When we awaken to heart consciousness and move beyond the fear-based consciousness, we become aware of our being and essence as soul and not personality.
The personality as ego developed from the conditioning of intergenerational transmission of beliefs and emotions, and a narrow range of conditioning from life experience in a wounded fear-based material world. This frequency band of limitation places human consciousness only within a limited range of the physical sensory and thinking mind. It is a constricted view of matter and physics. True matter and physicality has unlimited capabilities with infinite frequencies of the Divine. The fullness of the human physical sensory range emanates from non-local dimensions of the intuitive knowing mind within the heart from the spirit.
Each human is a unique incarnated soul as an aspect of the infinite and eternal Divinity that is love and creativity. The Divine blueprint that is the signature element of each soul is a knowing self-recognition and a recognition by other souls in resonance. Sri Aurobindo understands our soul essence as the “psychic being.” He then sees humanity transforming through successive layers of mind to an ultimate supramental consciousness. Here, we emanate at the true Divine soul essence directly within, as, and through the physical body on Earth.
From within our heart consciousness in the spirit, we know our being as soul awareness. The harmony of love, freedom, creativity, and unity only flows from the Divine soul. Anything less restricts awareness in fear, conflict, control, and separation. In a fear-based consciousness, the thinking mind needs to categorize everything by aspects of personality, life experiences, and life situation. The number of permutations of each human personality is virtually limitless. Therefore, when viewed from the ego personality, self-recognition and the recognition of other souls is impossible. The lower mind level can never fully recognize the Divine essence of being that is the other.
By opening heart consciousness, we will begin to fully recognize each other as soul. We will allow our relationships to connect and expand as soul awareness. We can only allow freedom and trust in another soul when we recognize them as soul awareness. If we are operating from the limited overlay of the thinking mind, there will always be fault, judgment, and inadequacy. It is from within the heart as soul in spirit that we truly know each other. Soul awareness from within the heart is love. Knowing each other through resonance from the heart is seeing, feeling, and understanding a human as soul. This is our true infinite being of love, creativity, and shared experience as soul expression that is the gift of life.
As we awaken the higher knowing mind in the heart, we will no longer seek to connect by a series of ego needs, wants, and projections that is the fear-based mind’s way of trying to control experience. We will not identify our self or others by the personality, life experience, and life situation of a soul in the current fear-based 3D human condition. In soul recognition, we can freely choose and respond to mutual self-giving relationships in the Divine timing of resonance. We will trust the Divine and its now moment synchrony to allow connection through soul recognition.
The transformation from limited personality to infinite soul is in a process of transition. May we continue to awaken to the Divine awareness, consciousness, information, and energy that is assisting our transformation to the fullness of soul awareness.