Divine Awareness within Body Consciousness

The journey of awakening to our true human multidimensionality is a process of unveiling our Divine infinite consciousness while we are experiencing through the physical body.  For thousands of years, the thinking mind through the left brain has decoded and transmitted a fear-based consciousness.  This restriction to a very narrow awareness has conditioned the subtle energetic, biochemical, and cellular organization of the physical body within a disharmonic frequency.  Thus, the current 3D body consciousness reflects the distortion of the mind.

Beyond the Conditioned Mind and into the Mind as Infinite Consciousness

The mind frequencies of the human being are where a false infiltration of conflict, control, and separation energies has encapsulated human consciousness into unawareness.  In truth, the mind is a frequency organization for our infinite soul’s experience within the incarnate dimensions of the holographic universe.  When the mind operates as the higher natural mind, it is a harmonic knowing mind that mediates infinite consciousness through a physical body vehicle.  The knowing mind works on behalf of the heart.  The consciousness of the heart is a frequency mode where we are our soul’s essence of Divine infinite consciousness in the body.  For the soul as human being, Divine awareness is all about heart consciousness.

The separation frequencies of the lower mind (thought and the reactive emotional energies) block awareness from heart consciousness.  When we are in full heart consciousness, the mind is seamless with the heart as Divine awareness.  The higher mind is purely a frequency organizer and relay sequence of the intelligence of the heart within the incarnate dimensions.  In the non-dimensional realms, the Divine intelligence is pure soul and spirit knowing.  The mind is only for the manifestation of experience in the denser frequencies of the dimensional universe.

Our awakening, resonance as higher frequencies, and transforming, is to restore heart consciousness.  In the restoration of heart consciousness, we no longer resonate with the fear-based mind distortion.  This enables the true knowing mind to be at one with the heart.  As this occurs, there are no more disharmonic and chaotic frequencies to condition a restriction in the physical body.  Mind is no longer an impediment to heart consciousness.  It is now a coordinator of the intention of the Divine soul within the heart.  When the human being is living in heart consciousness, infinite Divine consciousness is fully transparent to heart, mind, and body.

Divine Consciousness, Mind, and Body as Unity through Heart Consciousness

The Divine consciousness, as experiencing and expressing in heart consciousness, fully integrates the soul and body in unity.  We are in the process of restoring heart consciousness, and thus, emanating the true human body.  The frequency organization that is the body is a purely coherent unity with Divine awareness.  Therefore, the Divine awareness, the mind as transparent to Divine awareness, and the physical body is all one seamless Divine unity.

The transparent mind is like a bridge between Divine consciousness and the body that is emerging dimensionally through heart consciousness.  We are Divine infinite consciousness.  This is known, felt, experienced, and expressed within heart consciousness.

The Body as Divine Consciousness

The true unhindered human body is a Divine body.  It is a beautiful harmonic expansion and contraction that is a timeless pulsation.  The body is consciousness, just as the mind, heart, and Divine awareness.  It is ultimately and immanently a simple emanation of love and creativity.  However, when viewing its frequency organization, it is a complex pattern of electromagnetics, DNA, neural circuits, hormone messengers, circulation, and all other systems.  It is an intricate bio-computer of consciousness that is a receiver, transducer, and transmitter of infinite consciousness.  The body is our vehicle of love and creativity within dimensional existence.

Our transforming and restoring of consciousness is to emanate the Divine within, through, and as the body.  At this level of Divine harmony, the cells are perfectly fluid receivers/transmitters of intelligence.  The body is awakening to a harmonic crystalline consciousness that by essence is love and creativity.  A Divine body consciousness is a natural telepathy, Divine regeneration, intention, and teleportation.  The interior of heart consciousness is interior technology.  In terms of consciousness, technology is Divine love and intelligence.  May we continue to remember, restore, and transform into full heart consciousness so as to be the Divine body consciousness that is our true humanity.

Heart, Light Mind, and Body in Creative Intention

The multidimensional consciousness of humanity is intentional.   We have the ability to create, manifest, and emanate intention through our Divine infinite consciousness.  It is within our heart consciousness that the experience and expression of creative intention occurs through our incarnate physical body as a receiver/transducer/transmitter of frequencies of information.

Thus, a heart-centered unity consciousness enables the frequencies of intention to organize as experience in the physical dimensions.  All intentional creativity originates and manifests from heart consciousness.  The heart is our infinite point of access for our multidimensional humanity to express Divine infinite consciousness through the body.  We will describe how our heart consciousness uses both the mind and body in intention.


Intention in the Spiritual, Esoteric, and Metaphysical Traditions

All aspects of incarnate life are within our intentional consciousness. The same dynamic process of intention from the heart center occurs whether our intention is for healing, telepathic communication, relationships, artistic creation, energy, bi-location, teleportation, and all other forms of creative manifestation.

The knowledge that human consciousness is intentional has been communicated among spiritual traditions for thousands of years. We find this understanding among shamanic, esoteric, and metaphysical systems as being natural to our true multidimensional humanity of infinite consciousness.  While these traditions were able to communicate the essence of intention as well as methods of action, it is in the current dimensional elevation of consciousness that we are shifting to a frequency of pure intention as we emanate the fullness of our Divine consciousness directly in the body.

In reviewing the traditions and writings, we find delineations of the understanding of intention from the heart, as well as the supporting role of the Light mind and body consciousness.  An example of the participation of the knowing Light mind in the process of intention through heart consciousness is Jesus communicating intention in the following awareness:  “…if you do not doubt in your heart, but believe what you say will come to pass…it will be done for you.”  Here, we have heart awareness, and we can interpret “believe” to mean “knowing.”  When we understanding that the knowing of the Light mind is also a feeling sense of the cellular body consciousness within the heart, we have pure intentionality.  We will develop this understanding in the next section on “The Knowing Mind and Cellular Feeling of the Body.”

In the early twentieth century, we find a whole new focus on the human intentionality with the New Thought movement.  Writers including Thomas Troward, Baird T. Spalding, Neville Goddard, and Ernest Holmes all strongly built on the intention traditions.  They combined the historical spiritual understanding of intention with a more detailed understanding of the science of the conscious and unconscious mind.  This further New Thought foundation was then expanded in the late twentieth century in another level of spiritual awakening.  At this time, the integration of Eastern and Western wisdom, quantum physics, and subtle energy science was then added to both the early traditions and the New Thought enhancement.  Contributors include William Tiller, Gregg Braden, the Institute of HeartMath, and many others.

Most of the recent contributors to the developing understanding of the process of human intention agree that the consciousness of the heart is the foundation.  The heart is where awareness is beyond time and space—in the nonlocal present that just is.  All of the contributors of the knowledge of intention put forth the necessity of the intention being already in existence in the present.  Therefore, the modern writers have powerfully connected the heart, the “now” beyond time, and the unity of consciousness through frequency fields.

In this article, we seek to clarify how the heart is supported by the higher “knowing” mind and the cellular consciousness of the body.  We are not developing a new knowledge of the overall consciousness state of intention.  The purpose is to use language and clarify concepts that will more succinctly describe how the dynamic of intention is our Divine infinite consciousness expressing through the mind and body.  Intention is of a higher consciousness that originates in the heart.  The awakening and evolution to the fullness of its capabilities in the incarnate human on Earth is actually of a higher level of Divine or “Light” mind in conjunction with a Divine cellular consciousness. Thus, understanding the proper place of the lower mind and energy of thought and emotion is critical for fully developing the ability of infinite intentional creativity.


The Knowing Mind and Cellular Feeling of the Body

The dynamic information and energy of intention emanates through heart consciousness.  Within the consciousness of the heart, we resonate as Divine infinite consciousness which is beyond the frequency organization of the mind-body.  If the intention is within our Divine infinite consciousness of soul and spirit, how do we actualize the intention through the lower frequency ranges of the mind and body?  And, if the mind and body is not the direct guide or action of the intention, then what is the role of the mind and body in the process?

The key is to shift our awareness to a higher consciousness of knowing and feeling that is beyond our conditioned “thinking” mind and emotional system of the body-mind.  In many descriptions of the present moment awareness of intention, we hear a lot about thoughts and emotions.  We see viewpoints that focus on the primacy of either thought or emotion, as well as views that integrate the two.

While the attempt to place the activating energy of intention at the thought and emotion level of consciousness can add to our overall understanding of intention, its context is not large enough to convey the experience and action of intention.  The ability to intend occurs in the non-local heart consciousness where incarnate awareness is directly expressing our Divine infinite consciousness.  Intention can best be described as a “knowing feeling” that is at a frequency of consciousness that is beyond thinking and emotion.  From within heart consciousness, the process of intention is furthered by the “knowing” of the higher Light mind and the “feeling” of the cellular body consciousness.

Thought and emotion are not directly involved in intentional creativity and manifestation.  Both thinking and emotional energy are of the lower thinking mind and 3D body consciousness.  Thought and emotion are of peripheral involvement in creative intention, but they are not the vehicle or frequency of manifestation.  The consciousness frequencies of thought and emotion are not the origin, activating energy, or emanation of the intention.

The role that thought and emotion play in intention is as an initial guide or template.  This bandwidth of consciousness is part of our 3D level of incarnate awareness and experience on Earth.  Accessing the intended experience through both thought and emotional energy can clarify our mission and what we truly desire on Earth.  While this knowing is of the heart and Divine infinite consciousness, using the lower frequencies of thought and emotion can direct our motivation towards the heart where we receive all through inner knowing.


Intention and the Ascending Consciousness to a 5D Body

At this point in our ascension and shift in consciousness, we are evolving to either a higher frequency carbon body or a purely crystalline body.  This will be accomplished by opening the  Light mind.  Only in the fullness of the knowing Light mind will the mind-body have the operating system that will resonate a Divine cellular body consciousness.  The Light mind provides the knowing of intention and the Divine body provides the feeling.  It is only with a fully harmonic body frequency that the intention as knowing beyond thought can be experienced as the requisite feeling consciousness beyond emotion.

The full understanding of the changing and evolving body is beyond our scope of focusing on the intention process in this article.  As the operating system of the mind shifts from a 3D thinking mind to a knowing mind of Light, the frequencies of the body will elevate to a harmonic and fluid oscillation of consciousness.  We will need to increase our understanding of the transforming physical body in terms of evolving nervous system, endocrine system, chakras, nadis, DNA, etc.

The physical body is a vehicle for the experience and expression of consciousness when the soul is in incarnate form.  The body is a crystalline receiver/transducer/transmitter of the subtle energies of soul and spirit.  Through the heart, the Divine infinite consciousness as supported by the Light mind converts the higher dimensional energy to biophotons and sound frequencies.  These frequencies are expressed in electric and magnetic fields, and direct information and emanate the molecular/chemical frequencies of consciousness.  As we continue to awaken, remember, and evolve, we will learn more of how our Divine infinite consciousness emanates along the consciousness continuum in the frequencies of the mind and body.

We are continuing to remember our intentional consciousness in the heart through the knowing Light mind and feeling of the Divine cellular consciousness of the physical body.  Within this period of transition, the actualization of the full capabilities of intention is a work in progress.  As we better understand intention as heart consciousness through the higher mind and cellular consciousness, we will further recover our natural ability of creative manifestation through our Divine infinite consciousness.

Not until we embody our multidimensional humanity at a higher dimensional organization of consciousness will we express the full efficiency and immediacy of intentional creativity.  It is the beauty of the infinite presence that is a heart-centered consciousness of love and creativity.  We will embody the fullness of intentional creativity when our Divine infinite consciousness is one with the cellular consciousness of the body as supported by the Light mind.  Through heart consciousness, we will live Divine infinite consciousness directly within the cells of the physical body.  It is the knowing Light mind that enables the physical body to resonate at frequencies that express Divine awareness.

Therefore, as we continue to evolve to a greater embodiment of Divine consciousness at a higher dimensional frequency within the body, we will accelerate our intention abilities by understanding the dynamic of intention as a “knowing feeling” in heart consciousness.  From within the heart, intention is a seamless unity of the knowing mind of light beyond thought with the pure feeling in the body beyond emotion.  This is the pure love of intentional creativity that is our Divine humanity.

Awakening the Heart: The Experience of Consciousness and Creativity

We open to our Divine infinite consciousness from within the heart.  An infinite and eternal Divine consciousness of love and creativity is who we are as souls in spirit.  Our journey of awakening and remembering is to live our infinite consciousness incarnate on Earth through a spiritual mind and Divine body.


Self-Recognition of the Heart and Divine Infinite Consciousness

The full opening of heart consciousness is a self-recognition.  Within the heart, the unity and joy that we seek in the transformative journey is known through our own nature.  This active restful awareness is felt as both transcendent and immanent.  In heart consciousness, we know and experience our being as in the Divine.  In truth, it unites and moves beyond transcendence and immanence.   We will relinquish any perception of separation as we elevate in multidimensional awareness.  It will no longer be about time, space, and distance, but will be a given frequency of consciousness, energy, and expression.  In pure harmonic frequency, we can be the non-local All of Divine consciousness and simultaneously experience varying frequency patterns as incarnate experiences along the dimensional continuum.  It is our essence and incarnate experience that oscillates at a certain frequency of the Divine.  Our true human nature is Divine infinite consciousness.

The recognition of the Divine energy within the heart is the inner movement of consciousness that is non-local and non-dual.  In our movement to this awareness, we must clearly form attention on the inside.  The reason we need to place awareness on the inside first is because an infiltrating consciousness of fear, conflict, control, and separation has conditioned human consciousness to use the senses through perception from the “thinking mind” to see and feel the world through separation.  The only way to awaken to the truth of non-separation is to see and feel the unity from the inside.  When awareness is brought back to heart consciousness, the inside and outside become one.  The unitary consciousness is a myriad of frequencies and infinite organization to provide the experience of pure uniqueness within a unitary being.


Beyond the Lower Mind to the Light Mind

The unitary consciousness of knowledge and love places the soul within a peace where the fullness of creativity can be expressed in freedom.  Heart consciousness, as an awareness of our Divine infinite consciousness, is a knowing and doing awareness of action.  The essence and energy of the creativity is a simultaneous knowing and doing.  Love and creativity is knowledge in action that is an emanation and expression of Divine infinite consciousness.  It is the perfect synchronic harmonization of a frictionless expansion and contraction.  This is the frequency of oscillation of Divine consciousness.

The current lower human “thinking mind” is a mind of limitation.  It is a mind that is always searching, learning, doubting, and seeking, but it never knows.  It can give information, insights, and partial knowledge and understanding.  However, it does not know.  This level of the mind, the “ignorant mind” as termed by Sri Aurobindo, can infinitely search and gain information, but never reach “knowing.”  The more information it gains on the mechanism or functioning of a process, the more elusive is the knowing.  In operating from the lower human mind, there is no peace and freedom.

In order to live our Divine infinite consciousness through heart consciousness, we need to change the operating system of the mind from the ignorant thinking mind to the knowing mind of light.  The “knowing mind” is purely supportive of our Divine infinite consciousness.  The evolving embodiment of the knowing light mind requires Divine infinite awareness to elevate the frequencies of the body.  The physical body and all systems such as the nervous system, electromagnetic fields, endocrine system, circulatory system, as well as its cellular consciousness and DNA, must become the multidimensional frequencies of harmonic light and sound.  Therefore, in order for our incarnate humanity to fully and perpetually live from heart consciousness, we need to directly emanate Divine infinite consciousness through a Divine light mind and a Divine frequency physical body.

Within the heart, we will awaken to who we truly are, and express our Divine awareness through the mind-body.  Heart consciousness is the essence of a higher dimensional incarnate life.  Only from the heart will we remember, be open to, and evolve to a Divine mind and body.  This will be the true incarnate consciousness vehicle for the experience, knowing, and action of our Divine infinite consciousness on Earth.

Divine Humanity in Embodiment of Truth Frequency

In the current cycle of human life on Earth, we are awakening and ascending to our true Divine infinite consciousness.  Most of the organized philosophical, mystical, esoteric, metaphysical, biophysical, and scientific systems of consciousness transformation throughout the last five to six thousand years have been unable to delineate a way to fully emanate our Divine consciousness from within the higher knowing mind through a Divine body.

Throughout many combinations of dualism, non-dualism, monism, transcendent theism, pantheism, and panentheism, etc., the enlightened state and full opening to Divine awareness has not been fully awakened and remembered directly in the cellular frequencies of physical matter in resonance with a Divine mind organization.  We are now at a point in the Divine energetic frequency cycles of soul and universe evolution where we can open to this level of our truth.  Humanity is evolving to live this level of our Divine infinite consciousness on Earth.


Toward a Foundation of Divine Humanity in a Divine Cellular Consciousness

As we awaken to a higher consciousness of our multidimensional humanity, we are transitioning to live a Divine life on Earth.  In experiencing the shifting Earth frequency of dimensional ascension, we realize that we are opening awareness to live our Divine infinite consciousness with a Divine cellular body consciousness in a way that has not previously expressed on Earth.  If we attempt to reference a similar consciousness on Earth, we would have to look back at least 200,000 years.  Thus, virtually all of our transformative paths during the last several thousand years have remained embedded within the limits of a fear-based consciousness, limited mind, and restricted body.  Not until the twentieth century with the work of Sri Aurobindo, do we see the breakthrough of consciousness to communicate a Divine human consciousness living from the higher mind through a Divine body on Earth.

Throughout the past three hundred years, there have been many developing forms of evolutionary spirituality and evolution of consciousness, but not arising to building a framework for awakening to our Divine infinite consciousness incarnate in both Divine mind and body.  Historically, we can point to a few ancient traditions that can lay grounding for awakening Divine consciousness through the body.  One way is the Taoist esoteric yoga system.  This comprehensive system of body, soul, and spirit assists in the understanding, practice, and transformation to harmonize the body energy with the Divine consciousness and energy.  While this system goes far in realizing the immortal spirit and immortal body, it does not arise to the level of fully divinizing the body and matter on Earth.

In a related way, the more recent work of Wilhelm Reich in the twentieth century describes the need to release all the body restrictions of an armored consciousness to restore a harmonic expansion and contraction of bioenergy.  While Reich’s work is very beneficial for our healing and integration in the present ascension pathway, we must keep in mind that his viewpoint of psychology, life energy, and cosmic energetic frequencies of pulsation is within the context of the physical/etheric domain of consciousness.  The framework of his communication does not articulate the understanding of a whole change of the mind’s operating system, and our pure awareness as Divine infinite consciousness, from within the higher frequency consciousness dimensions.  For more information on Reich’s contribution to our true body consciousness, see Consciousness Science Approaches to Cellular Consciousness, at http://blog.peterborysjr.com/2013/04/10/awakening-the-higher-mind-of-cellular-consciousness/

Reich’s strength of understanding the harmonic flow of expansion and contraction can relate to another tradition that can give us some grounding for awakening Divine consciousness in the body—the non-dual Kasmir Shaivism developed between the sixth and ninth centuries.  This non-dual philosophical, mystical, and experiential way describes the Divine pulsation of expansion and contraction, and our self-recognition in the Divine.  Abhinavagupta’s kaula tantricism is heart-centered, non-dual, and opens to jivan-mukti (the freedom of consciousness of being liberated in life).


Creating a Divine Humanity on Earth

Beginning in the early twentieth century, Sri Aurobindo and Mirra Alfassa, who was known as “the Mother,” were working to emanate a supramental consciousness directly within the Divinized body.  Around this same time, we have Baird T. Spalding describing persons who are living from a higher Divine consciousness, in his book series, “Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East.”  Their capabilities include telepathy, bi-location, teleportation, levitation, harmonic cellular regeneration, and creative manifestation.  These masters of consciousness are forerunners of our Divine infinite consciousness living from a Divine body on Earth.

Awakening and remembering who we truly are is to experience our Divine essence, being, and uniqueness.  We open to this awareness when we understand and experience the inner knowing that we are Divine.  Only the Divine frequency expresses goodness, love, kindness, compassion, knowing, and creativity.  This is our true humanity of a pure oneness in Divinity.  Any level of separation frequency in the mind will lead to an experience that is less than our Divine infinite consciousness.   Thus, in order to awaken to infinite consciousness, we must know that we are infinite Divine consciousness.

The recent understanding of the continuum of frequencies, dimensions, and the holographic cosmos throughout the twentieth century has assisted us in sensing, knowing, and feeling how infinite consciousness manifests as energy and form throughout all dimensions and frequency organizations.  The information of consciousness organized as matter is one form in which consciousness emanates in the cosmos.  Consciousness and energy models such as Itzhak Bentov’s mechanics of consciousness and creation, and William Tiller’s psychoenergetic model provides frameworks for understanding the Divine unitary consciousness expressing along multidimensional unique experience.

In knowing that we are the Divine infinite, we will experience and understand through our awareness that the Divine manifests in energy and form within multiple unique expressions.  We will know this uniqueness of everything and everyone in the one identity when we no longer identify our being primarily with the physical body or the mind, but know who we are as the Divine infinite consciousness.   As this occurs, we will emanate the Divine infinite consciousness in the unitary manifestation of the body, mind, and infinite Divine in soul and spirit.

In order to heal and transform the body to fully emanate the Divine, we need a whole shift or change in the frequencies of the mind.  Sri Aurobindo saw this process of awakening as a triple transformation—a psychic (soul) transformation, a spiritual transformation (realization of higher mind, illumined mind, intuitive mind, and overmind), and supramental transformation (living the Divine on Earth).  The key to the change of mind is not only a transformation of the content of programs and conditioning, but more foundational, it is a change in the operating system of the mind.  The only way to fully go beyond the fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation is with a change of the mind’s operating system to the “knowing” mind.  It is a transformation beyond the mind of ignorance that fears, seeks, doubts, and processes information from a narrow range of dualistic sensory consciousness.  In order to live Divine infinite consciousness on Earth, we will need to awaken to the “knowing” mind that encompasses all of Sri Aurobindo’s stages of mind.


Heart Consciousness of the Knowing Mind and Divine Physical Body

The “knowing “mind is a mind of knowing and doing.  Since it knows, it can use all of its awareness and intention within the infinite experience of love and creativity.  The knowing mind supports the Divine infinite consciousness to express through the Divine physical body.  While the soul is in incarnate form, it will always manifest Divine consciousness through the support of the knowing mind and physical vehicle from the interior awareness of heart consciousness.  The heart is our center for living the Divine life on Earth.

The knowing and understanding of awakening, remembering, and ascending to our Divine infinite consciousness in a transformation to a Divine physical body is developed in my forthcoming book, “Heart Consciousness and the Body:  Awakening Divine Humanity in Cellular Resonance.”  As we resonate with the incoming higher energetic frequencies, may we continue to awaken to the awareness of our Divine infinite consciousness so as to emanate the Divine love and creativity through a higher mind and Divine physical body on Earth.

Divine Infinite Consciousness beyond the Limits of Language

When we are communicating through language, we are participating within the limits of a specific sensory frequency range which is then decoded by the thinking mind to determine meaning at a certain level of the conscious mind.  This applies to both verbal and written frequencies.  Language is limiting because it can never relay the full essence of experience.  Its frequencies reduce pure meaning to an approximation of experience.

The awakening and remembering of our infinite Divine consciousness is a frequency of meaning, existence, and being that is beyond the generalized limits of language.  Therefore, we can never use language as the means, teaching, or manual to the awakening of our true infinite consciousness.  We can use language to guide, offer insights and feelings on direction, and to develop context for the experiential journey.  It is all information and energy that may or may not resonate with the experience of unique souls who are at various sequences in their journey.

Because humanity has been living within a disharmonic frequency of a false restricted fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation for many thousands of years, humanity has been veiled from full Divine awareness within incarnate form.  Without this awareness, we are not experiencing and expressing our infinite consciousness on Earth.  The fear-based operating system of the mind conditions a consciousness that identifies with the mind contents of limiting beliefs, emotions, and traumatic experience.  This identification with contents is then experienced as the restrictions of energy in the body.  The primary identification with the limited frequencies of language is part of the current personal identity operating system of the mind, and has been designed to keep humanity operating in a narrow consciousness range of external identification through the experiences of the bodymind.

With the primary awareness of our being through a language dependent system, humanity is veiled from its true infinite Divine consciousness.  This consciousness is nonlocal.  It is an ultimate simplicity experiencing as an infinite complexity.   The existing frequencies of language are not capable of expressing either the simplicity or an infinite simultaneous complexity of meaning.  When we use language to assist our awakening and remembering who we truly are as infinite Divine being, we are using limited tools to open to a higher frequency.

Our incarnate journey on Earth is within an infinite complexity.  The tools of verbal and visual symbolic language cannot begin to come near to either this complexity or the Divine awareness embodied in a range of frequency expression.  While language has some higher capability to carry frequencies that go beyond just its auditory and visual electromagnetic range, in and of itself, it is nowhere near communicating the pure meaning and love of an infinite Divine consciousness.  I also described some of these issues in my article, “Telepathic Consciousness in Higher Dimensions of Heart, Mind, and Body” http://blog.peterborysjr.com/2013/03/14/telepathic-consciousness-in-higher-dimensions-of-heart-mind-and-body/

When we write or speak about awakening to Divine awareness, we are endeavoring to provide insights and direction to an action that exceeds the capabilities of language.  With regard to the infinite consciousness that we are, there is no direct “how to” at the level of language.  Through language we can offer insights, feelings, and experience that may assist the journey.  These can include meditations, worldviews, healing modalities, etc.

Through the medium of language, we can receive and transmit insights on how the infinite consciousness, mind, and body emanate as a unity.  We can express ways of working at the physical body level, the subtle levels of mind, and the interaction of the heart as an interface between the bodymind and infinite consciousness in soul and spirit.  With language, we can also point toward an experience of Divine awareness that is beyond words.

However, the language form of processing meaning to experience can never fully capture the infinite complexity of all the frequency systems.  The experience of healing, transforming, awakening, and remembering is not reducible to written or verbal communication.  As we awaken to our true Divine humanity, we will express a knowing intelligence of the higher mind within the heart through the physical body.  This heart-centered infinite consciousness is beyond the operating system of the personal identity mind of thinking and its limiting content programs—it is a higher mind of knowing and doing.

Through language, we are using a lesser vehicle of expression to offer a general guidance on the experience of healing and transforming the bodymind, and awakening to our true Divine humanity incarnate on Earth.  We are also communicating a resonant frequency of the higher mind in the heart that transcends the meaning that can be conveyed by the mind’s perception of only the narrow frequencies of the language itself.  As we read and learn from others through their communications on awakening to infinite Divine consciousness, let us keep in perspective the role that language is playing in this process of Divine awareness and shifting frequencies.

Frequency Shift: Preparing Human Consciousness for Dimensional Ascension

The accelerating energetic frequencies that we are receiving from the galaxy and sun are creating a resonance where we are given the choice to reawaken to our Divine awareness as infinite consciousness.

We are an infinite Divine consciousness experiencing and expressing through mind and body frequencies.  Infinite consciousness emanates as a consciousness continuum of spirit, soul, mind, and body.  This is our true humanity.  Because of an infiltration of a fear-based conflict, control, and separation false matrix in humanity over thousands of years, we have been living in various states of amnesia from our true nature.

We know we are living in a time of awakening and remembering our true nature as a result of a direct awareness of Divine consciousness.  We are becoming aware of a Divine timing sequence that is part of an awakening and shifting consciousness on Earth to a higher frequency organization.  The Divine synchronic timing sequence is neither linear nor cyclical.  It is beyond time and is now manifesting in our current awareness of Earth experience.  This awareness is intrinsic to our consciousness and being, and is not part of any prophecy or cycle.  We remember from an inner knowing through an awakening heart consciousness.

The change in frequency is assisting an accelerating awakening and healing of fear-based conditioning and programming.  It is loosening rigid inharmonic energy patterns, and making it easier to transform limiting beliefs and emotional encoding.  We are moving beyond identifying with these mind programs as personality, and trusting in our innate nature as Divine awareness of infinite love and creativity.  While this work is still very challenging and takes great attention, intention, and patience, the shifting energetic frequencies are enabling healing/transforming at deeper and multiple layers simultaneously.  This is the main preparation of human consciousness for living in a higher frequency dimension of Earth.  Our awakening to Divine awareness is in synchrony with a Dimensional Ascension of the Earth incarnate experience.

The encodings of the lower thinking mind programs of the fear-based matrix are virtually infinite.  The human mind has been encoded, conditioned, and manipulated by cultural, educational, childhood, intergenerational, and past life contents of limiting beliefs, emotions, and traumatic experience.  It would be impossible to directly clear all of the attachments to this content at either a conscious or unconscious level within a current lifetime.  Therefore, as we awaken to infinite consciousness and transform the content programs, we are moving toward a change in the mind’s operating system.  The key to this change is to know that we are an infinite Divine consciousness, and no longer attach to the programmed contents of the mind which are part of the fear-based matrix programs of conflict, control, and separation.

Only with a change in the mind’s operating system will we fully remember our Divine awareness as lived directly through the cellular consciousness of the body.  While incarnate, our true Divine awareness is a heart-centered consciousness that expresses through the mind and body.

Our preparation for ascension includes an accelerating transformation of mind content which will assist a change in the operating system of the mind.  We will go beyond the current fear-based belief conditioning of the mind, and shift to the higher mind of creativity that supports heart consciousness.  We have been conditioned to be veiled from Divine awareness by a false mind operating system. Through this disconnection at the mind level, we have been simultaneously separated from both full body awareness and our Divine awareness.

In an upcoming article, we will provide more detail on the consciousness of our true Divine humanity, as well as the flow of communicating energies through the bodymind.  The human bio-computer has been primarily infiltrated in the mind.  Once this infiltration has taken place, the human being can be manipulated at both the mind and physical body frequencies.  Awakening to our true Divine consciousness will transform the operating system beyond the false programming mind, and thus restore the oneness of the Divine awareness throughout the body frequencies and cellular consciousness.

The Heart and Knowing Mind of Divine Awareness in the Body

The future of humanity is an awakening of heart consciousness.   Within the heart, we open to a higher dimension of our mind that intends, knows, and acts beyond thinking.  Since humanity has been conditioned in a narrow range of fear-based conflict, control, and separation through a dualistic thinking mind, it can seem incomprehensible at the current level of consciousness that we can use intelligence to intend, create, and act on Earth through the mind and body without thinking.  Through a manipulation of the “thinking mind,” humanity has been at once disconnected from the full life of the body and full Divine awareness of our infinite consciousness.

Heart consciousness is our Divine awareness in incarnate form.  Within the heart, we unite a body consciousness with a whole new level and understanding of all aspects of the mind in service of the heart.  The true multidimensional human mind is always expressing in the moment beyond time.  The thinking mind is never in the now because its frequency is a perpetual censor of consciousness.  Therefore, it is always operating from the prior unconscious programming that continues to relive the past and fear the future.  This perpetual censoring device is the anchor for the narrow range of the five physical senses that have been the primary means for decoding and experiencing this reality on Earth for thousands of years.


Beyond the Conditioned Thinking Mind to an Awakening of Infinite Consciousness

It is time to awaken, remember, and be our infinite heart-centered consciousness.  A dense inharmonic conflicting frequency has been infecting and infiltrating the human mind for many thousands of years.  The entire 3D false matrix of fear, conflict, control, and separation has been disrupting the planet and humanity incarnate.  This cultural system works against the harmony, freedom, creativity, and unity of life.  It is time to commit to being who we really are as infinite souls of Divine light, consciousness, energy, and love.  Anything less than pure love and creativity is a level of acceptance of the false ways of being that humanity has been immersed in.

The attack by inharmonic intelligence has been to focus on a frequency matrix of the thinking mind that has been conditioning limiting beliefs, painful emotions, and past experience.  When this occurs, the human consciousness becomes consciously unaware of its infinite consciousness, and thereby identifies with a more limited frequency range of the body-mind.  This identification with the body-mind vehicle of consciousness actually separates the awareness of our true infinite consciousness from the body.  Therefore, when we identify with the body outside of infinite consciousness, we are no longer fully present within the body.

The force that has infiltrated and enslaved humanity has conditioned the human mind through a false fear-based programming which has separated humanity from both the body and infinite consciousness.  Humanity has been kept in a veiled and controlled state through identification with the dualistic software program of the 3D thinking mind.  This results in the human being mistakenly believing that his or her life condition in this restricted consciousness is part of human nature.  When in reality, humanity has been living in a false artificial nature through a mind program of a hierarchical authoritarian ruling control structure.

As humanity remembers, Divine awareness is awakened.  From our infinite consciousness, a higher frequency of mind manifests as love, freedom, unity and creativity.  This frequency of mind serves the unity of the heart through the body.  Infinite consciousness will become one with the body.  The key of reuniting with infinite consciousness is through a heart-centered consciousness.  Through the heart, we open to our Divine awareness of infinite consciousness and reconnect our being throughout the cellular consciousness of the body.  Within the heart, infinite consciousness and the body become one through a new activation of the higher mind.

The knowing mind does not think.  Within the intuitive frequencies of mind, information is spontaneously accessed by the direction and attention of intentional consciousness.  The intuitive knowing mind is operative when Divine awareness is within infinite consciousness in soul and spirit.  When our infinite being is expressing as incarnate humanity on Earth, the heart, infinite consciousness, higher mind, and cellular body consciousness are experienced as unitary Divine awareness.


Infinite Consciousness within Mind and Body

The spirit-soul of infinite consciousness expresses through the mind and body vehicle.  Our true nature is a Divine infinite consciousness of love, creativity, freedom, and unity with all.  Our being is pure information, consciousness, and energy, and is experienced and expressed in its fullness through interior consciousness technology.  This includes telepathic consciousness, multichannel telepathy, teleportation, bi-location, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity and manifestation.  While our true consciousness abilities of communication, creativity, and action are all internal, a reference to external electronic computer technology can help us understand the consciousness continuum of the physical body consciousness bio-computer, the subtle dimensions of mind, and infinite consciousness.  We can relate the physical body—cellular structure, organs, DNA, and all systems with an analogy to hardware.  This includes physical structure, CPU, and hardrive.  The mind relates to the software, and Divine infinite consciousness is the intelligence and creativity beyond the software.

Within the manipulated matrix of fear, conflict, control, and separation there has been interference and conditioning of both the mind and physical body.  It is a two way bi-directional interference—mind programs alter physical energy frequencies of the physical vehicle, and a disruption in the energetic and biochemistry of the physical vehicle inhibits the full efficient functioning of the software program that is the mind.

In our awakening and remembering, we no longer identify our consciousness with the physical vehicle of the thinking mind.  We open to Divine awareness of knowing our being, experience, and expression as a Divine infinite consciousness.  Therefore, we realize that we cannot heal and transform the body and mind to infinite consciousness solely by intervening at the physical body or the etheric subtle mind level.  We must go beyond the thinking mind program in order to remember infinite consciousness to fully awaken to our true Divine nature.  It is not sufficient to understand that we are an infinite Divine consciousness through the conscious awareness of the thinking mind level.  We must be infinite consciousness with a direct awareness from this nonlocal multidimensional level.

Many spiritual, philosophical, psychological, and metaphysical systems have sought to heal on the mind level by equating mind with the higher self, soul, spirit, etc.  At this level, we can only change individual software codes of limiting beliefs, emotional coding, and actions.  This will assist us, but in truth, the entire mind software has been conditioned by the false 3D fear-based matrix.  Thus, we need to override or uninstall the mind software in its entirety.  This we do by awakening and remembering who we are as infinite consciousness.

While this computer analogy can help us understand our consciousness in this time of transition, we must realize that all external technologies are an artificial external extension of the current limited mind programming that is decoding electromagnetic information that is relayed to the brain by the physical sensory system.  When we awaken to our true abilities, we have all the communication and creative capabilities in our interior multidimensional infinite consciousness.  Thus, our awakening is to be infinite consciousness in awareness which will be lived in frequency through the mind and cellular consciousness of the physical body.


Divine Infinite Awareness through the Higher Mind of Cellular Consciousness

Ultimately, while we are experiencing our being as incarnate on Earth, our infinite consciousness, mind, and physical body will function as a seamless receiver/transformer/transmitter of the knowing Divine awareness of love and creativity.  Within this time of energetic shift, the process of awakening is reuniting our physical body and information instructions of the mind all within an infinite consciousness emanating through the vortex of the heart consciousness.  The future of humanity on Earth is to live from an ascended fifth dimensional and beyond matrix of oscillating consciousness and energy.

As we bring Divine awareness into direct experience in the mind and body, the very frequency of the physical body and overall mind software is changing.  This evolving expression will reflect our true being of a higher energy fluid expression and continuous harmonic flow of energies. They emanate at the physical frequency of consciousness through a unified light and sound frequency.  No longer will friction, energy blockages, and defensive secondary energy pathways restrict our Divine awareness.  We will restore the pure balance of energetic flow of the limitless unrestricted Divine. We will remember our infinite consciousness of a nonlocal timeless dimension within our incarnate form on Earth.

May we open to the fullness of the Divine light and awareness so as to remember our multidimensional humanity, and express ways of living on Earth that oscillate the harmonic frequencies of Divine love and creativity. The firm choice to live from Divine love, and ways of communicating and creating that reflect freedom, love, and Divine unity is inherent within the movement of Dimensional Ascension.

Awakening the Higher Mind of Cellular Consciousness

As we continue to receive and resonate with the higher dimensional galactic and solar energy that is communicating with the Earth and humanity, we are awakening to Divine awareness.  This awareness of infinite consciousness is who we are as a Divine human consciousness in incarnate expression.

Our journey is to awaken and remember our multidimensional and infinite humanity.  As this occurs, we no longer resonate with the false 3D fear-based matrix of conflict, control, and separation.  The inharmonic false frequencies have conditioned the dualistic thinking mind to decode Earth reality in a very narrow and disconnected way.  This imprisonment to the “thinking mind,” with its restrictive use of just a narrow range of sensory frequencies of the five physical senses, has separated humanity from both the Divine and the body.

The thinking mind removes humanity from the body, nature, and the Divine by censoring all experience based on the past and future.  It has separated us from the experience of the Divine within the body in the now.  Thus, as a result of this false intrusion into our mind, we have been imprisoned from our true being of spontaneous freedom of knowing in action.  By using the mind to separate our infinite Divine consciousness from the life of the body, humans have been enduring a conditioned anti-life orientation that has greatly inhibited our love, freedom, harmony, and creativity as Divine being.


Supramental Approaches to Cellular Consciousness

The way to awakening, remembering, and being our wholeness is to unite the Divine consciousness and the body.  With the false matrix infecting humanity for thousands of years, the body is imprisoned by the limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and dense inharmony of the distorted thinking mind process.  When the body is imprisoned by armoring precipitated by the mind, there is a veiling of the soul and spirit.

We are awakening to the fact that the conditioning of the thinking mind has enabled a false dichotomy between an external materialism and a mind spiritualism.  Both materialism and spiritualism are part of the same fear-based separation of the Divine and the body.  We are beginning to see this understanding put forth by several different approaches to knowing our true Divine being as expressed through the incarnate body.

Sri Aurobindo, in the early twentieth century, envisioned the awareness of Divine human embodiment as a supramental consciousness of incarnate humanity on Earth.  Mirra Alfassa, known as the Mother, continued Aurobindo’s vision of an evolving Divine human consciousness through an intense work from 1950 to 1973 to realize the Divine body mind.  She understood that the way beyond the thinking mind was in the body mind, or the mind of the cells (See Satprem’s books on Mirra Alfassa insights and practical action to awaken the Divine body mind, including “The Mind of the Cells).

The spiritual, esoteric, and metaphysical traditions have understood the trap of the thinking mind that restricts awareness to a mechanical physical mind that is separated from the true infinite freedom of consciousness.  However, they have mainly used the mental and spiritual frequency bandwidths of consciousness to open to the experience of the Divine.  This is still a level of translation that keeps the body separate from the Divine.  We can open to and connect with higher mystical states through mental and spiritual domains, but it is only a level of translation until it is expressed as a pure oneness in the cellular consciousness of the body.

Baird T. Spalding, in his books, “Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East,” details the life experience of incarnate human beings living in God consciousness or Divine unity.  They express the consciousness abilities of telepathy, bi-location and beyond, teleportation, levitation movement, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity and manifestation.  These humans living on Earth in the early twentieth century show the higher consciousness that humanity is awakening to and remembering within the current time of higher dimensional galactic and solar energy.  The way to realize this higher dimensional consciousness that is our true Divine human awareness is to awaken this resonance in the physical body.


Consciousness Science Approaches to Cellular Consciousness

Wilhelm Reich, through the sciences of psychology, biology, physics, and subtle energy came to a similar understanding of the body consciousness.  He referred to the wholeness of the body consciousness as “orgonotic functionalism.”  Reich saw materialism and spiritualism as contained with a “mechanistic-mystical civilization” that is the false matrix of the fear-based consciousness.  The erroneous distortions of the thinking mind has armored the body and furthered either a mechanical mind-body veiled from consciousness or a mystical supernatural understanding of nature.  Thus, the 3D thinking mind has both taken humanity from connection with the body and connection with our true Divine consciousness.  On Earth, the only way to be our true Divine nature is to be one in the body consciousness.  Therefore, once we awaken to the Divine in the physical body mind, we experience full infinite being through the incarnate cellular consciousness.

In recent times, the understanding of awakening to Divine awareness in the body mind of cellular consciousness has come from sciences such as somatics and biophysics, as well as dimensional approaches including star being channeling and direct heart knowing.  We will discuss these dimensional viewpoints in the next section.   Somatics encompasses body-centered approaches to the integration of body mind awareness.  Don Hanlon Johnson, in his book, “Groundworks: Narratives of Embodiment,” covers many somatic disciplines including the Body-Mind Centering of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and Emilie Conrad’s Continuum.

In biophysics, Fritz-Albert Popp discovered that DNA emits photons.  This shows us that the body is a vehicle of light that receives, decodes, transmits, intends, and expresses infinite consciousness.  Matter and the body is consciousness organizing at various frequencies of the consciousness continuum.  We are finding that the cells are of a liquid crystalline nature that receives, decodes, and transmits the light of Divine consciousness within incarnate experience.

Quantum physics describes the experience of this level of the consciousness continuum of the universe as frequency wave form information that can be organized, slowed in frequency, and transduced into particle form.  Our higher frequency nonlocal consciousness can decode the wave form information as a particle experience in consciousness and can also intend experience through creative intention and manifestation.  David Icke views the mind-body as a lens for experiencing consciousness in this frequency domain on Earth.  Our incarnate reality is holographic, and we express and intend our experience by decoding electromagnetic energy through consciousness.


Dimensional Approaches to Cellular Consciousness

The understanding of a physical ascension of consciousness has also been furthered during the last several decades by channeling from star beings.  For example, the Pleiadian channeling of Barbara Marciniak conveys a shift from two strands of DNA to twelve strands.  This is part of the awakening to Divine consciousness of the higher mind within the heart through the body mind cellular consciousness.  Many insights and experience from higher intelligent consciousness have also awakened us to the understanding of frequencies of consciousness along a dimensional continuum.

Through the higher dimensional frequencies that humanity is receiving at this time in the cycle of galactic, solar, and planetary evolution through a direct higher mind and heart knowing, we are becoming aware of the physical ascension of consciousness.  We are learning that the physical body needs to become unarmored through a balanced nervous system, and that the heart-mind connection coordinates the hormonal system of the pineal gland, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus within heart consciousness and throughout the cellular body as a whole.  In awakening, the physical body becomes a fluid harmonic pulsation of information as light through a cellular consciousness.  Ascension is awakening and remembering our true infinite being in the body consciousness that when fully awakened is a higher dimension of matter.

The physical ascension is waking up to our true infinite consciousness within the heart, and experienced and expressed in our being through every cell of our body.  In cellular consciousness, we are our multidimensional Divine humanity of the higher mind.  It is an infinite heart consciousness lived as one with the Divine consciousness emanating as the frequencies of the body.  May we move beyond the separation of the thinking mind, and be the oneness of the Divine in the life of the body on Earth.