Cosmic Consciousness and the Divine Body

Throughout the thousands of years that humanity has been experiencing life in a dualistic 3D consciousness on Earth, many traditions have sought to open human consciousness to our true Divine awareness.  All of these traditions within religion, esotericism, metaphysics, and spirituality, etc. have developed a certain way of accessing higher consciousness while in the physical body.

In these times of accelerating shifting frequencies of the dimensional Earth hologram, we are awakening to our true human nature on Earth beyond just accessing our infinite consciousness.  We will fully be our Divine awareness incarnate as a soul-body.  We will live our infinite consciousness on Earth as the Divine beings that we are.  If humanity is to be our true harmonic awareness of love and creativity on Earth, the physical body as an emanation of this consciousness must be fully Divine.

Accessing Infinite Consciousness from Within the 3D Duality Matrix

The current overall 3D fear-based duality consciousness of conflict, control, and separation has limited and veiled humanity to a very narrow frequency range of experience and expression.  The point of entry for this false disharmonic frequency is the consciousness of the thinking mind and the reactive emotional system.  This level of mind has conditioned the ego personality structure as an overlay to experiencing life in the physical body.  This mind is one with the physical body and affects all cellular systems, information, and communication pathways throughout the body.  It is a false distorting operating system of mind that censors and filters all experience through past conditioning.  The thinking mind’s disharmonic frequency restricts our awareness of our infinite consciousness by incessantly diverting our attention from the “now” moment.  This linear mind has so effected our incarnate being that it has intermingled at the very core level of our cellular energy.  At our most foundational level on Earth, the fear-based consciousness operates within a deep frequency memory pattern of the cells.

Throughout the past thousands of years of humanity on Earth, it has not been necessary to fully change the physical disharmonic resonant frequency in order to experience higher consciousness.  We open to our infinite awareness from heart consciousness through the knowing Light mind and mediated through the body.  The body cooperates in this frequency awareness as the heart, brain, nervous system, and hormonal system respond to the soul and spirit awareness.  This opening of our true nature to a cosmic or mystical consciousness as described in many traditions is a non-dual and non-local experience of the infinite.  In this state of awareness, all separation or incoherent noise ceases and the person is aware of the connection to all while maintaining a unique soul identity.  At these levels of consciousness, the soul awareness is completely beyond the ego structure of an identity overlay.  However, the body is participating in this state of higher consciousness without necessarily eliminating all of the depth incoherent frequencies in the cells.

In any of the known traditions, we do not have a fullness of a Divine physical frequency body on Earth.  Some traditions are moving toward a Divine body, but not at the pure level that our Divine souls as incarnate humanity are awakening to on Earth.  Many Western mystical traditions, such as Christian mysticism, access a very high unity consciousness through the Light mind and spirit, but maintain a strong duality of body and soul.  Because of the maintenance of this separation, these traditions never bring the fullness of our Divine infinite consciousness in the here and now of our incarnate being—they continue a materialism/spiritualism split.  Examples in this pathway include the exalted high frequency heart consciousness of Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, and Pio of Pietrelcina.  They all journeyed to a transformed awareness of infinite consciousness and Divine love while working through infirmities and disease of the physical body.

In the Eastern spiritual traditions, the non-dual Kashmir Shaivism tantric tradition opens to a highly integrated heart-centered awareness on Earth.  The intention of this pathway is to develop “jivanmukti”—freedom or liberation in life.  Here, the true Divine self is continually experienced within all the activities of life on Earth.  The most highly realized state of this level of heart-centered embodiment is still not a fully Divine physical matter on Earth—it does not yet fully incorporate a harmonic matter of cellular consciousness.  Another tradition that incorporates more of the body in transformation is the Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen tradition.  The Dzogchen includes bi-location, teleportation, and the shift to a pure rainbow Light body at the transformation and transition of the physical body of this incarnate life.  However, it is not a change to the pure harmonic of the true matter physical body.  One of the most integrated traditions of spirit, mind, and body from the East is the Taoist esoteric yoga.  Even in this tradition that is working toward an ultimate immortal body from incarnation to incarnation, at this point in humanity there is still maintained a soul and body duality.  It is not yet developing the Divine matter body as an awareness of infinite consciousness that is the physical body in the eternal now of this incarnation.

We also find the same soul and matter duality among many important modern scientific contributors to consciousness and cosmology.  For example, Walter Russell in his spiritual cosmology of Light continues a spirit/soul and matter/body dualism in saying, “Every particle of matter in the universe is separated from its condition of oneness,” even though it maintains a connection through light (Walter Russell, “The Secret of Light,” p.140).  Thus, among philosophers, mystics, and scientists, there has been a reluctance to open to a breakthrough, remembering, restoring, and transforming to a Divine physics—a change of frequency in matter where we live as a soul-body in a whole new harmonic way on Earth beyond all limitation of the false perception of current physical laws that are encoded by a fear-based matrix.

Awakening to Divine Soul Consciousness as a Divine Physical Body on Earth

We are now at a point in our humanity on Earth where we are opening to our true humanity of an infinite soul consciousness as a Divine physical body.  In recent human experience, this work has most notably been furthered by consciousness explorers Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Mirra Alfassa.  Sri Aurobindo worked intensely on this from the 1920’s to 1950.  Mother then carried on the specific path of realizing the Divine consciousness as the physical body from 1950 to 1973.  In recent times, the sciences of biophysics and bioelectricity have been contributing to understanding the movement to a coherent human body.

Thus, we are integrating the longstanding false split between materialism and spiritualism.  We are truly a Divine infinite awareness of spirit emanating as unique soul awareness.  This awareness is not body, mind, and soul.  It is one soul-body.  That is, our infinite consciousness is emanating as an organization of physical body frequencies.  Our Divine being is infinite and bodily all at once.  Our infinite consciousness is not within the body, in the body, or through the body, it is the body.  Divine soul consciousness as body is simply a shift in frequency of expression of information, consciousness, and energy—it is consciousness expressing as frequency organizations of bodily form.  Therefore, we have no above and below, higher or lower, heaven or Earth, or height or depth.  We just have an infinite array of unique qualities of frequency experience through spiritual realms, universe, dimensions, galaxies, solar systems, and Earth.

The crux of the situation is to awaken to who we truly are on Earth.  The only way is to emanate our infinite consciousness through a pure Divine matter.  As long as the body adheres to limits of entropy, decay, disharmonic regeneration, friction, and physical death as we have known it, there is no pure Divine awareness as the body on Earth.  Our Divine consciousness of love and creativity must be the body as its infinite perfection.  As long as we operate under the perception of the current physical laws, humanity will not go fully beyond the fear-based consciousness.  Our entire being must shift to a higher dimensional frequency where our foundational expression in the incarnate experience on Earth is through a Divine physical body.  Hence, the physical body must be of the same infinite frequency as our awareness of our Divine infinite consciousness.

Toward a Divine Physics and a Divine Body

By awakening to our true Divine nature on Earth, we are awakening to the true physical matter.  The matter we have been experiencing is entirely infiltrated in a matrix of incoherent frequency.  Thus, it experiences limits, accidents, disease, etc.  True matter as consciousness has no conflicts.  It exists as a pure harmonic fluid pulsation that is a perpetual synchronic expansion and contraction.  There is no friction—only the unity of pure freedom and unique soul expression of the infinite consciousness and being.  True matter is Divine being resonating at frequencies that emanate as the physical body.  It is the real form of matter and cellular consciousness.

True matter and false matter occupy the same space.  They exist simultaneously as superimposed matrices.  There is a certain frequency merge or intermingling of the perception of true unitary matter of infinite love and creativity and false matter of fear-based conflict, control, and separation.  Creative intention is through the knowing Light mind of soul awareness in the heart that is beyond the thinking mind.  Intention functions from within a frequency range of the true perception of matter as a non-local infinite consciousness.  When we intend in the current 3D consciousness, we are opening to the true matter as it co-mingles in the same space as the false limited matter.  Ultimately, we will find that our soul awareness in Divine unity is even beyond intention.  The Divine soul just knows and acts in an infinite unique spontanaiety—it is a perpetual self-organization of being and creativity in the now moment.  There is no prior thought or intention which separates one from pure being and experience.

Our egoic thinking mind has conditioned our frequencies of body consciousness to resonate with the false perception of the limiting laws of physical matter.  This has been the default position for the collective consciousness of humanity on Earth for thousands of years.  In this time period, some humans have been able to fully access their higher Light mind through heart consciousness.  While this is a restoration of consciousness to our infinite Divine awareness, we have not yet been able to fully bring this frequency into physical matter and as the cellular consciousness of the body.  We have had instances where highly evolved human consciousness has enabled a certain participation of the body, such as in bi-location, teleportation, breatharianism, levitation, lengthy life spans, psychokinesis, physical regeneration, etc., but we have not yet awakened to an infinite physical body on Earth.

As we awaken, remember, restore, and transform to our harmonic frequency of Divine awareness, we are participating in the shift of the dimensional hologram on Earth.  The false fear-based matrix that intermingles with the Divine unity of the cosmos is resonating conflict, control, separation, friction, and entropy as a disharmonic conditioning that we perceive as a set of limiting laws of physical matter.  As we awaken to higher energy and shifting frequencies, we will live our true Divine being on a harmonic physical Earth.  May we continue to open to our true Divine nature of an infinite soul and Divine body that is emanating, experiencing, and expressing as the soul-body on Earth.

Heart Consciousness is Love

Within the awareness of the heart, we realize our unity consciousness with all.  Humanity is non-local, non-dual, and of no time.  Our journey of remembering, restoring, and transforming consciousness is to be our Divine multidimensional awareness within the body.

When our awareness is in heart consciousness, we are Divine awareness experiencing the infinite in the holographic frequency bandwidth on Earth.  In the heart, we open to who we are as love.  Within our interior from the heart, our energy flows to the exterior—inner and outer unite as one movement of being.

From within the current 3D frequency range of consciousness, Wilhelm Reich described the two inclinations of moving toward the world or moving away from the world.  When we love, electric potential flows outward to the world as shown by the body’s increased electrical charge on the extremities (i.e., measurements of pleasure sensations on the skin).  Thus, when our awareness is in the heart, we have full connectivity with the cosmos.  The soul and body is then in perfect harmonic resonance as a receiver, transducer, and transmitter of information, consciousness, and energy.  When in the personality of the linear thinking mind, the electric potential decreases in a retreat that is anxiety.

In the heart, we are creation, cosmos, and the dimensionless spiritual realms.  Living in the interior of the heart creates the dynamic peaceful power of moving outward to all.  We awaken to our true Divine soul of an infinite expansion of our soul-body consciousness.  It is the experience and expression of reality.

Instantaneous Communication Through Soul-Body Unity

Light as the electromagnetic frequencies and sound waves are one in an instantaneous communication.  When we are in resonance with Divine love and energy, there is no presence of a time barrier, and hence no delay or restriction to the communication.  The body is an intricate complexity of consciousness organization that is a receiver, transducer, transmitter, and creator of information.  The complex frequency organization works through the heart’s electromagnetic field, the brain’s receiver/transmitter capabilities, the nervous system, hormonal system, sexual energy, biophotons, sound frequencies, a direct current electrical system, magnetic field, water, plasma, oxygen, DNA, liquid crystals, and cellular consciousness.  As we continue to awaken to our incarnate being as a soul of Divine love, we will increasingly understand the body’s frequency state as the soul.

In heart consciousness, we are our true being of love.  We are one unified essence expressing in the dimensional hologram on Earth.  Our body is our spirit/soul emanating as various frequencies, dimensions, and densities of consciousness.  From within the heart, we are beyond the thinking mind’s way of categorizing and externalizing dualities.

The entire dimensionless realms, dimensional universe, spirit, soul, subtle energies, body, and matter are all of one being and consciousness.  It all manifests at differing frequencies of expression.  It can be analogous to water (H2O) emanating as a liquid, solid, or gas depending on its frequency.  It is the same unified water experiencing in different configurations. There is no higher or lower, up or down—just a creative way of expressing and experiencing the universe as love and creativity.  This is the nature of our true being that is known when we move beyond the false fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  In the true reality of our being, the false separation of the materialisms and spiritualisms is no longer.  Spirit and matter are one.  As we continue to restore and know ourselves as love, we will not manifest the habits that condition inertia, conflict, friction, disharmony that has given us the experience on Earth that our Divine soul is separate from our Divine physical body.

However, these inharmonic frequencies have been so deeply conditioned that humanity has been unaware of the deep conflicts in the physicality of our soul expression.  These conflicts have led to the belief and experience of an inevitable soul and body distinction.  As we open to love in heart consciousness, we live through the knowing mind of Light and our Divine feeling body as an expression of our Divine being.  Here, we are transforming to our true nature as soul-body.

Love is the Dynamic Power of Harmony, Intelligence, and Creativity

Love is the Divine intelligence.  It is the information, consciousness, and energy that is the creativity of the universe.  It is the harmonic dynamic power that is all knowing, intention, and creativity.  Love is the most powerful force, yet is known and experienced as quiet, soft, and gentle.  It is a comfort, joy, ease, beauty, dynamism all in one.  Love is a tremendous power of pure coherent light.  In its emanation in the dimensional hologram, its frequency is so fast that it is completely at rest.  Action and rest unite as being.  This is the perfect harmonic flow that is the multidimensional human as an infinite consciousness emanating with a physical body in the Earth dimensional hologram.

May we continue to awaken our Divine awareness within the heart so as to be our infinite creativity and unity on Earth.  In this restoration and transformation, we live from heart consciousness that is the infinite simultaneous intercommunication that is love.

Creative Intention is Love

Creative intention is beyond thought and emotional frequencies.  If we choose, we can use the lower density energy configuration of thought and emotion as an initial template or guide.  However, the thinking mind and emotional system are not the frequencies of intention.  Therefore, as we continue to awaken to our Divine infinite consciousness, we will not use thought and emotion in the action of creative intention.

Intention occurs in heart consciousness through the knowing Light mind and the Divine feeling of the cellular body consciousness.  Creative intention is a knowing and feeling that transcends space and time.  It is the timeless infinite now of unity consciousness.  The frequency expression is a quiet interior action of the soul.  It is an active component of love that is so subtle that one does not feel any distinct demarcation of intention.  It feels like an arising wave that just is—an intrinsic knowing and feeling of the soul.

The intelligence of intention is our natural human being incarnate of a soul in Divine unity.  It is the emanation of Divine expression in the dimensional universe.  Intention is how the Divine soul expresses and experiences uniqueness in unity.  The frequency of intention is one with love and creativity within the dimensional hologram of the universe.  It forms the core essence of how we learn through love on Earth.  Intention is at the heart of creativity.

Intention is Love and Knowing Beyond Want and Desire

Because intention is a unified frequency of the infinite now that does not know separation, the emanation of intention is a harmonic pulsation that is beyond “wants” and “desires.”  In pure intention, there is no concept of wanting or desiring.  These concepts convey separation which means we do not have something.  If we are resonating with the disharmonic frequencies of not having something, then we are not coherent with the unity of intention.  This incoherence is a “want” which establishes an attachment.  The whole process of separation, want, and attachment is fear.  Want and desire is conditioned from the thinking mind’s fear.  The lower thinking mind restricts our attention from the awareness of the heart’s knowing where the intention lives in the now moment.  The intention is pure existence.  How can we understand the infinite intelligence of the action of creative intention that has no space, time, conflict, or separation, thus no want?

It is not easy to understand intention when we are receiving and transmitting consciousness with the linear left brain through thought, words, and emotional energy. We can only point toward this understanding through verbal or written language. We can only truly know intention from an inner heart knowing that is prior to its translation into lesser frequencies of language.  If we are using the physical frequencies of knowing and intention converted into language, we can only understand the pure intention level of creative being through love.

Within the dimensional hologram of the universe, Divine love as an infinite multi-frequency organization is the only resonance of creativity without want or desire.  The emanation of pure creative intention is love.  In creativity, the Divine knowing and feeling in unity is love.  Creative intention emanates from the core essence of beauty that is love.  We can intend our experience within the dimensional hologram by living in the love and appreciation of our intention.  We are loving our intention, not wanting or desiring our intention.

In Divine Awareness, Intention is Love

Love is the timeless state—no distance, no separation.  When we love our intention in this way, it manifests in the frequencies of the dimensional hologram on Earth.  As a Divine soul in Divine awareness, the intelligence that is love is all there is.  And within the all that is, there is a creative element that enables infinite experience through infinite love.  The creative element is known as intention.

Creative intention is the freedom of the soul.  It is the beauty, wonder, joy, peace, harmony, and unity of the never ending experience of the infinitely unique expressions of love.  It is this creative intelligence of love that organizes our freedom of intention to manifest experience.

Intention is a choice of experiencing in unique ways what we already have as a Divine soul.  Thus, no frequencies of lack, want, or desire.  Just a free choice of knowing and Divine feeling.  Through this knowing and feeling, the experience then manifests into the frequencies of the dimensional hologram.  This is the creativity of a Divine humanity.  In heart consciousness, we are aware of our creativity as an intention, and we are our intention through love.

The action of intention that emanates from love is the manifestation of the soul’s purpose as incarnate in the dimensional universe.   The core of life is a harmonic restful action which brings love into frequency expression.  Our creative intention within our Divine soul is our frequency emanation of the expression of our unique soul signature as an aspect of infinite Divine being.  May we continue to awaken to heart consciousness, and align with the harmonic flow of love and creativity that is our soul’s intention.

The Unity of Souls Beyond and Within the Body

All of humanity is the oneness of Divine infinite consciousness—a pure fluid harmonic pulsation of peaceful action.  This is the only underlying identity of humanity as being, awareness, and consciousness.

Although the Divine awareness is a being, knowing, and unity with all that is in the dimensional universe and the non-dimensional spiritual realms, we experience this awareness from a consciousness of uniqueness.  We are aware souls—a uniqueness in unity.  Unique experience, expression, and being is a natural essence of the Divine source, consciousness, and energy.

Beyond Personal Identity and into Soul Identity of Divine Awareness

The fear-based matrix of conflict, control, and separation has conditioned a narrow perception of exercising uniqueness as an external distinction or seeking to distinguish by isolating and separating.  This external drive for uniqueness actually results in the opposite of the intention.  The search for distinction and identity limits the authentic freedom of the soul. The very process of becoming is a frequency that is disharmonic with our essential uniqueness in unity.  Only within our unity do we have the total freedom to be our unique soul identity.  Once we place awareness outside of a peaceful dynamic unity by seeking to externally differentiate, we no longer emanate the pure being our infinite uniqueness.

Uniqueness never emanates from separation.  In truth, we never fully experience our unique soul identity until we are aware of our consciousness of unity.  In a 3D restrictive consciousness, the cultural matrix has created a separation identity through names, family backgrounds, belief systems, left brain linear education, a conflict driven monetary economy, etc.  All of this develops the personal identity that is the false self or egoic consciousness.  It is a consciousness controlled by the thinking mind and reactive emotional system.  This whole frequency range is an overlay filter of conflict and separation, trauma frequencies, and compensatory actions that maintain the external false self-identity.  An externalized identity that is the restriction of pure freedom inhibits being.  It is only from within our infinite being that we manifest our unique creativity in unity.

The only way beyond the personal identity trap that inhibits both unity and uniqueness is to realize our awareness as Divine being.  Any less awareness through an external identity results in the restriction of our unique creativity and our unity with all that is.  As we awaken to our true soul identity of Divine awareness, our unitary being can express as a unique frequency soul signature through the mind and body.  This is not the current 3D and 4D matrix thinking mind and disharmonic encoded energies in the physical body.  It is the knowing mind of Light and the Divine feeling body that emanates from heart consciousness.  This is our pure soul identity as Divine awareness expressing through a harmonic mind and body on Earth.

Soul Recognition Beyond 3D Bodily Form

Soul identity in Divine awareness is fully an interior knowing.  Each soul is known through its unique energy signature as part of the one unitary consciousness.  There is no need to externalize identity through dense frequencies of names and distinguishing characteristics.  It is all known by the infinite knowing mind, and is love experiencing as peace, freedom, and creativity.  This is who we are as a soul consciousness of Divine being.

Divine awareness is our only true identity.  We are a pure unitary being of souls that are one.  Only in the pure knowing that we are each other do we have the unique awareness of our soul as an identity and unique frequency angle of unitary being.  The moment we experience separation we lose the awareness of who we are.  Thus, we lose both unity and uniqueness.

The purity of our being in relationship within unitary consciousness is experienced in the non-dimensional realms through and energy or light body.  In this level, there is no distinct form to the body as in the dimensional frequencies.  It is here that we have a full awareness of our Divine unitary being with soul recognition through Divine knowing.  This is the foundational experience of our soul’s uniqueness within unity.  Total unitary oneness and pure unique awareness can only be known in heart consciousness through the Light mind seamlessly transducing Divine awareness.  The consciousness of the dualistic thinking mind is incapable of knowing pure oneness and pure uniqueness as singular being.

The pure soul recognition in relationship is experienced in very high dimensional frequencies and within the non-dimensional realms as a pure unitary being of two souls, or many multiple souls.  At this level, there is no bodily form as in the incarnate dimensions.  In its pure awareness, the soul unity is known as an essence of unique unitary consciousness where there is soul recognition by seeing each soul as non-physical light and feeling the soul through spirit.  From this level of unity beyond a physical body vehicle is the essence of who we are as Divine souls.  As we awaken, we will emanate our true being fully through the incarnate physical body on Earth.

Divine Awareness through the Mind and Physical Body on Earth

We are remembering our soul recognition as we open to the knowing mind of Light.  Our purpose at this stage of a shifting dimensional hologram is to bring the pure level of soul identity that is Divine awareness through the mind and body on Earth.  We are here to awaken, remember, restore, and transform to our Divine infinite consciousness beyond all conditioning of a limiting personal identity.  In the journey of remembering our unity consciousness, we are then to express our unique soul awareness of love and creativity through a harmonic emanation of the mind and body.

Heart consciousness is the center where we resonate our Divine being.  From within the heart, we emanate our Divine awareness through the knowing Light mind and the cellular body consciousness of Divine feeling.  Even within the physical body form, we can know each other by our soul frequencies and not by the denser restrictive bandwidths of personal identity consciousness.

Loving and creating from the Divine awareness of soul identity is a restoration of relationships in a higher dimensional frequency.  We are awakening to purely emanate the Divine through mind and body.  In this way, we remember our purpose to experience and express love and creativity on Earth.  We are here to be and live the infinite expressions of love and creativity.  This is a knowing and doing way of life.  In contrast, the present fear-based consciousness and limiting external identity is a conflict, separation, healing, and learning way of life.  We are transforming to live our purpose of being infinite Divine love in incarnate form on Earth.

In a higher frequency of the dimensional hologram, awareness is always in the heart.  With simultaneous heart awareness, a subtle shift in attention can be directed upward along the body or downward along the body.  We no longer have distinct attention on chakra energies centers as in 3D.  The heart is both our new root and center for the Light mind and Divine feeling body to emanate the Divine soul in the dimensional Earth hologram.

May we continue to open to our Divine awareness and multidimensionality so as to be our soul identity in incarnate form on Earth.  As we do so, we will be our infinite knowing of love and creativity that is our unity in Divine awareness.

Divine Love: The Intelligence and Creativity of Uniqueness in Unity

As the energetic acceleration of information from the galactic center continues to communicate to the Earth and humanity, we are reaching a key point in the shifting hologram.  It is now clear that the elevating frequencies have coalesced into a level of organizational presence.  This does not mean that there has been a collective human consciousness shift to a higher dimensional frequency of the hologram.  However, it does signal an overall energetic change in the Sun and the Earth.  We are rapidly moving into a changing holographic translation of the Divine consciousness.

The shift in time perception is one of the more clear changes that we are living in a different frequency.  The frequency of the Earth hologram has been steadily changing over the last few decades, but a significant shift in the last seven months has moved us into a whole new time and space continuum in the still current 3D hologram.  As the energetic frequency is changing, the fear-based matrix is continuing on all levels to try to condition a limited disharmonic mind and body that gives the person a very censored and automatic reacting perspective on Earth reality.  The way that the fear-based cultural and institutional structures of economics, religion, government, education, and media are reacting to the frequency change is another indication that we are in a new frequency organization.  Since humanity is within and participating in the hologram through the physical body, we are choosing how we both respond to experience and how we create experience in the elevating frequency.

The shifting frequencies are enabling a sharp contrast between our true humanity of Divine awareness through heart consciousness, and the false fear-based conflict, control, and separation energies through a restrictive personal identity that humanity has lived within for thousands of years.  With this more acute vision, we can see and feel that our humanity as Divine infinite consciousness is love.  When our soul consciousness is experiencing through the physical body, it is heart consciousness that emanates our Divine soul of infinite love.

A Restrictive Understanding of Love in Fear-Based Culture

In the fear-based 3D matrix of culture and conditioning, the understanding of love has been limited to deep emotional connection, the sexual attraction energies as conditioned by the lower mind domain, and a frequency of sentimentality.  While these expressions are a particular bandwidth of the consciousness and energy of our incarnated soul’s intention of connection and unity, the full understanding of love encompasses Divine awareness, the knowing Light mind in heart consciousness, and the body as feeling frequencies of Divine consciousness.  Love is the harmonic flow of the dimensional cosmos and all creative action that is free of conflict and resistance.

In the past, there were mystics from many spiritual traditions who awakened to the Divine.  They made distinctions between love as filial, parental, and romantic, and the infinite Divine love that is a peace and harmony beyond the lower thinking mind and the reactive emotions.  Our soul in spirit is the infinite Divine consciousness of love.  As we fully awaken to our Divine awareness, we will live this love through the mind and physical body in heart consciousness.

Love is the Intelligence and Creativity of Uniqueness in Unity

Within the current accelerating energies, this brings us to the need to reframe the understanding of “love.”  Since we are still using the limited frequencies of verbal and written language, it would be beneficial to place the true energetic meaning on the word “love.”  We are restoring the fullness of love as the unity of the harmonic flow of the Divine.  Love is the Divine source, intelligence, and creativity that emanates as frequencies of information, consciousness, and energy.  Love is the power that is intelligence and creation—the energy behind all creation is love.

The way of love is service to others.  The service to one’s unique being through heart consciousness is always service to all—unity consciousness.  In unity, we have the freedom to be our unique expression of the Divine and to be fully connected to all.

We are truly our most unique when we are aware of our unity with all.  In love, there is no separation, conflict, or control.  We are what the lower frequencies decode or define as “other,” and the “other” is us.  In the ultimate Divine awareness, there really is no other.  The frequency of the word “other” implies separation.  We can have an awareness of our unique soul consciousness without any awareness of separation.  In reality, we are all unique, free, and intentional awareness of the unity of infinite Divine love.

A heart-centered unity consciousness is love as it experiences all as seamless to the awareness of our unique being.  The unitary awareness emanates freedom.  Love is freedom.  The unrestricted freedom of the infinite harmonic and fluid energy in action is the creativity of love.  It is only in the awareness of unity with all that enables the freedom of our unique soul that is experiencing and expressing through the body on Earth.

Each soul is responsible for emanating the true being and uniqueness from within.  If we look outside for the awareness of our unique freedom and creativity, we are limiting our experience to a restrictive separation.  Within the separation of 3D fear-based consciousness, the true being is not fully present through the frequencies of the physical body.  Because the energies of separation are always in resonance when we look outside, our true being can never be affirmed or experienced from a separate other.  Love is always source generated from the interior of being.  Within the interior of the soul through heart consciousness, there is always unity.  Now, we are free to reflect, resonate, and emanate love as an experience between unique souls, as well as all energetic consciousness of the universe.

Love intends the good of all.  It desires the full freedom and creativity of all souls and all creative expression of the Divine.  This is unity.  Our unique intelligence, freedom, and creativity is unity, and unity is an interior awareness.  The interior consciousness of unity, freedom, and creativity is our uniqueness.  We are only our fully unique being when we are one.  This is love.  In love, we have the good intention of all as one’s true being.  This unity is an empathic awareness that intends the love, joy, peace, harmony, freedom, and creativity of another unique soul as one intends for one’s soul.

May we continue to awaken from within, and to be our unique soul in the beauty of our oneness with all that is.  Let us awaken to the infinite awareness of our Divine love on Earth.

Divine Awareness within Body Consciousness

The journey of awakening to our true human multidimensionality is a process of unveiling our Divine infinite consciousness while we are experiencing through the physical body.  For thousands of years, the thinking mind through the left brain has decoded and transmitted a fear-based consciousness.  This restriction to a very narrow awareness has conditioned the subtle energetic, biochemical, and cellular organization of the physical body within a disharmonic frequency.  Thus, the current 3D body consciousness reflects the distortion of the mind.

Beyond the Conditioned Mind and into the Mind as Infinite Consciousness

The mind frequencies of the human being are where a false infiltration of conflict, control, and separation energies has encapsulated human consciousness into unawareness.  In truth, the mind is a frequency organization for our infinite soul’s experience within the incarnate dimensions of the holographic universe.  When the mind operates as the higher natural mind, it is a harmonic knowing mind that mediates infinite consciousness through a physical body vehicle.  The knowing mind works on behalf of the heart.  The consciousness of the heart is a frequency mode where we are our soul’s essence of Divine infinite consciousness in the body.  For the soul as human being, Divine awareness is all about heart consciousness.

The separation frequencies of the lower mind (thought and the reactive emotional energies) block awareness from heart consciousness.  When we are in full heart consciousness, the mind is seamless with the heart as Divine awareness.  The higher mind is purely a frequency organizer and relay sequence of the intelligence of the heart within the incarnate dimensions.  In the non-dimensional realms, the Divine intelligence is pure soul and spirit knowing.  The mind is only for the manifestation of experience in the denser frequencies of the dimensional universe.

Our awakening, resonance as higher frequencies, and transforming, is to restore heart consciousness.  In the restoration of heart consciousness, we no longer resonate with the fear-based mind distortion.  This enables the true knowing mind to be at one with the heart.  As this occurs, there are no more disharmonic and chaotic frequencies to condition a restriction in the physical body.  Mind is no longer an impediment to heart consciousness.  It is now a coordinator of the intention of the Divine soul within the heart.  When the human being is living in heart consciousness, infinite Divine consciousness is fully transparent to heart, mind, and body.

Divine Consciousness, Mind, and Body as Unity through Heart Consciousness

The Divine consciousness, as experiencing and expressing in heart consciousness, fully integrates the soul and body in unity.  We are in the process of restoring heart consciousness, and thus, emanating the true human body.  The frequency organization that is the body is a purely coherent unity with Divine awareness.  Therefore, the Divine awareness, the mind as transparent to Divine awareness, and the physical body is all one seamless Divine unity.

The transparent mind is like a bridge between Divine consciousness and the body that is emerging dimensionally through heart consciousness.  We are Divine infinite consciousness.  This is known, felt, experienced, and expressed within heart consciousness.

The Body as Divine Consciousness

The true unhindered human body is a Divine body.  It is a beautiful harmonic expansion and contraction that is a timeless pulsation.  The body is consciousness, just as the mind, heart, and Divine awareness.  It is ultimately and immanently a simple emanation of love and creativity.  However, when viewing its frequency organization, it is a complex pattern of electromagnetics, DNA, neural circuits, hormone messengers, circulation, and all other systems.  It is an intricate bio-computer of consciousness that is a receiver, transducer, and transmitter of infinite consciousness.  The body is our vehicle of love and creativity within dimensional existence.

Our transforming and restoring of consciousness is to emanate the Divine within, through, and as the body.  At this level of Divine harmony, the cells are perfectly fluid receivers/transmitters of intelligence.  The body is awakening to a harmonic crystalline consciousness that by essence is love and creativity.  A Divine body consciousness is a natural telepathy, Divine regeneration, intention, and teleportation.  The interior of heart consciousness is interior technology.  In terms of consciousness, technology is Divine love and intelligence.  May we continue to remember, restore, and transform into full heart consciousness so as to be the Divine body consciousness that is our true humanity.

The Shifting Frequency of the Dimensional Hologram

Life in the dimensional realms of the universe is the experience of the Divine as consciousness through energy and matter.  The Divine intelligence is organizing at varying frequencies and sequences along an infinite continuum.  All energy and matter is emanating at specific frequencies of density that are manifestations of consciousness.  We are now experiencing the process of a shift in the hologram to a higher dimensional frequency.

Humanity has been experiencing on Earth a particular frequency organization of the hologram.  The level of frequency organization has been stable at 3D, along with an infiltrating distortion for thousands of years. Existence in the dimensional universe is like a hologram in that each unique part contains the whole.  The understanding of the cosmos as an infinite series of fractals which contain the whole is another way of viewing the holographic nature of the more dense levels of consciousness as physical matter.  The Divine infinite is beyond frequency and therefore, beyond the holographic dimensions of the universe while also emanating as frequencies of the hologram.  The ultimate truth is unity, freedom, love, and creativity—a harmonic synchronous flow of one as unique aspects.

The Distortion within the Third and Fourth Dimensional Frequencies

The frequency range of the collective human consciousness on Earth has been operating in a frequency domain that allows for an infiltration of distortion energies.  This is the restriction of a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  Distortion energies are only operative in the third and fourth dimensional frequency organizations.

Within the higher dimensional frequency organization, the distortion does not function.  It is possible to be in the current frequency organization of the hologram for human experience on Earth without the limiting and restrictive energies that veil our true nature as Divine beings.  However, the fear-based duality consciousness of conflict, control, and separation infiltrated into humanity within the current 3D organization.  Once it infiltrated at the present level of Earth density of consciousness, it remains in place and will not shift from within the current 3D frequencies.  At this level, humanity has a narrow vision with some awareness of the problem, but an inability to change the collective organization.  This has engendered a certain sense of frustration over thousands of years where all systems and institutions maintain the fear-based control system—religion, nation states, monetary systems, education, media, etc.

Thus, we have numerous philosophies, esoteric thought, metaphysics, and spirituality that describe the infinite inner harmony of humanity, but the overall fear-based distortion remains the same.  We see the same underlying structure of religion, politics, and debt-based monetary systems of accelerating cyclical consumption and scarcity economics.  All of this is the system of the distortion that has conditioned a damaged neurological system of the dominant linear thinking mind and its biochemical effects throughout the physical body.  This shows that the whole Earth experience for humanity is not changing from within the current holographic frequency, especially with the institutions of the damaging distortion.

Shifting to a Higher Dimensional Frequency of the Earth Hologram

Information from the subtle energetic dimensions, as well as what we understand as galaxies and solar system has been affecting human consciousness as part of a shift in dimensional frequency.  The hologram for Earth experience is changing its frequency orientation.  Therefore, humanity is both awakening from the distortion, and also shifting to a higher dimensional frequency of the hologram.

All of the information as consciousness is received and transmitted at frequency levels that are interior to being.  The slower frequencies that are mediated by the physical senses and interpreted by the mind and brain impact human consciousness only at the dense frequency level.  Our sensory system is primarily geared toward interpretation of what we understand as external holographic experience—the 3D holographic projection of current Earth experience.  While it is clear that the electromagnetic light spectrum and sound frequency is part of the Earth hologram experience, the higher frequencies from the subtle energetic dimensions are not received by the current physical transmission mediums.

The Sun is the main transducer and transmitter of information as consciousness for Earth and human experience.  In addition to the lower frequency organizations of physical light spectrum, the Sun also resonates information at higher dimensional frequencies.  It is this higher dimensional information that the Sun is currently transforming and transmitting from information received from the galactic center.

As the human experience on Earth is transitioning to a higher frequency organization of the hologram, humanity is being assisted to awaken to our Divine infinite consciousness of Divine awareness.  Within this different energetic configuration, humanity can let go of all the distorting systems, and move beyond them to the true unity consciousness of freedom, love, and creativity.  In the shifting frequencies of the holographic organization, there is an overall holographic experience where heart consciousness is humanity.  Human Divine awareness is not a consciousness where humans are veiled in restriction of only learning to access heart consciousness from within the fear-based distortion.  It is a continual state of heart consciousness where the infinite good choices of creativity and love is known, experienced, and expressed.

The existing frequency of the hologram on Earth in conjunction with the distortion that has restricted human consciousness to a narrow frequency bandwidth of perception, light, and sound, has enabled a duality state of consciousness.  This level of experiencing is struggle, enslavement, entropy, conflict, and separation.  Within the enormous friction of disharmony, the freedom of creativity and love is severely limited.  This results in the desire for freedom, truth, and love of the true Divine human in a condition that searches by mainly learning and not living.

It has been so restrictive that humanity experiences most of its time inefficiently learning what does not work in repeating cycles.  This is where the idea of school, evolution of consciousness, and learning developed. However, as good as evolving may be, at this level of the distortion, the idea of ever learning to evolve is actually a distraction.  As long as the seeker of transformation remains in learning mode, the human consciousness cannot ever be fully extricated from the fear-based distortion.  It keeps us from awakening to our true infinite consciousness of Divine unity.

In a shifting hologram with no more distortion energies, humanity is free to fully love and create.  The awakening process is moving to a lot more living and less learning.  Living is infinite. Creation is never exhausted.  The infinite knowing and feeling of love and the frequencies of creativity forever deepen.  Nowhere is the requirement that living necessitates learning.  Humanity on Earth has lived for so long in the distortion of our true reality, that soul evolution is understood as the current perception of learning.  The evolving soul is not about learning knowledge that is unknown or forgotten, but about experiencing an infinity of unique aspects of the one Divine love through various frequency dimensions of incarnate organization of consciousness.  Can learning be a positive as we now find ourselves in 3D with an accompanying distortion?  Yes, we have been experiencing an awakening from within the density of the learning environment among conflict, control, and separation.  However, all time now spent on learning, struggling, resistance, etc., is less attention on the flowing creativity and love.

Divine Awareness in Heart Consciousness

We are moving to an awareness of heart consciousness where the higher knowing mind and feeling body express our Divine infinite consciousness.  As we awaken Divine awareness and emerge in a higher frequency dimension of the hologram, we will create and love without the overlay of thinking and emotional encoding that is the resistance that the current human cultural systems have immersed us in.  Instead of fighting against, we will be in the flow of harmonic freedom where we can just be so as to fully love and create.

In the harmony of being, there is a release of an infinite amount of energy, abundance, and creativity.  The freedom of creativity energizes its own infinite growth and ever deepening heights of experience without resistance.  From this being flows infinite peaceful action of love and creativity.  The dense energies of resistance can in a limited way forcefully push growth, but only within a structure of continuing restriction.  The shifting frequency organization of the hologram will manifest an awakening to the illusion of evolution through resistance that has appeared so fundamental to a 3D organization of the frequencies of consciousness.

The shift to a fifth dimensional and above frequency will provide humanity on Earth the experience of creativity from infinite freedom and love.  May we continue to open awareness to heart consciousness, and our transformation to our Divine awareness of love and creativity.

Infinite Choice: Freedom and Creativity in Unity Consciousness

Humanity has been experiencing life on Earth within a narrow range of dualistic inharmonic frequencies.  This is a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  It is a consciousness of reactivity through the hindbrain and left brain thinking mind, as well as the emotional system.  This is not the true awareness and consciousness of the human being.  The inharmonic frequencies that veil our true humanity do not resonate with the greater synchrony of the multidimensional Divine infinite consciousness.

Humanity’s fall into the narrow bandwidth of separate linear thinking that is processed through the receiver of the left brain is a self-destructive pattern.  These energies are never coherent.  They are working against each other in misalignment and friction.  This kind of conditioned consciousness never lives in the reality of a unitary now.  The frequency level of the thinking mind through the physical vehicle is always censoring experience with its conditioned filters.  Its very operation separates our awareness from the reality of our Divine infinite consciousness.

Given that this frequency has infiltrated humanity on Earth, we must awaken from our immersion within it.  Thus, we are transforming from within our conditioning and participating within the duality of the fear-based consciousness.  However, the fallacy is that the inharmonic bandwidth is necessary for our spiritual growth and experience as a soul in Divine consciousness.

The Misperception of Learning as the Primary Purpose of Soul Experience

Because humans have been so veiled from the knowing mind and feeling body within infinite consciousness, we have come to view learning as natural to our experience on Earth.  As a result of knowing so little in the extremely narrow fallen frequency of consciousness, we have equated learning with becoming who we truly are.  In truth, we are already the Divine consciousness—we are not evolving or ascending.  We are disconnecting from the disharmonic programming and conditioning within the thinking mind that has enabled a dominant left brain transmitter/receiver.

The linear hierarchical mind of the reptilian brain with left brain connections is about status, control, fight or flight, and conflict.  The infiltration within humanity to form the reptilian (hindbrain) and left brain as the dominant mode of consciousness is a form neurological damage (See also Tony Wright and Graham Gynn, “Return to the Brain of Eden: Restoring the Connection between Neurochemistry and Consciousness,” or “Left in the Dark:  The Biological Origins of the Fall from Grace”).  The erroneous level of the thinking mind has allowed the chemical and cellular frequencies of consciousness that is the body to become maladaptive as the human transmitter/receiver that is the soul’s incarnate vehicle.  This maladapted consciousness operates within an imprisonment of tunnel vision.

By operating from the fallen thinking mind mode, we have come to enjoy learning.  We have been misguided to believe that learning is the primary purpose of life.  But is learning really the primary activity that our infinite consciousness is on Earth to do through the bodily vehicle?  What if our purpose was to solely create and experience within the boundless infinite.  Maybe the dualistic frequencies that we have been living on Earth are a restricted frequency mode that does not have to be the consciousness experience on Earth.  The reality that is never exhausted is love.  Within its unity there is an infinite possibility of unique frequencies of harmony.  It creates and experiences infinitely.  Thus, our true awareness has the ability to experience and create from the unity of being.  Creativity is infinite choice—it is free.

True Freedom in Unity Consciousness

This brings us to a concept of the human mind that is known as free will.  As this concept is understood across virtually all traditions and paradigms, it is believed that we need the narrow fear-based conflict frequencies of separation in order to have free will.  Do we really need conflict, control, separation, and disharmony to know the unity of our Divine infinite consciousness of harmony?  Does our true being and transformation depend on the duality of unity versus separation?  No, the reality of the goodness of infinite consciousness just is in truth.   It needs no opposite to define itself.

Our current participation in the conflict frequencies is a gross distortion and veiling of our true being of Divine consciousness.  It is a particular narrow frequency range of experience that offers heavy inertia and learning in a bandwidth that attempts to maintain the imprisoned veiling through self-replicating dualities.  Does free will depend upon the choice to access both the true reality of love, unity, harmony, and creativity; and the distortion of fear, conflict, control, and separation?  Do we need an erroneous contrast or separation in order to know the truth of unity?  Again, the disharmonic frequency is not needed even though it is a frequency range that unfortunately can be currently experienced in a veiled aspect of the third dimension of the universe.

The Freedom and Creativity of Divine Consciousness

If we were not in dimensional frequencies where the inharmonic choices exist, what happens to free will?  In reality, within a dimension where the inharmonic frequencies are not accessed, human choice actually becomes truly free.  In a pure unity consciousness, the harmonic choices are infinite and are all good.  It is never finite—a range of experience that never exhausts and never ends.  This is true freedom.  It is not some narrowly conditioned notion that we need bad in order to know good and to be free.

The good and bad duality that is presently identifying our infinite consciousness with a false damaged thinking mind as programmed censor and reactor is not true freedom.  The dual consciousness is a restriction, and under this restriction, infinite choice is never accessed, experienced, or expressed.  Within this mode of consciousness, awareness is perpetually restricted by the censoring mind and the inharmonic frequencies of a fear-based culture.  Thus, experience and creativity is drastically narrowed.  It is relegated to the narrowly repeating patterns of conditioning and programming.  Therefore, to believe that free choice is dependent on the negative is a blindness of awareness.

Only love is free.  Within this freedom is an endless range of experience that chooses to be, create, and express infinite knowing that is the wisdom of love.  True freedom is the Divine awareness as knowing mind in the now of unity through the feeling of the body.  May we all be our heart consciousness that expresses our Divine infinite awareness of love as the fullness of freedom and creativity.

Awakening the Light Within

In order to awaken to our true self of infinite Divine consciousness, we must relinquish the conditioning of the disharmonic frequencies of our consciousness that is the operation of mind as thought and emotion.  This is the thinking mind and emotional energy system that is within both the conscious and unconscious levels of mind.  We open to heart consciousness when we directly resonate the Light within.

The awareness within is the way that we experience and express our nonlocal unity.  The moment we look without for the resolution of our true nature, we fragment our consciousness in a veil of separation.  Ideas, thoughts, people, places, etc., cannot provide our unity that is only from the pure awareness of our heart consciousness.  Our fear-based conditioning has directed us to look outside for an answer to our wholeness, success, or evolution.  If we are looking outside for an answer, we will reinforce the neural circuitry and emotional encoding of conflict, control, and separation.  The resonance of our love, peace, and creativity is solely an inner choice.  Any external experience in this dimension can only serve as a reminder of our response to receive, generate, and transmit our frequency.


The Light Mind in the Heart

The Light is harmonic, fluid, frictionless, and with no opposition, conflict, or resistance.  In the incarnate dimensions of the universe, the full embodiment of Divine consciousness is a pure movement of frequencies of matter that pulse in a synchronous expansive and contractive movement.  There is not the constant inertia, friction, resistance, and struggle that has been the experience in a 3D/4D experience of the movement of matter.  Divine infinite consciousness experienced through the Light mind in the heart is a whole new experience of the frequencies of consciousness as physical matter.  These harmonic frequencies do not operate on the reactionary friction based energies of thought and emotion.

The thinking mind and emotions are based on accumulated past programming.  This conditioning system of mind and emotional signaling system is a restrictive protective system of conflict in a survival based consciousness.  The experience of hurtful actions of conflict is a result of the inharmonic dense level of consciousness that has infiltrated the human mind and body over thousands of years.


Thought and Emotion as an Operating System of Limitation

At first look, we may ask the question, “How do we live without thought or emotion?”  It seems so fundamental to the experience of life incarnate on Earth—a vital part of the soul’s journey of learning and experiencing in a world that uses veils of fragmented attention.  This may appear to feel normal because we are asking the question with the conditioned thinking mind and emotional system.  Thought and emotion by themselves cannot vision and feel how a free human with a knowing Light mind of wisdom and pure feeling can act in this incarnate world.  We only begin to glimpse our true potential of intelligence to love and create without the slow dense frequencies of thought and emotion when we place attention within the heart and the infinite that is.

Creativity is love in the moment.  It is the pure expression of Being—there is no censoring, commenting thought, or reacting emotion.  The experience itself is its own delight.  Our use of language is a transducing of consciousness into a limited frequency pattern.  We do not have a word that translates into the understanding of natural infinite pleasure.  The words, “pleasure, ecstasy, bliss, joy, etc. all have a certain charge. They all have resonance patterns that extend from emotion.  Words such as peaceful, tranquil, and calm can point us to an aspect of our natural feeling, but cannot entirely grasp it.  The natural feeling state is a pure unity of dynamic active energy, and pure quiet and calm. We do not have a word that can define our natural feeling state.  At present, we can only feel this from our interior.

We have been under an illusion that our awareness and action from thought and emotion is natural.  In fact, they are both a time bound and compensatory reaction to experience.  They are not the intrinsic instantaneous awareness of being that is life.  This is the controlled programmed human being.  At the level of thought and emotion, all life of experience and action are processed through this filter or overlay.  We have been under the perception that our identity is somehow merged with the thinking and emotional overlay of who we are.  The thinking and emotional frequencies form an ego structure of survival and protection of a continuity of identity.  It is compensatory for a misguided view of lack, unworthiness, shame, and guilt, as well as attachment to the knowledge, beliefs, thought forms, and emotions that have formed the contents of the mind under a fear-based operating system of trauma, conflict, trial and error, and doubt based learning.


Disharmony of the Thinking Mind and Emotional System

The identity that we develop from our early childhood, past life thought patterns and emotional imprints, intergenerational transmission, and cultural conditioning, forms a false-self persona of who we think we are.  The way that the current mind responds to trauma-based conditioning through beliefs and negative emotional encoding, reinforces the misperception that the human being is not good by nature.  When we combine this conditioning with the thinking mind’s accumulation of knowledge through programming or learning, the mind is set up to continually search for a solution to a problem it cannot solve.

This mind can never find wholeness and truth because its very nature is conflict and repetition of past knowledge.  Therefore, we develop a thinking mind that is operating from partial knowledge that is always from past accumulation.  Using this frequency of mind is always in conflict and searching mode because it never functions from knowing.  In knowing, there is freedom, peace, and creativity in the infinite now.

What is the origin of the frequencies of the thinking mind and emotional energy within human incarnation?  Did it evolve?  Is it cyclical? Or is it an infiltration of a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation into human consciousness when this level of disharmonic frequency is not necessary?  It is clear that humanity as Divine infinite consciousness of soul in spirit incarnate through a frequency vehicle of body is our true nature.  Therefore, we need to understand how we awaken beyond the false thinking mind and emotional energy to the Light mind and Divine body through heart consciousness.


Light and Sound Frequencies of our Interior Consciousness Technology

As long as we are using the thinking mind and its associated emotional system, we are veiled from the frequencies of our interior consciousness abilities.  The frequencies of the Light mind and its sound resonance through the feeling body are beyond the past learning thought process and emotional reactions.  The knowing and feeling frequencies that are organized by heart consciousness is the harmonic energy of telepathy, teleportation, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity.

When we are coherent light and harmonic sound as a unitary energy through the body, we are in heart consciousness.  The consciousness of the heart is our soul in spirit that is our Divine Being.  When in heart consciousness, the infinite intelligence of Divine awareness can express through a Divine body.  The body is a receiver/transmitter of intelligence as information and feeling—a vehicle of consciousness organization at frequencies of matter for being love and creativity within incarnate dimensions.  The Divine intelligence through the heart forms a communications resonance to the prefrontal cortex.  This part of the brain forms neural circuitry with the midbrain, including the pineal gland.  The hormones from the glands assist many electromagnetic means of communication through the body’s cellular crystalline receiver-transmitter systems.

The Light mind operates through the pure harmonic resonance of the body at frequencies that do not inhibit our interior consciousness technologies.  Without the overlay of the thinking mind/emotional system, we are all of our natural Divine abilities.  They do not need to be developed.  The human being by nature is Divine infinite consciousness.  When we are embodied in physical form, we live our true being through heart consciousness.

Heart Consciousness: Transforming to the Light Mind and Divine Body

Only from within heart consciousness can we transform to the Light mind of intuitive knowing and doing.  A Light mind of pure knowing and action that brings infinite love and creativity into this dimension is needed to enable the Divine to fully express in the physical frequencies of consciousness.  In this article, we will discuss the role of the Light mind in embodying the Divine infinite consciousness within the physical body on Earth.  We will describe the Light mind as frequencies that transcend the consciousness of the physical body, emotions, thought, and etheric energy, yet remain as a slower oscillation of the Divine for the purpose of incarnate experience.  Thus, the Light mind is not our full expression of our soul and spirit being of Divine infinite consciousness.

However, the Light mind is vital in experiencing and expressing the Divine infinite consciousness within the physical body consciousness of matter.  The transforming of the dualistic thinking mind will not occur without the awakening and recognition of what we term “heart consciousness.”  The consciousness of the heart is the awareness that we are an evolving soul, a psychic being, and a nonlinear and nonlocal multidimensional being.  The shift to heart awareness brings our consciousness to its center which enables a profound recognition of the unity of all life.  From heart consciousness we experience our essence and expression of love and creativity.


Transforming the Fear-Based Conditioning of Mind and Body

Heart consciousness is the opening to transforming the fear-based consciousness that is the conditioning of the lower thinking mind, emotional energies, and their expression in the physical cellular consciousness.  The fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation, occurs from the thinking mind operating system of the human mind.  The mind closely interfaces with the physical body, but also transcends the physical frequencies of matter.  However, we are not directly our mind.  The mind is an organizing system for experiencing the soul and spirit incarnate life in the body.  The human Divine nature is a Divine infinite consciousness of spirit expressing as soul.  Heart consciousness is our awareness within the body to awaken and ascend to Divine consciousness, and embody the Divine within the physical body.

It is paramount that in order to embody the Divine infinite consciousness in the physical, we must transform the current thinking mind to a knowing Light mind.  The fear-based thinking mind uses the brain’s fight, flight, and freeze systems. These systems operate through the limbic and hind brain.  The reactions to this dense encoding process utilize the basic emotional energies.  The mind’s conditioning of the trauma response with the emotional energies effect the freedom of the Divine infinite consciousness within the body.  The restrictive energy remains within all physical systems of the body which effect the harmonic flow of cellular regeneration.  Because of the fear-based operating system of the thinking mind and accompanying emotional system, the human exhibits a shock response that restricts, anchors, and does not easily relinquish high arousal energies of the nervous system.  Therefore, this mind loop continually replays past frozen states of energy that are conditioned through the body’s chemical and cellular system.

The current 3D human incarnation of limitation is experienced from the thinking mind and emotional systems through this conditioning of the body.  With this mind and emotional system in place, the human cannot ground and live from Divine infinite consciousness in the body.  The true human being is an infinite Divine consciousness of freedom, harmony, love, and creativity.  In order for the Divine infinite consciousness of love and creativity to fully express through our incarnate being, we need to transform to a new mind.  This is a move beyond the fear-based analytical thinking mind to the knowing Light mind that organizes consciousness and intention beyond thought.  In fact, the Light mind also organizes consciousness and intention beyond emotion.  Here, the Light mind unites with the soul’s feeling experience through the body.  This level of bodily awareness is a totality of feeling that combines interior and exterior sensation.  The freedom of creative intention that is the Light mind is pure knowing and feeling.


Beyond the Thinking Mind to the Mind of Light

We must transform the inharmonic frequencies of the lower nature of the thinking mind, emotional energies, and their imbalanced effect on the physical cellular consciousness in order to embody the Divine infinite consciousness in the body on Earth.  The awakening to heart consciousness is our center of awareness where we are evolving the mind to a higher frequency mind of Light.  The changing of the mind’s operating system works in synchrony with the transformation of DNA, the nervous system, the hormonal system, and the cellular consciousness of the physical body.  In this way, the body will be capable of experiencing, expressing, and responding to life on Earth in harmonic resonance with the Divine consciousness.  This is the embodiment of the Divine through all levels of our being.  Thus, the unity of all levels is the fullness of heart consciousness as Divine unity.

The awareness of heart consciousness allows us to awaken our unlimited infinite being which enables the change of the mind’s operating system.  The awareness and change only occurs from the interior of consciousness.  All external frequencies through the material world using the five senses, thinking mind, and emotional energy can guide us on our journey, but the transformation of mind and embodiment of Divine consciousness can only occur through an awareness that is beyond this level.  The practice of meditation is the only sustained way to shift from the thinking conditioned mind to the knowing Light mind.  In this way, anchor in heart consciousness and restore awareness to our nonlocal and multidimensional being.

The awakening of awareness to the higher mind enables us to move beyond the analytical thinking mind and conditioned emotions by releasing the fear that keeps the energy restricted.  Meditation consistently oscillates the brain frequencies in alpha and theta range.  These frequencies relate to consciousness being more harmonic and in the flow of knowing, love, and creativity.  While consciousness can change at any moment in the present of now, it is mainly the persistent inner work of the meditative awareness, self-observation, and inner feeling that evolves the consciousness frequencies of energy in the body.


Light Mind as an Organizing Field for Divine Consciousness in the Body

For humanity to live the Divine infinite consciousness in the body, we must evolve the operating system of the mind.  This change will fully enable the evolution to a higher capable nervous system in unity with heart, higher frequency DNA, and a harmonic crystalline body.  We fully organize our awareness of heart consciousness in the body when we heal all trauma conditioning and evolve from a dualistic analytical mind to a mind of light.  The Light mind is the organizing field of information frequency that mediates the Divine infinite consciousness in the physical dimension of experience.

Our Divine consciousness is nonlocal and multidimensional.  It is unlimited and beyond time, and exists at once on Earth, the solar system, galaxy, universe, multidimensions, and infinite spiritual realms.  It is a being of loving, knowing, feeling, and creating.  When the soul and spirit is incarnate in the human physical body, the Light mind is the organization field for Divine consciousness to experience multidimensionality in the physical consciousness vehicle of the body.

Through the Light mind, which opens from the full power of the heart, our consciousness can communicate telepathically, locate in teleportation, regenerate in harmonic cellular consciousness, and creatively manifest intention.  The Light mind is so finely in unitary resonance with our Divine infinite consciousness that ultimately the mind appears to seamlessly emanate our spirit of Divine consciousness through a physical body.  The evolving embodiment of the Divine in the body is the fullness of heart consciousness.