of goodness and beauty truly manifests the soul’s intention into life experiences on Earth.

Intention is Pure Love

Until we truly awaken to the infinite and eternal creative beings that we are in Divine love,  our experiences along our life path are a synergy of Divine plan, soul history, pre-incarnational contracts, intergeneration transmission of information and emotional energy, and early childhood conditioning.  Our soul path of awakening and transforming to our true being in the Divine is a journey of shifting beyond all of these dense energetic frequencies that inhibit the full freedom of the soul.  Freedom is within the pure harmonic flow of Divine love. In love, there is no restriction, inertia, or grating friction.  Love is an expansive ease of perfect synchrony.

Love is the true intention that creates reality.  The purity of intention is beyond the thinking mind and emotional system.  Intention is a soul energy knowing in the spirit.  It emanates through the Light mind in the heart.  Intention is pure love.  It does not want, possess, or grasp.  It just loves.  The appreciation of goodness and beauty is what creates.  It is not born of a want, but only the true intention of the soul. Love is the power, peace, and harmony that is the knowing of intention.  Love is the pure synchronic harmony that manifests the soul’s intention along its life path on Earth. May we open to the freedom and trust to create our soul path from our infinite Divine knowing and feeling that is love.

The Divine Life on Earth

For many thousands of years, humanity has experienced life on Earth in a duality/polarity consciousness that is a dense frequency restriction of consciousness as physical matter.  It is a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  It operates as a conditioning within humanity through the thinking mind and a narrow range of the current physical sensory system.

We can speculate, debate, and offer particular points of view of the origins of the restrictive fear consciousness within humanity.  Is it part of an evolutionary process?  Is it an infiltration from negative intelligence or beings?  Is it a normal progression in the universe, or frequency range within this galaxy, universe, or cosmos?  Much of this information can be helpful in our journey of awakening and transforming to an expression of our Divine soul as embodied on Earth.  But what is most important is that we focus on resonating with the shifting frequencies that are assisting humanity to awaken to our infinite consciousness as lived through a physical body on Earth.

The information as consciousness and energy is being manifest to us in multiple levels.  It all emanates from the subtle energies within–that infinite realm of the heart where we resonate with the knowing mind of Light and the Divine feeling body.  In the domain of multidimensional unity consciousness, the perception of interior and exterior, inside and outside, and within and without is one unified frequency of consciousness.  Thus, our assistance from our Divine soul and infinite connections with intelligence in the dimensions of the universe and spiritual realms is also being received by our consciousness from the galaxy, Sun, and Earth.

The Sun is the major transducer of information, consciousness, and energy in our frequency levels of Earth life.  Information codes and the dimensions and vibrations of light that communicate with the Divine soul as human consciousness manifesting a physical vehicle of the body are relayed by the Sun.  For Earth life, the Sun is foundational in any inner heart-centered shift of our consciousness resonating with our infinite Divine consciousness.  We are in a rapidly shifting environment where the inner and outer are becoming the same experience.  In this frequency reorganization, we are going beyond the spirit/matter divide.  Spirit is matter and matter is spirit.  They are two aspects of a unified being and consciousness.

Humanity as Unified Spirit/Matter Being, Consciousness, and Energy

The perceived split between spirit and matter that has been the fear-based consciousness within humanity for thousands of years, has resulted in humanity living a restricted experience on Earth and not the fullness of the Divine soul.  In whatever way we have found ourselves in a fear-based consciousness as a narrow range of matter resulting from a spirit/matter split, it is clear that this is not natural to who we are as infinite Divine beings.  We are infinite knowing Divine souls experiencing a Divinity in a particular frequency organization through a physical body-mind.

Although we are already infinite and eternal Divine souls, the transformation to experience this fully on Earth as a physical body is a substantial shift in consciousness.  It is a wholesale relinquishing of a conditioned personal or egoic identity.  It is a shift beyond the thinking mind to a heart-centered consciousness of intuitive mind and supermind—a mind that purely transduces and conveys infinite knowing in the physical frequency dimensions.  It is a change to an expanded human sensory system beyond the narrow confines of the current physical senses to an infinite subtle sensory range—a range that processes light and sound on multidimensional levels.  And most of all, it is a consciousness change manifesting beyond the current experience of the laws of physical matter.

In the true Divine physical, matter is fluid, pliable, melodic, and harmonic.  It is frictionless without grating, grinding, or interference to Divine loving and creative interaction.  This is the harmonic flow of love and creativity.  It is spontaneous, effortless, and of Divine flow—and infinite expansion and creative energy.  The shift to the Divine soul of humanity emanating as a Divine physical body on Earth is a profound and clear manifestation of the fullness of true being.

In the fullness of our true Divine being, humanity is infinite creativity.  Love is a never ending Divine being, consciousness, and energy that is perfect rest and perfect action.  Its energy is a perpetual heightening and deepening of infinite experience.  As we open to our multidimensional consciousness and beyond within a physical body manifestation on Earth, we will experience and express our infinite Divine awareness without need of time and space mind categories such as height and depth.  It is a whole new experience of physical matter.  It is still very much physical, but of a quality that bears no relation to our ordinary experience of the restrictions of current frequencies of physical matter.

The Divine Soul and Divine Physical Body

The Divine life on Earth with a Divine physical body is a fully harmonic experience of infinite levels of love and creativity as lived by the soul within matter frequencies.  It is an infinite experience of creativity with consciousness as matter that is fully unique while always being in perfect Divine harmony with all.  Humanity as a Divine soul and Divine physical body has an infinite range of subtle senses.  These senses work in harmony with the Light mind and Divine feeling within heart consciousness.  At this frequency of the Divine soul on Earth, communication includes telepathy and movement includes teleportation. These actions are intrinsic to the freedom of the soul and emanate into physical Earth experience without thought.  The cellular frequencies of the body emanate as a perpetual harmonic regeneration.  There will no longer be the fear-based encodings of ageing, disease, and degeneration.  The transition of the soul to other realms of experience beyond Earth will occur in ways that is beyond death of the physical body vehicle that we have known in the restrictive conflict, control, and separation consciousness.

The energy emanation of the Divine physical cellular consciousness will occur by the natural subtle, light, and sound frequencies of consciousness.  No longer will the body need to devour or consume separate energies that are lacking in a fear-based consciousness.  The energy configuration of the cells is fully sufficient as emanating from the infinite Divine frequencies.  The Divine soul as physical body is fully aware—gone are the split of conscious and unconscious.  Thus, the processing of dream states of consciousness is unnecessary.   Also, since the energy manifestation of the cellular consciousness is perpetual, there is no expending and replenishing of energy.  Therefore, there is no need for the body to recuperate in a sleep mode of consciousness.  The current fear-based consciousness of mind tires the systems of the body, and thus sleep has been a very important requirement of repair and recuperation in a restrictive consciousness.  In the freedom of Divine consciousness, energy is never expended or depleted. It just is. The action of energy and the manifestation of energy is the same thing.

The Divine life on Earth is a radical change in the perception of matter.  For the Divine soul to have the full experience of love and creativity in the Earth physicality, the manifestation of the physical body will have different qualities than current physical perception.  While this is a huge leap for human life on Earth, it is truly natural to the experience of a soul emanating within, through, and as a physical body.  The Divine life on Earth has been our longing during the years of the restrictive conflict, control, and separation consciousness.  It is simply the true essence of our being.

Humanity is a Divine soul emanating in physical form.  Living the fullness of truth of who we are as a loving and creative infinite Divine awareness will be living the Divine life on Earth as fully Divine physical matter.  May we continue to awaken, transform, and open to heart consciousness where we are aware of our being as Divine love and creativity that intends to live our full essence on Earth.

The Rapidly Shifting Frequency Organization on Earth

We are now in a very rapid change of the frequency domain on Earth.  The configuration of the information and energy from the cosmos and galaxy as transduced by the Sun is assisting a human resonance with the harmonic frequency of the Divine soul.  This is part of an evolving consciousness shift to a Divine physical humanity on Earth.

At this point in the shifting frequency, the collective energy of the Earth is experienced as more of a deconstructing frequency.  This is the collective frequency experience that is the current organization on Earth.  It is a fear-based conflict and separating energy that is the distortion and false perception of matter in a disharmonic 3D matrix.  Even within the overall current false perception of matter, we can open to the unitary harmonic truth beyond the veils of the inharmonic overlay.

Artificial Frequencies in a Distorting Perception of Matter

At present, the soul must resonate in heart consciousness to experience the harmonic flow of the Divine being of love and creativity.  As humanity is awakening to a more coherent resonance with infinite consciousness on Earth, the current perception of matter in the 3D world is devolving in an exterior frequency simulation.  It is the artificial frequencies that are constricting all the current 3D systems.  While the means of frequency manipulation of air, water, food, and the visual/acoustic waves are too numerous to delineate here, we can get an overview of the 3D deconstruction through computer and RF/microwave technology.

The merging of electronic communication into everyday life is the main sign of a devolving 3D frequency and the larger movement to a Divine emanation of matter on Earth.  The true Divine soul human manifesting as the physical body has its own intrinsic interior consciousness technology that is a spontaneous knowing, telepathy, teleportation, and perfect harmonic emanation and communication of the cells.

Artificial external communication frequencies are affecting humanity within a 3D perception in two major ways. First, the myriad of chaotic electromagnetic frequencies being generated by RF and microwave transmission is disharmonic to the cellular consciousness of the physical body.  Second, the systematic use of electronic communication is stressing the thinking mind and sensory system.  It is changing the way the mind and brain process information.  The body’s habituation to this awareness carries over into all areas of life.  If awareness remains in the 3D frequency, then the result is a dulling of awareness in everyday interaction.  This occurs because the mind and senses are always functioning in an electronic information processing mode.  Thus, both the electromagnetic frequencies and the change to a habituated sensory and thinking overload of the mind and body is a major contributor to the devolving human 3D systems.

The Harmony of a Divine Physical Cellular Consciousness

In heart consciousness, the true human infinite Divine consciousness emanates as the soul-body through the knowing Light mind and Divine feeling body.  The level of Divine awareness is beyond the thinking mind and current sensory system.  The true human soul-body as Divine physical is a direct cellular consciousness.  It is a spontaneous knowing and acting Divine consciousness that is emanating as a pure harmonic cellular consciousness.  The purity of a Divine cellular consciousness is the true frequency of matter without a distorting and constricting frequency overlay.  The Light mind and Divine body is the true nature of matter, not the false distortion of the perceived conflict, control, and separation in current collective 3D perception.  The true nature of the direct Divine cellular consciousness of matter is the Life Divine of a supramental consciousness that Sri Aurobindo wrote about and the “mind of the cells” that Mirra Alfassa, “the Mother” described.

The true nature of matter on Earth has not been part of the human experience.  The current experience of matter is a complex web of restricting frequencies.  This is the matrix that imprisons human incarnate consciousness in an extreme limitation.  While some view the human electronic web as an advance to a global brain or nervous system, it is actually an intensification of the matrix as the 3D frequencies of perception devolve.  A Divine soul-body consciousness through the cells forms its own direct awareness of infinite communication.

At times, the transformation to a Divine matter on Earth is referred to as a fifth dimension or beyond.  While this term conveys much of the essence of a Divine life on Earth, it is not fully coherent in that its awareness is being interpreted by levels of mind and not fully by the consciousness of the cells.  We must emanate the Divine awareness fully and directly as the cells of the body.  In the past, we have used the higher levels of the mental mind with some separation of body in order for our consciousness to access or participate in the infinite Divine awareness.  By using the mental domains as not fully the Divine physical body, the body is only able to participate in the access of Divine awareness.  In order for humanity to live and be our Divine soul of love and creativity on Earth, the physical body must be directly the Divine awareness.

This is our evolving transformation to a true Divine humanity on Earth within the true perception of matter which is purely fluid, harmonic, and loving.  In our true being, we are incarnate in frictionless frequency patterns.   The current false distorting frequencies of matter on Earth form an intricate web that is intertwined with our perceptions of mind and matter—this perception is conflict, control, inertia, separation, and friction.  The soul, mind, and body cannot be purely harmonic in this milieu.  This is why the artificial frequencies are only contributing to a further devolution of the current 3D based frequency organization.  In awakening and transforming our consciousness, may we continue to open to the harmonic Divine awareness of love and creativity and to emanate our soul-body directly as a Divine physical cellular consciousness.

Cosmic Consciousness and the Divine Body

Throughout the thousands of years that humanity has been experiencing life in a dualistic 3D consciousness on Earth, many traditions have sought to open human consciousness to our true Divine awareness.  All of these traditions within religion, esotericism, metaphysics, and spirituality, etc. have developed a certain way of accessing higher consciousness while in the physical body.

In these times of accelerating shifting frequencies of the dimensional Earth hologram, we are awakening to our true human nature on Earth beyond just accessing our infinite consciousness.  We will fully be our Divine awareness incarnate as a soul-body.  We will live our infinite consciousness on Earth as the Divine beings that we are.  If humanity is to be our true harmonic awareness of love and creativity on Earth, the physical body as an emanation of this consciousness must be fully Divine.

Accessing Infinite Consciousness from Within the 3D Duality Matrix

The current overall 3D fear-based duality consciousness of conflict, control, and separation has limited and veiled humanity to a very narrow frequency range of experience and expression.  The point of entry for this false disharmonic frequency is the consciousness of the thinking mind and the reactive emotional system.  This level of mind has conditioned the ego personality structure as an overlay to experiencing life in the physical body.  This mind is one with the physical body and affects all cellular systems, information, and communication pathways throughout the body.  It is a false distorting operating system of mind that censors and filters all experience through past conditioning.  The thinking mind’s disharmonic frequency restricts our awareness of our infinite consciousness by incessantly diverting our attention from the “now” moment.  This linear mind has so effected our incarnate being that it has intermingled at the very core level of our cellular energy.  At our most foundational level on Earth, the fear-based consciousness operates within a deep frequency memory pattern of the cells.

Throughout the past thousands of years of humanity on Earth, it has not been necessary to fully change the physical disharmonic resonant frequency in order to experience higher consciousness.  We open to our infinite awareness from heart consciousness through the knowing Light mind and mediated through the body.  The body cooperates in this frequency awareness as the heart, brain, nervous system, and hormonal system respond to the soul and spirit awareness.  This opening of our true nature to a cosmic or mystical consciousness as described in many traditions is a non-dual and non-local experience of the infinite.  In this state of awareness, all separation or incoherent noise ceases and the person is aware of the connection to all while maintaining a unique soul identity.  At these levels of consciousness, the soul awareness is completely beyond the ego structure of an identity overlay.  However, the body is participating in this state of higher consciousness without necessarily eliminating all of the depth incoherent frequencies in the cells.

In any of the known traditions, we do not have a fullness of a Divine physical frequency body on Earth.  Some traditions are moving toward a Divine body, but not at the pure level that our Divine souls as incarnate humanity are awakening to on Earth.  Many Western mystical traditions, such as Christian mysticism, access a very high unity consciousness through the Light mind and spirit, but maintain a strong duality of body and soul.  Because of the maintenance of this separation, these traditions never bring the fullness of our Divine infinite consciousness in the here and now of our incarnate being—they continue a materialism/spiritualism split.  Examples in this pathway include the exalted high frequency heart consciousness of Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, and Pio of Pietrelcina.  They all journeyed to a transformed awareness of infinite consciousness and Divine love while working through infirmities and disease of the physical body.

In the Eastern spiritual traditions, the non-dual Kashmir Shaivism tantric tradition opens to a highly integrated heart-centered awareness on Earth.  The intention of this pathway is to develop “jivanmukti”—freedom or liberation in life.  Here, the true Divine self is continually experienced within all the activities of life on Earth.  The most highly realized state of this level of heart-centered embodiment is still not a fully Divine physical matter on Earth—it does not yet fully incorporate a harmonic matter of cellular consciousness.  Another tradition that incorporates more of the body in transformation is the Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen tradition.  The Dzogchen includes bi-location, teleportation, and the shift to a pure rainbow Light body at the transformation and transition of the physical body of this incarnate life.  However, it is not a change to the pure harmonic of the true matter physical body.  One of the most integrated traditions of spirit, mind, and body from the East is the Taoist esoteric yoga.  Even in this tradition that is working toward an ultimate immortal body from incarnation to incarnation, at this point in humanity there is still maintained a soul and body duality.  It is not yet developing the Divine matter body as an awareness of infinite consciousness that is the physical body in the eternal now of this incarnation.

We also find the same soul and matter duality among many important modern scientific contributors to consciousness and cosmology.  For example, Walter Russell in his spiritual cosmology of Light continues a spirit/soul and matter/body dualism in saying, “Every particle of matter in the universe is separated from its condition of oneness,” even though it maintains a connection through light (Walter Russell, “The Secret of Light,” p.140).  Thus, among philosophers, mystics, and scientists, there has been a reluctance to open to a breakthrough, remembering, restoring, and transforming to a Divine physics—a change of frequency in matter where we live as a soul-body in a whole new harmonic way on Earth beyond all limitation of the false perception of current physical laws that are encoded by a fear-based matrix.

Awakening to Divine Soul Consciousness as a Divine Physical Body on Earth

We are now at a point in our humanity on Earth where we are opening to our true humanity of an infinite soul consciousness as a Divine physical body.  In recent human experience, this work has most notably been furthered by consciousness explorers Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Mirra Alfassa.  Sri Aurobindo worked intensely on this from the 1920’s to 1950.  Mother then carried on the specific path of realizing the Divine consciousness as the physical body from 1950 to 1973.  In recent times, the sciences of biophysics and bioelectricity have been contributing to understanding the movement to a coherent human body.

Thus, we are integrating the longstanding false split between materialism and spiritualism.  We are truly a Divine infinite awareness of spirit emanating as unique soul awareness.  This awareness is not body, mind, and soul.  It is one soul-body.  That is, our infinite consciousness is emanating as an organization of physical body frequencies.  Our Divine being is infinite and bodily all at once.  Our infinite consciousness is not within the body, in the body, or through the body, it is the body.  Divine soul consciousness as body is simply a shift in frequency of expression of information, consciousness, and energy—it is consciousness expressing as frequency organizations of bodily form.  Therefore, we have no above and below, higher or lower, heaven or Earth, or height or depth.  We just have an infinite array of unique qualities of frequency experience through spiritual realms, universe, dimensions, galaxies, solar systems, and Earth.

The crux of the situation is to awaken to who we truly are on Earth.  The only way is to emanate our infinite consciousness through a pure Divine matter.  As long as the body adheres to limits of entropy, decay, disharmonic regeneration, friction, and physical death as we have known it, there is no pure Divine awareness as the body on Earth.  Our Divine consciousness of love and creativity must be the body as its infinite perfection.  As long as we operate under the perception of the current physical laws, humanity will not go fully beyond the fear-based consciousness.  Our entire being must shift to a higher dimensional frequency where our foundational expression in the incarnate experience on Earth is through a Divine physical body.  Hence, the physical body must be of the same infinite frequency as our awareness of our Divine infinite consciousness.

Toward a Divine Physics and a Divine Body

By awakening to our true Divine nature on Earth, we are awakening to the true physical matter.  The matter we have been experiencing is entirely infiltrated in a matrix of incoherent frequency.  Thus, it experiences limits, accidents, disease, etc.  True matter as consciousness has no conflicts.  It exists as a pure harmonic fluid pulsation that is a perpetual synchronic expansion and contraction.  There is no friction—only the unity of pure freedom and unique soul expression of the infinite consciousness and being.  True matter is Divine being resonating at frequencies that emanate as the physical body.  It is the real form of matter and cellular consciousness.

True matter and false matter occupy the same space.  They exist simultaneously as superimposed matrices.  There is a certain frequency merge or intermingling of the perception of true unitary matter of infinite love and creativity and false matter of fear-based conflict, control, and separation.  Creative intention is through the knowing Light mind of soul awareness in the heart that is beyond the thinking mind.  Intention functions from within a frequency range of the true perception of matter as a non-local infinite consciousness.  When we intend in the current 3D consciousness, we are opening to the true matter as it co-mingles in the same space as the false limited matter.  Ultimately, we will find that our soul awareness in Divine unity is even beyond intention.  The Divine soul just knows and acts in an infinite unique spontanaiety—it is a perpetual self-organization of being and creativity in the now moment.  There is no prior thought or intention which separates one from pure being and experience.

Our egoic thinking mind has conditioned our frequencies of body consciousness to resonate with the false perception of the limiting laws of physical matter.  This has been the default position for the collective consciousness of humanity on Earth for thousands of years.  In this time period, some humans have been able to fully access their higher Light mind through heart consciousness.  While this is a restoration of consciousness to our infinite Divine awareness, we have not yet been able to fully bring this frequency into physical matter and as the cellular consciousness of the body.  We have had instances where highly evolved human consciousness has enabled a certain participation of the body, such as in bi-location, teleportation, breatharianism, levitation, lengthy life spans, psychokinesis, physical regeneration, etc., but we have not yet awakened to an infinite physical body on Earth.

As we awaken, remember, restore, and transform to our harmonic frequency of Divine awareness, we are participating in the shift of the dimensional hologram on Earth.  The false fear-based matrix that intermingles with the Divine unity of the cosmos is resonating conflict, control, separation, friction, and entropy as a disharmonic conditioning that we perceive as a set of limiting laws of physical matter.  As we awaken to higher energy and shifting frequencies, we will live our true Divine being on a harmonic physical Earth.  May we continue to open to our true Divine nature of an infinite soul and Divine body that is emanating, experiencing, and expressing as the soul-body on Earth.

Beyond the Learning Mind and into the Light Mind of Love

The purpose of incarnate life is to experience and express our Divine infinite consciousness through infinite combinations of frequency of our unitary being.  The Divine intelligence that is love is a unitary source experienced in infinite unique aspects through the Divine soul of our multidimensional humanity.

If we view our soul’s experience through mind and body within the dimensional universe from the perspective of “learning,” it is solely through love.  The ultimate of existence is to be, experience, and express love without learning.  This is the purity of the Divine love that is not seeking to accomplish or develop something—there is no objective or agenda, or anything to achieve.  It is simply the joy and creativity of love itself.  Love is all sufficient without a need to learn.  Creativity spontaneously arises without seeking or effort.  Creative action is beyond thought, and even in its pure state beyond intention.  Action just is.  The soul in its very being, acts, creates, and loves through the spontaneous knowing of infinite being.  This is how the infinite soul of perfect action and rest experiences changing dimensional frequencies in an infinite deepening and inexhaustible knowing of love.  It is the purpose of manifesting at differing frequencies of body within the cosmos.

However, from the viewpoint of our infinite soul in Divine awareness, the incarnate experience provides an understanding of the infinite experience of love from a sense of wonder, awe, and beauty.  In living unique aspects of infinite frequencies, the ever new frequency experience can be known and felt as a type of “learning.”  Within this view of learning, love is the only information, consciousness, and energy.

As we awaken our Divine awareness through the Light mind and feeling body, we will open to the true perception of matter as Divine consciousness.  In truth, the manifesting of our Divine being of soul as a fully Divine physical body on Earth may be one of the most joyous expressions of the Divine soul.  Because of our distorted fear-based consciousness of conditioned conflict, control, and separation, we have split our awareness of material and spiritual reality.  Thus, we have a perception of an “other side” as more real, higher, and purer than Earth incarnate experience.  These other realms are a differing quality of our soul as the Divine.  We were meant to have the same level of love in Earthly incarnation with just a different quality to our consciousness, energy, and body interaction.  If we relinquish our resonance with the false matrix of the inertia, entropy, friction, and disharmony experience that has infiltrated the mind, matter, and the physical body, we will realize a fully incarnate Divine Human on a Divine Earth.  Our true multidimensional humanity in a Divine harmonic physical body is a most profound soul experience among the infinite.

Humanity in a Restricted Matrix of Conflict, Control, and Separation

The current fear-based matrix on Earth veils human consciousness from the fullness of love.  The fear-based frequencies have conditioned a thinking mind of ego separation and disharmonic body frequencies.  All of these frequencies which block the awareness of love, express as pain, suffering, conflict, isolation, and hatred.  When we examine the origins and conditioning of the fear-based consciousness, we uncover an intricate complexity of how this distortion has manifested in human consciousness and experience on Earth.  We find infiltration from distorting negative intelligence forms, intergenerational transmission of trauma, perinatal and birth trauma, traumas of early childhood development, child abuse, media manipulation, restrictive linear left-brain education, and the imprinting of violence in culture.  All of this frequency conditioning of mind and body creates limiting beliefs, reactive emotions, and energetic armor and bioelectric restriction of the body.

The totality of these thoughts, emotions, and physical body frequencies comprise the unconsciousness mind, fears, conflicts, and defensive compensation to fear and trauma conditioning.  I have researched and experienced numerous healing modalities for fear and trauma including mystical traditions, esoteric traditions, metaphysical traditions, modern psychology, body-mind healing, energy healing, sound healing, meditation, in-between and past life regression, New Thought intention, and any other method known to uncover and release disharmonic frequency from the resonance of the soul in the body.  All of these processes form part of healing, awakening, and transforming, but they must be seen as smaller movements in a larger context of shifting resonance completely beyond the false matrix.

Knowing and Creating as Love

While the distorting frequencies of fear, trauma, and ego separation do provide a certain soul experience, we never directly learn from the experience of conflict, pain, violence, hate, control, and separation.  We may become more aware of compassion and empathy as a result of our soul’s experience of suffering, but we do not learn empathy from suffering.  If we perceive that we are in any way “learning” from our incarnate experience it is through love.  In itself, love is an infinite ever greater being and expression of the Divine. Love is entirely active and at rest perpetually.  The Divine soul of love emanates in an ever flowing intrinsic knowing forever. Both the harmonic essence of love and its quiet peace are always deepening and arising as an infinite eternity.  The always dynamic, never static, essence and energy of love is a unity of being in an infinite unique expression in an ever manifesting intensity.  Therefore, in the true reality there is no need to learn from distorting, false, conflicting, and hurtful actions that do not resonate the eternal infinite being of love.

In our current 3D reality, we can open to a full awareness of our pain and suffering which is beyond denial and into the full feeling of the distortion experience.  This is a necessary step in our process of transforming to our true Divine awareness through the mind and body aspects of our soul consciousness.  Thus, we are developing a focus and awareness on emanating our consciousness beyond the fear-based frequencies.  As we awaken, we have an understanding that this distorting matrix is not necessary, and is not who we are as Divine being experiencing the soul and the Divine as an incarnate humanity.

In order to no longer resonate with the trauma, pain, and conflict frequencies, we must become fully aware of them.  We are opening to their awareness without any secondary mechanisms that protect us from their awareness in consciousness.  In awakening and transforming, we understand their falsity and open to releasing our resonance with the negative matrix conditioning.  Both in the understanding of their non-necessity and in no longer manifesting these disharmonic frequencies that restrict energy, we have the only viewpoint to perceiving the fear-based consciousness.   We are seeing and feeling the truth of love, not learning from suffering.

The Harmonic of the Divine Soul-Body Emanating as Frequencies of Matter

On a larger scale, we must become aware of our entire personal identity in order for its restrictive frequencies to no longer resonate through our mind and body.  Our only true identity is Divine infinite consciousness.  Here, our Divine soul is a unique frequency signature as the one Divine unity.  From our Divine awareness in heart consciousness, we have infinite freedom to be love and creativity.  This freedom of Divine consciousness is expressing through the Light mind and Divine feeling body of cellular consciousness.   Our true consciousness is fully harmonic with matter.  It is our Divine being that organizes and flows as a manifestation of consciousness emanating as physical matter.

Pain, suffering, conflict, inertia, entropy, and separation are part of a false matrix infiltrating matter.  The false matrix of suffering puts learning on hold.  This matrix is a barrier—a frequency that is in misalignment and disharmonic.  We do not learn our truth from it directly, nor do we learn from these falsehoods as a catalyst.  We solely learn by Divine awareness and love, and allowing our true Divine soul-body frequency to express on Earth.  We do not learn about the Divine Light from its perceived absence in misaligning chaotic frequencies.  The Divine soul consciousness is fully sufficient in its infinite knowing and experience.  It requires nothing to contrast or oppose in order for it to be known.  May we continue to awaken and transform to our Divine soul-body of the true infinite Divine consciousness emanating as matter in the Earth experience.

Divine Awakening, the 3D Matrix, and the Shifting Dimensional Hologram

There is an intensity and immensity to the current shifting frequencies of the dimensional hologram on Earth and within human consciousness.  Depending upon our resonance, these shifting frequencies can be very apparent, or they can be so subtle as to not be noticed.  The key to being aware of the frequencies of information and energy as they shift is the knowing and feeling of heart consciousness.

Understanding the full complexity of the bigger picture of how the shift is occurring and its sequence is beyond the current dualistic thinking mind and the physical bandwidths of the sensory system.  The complexities of the range and different angles or perspectives on the dynamic of the entire system cannot be known at once with the current human operating system of the mind.  However, we can know basic patterns and resonances in viewing aspects of the larger view that can assist our restoration and transformation to our Divine soul awareness.

Each soul path is unique, and at times will be helped by understanding and knowing the larger dynamic of the fear-based matrix of consciousness and the shift to higher dimensional frequencies.  At other times, it is more beneficial to only focus on heart consciousness and our being as Divine infinite consciousness.  In this way, there is a simplicity which goes directly to our ultimate truth of Divine awareness as an infinite knowing of love and creativity.

Because the sensory system and thinking mind can place attention on virtually an infinite range of aspects of human culture, systems, frequencies, Divine awareness, cosmic consciousness, electromagnetic spectrums, galactic and solar dynamics, unconscious mind process, and higher dimensions, etc., it is an important challenge to maintain a balanced perspective.  This perspective must emanate ever new in the infinite now from our soul resonance.  At all times, it is helpful to keep focused on what elements of awakening, remembering, restoring, transforming, and embodying Divine awareness are clear.  The other elements of a balanced perspective must be discerned in a more fluid developing way through observation and the resonance of feeling.

Three Aspects of Clarity in Human Awakening, Transforming, and Shifting Dimensions

Three aspects of these times of transformation are clear–1. We are awakening to our true Divine being within incarnate form, 2. There is a shift in information, frequency, and energy in the dimensional hologram of the Sun, Earth, and solar system, and 3. Human consciousness has been within a fear-based matrix of conflict, control, and separation for thousands of years.

Beyond this understanding, there are many uncertainties around the mechanics and the time sequence of human awakening and shifting dimensional frequencies.  There seems to be either a dichotomy of either a focus on the mechanics of the 3D fear-based conflict, control, and separation matrix, or a focus on the ultimate reality of all as Divine, intentional creativity, and unity without an awareness of the full disharmonic frequencies in the current Earth hologram.  At this point in our awakening, restoration, and transformation, it is very difficult to hold both sides fully in consciousness, and to fully awaken to our true Divine nature.  This is not to judge those that either focus more on revealing the matrix or those that focus on our true Divine awareness of love, light, creativity, and unity.  All contribute to the transformation and shifting frequencies.  We are all at uniquely sequential points of resonance.  It is ultimately an infinite complexity that is truly a Divine simplicity.

The purpose of this article is a reminder for us to keep in perspective the fact that we cannot grasp the infinite complexity from the thinking lower mind and the very limiting translation into language—written and verbal.  Thus, if we think we understand the mechanics and Divine timing of the shifting frequencies that are occurring on Earth and in human consciousness, we are probably skewing toward an emphasis of either putting attention on the fear-based frequencies and organization, or in thinking and feeling that everything in the collective is awakening into light.  Skewing in either direction may be in perfect timing for a person’s unique subjective consciousness, but may not directly apply to human and planetary consciousness as a whole.

We may understand the shift in frequency organization from the Divine awareness through the higher Light mind in the heart.  However, we cannot convey that level of sequencing and complexity with language.  Through language, we can only articulate several aspects at once when in reality there is an infinite number of aspects to our holographic experience.  The best we can do is to use language to put awareness on or highlight some aspects or trends.

When we awaken and restore our full knowing and telepathic communication, our knowledge of the shift mechanics will increase.  Until we manifest this level of awareness in the now, let us keep focus on the three basic aspects that we can best understand—1. There is a false 3D fear-based matrix that humanity has been in on Earth, 2. Humanity is awakening to our infinite Divine awareness within incarnate form, and 3. There is an information, consciousness, and energy shift in frequency of the dimensional hologram on Earth.

The matrix of disharmonic fear-based frequencies that have been restricting human consciousness on Earth is clear.  It would take volumes to describe its workings through all human institutions and culture.  It is a complex distribution of chaotic, conflict, separation, and confining frequencies that operate 24/7 through all human distribution systems of frequency—media, education, entertainment, electronic technology, EMF’s, pesticides, chemicals, fluoride, GMO’s, chemtrails, geoengineering, transhumanism, debt-based monetary system, artificial scarcity, cyclical consumption, religions, aggression, disharmonic calendar system, artificial linear time, etc.  We can see how the multi-frequencies emanate through different angles of the prism, and thus is an infinitely disruptive matrix that resonates with the limitations of the false-self thinking mind and reactive emotional system.

Perhaps, the fear-based matrix of conflict, control, and separation can be best summed up in the movie “The Matrix” where Morpheus says, “The matrix is everywhere.  It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television.  You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes.  It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.  What truth? That you are a slave…like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste, or touch–A prison for your mind.  Unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is. You have to see if for yourself.”  The way of freedom is to go beyond the whole mind construct of personal identity developed by the programming of the thinking mind and reactive emotional system from 3D matrix conditioning (the dominant left brain censoring system of conditioned inputs that is a false overlay system that perpetually separates consciousness from the infinite now).

Manifesting beyond the matrix is to awaken to our pure Divine awareness.  With the restoration of the full awareness of our Divine frequency through the physical body, we will emanate a whole new operating system of mind that is the knowing Light mind.  Through this mind, the resonant frequencies emanate a Divine feeling body of pure harmonic cellular consciousness.  From our current vantage point, this level of human being appears to be like an entirely new species.  Although an infinitely loving, knowing, and creative human being incarnate with perfect harmonic regeneration of the body vehicle without any inertia, conflict, or entropy seems like an evolutionary leap, it is really our Divine soul essence as our true humanity.

At this point in 2014, we really do not know where the collective human resonance is at amidst the changing galactic frequencies.  In whatever way it is all changing or adapting, it is clear that the foundations of all structures of this matrix continue to operate on this planet.  This is not to say that it is not shifting.  It is saying that we do not fully understand the sequencing.

The Dissipation of 3D Systems Within a Changing Frequency of the Hologram

There is no doubt that the thousands of years 3D matrix on Earth is collapsing.  This is certain in the dynamic action of elevating frequencies in a holographic universe.  In the frequency bandwidth in which this current system of frequencies has been programmed, the authoritarian structures, fear-based religious systems, debt-based monetary system, and scarcity economics cannot maintain themselves.  Their constant inertia, conflict, and restriction accelerates a momentum that leads to destruction.  Eventually a system of restriction and disharmony can only destroy itself.  However, from our current viewpoint, it is unknown exactly what human life may look like beyond the current 3D system.  The answers to these questions only occur in the infinite “now” moment.

Within the shifting of the frequencies of the dimensional hologram, we are awakening to a greater awareness of the matrix reality, and are restoring our true Divine awareness in heart consciousness.  In heart consciousness, we live through the knowing Light mind and the Divine feeling body of cellular consciousness.  As the soul awareness emanates from heart consciousness that is beyond the matrix frequencies, intentional knowing manifests reality.  In the heart, Divine awareness transmutes into dimensional Divine energy frequencies that are then further stepped down into the electromagnetic spectrum of light and sound vibration.

In our true being, we purely create our intentional experience—we are our full interior consciousness technologies of intentional creativity and manifestation, telepathic communication, teleportation, and harmonic cellular regeneration.  Therefore, in full heart consciousness, our Divine awareness is beyond resonance with lower fear-based disharmonic matrix frequencies.  We are in the process of restoring and transforming at this level, but we are doing it within the existing collective matrix.  Thus, we need to be aware and keep our focus on our inner transformation.  The perspective is the clear awareness of the false matrix system without fixation, and with a direct focus on the love and creativity of the heart that emanates our Divine infinite consciousness in the incarnate dimensions.

The matrix of fear, conflict, and separation is intertwined at so many layers and levels. All of its systems feed and intermingle with each other.  In taking another look at some of its manifestations, you can see and feel a singular disharmonic frequency throughout the complex connection of multi-frequencies. So we are aware of its nature—its effect includes debt-based monetary systems, cyclical scarcity consumption economies, secondary source fuels through burning and fission of existing physical energies, mind control education and entertainment, a disease management health system, fluoridated water, GMO foods, wheat and starch based diets, chemtrails and geoengineering, EMF electromagnetic pollution, dirty electricity, disharmonic sound frequencies audible and inaudible, inharmonic calendar system, artificial linear time, limited language system, conflict and war economies, and fear-based religions of external control.  Again, all these areas can be explained in tremendous detail.  For our purpose, the point is that all of the earthly tools that we are using are matrix generated.  This does not mean that we are not awakening or that the dimensional hologram is not shifting.  But it does keep our perspective on the encompassing, limiting, and all encroaching human system in the fear-based matrix.  It is a system of frequencies that conditions an extremely narrow range of consciousness that limits and inhibits freedom, infinite knowing, love, and creativity.

When the collective human consciousness shifts, we will know it from a multi-frequency viewpoint.  There will be movement of change in all structures and systems.  Before this emanates in the Earth dimensional hologram, let us be mindful of the continuing structures, tools, and systems we are using to live on the planet as we are awakening, remembering, and transforming to our Divine awareness in an embodied consciousness.

When we live our Divine awareness through our soul essence from within heart consciousness, we emanate our full multidimensional harmonic being of infinite love and creativity.  From the heart, the Divine soul expresses through the Light mind of knowing and the harmonic frequencies of the Divine cellular physical body.  If all of humanity is living our Divine infinite consciousness through the mind and body, our love and creativity will emanate entirely new human ways of synchronizing our living, creating, experiencing, and expressing of the infinite intelligence of love on Earth.

True Humanity of Divine Infinite Consciousness

For thousands of years, humanity has been living a veiled existence on Earth.  This frequency veil has hidden the knowledge of our true being that is infinite Divine consciousness.  The fear-based cultural system of conflict, control, and separation has conditioned awareness to identify at various levels of the continuum of body and mind.  In this time of shifting frequencies, humanity on Earth has the opportunity to move beyond all false identification of external belief systems, and awaken to the pure inner knowing of our Divine awareness within soul and spirit.

In truth, our infinite consciousness is our seamless unity with the mind and body.  The bodymind is part of our infinite consciousness continuum for experiencing and expressing love and creativity in this frequency dimension of the universe on Earth.  The error of the false matrix has been to condition an identification of the whole self within a certain frequency range of the mind and body.  As we awaken and remember who we really are, we will know our true human nature as infinite consciousness.  We will then be able to express that consciousness directly within the mind and through the body.

The human being on Earth is one unified Divine infinite consciousness expressing this awareness as organized frequency patterns of mind and body.  Thus, we are one consciousness of the Divine infinite that is creatively emanating through two main energetic frequency domains of body and mind.   Our true being of infinite consciousness is spirit and soul.  As we awaken, we will remember and know how we express on Earth as Divine infinite consciousness, mind, and body.


Mind as Both Operating System and Content Programs

When humanity became infiltrated by a restricting fear-based consciousness, the core disruption occurs at the level of the mind.  If we use the computer analogy, which is not entirely accurate, but is helpful in our transition of recovering knowledge, the body and mind is a consciousness and energy bio-computer that is a receiver/organizer/transmitter of information.  The physical body is hardware—structure, central processing unit, and hard drive memory.  This includes sensory awareness, the major consciousness organs of heart and brain, all systems such as the nervous and endocrine systems, DNA, and cellular awareness or memory.  The mind is the software—operating system and content programs.  The operating system is the overall belief of either our personal identity or our infinite being, and the content programs are our beliefs, emotional encodings, experiences, and secondary defense mechanisms and patterns of action.

The infiltration into the human system occurred within the operating system of the mind.  The true operating system of the mind is an awareness of infinite consciousness that can support the intentions, thoughts, emotions, and experience in the Earth reality.  When the operating system supports infinite awareness, energy will go to any content mind processes and body frequencies without blocking the free harmonic flow of energy.  Without identifying with the mind contents, energy is never restricted.  The energy harmonically pulses to content frequency and flows back to infinite consciousness.  The false programs which orchestrate the fear, conflict, control, and separation illusion stems from an operating system of personality that identifies with the mind content and physical body.  This identifying operating system enables energy to restrict as blockages in mind and body through limiting beliefs, emotional codes, and painful experiences.  This energy then becomes one with the physical frequencies of the body vehicle.


Wilhelm Reich and the Energy Restrictions of the Fear-Based Matrix within the Bodymind

Wilhelm Reich pioneered an understanding of how the fear-based operating system restricts energy and manifests as blockages in the physical muscular and cellular system.  He identified seven major areas where the life energy or “orgone” is restricted in the physical vehicle.  These body armor segments include the forehead/eyes, chin/jaw/throat/, neck musculature/upper back, chest, diaphragm, solar plexus/stomach, stomach muscles between ribs and pelvis, and the pelvis.  All of these areas interact with each other, and must be released or transformed in order for energy to move in a fluid harmonic of expansion and contraction pulsation through the body.  Only when all areas are unhindered will sexual energy express as its highest purest Divine frequency in the human being.  Reich determined that the full freedom and flow of energy in physical sexual expression was a measure of whether the human being had an armored or unarmored consciousness.

Reich saw that the content programs of the mind manifest as muscular restriction in the body which he called “body armor.”  It is our understanding that these content mind programs which cause energy restrictions in the physical body originate from the personality identifying operating system.  This system is the foundation of the false fear-based 3D mind matrix that limits the awareness of infinite consciousness.


The Relationship between the Mind and Energy Movement through the Physical Body

Wilhelm Reich’s experience with the segments of body armor can give us some insight into how and where the mind’s content system and operating system may be expressing or anchoring in the body.  The knowledge of specific areas provides us some direction in understanding how our consciousness emanates through the mind and body.  However, it is only a guide for our awakening to inner knowing as our infinite consciousness ultimately manifests throughout the entire cellular body.

Reich found that the energy blocks in the upper four segments (forehead/eyes, chin/throat, neck/back, and chest) released as emotions and word language, such as fear, anger, sadness, and crying.  However, with regard to the diaphragm and solar plexus, Reich found that a release of the blocking armor did not correspond with expressive emotion and word language.  The diaphragm/solar plexus did not reflect specific emotional energy and expressive language that would be indicative of content conditioning.  Here, Reich’s work can give us insight into both the content and operating systems of the mind.  It appears that the four upper segments and the lower stomach and pelvis may be directly associated with the mind’s content programs of limiting beliefs, emotions, and experience.  Whereas, the core of the mind’s operating system may relate to the frequencies of the physical body by being situated in the muscular armor of the diaphragm and solar plexus.  With this connection to the operating system of the mind, we can see why unrestricted breathing and the solar plexus/gut reactions are pivotal for expressing the free flow of energy of Divine human consciousness through the body.

The freedom of the diaphragm and solar plexus is vital to transforming to an unarmored bodymind.  This can only occur when we are the awareness of infinite consciousness, and we relinquish the fear-based operating system of personal bodymind identity and open to the operating system of higher mind in unity with the heart.  In order to live directly as infinite Divine consciousness through the body, we must let go of the attachment to the fear-based operation system of the conditioned personality.  This transformation coincides with the shift to harmonic energy flow in the diaphragm and solar plexus.


Transforming Beyond the False Fear-based Operating System within the Mind 

We cannot work at primarily the body or mind level in order to transform all restrictions and restore the pure harmonic flow of infinite consciousness through the energy movement within mind and body.  By working through the body and/or mind we can release many restrictions, but we cannot fully restore the unarmored human solely by changing beliefs, emotional codes, and their resulting physical restrictions.  We can heal and transform to a high degree by loosening blockages at the body and mind frequencies, but we will not eliminate the problem of the infiltrated human consciousness.

In order to awaken, remember, and restore the pure unarmored expression of the spirit and soul through the mind and body, we need a wholesale change of operating system.  The only way to effect this change to an operating system that reflects the soul’s infinite love and creativity, is through direct awareness of the true human nature as infinite consciousness.  While incarnate, a heart-centered consciousness is the interface between the bodymind and the unity of infinite consciousness in Divine awareness.  We are actually working from all three levels of body, mind, and infinite consciousness at once.  When we are working to change and transform the bodymind programs, we make it easier for consciousness to awaken and remember Divine awareness.  And as we can directly restore and emanate Divine awareness, we can transform the operating system of the mind, and thus, fully go beyond all limiting conditioning and body armor.


Awakening Inner Knowing as Divine Infinite Consciousness

When we awaken, remember, and restore our inner knowing as our true Divine nature, we shift frequencies beyond the infiltrated program of the limiting fear-based mind of conflict, control, and separation.  This false matrix has veiled our knowledge of who we are, and installed the error that the fear-based matrix system is our nature.  This misperception has made us think and feel that humanity is something less than infinite Divine consciousness.  It has caused the normalizing of conflict, harm, and separation, and the false belief that humanity must somehow change or transform its nature to solve its painful situation.

With this mindset, humanity has been conditioned to look outside to external belief systems, groups, organizations, and technology to try to understand human nature.  This very external energy continues to veil humanity from its truth of infinite Divine consciousness.  By shifting attention and intention within, humanity will awaken to its infinite consciousness and full capacity of interior consciousness technologies—an infinite experience and expression of love and creativity, telepathy, teleportation, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity and manifestation.