Throughout the thousands of years that humanity has been experiencing life in a dualistic 3D consciousness on Earth, many traditions have sought to open human consciousness to our true Divine awareness. All of these traditions within religion, esotericism, metaphysics, and spirituality, etc. have developed a certain way of accessing higher consciousness while in the physical body.
In these times of accelerating shifting frequencies of the dimensional Earth hologram, we are awakening to our true human nature on Earth beyond just accessing our infinite consciousness. We will fully be our Divine awareness incarnate as a soul-body. We will live our infinite consciousness on Earth as the Divine beings that we are. If humanity is to be our true harmonic awareness of love and creativity on Earth, the physical body as an emanation of this consciousness must be fully Divine.
Accessing Infinite Consciousness from Within the 3D Duality Matrix
The current overall 3D fear-based duality consciousness of conflict, control, and separation has limited and veiled humanity to a very narrow frequency range of experience and expression. The point of entry for this false disharmonic frequency is the consciousness of the thinking mind and the reactive emotional system. This level of mind has conditioned the ego personality structure as an overlay to experiencing life in the physical body. This mind is one with the physical body and affects all cellular systems, information, and communication pathways throughout the body. It is a false distorting operating system of mind that censors and filters all experience through past conditioning. The thinking mind’s disharmonic frequency restricts our awareness of our infinite consciousness by incessantly diverting our attention from the “now” moment. This linear mind has so effected our incarnate being that it has intermingled at the very core level of our cellular energy. At our most foundational level on Earth, the fear-based consciousness operates within a deep frequency memory pattern of the cells.
Throughout the past thousands of years of humanity on Earth, it has not been necessary to fully change the physical disharmonic resonant frequency in order to experience higher consciousness. We open to our infinite awareness from heart consciousness through the knowing Light mind and mediated through the body. The body cooperates in this frequency awareness as the heart, brain, nervous system, and hormonal system respond to the soul and spirit awareness. This opening of our true nature to a cosmic or mystical consciousness as described in many traditions is a non-dual and non-local experience of the infinite. In this state of awareness, all separation or incoherent noise ceases and the person is aware of the connection to all while maintaining a unique soul identity. At these levels of consciousness, the soul awareness is completely beyond the ego structure of an identity overlay. However, the body is participating in this state of higher consciousness without necessarily eliminating all of the depth incoherent frequencies in the cells.
In any of the known traditions, we do not have a fullness of a Divine physical frequency body on Earth. Some traditions are moving toward a Divine body, but not at the pure level that our Divine souls as incarnate humanity are awakening to on Earth. Many Western mystical traditions, such as Christian mysticism, access a very high unity consciousness through the Light mind and spirit, but maintain a strong duality of body and soul. Because of the maintenance of this separation, these traditions never bring the fullness of our Divine infinite consciousness in the here and now of our incarnate being—they continue a materialism/spiritualism split. Examples in this pathway include the exalted high frequency heart consciousness of Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, and Pio of Pietrelcina. They all journeyed to a transformed awareness of infinite consciousness and Divine love while working through infirmities and disease of the physical body.
In the Eastern spiritual traditions, the non-dual Kashmir Shaivism tantric tradition opens to a highly integrated heart-centered awareness on Earth. The intention of this pathway is to develop “jivanmukti”—freedom or liberation in life. Here, the true Divine self is continually experienced within all the activities of life on Earth. The most highly realized state of this level of heart-centered embodiment is still not a fully Divine physical matter on Earth—it does not yet fully incorporate a harmonic matter of cellular consciousness. Another tradition that incorporates more of the body in transformation is the Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen tradition. The Dzogchen includes bi-location, teleportation, and the shift to a pure rainbow Light body at the transformation and transition of the physical body of this incarnate life. However, it is not a change to the pure harmonic of the true matter physical body. One of the most integrated traditions of spirit, mind, and body from the East is the Taoist esoteric yoga. Even in this tradition that is working toward an ultimate immortal body from incarnation to incarnation, at this point in humanity there is still maintained a soul and body duality. It is not yet developing the Divine matter body as an awareness of infinite consciousness that is the physical body in the eternal now of this incarnation.
We also find the same soul and matter duality among many important modern scientific contributors to consciousness and cosmology. For example, Walter Russell in his spiritual cosmology of Light continues a spirit/soul and matter/body dualism in saying, “Every particle of matter in the universe is separated from its condition of oneness,” even though it maintains a connection through light (Walter Russell, “The Secret of Light,” p.140). Thus, among philosophers, mystics, and scientists, there has been a reluctance to open to a breakthrough, remembering, restoring, and transforming to a Divine physics—a change of frequency in matter where we live as a soul-body in a whole new harmonic way on Earth beyond all limitation of the false perception of current physical laws that are encoded by a fear-based matrix.
Awakening to Divine Soul Consciousness as a Divine Physical Body on Earth
We are now at a point in our humanity on Earth where we are opening to our true humanity of an infinite soul consciousness as a Divine physical body. In recent human experience, this work has most notably been furthered by consciousness explorers Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Mirra Alfassa. Sri Aurobindo worked intensely on this from the 1920’s to 1950. Mother then carried on the specific path of realizing the Divine consciousness as the physical body from 1950 to 1973. In recent times, the sciences of biophysics and bioelectricity have been contributing to understanding the movement to a coherent human body.
Thus, we are integrating the longstanding false split between materialism and spiritualism. We are truly a Divine infinite awareness of spirit emanating as unique soul awareness. This awareness is not body, mind, and soul. It is one soul-body. That is, our infinite consciousness is emanating as an organization of physical body frequencies. Our Divine being is infinite and bodily all at once. Our infinite consciousness is not within the body, in the body, or through the body, it is the body. Divine soul consciousness as body is simply a shift in frequency of expression of information, consciousness, and energy—it is consciousness expressing as frequency organizations of bodily form. Therefore, we have no above and below, higher or lower, heaven or Earth, or height or depth. We just have an infinite array of unique qualities of frequency experience through spiritual realms, universe, dimensions, galaxies, solar systems, and Earth.
The crux of the situation is to awaken to who we truly are on Earth. The only way is to emanate our infinite consciousness through a pure Divine matter. As long as the body adheres to limits of entropy, decay, disharmonic regeneration, friction, and physical death as we have known it, there is no pure Divine awareness as the body on Earth. Our Divine consciousness of love and creativity must be the body as its infinite perfection. As long as we operate under the perception of the current physical laws, humanity will not go fully beyond the fear-based consciousness. Our entire being must shift to a higher dimensional frequency where our foundational expression in the incarnate experience on Earth is through a Divine physical body. Hence, the physical body must be of the same infinite frequency as our awareness of our Divine infinite consciousness.
Toward a Divine Physics and a Divine Body
By awakening to our true Divine nature on Earth, we are awakening to the true physical matter. The matter we have been experiencing is entirely infiltrated in a matrix of incoherent frequency. Thus, it experiences limits, accidents, disease, etc. True matter as consciousness has no conflicts. It exists as a pure harmonic fluid pulsation that is a perpetual synchronic expansion and contraction. There is no friction—only the unity of pure freedom and unique soul expression of the infinite consciousness and being. True matter is Divine being resonating at frequencies that emanate as the physical body. It is the real form of matter and cellular consciousness.
True matter and false matter occupy the same space. They exist simultaneously as superimposed matrices. There is a certain frequency merge or intermingling of the perception of true unitary matter of infinite love and creativity and false matter of fear-based conflict, control, and separation. Creative intention is through the knowing Light mind of soul awareness in the heart that is beyond the thinking mind. Intention functions from within a frequency range of the true perception of matter as a non-local infinite consciousness. When we intend in the current 3D consciousness, we are opening to the true matter as it co-mingles in the same space as the false limited matter. Ultimately, we will find that our soul awareness in Divine unity is even beyond intention. The Divine soul just knows and acts in an infinite unique spontanaiety—it is a perpetual self-organization of being and creativity in the now moment. There is no prior thought or intention which separates one from pure being and experience.
Our egoic thinking mind has conditioned our frequencies of body consciousness to resonate with the false perception of the limiting laws of physical matter. This has been the default position for the collective consciousness of humanity on Earth for thousands of years. In this time period, some humans have been able to fully access their higher Light mind through heart consciousness. While this is a restoration of consciousness to our infinite Divine awareness, we have not yet been able to fully bring this frequency into physical matter and as the cellular consciousness of the body. We have had instances where highly evolved human consciousness has enabled a certain participation of the body, such as in bi-location, teleportation, breatharianism, levitation, lengthy life spans, psychokinesis, physical regeneration, etc., but we have not yet awakened to an infinite physical body on Earth.
As we awaken, remember, restore, and transform to our harmonic frequency of Divine awareness, we are participating in the shift of the dimensional hologram on Earth. The false fear-based matrix that intermingles with the Divine unity of the cosmos is resonating conflict, control, separation, friction, and entropy as a disharmonic conditioning that we perceive as a set of limiting laws of physical matter. As we awaken to higher energy and shifting frequencies, we will live our true Divine being on a harmonic physical Earth. May we continue to open to our true Divine nature of an infinite soul and Divine body that is emanating, experiencing, and expressing as the soul-body on Earth.
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