Love, Intention, and the Soul’s Knowing

The power of intention both begins and manifests with love.  Divine love is the creative force that emanates all into existence throughout all dimensions. Loving intention is beyond mind. It is within the knowing soul and Divine feeling energy through the heart and body.

Thought and emotional energy are part of the lower mind’s direction, overlays, and filters in a 3D duality world.  These secondary energetic frequencies can be a general guide and a sense of boundary protection, but they are not the soul’s knowing and intention.  The thinking mind and emotional system developed within a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  These levels of mind and emotional energy are part of the egoic consciousness of separation.  As humanity awakens and transforms to a Divine Light mind and Divine body, we will transcend thought-form and reactive emotional energy.  Creativity and true feeling will be directly from Divine love through our pure soul in spirit.

In our current human consciousness that has veiled the fullness of the Divine soul within the mind and body, it is possible to use the inefficient thought-form and emotional energy for creativity. However, it is a pushing energy of self-need that can appear to achieve goals, but in actuality is only partly successful, and it never really satisfies because it is not the purely coherent harmonic energy of creation.  Love is creative. And it is only from the Divine soul as a knowing, wisdom, and harmonic feeling that we create and manifest our unique gifts through self-giving on Earth.

Love as Aspiration, Appreciation, and Admiration

The essence of intention and creativity is love. It is the dynamism of infinite Divine love that creates and manifests within the dimensional world.  Love emanates from the knowing soul in spirit.  From this frequency of soul resonance, there is an outpouring of aspiration for what is good, true, and beautiful. There is great appreciation and admiration which is the essence of manifestation. Love creates.

True intention is not about “want” and possessions.  The energy of “wanting” is an attachment energy of the egoic thinking mind that is based in fear.  This level of fear-based thinking and reactive emotional energy results in suffering.  The conditioning of the unconscious mind in a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation has many levels of mind looping thought processes until we release this operating system from our mind programming.  If our thought energy and emotions directly created our reality on Earth, our lives would be astronomically more challenging than they currently are in a difficult 3D system.  The thinking mind and emotional system are reactive.  The mind-emotional system is a censoring/reactive system that is of the egoic consciousness.  The conditioning of the unconscious mind and thought patterns of the conscious mind can shape our experience, but they do not create our reality.  Only appreciation of goodness and beauty truly manifests the soul’s intention into life experiences on Earth.

Intention is Pure Love

Until we truly awaken to the infinite and eternal creative beings that we are in Divine love,  our experiences along our life path are a synergy of Divine plan, soul history, pre-incarnational contracts, intergeneration transmission of information and emotional energy, and early childhood conditioning.  Our soul path of awakening and transforming to our true being in the Divine is a journey of shifting beyond all of these dense energetic frequencies that inhibit the full freedom of the soul.  Freedom is within the pure harmonic flow of Divine love. In love, there is no restriction, inertia, or grating friction.  Love is an expansive ease of perfect synchrony.

Love is the true intention that creates reality.  The purity of intention is beyond the thinking mind and emotional system.  Intention is a soul energy knowing in the spirit.  It emanates through the Light mind in the heart.  Intention is pure love.  It does not want, possess, or grasp.  It just loves.  The appreciation of goodness and beauty is what creates.  It is not born of a want, but only the true intention of the soul. Love is the power, peace, and harmony that is the knowing of intention.  Love is the pure synchronic harmony that manifests the soul’s intention along its life path on Earth. May we open to the freedom and trust to create our soul path from our infinite Divine knowing and feeling that is love.

Within the Flow of Divine Communication

Our Divine communication is through our Divine soul from within the heart.  In heart consciousness, the heart is served by the knowing mind of Light which seamlessly communicates the knowing of our Divine soul in the Spirit.  When the fullness of our Divine soul emanates through the heart within the cellular consciousness of the physical body, we are being our infinite Divine nature in, through, and as the body on Earth.

Divine Soul as One with Body-Mind

In the full harmonic freedom of our Divine soul, the body, mind, and soul is a unitary communication resonator of infinite Divine knowing.  The incarnate vehicle of consciousness in the dimensional universe is the body-mind.  When we emanate in consciousness the infinite Divine soul as one with the body-mind, we are realizing the soul-body.  We are awakening to our pure Divine frequency of love and unity where the soul is expressing as the physical body.

In the current shift of dimensional frequency on Earth, we are awakening and transforming to an operating system of the body-mind that is fully transparent to the Divine soul.  In the purity of our Divine soul, we are emanating on Earth as an aspect of the Divine infinite consciousness of Spirit.

Divine Infinite Consciousness of Knowing

In the clear and harmonic frequency channel of information, knowing does not move.  It is non-local.  Knowing has no limitation of time and space.  It is everywhere in an infinite field of “now.”  This is the Divine flow of communication that can emanate in the physical frequency dimension.  In the infinite field of “now,” rest and action are completely one.  At perfect rest, time is infinite motion.  As this translates into slower frequency speeds on Earth, matter will have a fluidity that can express the non-local knowing.  This is what some perceive as a fifth dimensional and above consciousness.

There is absolutely no restriction to knowing.  Thus, we have no need of a thinking mind which is an operating system that developed and is conditioned to operate in a 3D chaotic frequency of limitation.  Human communication in a fear-based 3D condition always bears some distortion, misunderstanding, or limitation.  The “thinking” operating system of mind developed to deal with limitation in a frequency field of conflict, control, and separation.  It is a separate consciousness designed to experience limitation and restriction.  The thinking mind is not knowing because its frequency is misaligned from knowing.  It is always dealing with parts and never the whole.  The limitation of language in both sound and visual frequency is always a separation of the whole.  Language is always partial, an approximation of knowing.  It is never total, complete, or whole.

The thinking mind consciousness forms a network of filters and overlays that distort experience in the “now.”  The thinking mind is never in the “now” because its nature of misalignment is always slightly outside reality or experience.  It is separate.  Therefore, the knowing of the infinite field is never available to it.

Our consciousness of ego personality is formed from the separation of limitation.  This level of lower mind is separated into a conscious and unconscious awareness.  It became conditioned to operate in a 3D fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  In the unconscious, there are all of the limiting frequencies of experience, beliefs, emotional codings, and actions.  What we understand as the unconscious is not our pure knowing.

Knowing is Through the Light Mind Within the Heart

Our pure knowing is our Divine soul in infinite consciousness.  It emanates on Earth through our knowing Light mind and the feeling of Divine cellular consciousness.  Our body-mind as soul is our Light mind and Divine feeling body.  The experience of our Light mind and Divine body is expressed through heart consciousness.

From the Light mind within the heart, there is an infinite range of meaning that is knowing.  This is beyond the cognitive thinking operations of the lower mind.  The soul as heart and Light mind through the body is an infinite Divine awareness.  Here, the information flows without interference, restrictions, or limitation.  There is no static background noise that occurs in a misalignment from the eternal now of love, peace, and creativity.  There is only pure knowing in an infinite spontaneity of unique expression of love and its creative action.

Unity of Knowing and Feeling Within the Heart

The heart is beyond words.  The knowing is one with feeling.  This is the unification of the light and sound aspects of consciousness as it vibrates in the physical frequencies of matter.  Because of a fear-based consciousness of limitation, the lower mind uses the separation frequencies of thinking and reactive emotion.  The true human knows and feels in the action of love and creativity.

In the quiet of silence, there is an infinite communication of knowing and the power of love.  May we continue to awaken to our true Divine communication beyond the thinking frequencies of language to realize our Divine soul in and as the physical emanation of the soul-body.

Heart Consciousness as Soul Awareness

When we awaken to heart consciousness and move beyond the fear-based consciousness, we become aware of our being and essence as soul and not personality.

The personality as ego developed from the conditioning of intergenerational transmission of beliefs and emotions, and a narrow range of conditioning from life experience in a wounded fear-based material world.  This frequency band of limitation places human consciousness only within a limited range of the physical sensory and thinking mind.  It is a constricted view of matter and physics.  True matter and physicality has unlimited capabilities with infinite frequencies of the Divine.  The fullness of the human physical sensory range emanates from non-local dimensions of the intuitive knowing mind within the heart from the spirit.

Each human is a unique incarnated soul as an aspect of the infinite and eternal Divinity that is love and creativity.  The Divine blueprint that is the signature element of each soul is a knowing self-recognition and a recognition by other souls in resonance.  Sri Aurobindo understands our soul essence as the “psychic being.”  He then sees humanity transforming through successive layers of mind to an ultimate supramental consciousness.  Here, we emanate at the true Divine soul essence directly within, as, and through the physical body on Earth.

From within our heart consciousness in the spirit, we know our being as soul awareness.  The harmony of love, freedom, creativity, and unity only flows from the Divine soul.  Anything less restricts awareness in fear, conflict, control, and separation.  In a fear-based consciousness, the thinking mind needs to categorize everything by aspects of personality, life experiences, and life situation.  The number of permutations of each human personality is virtually limitless.  Therefore, when viewed from the ego personality, self-recognition and the recognition of other souls is impossible.  The lower mind level can never fully recognize the Divine essence of being that is the other.

By opening heart consciousness, we will begin to fully recognize each other as soul.  We will allow our relationships to connect and expand as soul awareness.  We can only allow freedom and trust in another soul when we recognize them as soul awareness.  If we are operating from the limited overlay of the thinking mind, there will always be fault, judgment, and inadequacy.  It is from within the heart as soul in spirit that we truly know each other.  Soul awareness from within the heart is love.  Knowing each other through resonance from the heart is seeing, feeling, and understanding a human as soul.  This is our true infinite being of love, creativity, and shared experience as soul expression that is the gift of life.

As we awaken the higher knowing mind in the heart, we will no longer seek to connect by a series of ego needs, wants, and projections that is the fear-based mind’s way of trying to control experience.  We will not identify our self or others by the personality, life experience, and life situation of a soul in the current fear-based 3D human condition.  In soul recognition, we can freely choose and respond to mutual self-giving relationships in the Divine timing of resonance.  We will trust the Divine and its now moment synchrony to allow connection through soul recognition.

The transformation from limited personality to infinite soul is in a process of transition.  May we continue to awaken to the Divine awareness, consciousness, information, and energy that is assisting our transformation to the fullness of soul awareness.

Creative Intention is Love

Creative intention is beyond thought and emotional frequencies.  If we choose, we can use the lower density energy configuration of thought and emotion as an initial template or guide.  However, the thinking mind and emotional system are not the frequencies of intention.  Therefore, as we continue to awaken to our Divine infinite consciousness, we will not use thought and emotion in the action of creative intention.

Intention occurs in heart consciousness through the knowing Light mind and the Divine feeling of the cellular body consciousness.  Creative intention is a knowing and feeling that transcends space and time.  It is the timeless infinite now of unity consciousness.  The frequency expression is a quiet interior action of the soul.  It is an active component of love that is so subtle that one does not feel any distinct demarcation of intention.  It feels like an arising wave that just is—an intrinsic knowing and feeling of the soul.

The intelligence of intention is our natural human being incarnate of a soul in Divine unity.  It is the emanation of Divine expression in the dimensional universe.  Intention is how the Divine soul expresses and experiences uniqueness in unity.  The frequency of intention is one with love and creativity within the dimensional hologram of the universe.  It forms the core essence of how we learn through love on Earth.  Intention is at the heart of creativity.

Intention is Love and Knowing Beyond Want and Desire

Because intention is a unified frequency of the infinite now that does not know separation, the emanation of intention is a harmonic pulsation that is beyond “wants” and “desires.”  In pure intention, there is no concept of wanting or desiring.  These concepts convey separation which means we do not have something.  If we are resonating with the disharmonic frequencies of not having something, then we are not coherent with the unity of intention.  This incoherence is a “want” which establishes an attachment.  The whole process of separation, want, and attachment is fear.  Want and desire is conditioned from the thinking mind’s fear.  The lower thinking mind restricts our attention from the awareness of the heart’s knowing where the intention lives in the now moment.  The intention is pure existence.  How can we understand the infinite intelligence of the action of creative intention that has no space, time, conflict, or separation, thus no want?

It is not easy to understand intention when we are receiving and transmitting consciousness with the linear left brain through thought, words, and emotional energy. We can only point toward this understanding through verbal or written language. We can only truly know intention from an inner heart knowing that is prior to its translation into lesser frequencies of language.  If we are using the physical frequencies of knowing and intention converted into language, we can only understand the pure intention level of creative being through love.

Within the dimensional hologram of the universe, Divine love as an infinite multi-frequency organization is the only resonance of creativity without want or desire.  The emanation of pure creative intention is love.  In creativity, the Divine knowing and feeling in unity is love.  Creative intention emanates from the core essence of beauty that is love.  We can intend our experience within the dimensional hologram by living in the love and appreciation of our intention.  We are loving our intention, not wanting or desiring our intention.

In Divine Awareness, Intention is Love

Love is the timeless state—no distance, no separation.  When we love our intention in this way, it manifests in the frequencies of the dimensional hologram on Earth.  As a Divine soul in Divine awareness, the intelligence that is love is all there is.  And within the all that is, there is a creative element that enables infinite experience through infinite love.  The creative element is known as intention.

Creative intention is the freedom of the soul.  It is the beauty, wonder, joy, peace, harmony, and unity of the never ending experience of the infinitely unique expressions of love.  It is this creative intelligence of love that organizes our freedom of intention to manifest experience.

Intention is a choice of experiencing in unique ways what we already have as a Divine soul.  Thus, no frequencies of lack, want, or desire.  Just a free choice of knowing and Divine feeling.  Through this knowing and feeling, the experience then manifests into the frequencies of the dimensional hologram.  This is the creativity of a Divine humanity.  In heart consciousness, we are aware of our creativity as an intention, and we are our intention through love.

The action of intention that emanates from love is the manifestation of the soul’s purpose as incarnate in the dimensional universe.   The core of life is a harmonic restful action which brings love into frequency expression.  Our creative intention within our Divine soul is our frequency emanation of the expression of our unique soul signature as an aspect of infinite Divine being.  May we continue to awaken to heart consciousness, and align with the harmonic flow of love and creativity that is our soul’s intention.

The Unity of Souls Beyond and Within the Body

All of humanity is the oneness of Divine infinite consciousness—a pure fluid harmonic pulsation of peaceful action.  This is the only underlying identity of humanity as being, awareness, and consciousness.

Although the Divine awareness is a being, knowing, and unity with all that is in the dimensional universe and the non-dimensional spiritual realms, we experience this awareness from a consciousness of uniqueness.  We are aware souls—a uniqueness in unity.  Unique experience, expression, and being is a natural essence of the Divine source, consciousness, and energy.

Beyond Personal Identity and into Soul Identity of Divine Awareness

The fear-based matrix of conflict, control, and separation has conditioned a narrow perception of exercising uniqueness as an external distinction or seeking to distinguish by isolating and separating.  This external drive for uniqueness actually results in the opposite of the intention.  The search for distinction and identity limits the authentic freedom of the soul. The very process of becoming is a frequency that is disharmonic with our essential uniqueness in unity.  Only within our unity do we have the total freedom to be our unique soul identity.  Once we place awareness outside of a peaceful dynamic unity by seeking to externally differentiate, we no longer emanate the pure being our infinite uniqueness.

Uniqueness never emanates from separation.  In truth, we never fully experience our unique soul identity until we are aware of our consciousness of unity.  In a 3D restrictive consciousness, the cultural matrix has created a separation identity through names, family backgrounds, belief systems, left brain linear education, a conflict driven monetary economy, etc.  All of this develops the personal identity that is the false self or egoic consciousness.  It is a consciousness controlled by the thinking mind and reactive emotional system.  This whole frequency range is an overlay filter of conflict and separation, trauma frequencies, and compensatory actions that maintain the external false self-identity.  An externalized identity that is the restriction of pure freedom inhibits being.  It is only from within our infinite being that we manifest our unique creativity in unity.

The only way beyond the personal identity trap that inhibits both unity and uniqueness is to realize our awareness as Divine being.  Any less awareness through an external identity results in the restriction of our unique creativity and our unity with all that is.  As we awaken to our true soul identity of Divine awareness, our unitary being can express as a unique frequency soul signature through the mind and body.  This is not the current 3D and 4D matrix thinking mind and disharmonic encoded energies in the physical body.  It is the knowing mind of Light and the Divine feeling body that emanates from heart consciousness.  This is our pure soul identity as Divine awareness expressing through a harmonic mind and body on Earth.

Soul Recognition Beyond 3D Bodily Form

Soul identity in Divine awareness is fully an interior knowing.  Each soul is known through its unique energy signature as part of the one unitary consciousness.  There is no need to externalize identity through dense frequencies of names and distinguishing characteristics.  It is all known by the infinite knowing mind, and is love experiencing as peace, freedom, and creativity.  This is who we are as a soul consciousness of Divine being.

Divine awareness is our only true identity.  We are a pure unitary being of souls that are one.  Only in the pure knowing that we are each other do we have the unique awareness of our soul as an identity and unique frequency angle of unitary being.  The moment we experience separation we lose the awareness of who we are.  Thus, we lose both unity and uniqueness.

The purity of our being in relationship within unitary consciousness is experienced in the non-dimensional realms through and energy or light body.  In this level, there is no distinct form to the body as in the dimensional frequencies.  It is here that we have a full awareness of our Divine unitary being with soul recognition through Divine knowing.  This is the foundational experience of our soul’s uniqueness within unity.  Total unitary oneness and pure unique awareness can only be known in heart consciousness through the Light mind seamlessly transducing Divine awareness.  The consciousness of the dualistic thinking mind is incapable of knowing pure oneness and pure uniqueness as singular being.

The pure soul recognition in relationship is experienced in very high dimensional frequencies and within the non-dimensional realms as a pure unitary being of two souls, or many multiple souls.  At this level, there is no bodily form as in the incarnate dimensions.  In its pure awareness, the soul unity is known as an essence of unique unitary consciousness where there is soul recognition by seeing each soul as non-physical light and feeling the soul through spirit.  From this level of unity beyond a physical body vehicle is the essence of who we are as Divine souls.  As we awaken, we will emanate our true being fully through the incarnate physical body on Earth.

Divine Awareness through the Mind and Physical Body on Earth

We are remembering our soul recognition as we open to the knowing mind of Light.  Our purpose at this stage of a shifting dimensional hologram is to bring the pure level of soul identity that is Divine awareness through the mind and body on Earth.  We are here to awaken, remember, restore, and transform to our Divine infinite consciousness beyond all conditioning of a limiting personal identity.  In the journey of remembering our unity consciousness, we are then to express our unique soul awareness of love and creativity through a harmonic emanation of the mind and body.

Heart consciousness is the center where we resonate our Divine being.  From within the heart, we emanate our Divine awareness through the knowing Light mind and the cellular body consciousness of Divine feeling.  Even within the physical body form, we can know each other by our soul frequencies and not by the denser restrictive bandwidths of personal identity consciousness.

Loving and creating from the Divine awareness of soul identity is a restoration of relationships in a higher dimensional frequency.  We are awakening to purely emanate the Divine through mind and body.  In this way, we remember our purpose to experience and express love and creativity on Earth.  We are here to be and live the infinite expressions of love and creativity.  This is a knowing and doing way of life.  In contrast, the present fear-based consciousness and limiting external identity is a conflict, separation, healing, and learning way of life.  We are transforming to live our purpose of being infinite Divine love in incarnate form on Earth.

In a higher frequency of the dimensional hologram, awareness is always in the heart.  With simultaneous heart awareness, a subtle shift in attention can be directed upward along the body or downward along the body.  We no longer have distinct attention on chakra energies centers as in 3D.  The heart is both our new root and center for the Light mind and Divine feeling body to emanate the Divine soul in the dimensional Earth hologram.

May we continue to open to our Divine awareness and multidimensionality so as to be our soul identity in incarnate form on Earth.  As we do so, we will be our infinite knowing of love and creativity that is our unity in Divine awareness.

Divine Awareness within Body Consciousness

The journey of awakening to our true human multidimensionality is a process of unveiling our Divine infinite consciousness while we are experiencing through the physical body.  For thousands of years, the thinking mind through the left brain has decoded and transmitted a fear-based consciousness.  This restriction to a very narrow awareness has conditioned the subtle energetic, biochemical, and cellular organization of the physical body within a disharmonic frequency.  Thus, the current 3D body consciousness reflects the distortion of the mind.

Beyond the Conditioned Mind and into the Mind as Infinite Consciousness

The mind frequencies of the human being are where a false infiltration of conflict, control, and separation energies has encapsulated human consciousness into unawareness.  In truth, the mind is a frequency organization for our infinite soul’s experience within the incarnate dimensions of the holographic universe.  When the mind operates as the higher natural mind, it is a harmonic knowing mind that mediates infinite consciousness through a physical body vehicle.  The knowing mind works on behalf of the heart.  The consciousness of the heart is a frequency mode where we are our soul’s essence of Divine infinite consciousness in the body.  For the soul as human being, Divine awareness is all about heart consciousness.

The separation frequencies of the lower mind (thought and the reactive emotional energies) block awareness from heart consciousness.  When we are in full heart consciousness, the mind is seamless with the heart as Divine awareness.  The higher mind is purely a frequency organizer and relay sequence of the intelligence of the heart within the incarnate dimensions.  In the non-dimensional realms, the Divine intelligence is pure soul and spirit knowing.  The mind is only for the manifestation of experience in the denser frequencies of the dimensional universe.

Our awakening, resonance as higher frequencies, and transforming, is to restore heart consciousness.  In the restoration of heart consciousness, we no longer resonate with the fear-based mind distortion.  This enables the true knowing mind to be at one with the heart.  As this occurs, there are no more disharmonic and chaotic frequencies to condition a restriction in the physical body.  Mind is no longer an impediment to heart consciousness.  It is now a coordinator of the intention of the Divine soul within the heart.  When the human being is living in heart consciousness, infinite Divine consciousness is fully transparent to heart, mind, and body.

Divine Consciousness, Mind, and Body as Unity through Heart Consciousness

The Divine consciousness, as experiencing and expressing in heart consciousness, fully integrates the soul and body in unity.  We are in the process of restoring heart consciousness, and thus, emanating the true human body.  The frequency organization that is the body is a purely coherent unity with Divine awareness.  Therefore, the Divine awareness, the mind as transparent to Divine awareness, and the physical body is all one seamless Divine unity.

The transparent mind is like a bridge between Divine consciousness and the body that is emerging dimensionally through heart consciousness.  We are Divine infinite consciousness.  This is known, felt, experienced, and expressed within heart consciousness.

The Body as Divine Consciousness

The true unhindered human body is a Divine body.  It is a beautiful harmonic expansion and contraction that is a timeless pulsation.  The body is consciousness, just as the mind, heart, and Divine awareness.  It is ultimately and immanently a simple emanation of love and creativity.  However, when viewing its frequency organization, it is a complex pattern of electromagnetics, DNA, neural circuits, hormone messengers, circulation, and all other systems.  It is an intricate bio-computer of consciousness that is a receiver, transducer, and transmitter of infinite consciousness.  The body is our vehicle of love and creativity within dimensional existence.

Our transforming and restoring of consciousness is to emanate the Divine within, through, and as the body.  At this level of Divine harmony, the cells are perfectly fluid receivers/transmitters of intelligence.  The body is awakening to a harmonic crystalline consciousness that by essence is love and creativity.  A Divine body consciousness is a natural telepathy, Divine regeneration, intention, and teleportation.  The interior of heart consciousness is interior technology.  In terms of consciousness, technology is Divine love and intelligence.  May we continue to remember, restore, and transform into full heart consciousness so as to be the Divine body consciousness that is our true humanity.

The Divine Soul of Multidimensional Humanity

The nature of the incarnate human being is a soul essence—a consciousness that is beyond personality.  We are a Divine infinite consciousness.  The soul essence resonates at a frequency that is harmonic, coherent, and higher than the dense frequencies of the personality mind and the physical body in 3D.  In its Divine purity, the soul is even beyond frequency.

Within the 3D world, and most especially as a result of the fear-based distortion that infiltrated this frequency plane, humans have taken on a conditioned ego personality that is perceived as an identity.  The distortion has developed a dominant left brain organization that views experience as a duality of conflict, control, and separation.  Its linear thinking overlay looks first to external material experience.  The outer survival view of separation restricts and narrows consciousness to conflict.  The personality is a veiling to the underlying unity of the multidimensional being where harmony and love enable the unique soul the fluidity of freedom and creativity.

Our name, family background, and early history are particular experiences that our infinite soul is experiencing in the physical body.  All of the encoded information that makes up the conscious personality is not the human identity as a Divine infinite being.  All of this information is the aspect of experience that the Divine infinite consciousness is expressing and experiencing within the frequencies of the incarnate physical body on Earth within disharmonic frequencies.  We have been experiencing life in the physical body through the lower mind and emotional system because of the distortion that has grossly limited our consciousness.

Heart Consciousness beyond the Personality

When we shift beyond the personality to who we truly are as Divine awareness, we will live in heart consciousness.  In our full multidimensional consciousness, the higher knowing mind works through the heart where the soul’s resonance emanates a Divine cellular body consciousness.  As we awaken, restore, and transform consciousness in ascending frequencies, it becomes clear that the whole personal identity is a restrictive censoring overlay of the thinking mind and emotional system.  It developed primarily in the distortion within the fear-based matrix encodings of current duality human culture on Earth.  Therefore, it cannot be healed or changed at the level of the personality and lower mind.  The ego personality must be allowed to relinquish in an awakening of Divine awareness through heart consciousness.  We awake and transform to a higher knowing mind in the heart through the feeling body.

The higher mind in the heart is beyond thought and emotion as we currently experience through the lower mind as mediated by the left brain, and the reptilian brain to limbic neural circuits and hormonal bio-chemicals.  Higher consciousness is neither intellectual nor emotional as perceived by our distorted personality consciousness that has been experiencing in a fear-based frequency.  Through heart consciousness, our Divine awareness emanates a knowing and feeling in place of the distorted thinking intellect and emotion reaction system.  In our multidimensional Divine infinite consciousness, there is no separation between knowing and feeling.  They are one mode of consciousness experienced as information and energy. The knowing/feeling aspect of consciousness is a frequency tool for incarnate experience to be and express love and creativity.  Knowing and feeling are purely in the now.  There is no lag, interpretation, or reaction to experience that would take consciousness out of the awareness of the infinite timeless now.

The Knowing/Feeling Mode of Consciousness as a Frequency Expression of Love

From within the lower 3D frequencies, the best way to understand the knowing/feeling mode is love.  Our natural state is love.  It is the only true freedom for the soul to create.  Within our current awakening, restoration, and transformation, we open to the timeless love through interior silence.  Here, we restore and remember our natural state of love that is abundantly creative.  This is the fullness of our intelligence.

The Divine intelligence creates through love.  May we continue to relinquish our restricted personal identity that processes experience through thinking and reactive emotion, and open to our Divine creativity that is the knowing/feeling frequency that emanates through love.  The dimensionless infinity that is love is creative through incarnate being by the transduced knowing and feeling energy that operates in dimensional frequencies without restriction, friction, conflict, inertia, and entropy.  Multidimensional humanity is a Divine intelligence of freedom, harmony, and creativity that is love.  Let us be the peaceful action of intelligent creativity that we know as love.

Transforming in Heart Consciousness

From the perspective of the thinking mind through the left brain, the process of transforming from one frequency to another is a paradox.  With the thinking mind, we perceive that we must change by identifying a belief, emotional encoding, or activity we do not like.  Once identified, the concept is to “change” it by working against it to replace it with the desired state.

In reality, the moment we try to change it by using any means, we actually reinforce its existence.  The duality consciousness of the censoring thinking mind and reactive emotional system perpetuates duality consciousness with its concept of change.  This is a self-replicating mechanism of the fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.

We transform in heart consciousness by being fully aware of beliefs, encodings, activities, etc., as they are.  Our main effort is not to change, but to really see and feel the reality that is expressing that is less than our true being of Divine infinite consciousness.  Now, we do not have to do anything using a concept of change.  We allow our natural intention of our soul to emanate in the present moment.  True transformation is not of time.  Thus, it is not changing from one state to another.  It is a beyond time emanating shift of frequencies.  Therefore, in transformation, there is a seamless shift from one frequency organization to another.

Transforming Frequencies through Intent

The frequency pattern alters by a knowing intent.  It is simply a manifestation of an expression of a unique resonance of Divine awareness through consciousness as energy. From the 3D point of view, we are misguided in using a linear concept of having to change something into something new.  In the Divine awareness of unity consciousness, we allow a shift of frequency by the infinite and timeless emanation of frequency organization that is our true being in Divine unity.  It is love that shifts the fear-based frequency condition, not our mind’s action to change it using a duality frequency.  Love is the infinite timeless of Divine being.

The challenge of transformation is twofold.  First, we must open awareness to the heart and trust in the knowing of our true Divine nature.  Second, we must become fully aware of the fear-based state at its most deepest level of frequency distortion—a pure look at what is.  This second part is the real challenge of the transformation process.

Because of our fear-based conditioning, the ability to see what is without filters or overlays takes a time sequence in the current 3D dimensional frequency.  It is here that we use healing modalities, meditations, self-observation, books, etc. as an unveiling process to accept the condition as it is.  As we become fully aware of the condition, we enable our Divine consciousness to transform our frequency expression to our soul’s intent and being of love and creativity.  The modality or any external action including meditation is not performing the change in frequency.  The action can provide resonance to assist both Divine awareness and most specifically the unveiling process to see unobstructed what is the conditioned belief, emotion, or activity.  Any shift is totally interior to the soul as Divine awareness.

Moving Beyond the Mind Concept of Linear Change

If we try to use the restricted thinking mind’s concept of change through the left brain to change the specific condition, we reinforce the fear state and its myriad distortions of defenses that all further a consciousness of separation.  The objective of learning is to trust the unveiling process to fully see and feel the distortion.  In the fear condition, we always have an awareness at some level that there is a distortion, but we do not fully see and feel. Thus, we are not accepting of what is.

The learning is always about the unveiling of the distorted condition, not who we are as Divine awareness or the process of transformation.  The learning is time bound.  Fortunately, with accelerating frequencies as part of a shift in the dimensional hologram, the time duration in 3D of the learning part is reducing.  Therefore, there is a faster acceptance of what is, an opening to Divine awareness, and allowing the transformation as an emanation of love and creativity through the body vehicle on Earth.

The transformation itself is not understood as a need to learn.  It is a choice, an experience and expression of Divine consciousness.  The Divine awareness is a pure knowing and feeling—our true being of Divine unity.  As we learn to accept our condition, we will transform to the true good choices of our soul as Divine awareness.  We will restore our understanding of the true purpose of the soul to experience and express the infinite of love and creativity in unique ways within various dimensional frequencies.  We will move beyond the need to learn in a dense restricted consciousness.  The current necessity to learn is because of the infiltration that has distorted human consciousness in mind and body.  As we transform, we will be our infinite knowing and continually express our love and creative action.

From one point of view, we are not evolving or ascending consciousness.  We are evolving and ascending our limitations to the unveiling of our fear-based condition.  Our limitation has been to use the dualistic mind to repeat the conditions of our separation by not fully recognizing it.  We either perpetuate the separation by defending against the pain of the distortion to our humanity, or we perpetuate it by not accepting it in how we go about working against it in duality to seek a linear change.  We must transcend beyond the dominant thinking mind of conflict, and remember that we cannot change a restricted condition by using the same distorted mind that is causing or enabling the condition.

Restoring Our Awareness as Divine Infinite Consciousness

We are restoring our Divine infinite consciousness as a human being.  The knowing mind in heart awareness of humanity has not been on Earth for hundreds of thousands of years.  We are moving beyond the damaged nervous system and biochemical system of the thinking mind.  The true human nature already is an infinite Divine consciousness of multidimensionality with full interior consciousness capabilities of cellular regeneration, telepathy, teleportation, and intentional manifestation.  Our current fear-based consciousness, cultural, and institutional condition on Earth is a distortion of who we truly are as Divine beings.  Therefore, we must transform with our Divine awareness that is beyond the distorting frequencies.

It is good that we have a sincere desire to move from a lesser consciousness of conflict, control, and separation to an expanded awareness of love, creativity, and unity.  However, the next point of focus is to open to the consciousness that will transform the information, consciousness, and energy configuration.  It is only with a profound acceptance of our current frequency organization in thought, emotion, and actions that we will allow our Divine consciousness to shift to our true harmonic frequency.  Developing this level of attention and awareness is the challenge at this point in the shifting frequencies of the dimensional hologram on Earth.

We transform by continually placing awareness on seeing our condition, resisting the misguided linear thinking mind’s attempt at changing the undesirable state by using the limited thinking mind, and let the Divine love that we are express on Earth.  This is transformation in heart consciousness.   We are not becoming a new humanity—we are allowing our Divine infinite consciousness to organize as our higher mind and physical body to emanate the true humanity that we are.  May we continue to open to our Divine awareness so as to enable a shift from a restricted humanity to a frequency organization that is our true humanity of love and creativity.

Infinite Choice: Freedom and Creativity in Unity Consciousness

Humanity has been experiencing life on Earth within a narrow range of dualistic inharmonic frequencies.  This is a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  It is a consciousness of reactivity through the hindbrain and left brain thinking mind, as well as the emotional system.  This is not the true awareness and consciousness of the human being.  The inharmonic frequencies that veil our true humanity do not resonate with the greater synchrony of the multidimensional Divine infinite consciousness.

Humanity’s fall into the narrow bandwidth of separate linear thinking that is processed through the receiver of the left brain is a self-destructive pattern.  These energies are never coherent.  They are working against each other in misalignment and friction.  This kind of conditioned consciousness never lives in the reality of a unitary now.  The frequency level of the thinking mind through the physical vehicle is always censoring experience with its conditioned filters.  Its very operation separates our awareness from the reality of our Divine infinite consciousness.

Given that this frequency has infiltrated humanity on Earth, we must awaken from our immersion within it.  Thus, we are transforming from within our conditioning and participating within the duality of the fear-based consciousness.  However, the fallacy is that the inharmonic bandwidth is necessary for our spiritual growth and experience as a soul in Divine consciousness.

The Misperception of Learning as the Primary Purpose of Soul Experience

Because humans have been so veiled from the knowing mind and feeling body within infinite consciousness, we have come to view learning as natural to our experience on Earth.  As a result of knowing so little in the extremely narrow fallen frequency of consciousness, we have equated learning with becoming who we truly are.  In truth, we are already the Divine consciousness—we are not evolving or ascending.  We are disconnecting from the disharmonic programming and conditioning within the thinking mind that has enabled a dominant left brain transmitter/receiver.

The linear hierarchical mind of the reptilian brain with left brain connections is about status, control, fight or flight, and conflict.  The infiltration within humanity to form the reptilian (hindbrain) and left brain as the dominant mode of consciousness is a form neurological damage (See also Tony Wright and Graham Gynn, “Return to the Brain of Eden: Restoring the Connection between Neurochemistry and Consciousness,” or “Left in the Dark:  The Biological Origins of the Fall from Grace”).  The erroneous level of the thinking mind has allowed the chemical and cellular frequencies of consciousness that is the body to become maladaptive as the human transmitter/receiver that is the soul’s incarnate vehicle.  This maladapted consciousness operates within an imprisonment of tunnel vision.

By operating from the fallen thinking mind mode, we have come to enjoy learning.  We have been misguided to believe that learning is the primary purpose of life.  But is learning really the primary activity that our infinite consciousness is on Earth to do through the bodily vehicle?  What if our purpose was to solely create and experience within the boundless infinite.  Maybe the dualistic frequencies that we have been living on Earth are a restricted frequency mode that does not have to be the consciousness experience on Earth.  The reality that is never exhausted is love.  Within its unity there is an infinite possibility of unique frequencies of harmony.  It creates and experiences infinitely.  Thus, our true awareness has the ability to experience and create from the unity of being.  Creativity is infinite choice—it is free.

True Freedom in Unity Consciousness

This brings us to a concept of the human mind that is known as free will.  As this concept is understood across virtually all traditions and paradigms, it is believed that we need the narrow fear-based conflict frequencies of separation in order to have free will.  Do we really need conflict, control, separation, and disharmony to know the unity of our Divine infinite consciousness of harmony?  Does our true being and transformation depend on the duality of unity versus separation?  No, the reality of the goodness of infinite consciousness just is in truth.   It needs no opposite to define itself.

Our current participation in the conflict frequencies is a gross distortion and veiling of our true being of Divine consciousness.  It is a particular narrow frequency range of experience that offers heavy inertia and learning in a bandwidth that attempts to maintain the imprisoned veiling through self-replicating dualities.  Does free will depend upon the choice to access both the true reality of love, unity, harmony, and creativity; and the distortion of fear, conflict, control, and separation?  Do we need an erroneous contrast or separation in order to know the truth of unity?  Again, the disharmonic frequency is not needed even though it is a frequency range that unfortunately can be currently experienced in a veiled aspect of the third dimension of the universe.

The Freedom and Creativity of Divine Consciousness

If we were not in dimensional frequencies where the inharmonic choices exist, what happens to free will?  In reality, within a dimension where the inharmonic frequencies are not accessed, human choice actually becomes truly free.  In a pure unity consciousness, the harmonic choices are infinite and are all good.  It is never finite—a range of experience that never exhausts and never ends.  This is true freedom.  It is not some narrowly conditioned notion that we need bad in order to know good and to be free.

The good and bad duality that is presently identifying our infinite consciousness with a false damaged thinking mind as programmed censor and reactor is not true freedom.  The dual consciousness is a restriction, and under this restriction, infinite choice is never accessed, experienced, or expressed.  Within this mode of consciousness, awareness is perpetually restricted by the censoring mind and the inharmonic frequencies of a fear-based culture.  Thus, experience and creativity is drastically narrowed.  It is relegated to the narrowly repeating patterns of conditioning and programming.  Therefore, to believe that free choice is dependent on the negative is a blindness of awareness.

Only love is free.  Within this freedom is an endless range of experience that chooses to be, create, and express infinite knowing that is the wisdom of love.  True freedom is the Divine awareness as knowing mind in the now of unity through the feeling of the body.  May we all be our heart consciousness that expresses our Divine infinite awareness of love as the fullness of freedom and creativity.

Awakening the Light Within

In order to awaken to our true self of infinite Divine consciousness, we must relinquish the conditioning of the disharmonic frequencies of our consciousness that is the operation of mind as thought and emotion.  This is the thinking mind and emotional energy system that is within both the conscious and unconscious levels of mind.  We open to heart consciousness when we directly resonate the Light within.

The awareness within is the way that we experience and express our nonlocal unity.  The moment we look without for the resolution of our true nature, we fragment our consciousness in a veil of separation.  Ideas, thoughts, people, places, etc., cannot provide our unity that is only from the pure awareness of our heart consciousness.  Our fear-based conditioning has directed us to look outside for an answer to our wholeness, success, or evolution.  If we are looking outside for an answer, we will reinforce the neural circuitry and emotional encoding of conflict, control, and separation.  The resonance of our love, peace, and creativity is solely an inner choice.  Any external experience in this dimension can only serve as a reminder of our response to receive, generate, and transmit our frequency.


The Light Mind in the Heart

The Light is harmonic, fluid, frictionless, and with no opposition, conflict, or resistance.  In the incarnate dimensions of the universe, the full embodiment of Divine consciousness is a pure movement of frequencies of matter that pulse in a synchronous expansive and contractive movement.  There is not the constant inertia, friction, resistance, and struggle that has been the experience in a 3D/4D experience of the movement of matter.  Divine infinite consciousness experienced through the Light mind in the heart is a whole new experience of the frequencies of consciousness as physical matter.  These harmonic frequencies do not operate on the reactionary friction based energies of thought and emotion.

The thinking mind and emotions are based on accumulated past programming.  This conditioning system of mind and emotional signaling system is a restrictive protective system of conflict in a survival based consciousness.  The experience of hurtful actions of conflict is a result of the inharmonic dense level of consciousness that has infiltrated the human mind and body over thousands of years.


Thought and Emotion as an Operating System of Limitation

At first look, we may ask the question, “How do we live without thought or emotion?”  It seems so fundamental to the experience of life incarnate on Earth—a vital part of the soul’s journey of learning and experiencing in a world that uses veils of fragmented attention.  This may appear to feel normal because we are asking the question with the conditioned thinking mind and emotional system.  Thought and emotion by themselves cannot vision and feel how a free human with a knowing Light mind of wisdom and pure feeling can act in this incarnate world.  We only begin to glimpse our true potential of intelligence to love and create without the slow dense frequencies of thought and emotion when we place attention within the heart and the infinite that is.

Creativity is love in the moment.  It is the pure expression of Being—there is no censoring, commenting thought, or reacting emotion.  The experience itself is its own delight.  Our use of language is a transducing of consciousness into a limited frequency pattern.  We do not have a word that translates into the understanding of natural infinite pleasure.  The words, “pleasure, ecstasy, bliss, joy, etc. all have a certain charge. They all have resonance patterns that extend from emotion.  Words such as peaceful, tranquil, and calm can point us to an aspect of our natural feeling, but cannot entirely grasp it.  The natural feeling state is a pure unity of dynamic active energy, and pure quiet and calm. We do not have a word that can define our natural feeling state.  At present, we can only feel this from our interior.

We have been under an illusion that our awareness and action from thought and emotion is natural.  In fact, they are both a time bound and compensatory reaction to experience.  They are not the intrinsic instantaneous awareness of being that is life.  This is the controlled programmed human being.  At the level of thought and emotion, all life of experience and action are processed through this filter or overlay.  We have been under the perception that our identity is somehow merged with the thinking and emotional overlay of who we are.  The thinking and emotional frequencies form an ego structure of survival and protection of a continuity of identity.  It is compensatory for a misguided view of lack, unworthiness, shame, and guilt, as well as attachment to the knowledge, beliefs, thought forms, and emotions that have formed the contents of the mind under a fear-based operating system of trauma, conflict, trial and error, and doubt based learning.


Disharmony of the Thinking Mind and Emotional System

The identity that we develop from our early childhood, past life thought patterns and emotional imprints, intergenerational transmission, and cultural conditioning, forms a false-self persona of who we think we are.  The way that the current mind responds to trauma-based conditioning through beliefs and negative emotional encoding, reinforces the misperception that the human being is not good by nature.  When we combine this conditioning with the thinking mind’s accumulation of knowledge through programming or learning, the mind is set up to continually search for a solution to a problem it cannot solve.

This mind can never find wholeness and truth because its very nature is conflict and repetition of past knowledge.  Therefore, we develop a thinking mind that is operating from partial knowledge that is always from past accumulation.  Using this frequency of mind is always in conflict and searching mode because it never functions from knowing.  In knowing, there is freedom, peace, and creativity in the infinite now.

What is the origin of the frequencies of the thinking mind and emotional energy within human incarnation?  Did it evolve?  Is it cyclical? Or is it an infiltration of a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation into human consciousness when this level of disharmonic frequency is not necessary?  It is clear that humanity as Divine infinite consciousness of soul in spirit incarnate through a frequency vehicle of body is our true nature.  Therefore, we need to understand how we awaken beyond the false thinking mind and emotional energy to the Light mind and Divine body through heart consciousness.


Light and Sound Frequencies of our Interior Consciousness Technology

As long as we are using the thinking mind and its associated emotional system, we are veiled from the frequencies of our interior consciousness abilities.  The frequencies of the Light mind and its sound resonance through the feeling body are beyond the past learning thought process and emotional reactions.  The knowing and feeling frequencies that are organized by heart consciousness is the harmonic energy of telepathy, teleportation, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity.

When we are coherent light and harmonic sound as a unitary energy through the body, we are in heart consciousness.  The consciousness of the heart is our soul in spirit that is our Divine Being.  When in heart consciousness, the infinite intelligence of Divine awareness can express through a Divine body.  The body is a receiver/transmitter of intelligence as information and feeling—a vehicle of consciousness organization at frequencies of matter for being love and creativity within incarnate dimensions.  The Divine intelligence through the heart forms a communications resonance to the prefrontal cortex.  This part of the brain forms neural circuitry with the midbrain, including the pineal gland.  The hormones from the glands assist many electromagnetic means of communication through the body’s cellular crystalline receiver-transmitter systems.

The Light mind operates through the pure harmonic resonance of the body at frequencies that do not inhibit our interior consciousness technologies.  Without the overlay of the thinking mind/emotional system, we are all of our natural Divine abilities.  They do not need to be developed.  The human being by nature is Divine infinite consciousness.  When we are embodied in physical form, we live our true being through heart consciousness.