At this point in the Dimensional Shift and in our personal ascension process, it remains of primary importance to clear and transform all core level trauma and conditioning within the mind and body.
Without sufficient healing of all 3D duality restrictions and encodings, we are unable as yet to anchor in the full capacity of heart consciousness while within the physical body. Only with the full power transducing of the heart, can the physical body express the higher dimensional Divine Light and Divine Energy.
Awakening the Spiritual Body
When we consciously awaken to the journey of transformation to our true self in Divine unity, we are initially opening to the Spirit in a top/down movement. The infinite Spirit and higher self floods the soul and body with Divine Light. The grace of the Spirit begins this process even before the mind and body with dense inharmonic negative emotions and false beliefs can maintain this light on its own. The opening to the action of the Spirit begins the journey of healing repressed emotion, childhood and intergenerational wounds, and limiting belief patterns. While we become more aware of the patterns of the mental, emotional, and physical body, we awaken to the transcendence of the Divine Light, Energy, and Being.
Historically, this period is known as an “awakening,” “honeymoon period,” and the beginning of the long journey of healing, transforming, evolving, and ascending to a higher consciousness. If we stay at this level for many years, our seeking reinforces a subtle separation of the Divine as external, outside, or beyond. When we focus on connecting to this frequency bandwidth without grounding in our own Being, the external ritual in any form of meditation, healing, and prayer is relied upon instead of the fullness of the interior of one’s heart, soul, and unity in Divine Being. If this way of practice persists, we can develop an aspect of a higher chakra connection, but not fully integrating it within the unity of the soul and body naturally connected on Earth. At this level, the lower chakra restrictions are never fully healed, cleared, and transformed. As a result, the full capacity of heart consciousness is not anchored within the body.
Total Lower Chakra Healing in order to Anchor Heart Consciousness and the Light Body
When we are ready, we realize that we must fully develop our true self and interconnection to the Divine solely from within in the here and now. Thus, a true understanding of the healing of the root, sacral, and solar plexus energies begins. The way to go higher is through the balancing and harmony of the lower chakras. We become more grounded and Earth based. The more that we are grounded within our Being, the more our multidimensional consciousness can connect throughout the cosmos and spiritual realms. The transformative journey shifts from a top/down to a bottom/up process.
In whatever way we are working, the purpose is to evolve and ascend to a heart-centered unity consciousness. Only by anchoring in the full capacity of the heart can we unite the Light Body in the physical body and open the higher capabilities of the higher mind in the heart — telepathy, teleportation, harmonic cellular regeneration, nonlocality, multidimensional time, and intentional creativity.
When we merge the top/down approach with the bottom/up approach, we are fully focusing our ascension process within our own Being. Within the overall Dimensional Shift, we are now approaching a change from a preparatory phase of transition to a manifestation phase of transition. As we move into the manifestation phase through the winter solstice period, the clearing and transforming of all trauma is of utmost importance. This is the key to choosing to relinquish the 3D dense duality consciousness of conflict and separation, and fully anchor in the heart of unity consciousness.
A fully opened heart consciousness will restore the third eye in conjunction with the crown chakra and the soul star chakra. Our full connection at the crown is our restored third eye in the heart expressing through the physical body. After having cleared layers of the emotional and physical body in the earlier top/down movement of the spiritual body, and then truly integrating the physical body and emotional body with lower chakra work in a bottom/up focus, we need to take the last step to allow the fullness of our heart consciousness. This is central for ascending with the Earth to a fifth dimensional and beyond human consciousness on Earth.
The Mental Body and Ascension
The last step brings us to the core restriction that we have been working on all throughout the journey of healing, transforming, and evolving — the mental body aspect of the 3D duality thinking mind. Often in the spiritual path, a huge shift may occur which is an opening to mystical consciousness where we might perceive and believe we have transcended the duality mind. In most cases, the total core wounding structure has not been fully resolved and this shift into the unitary frequencies of the brain is another version of the aspect of the higher chakra connection without full integration.
If we have been truly healing at all levels of our consciousness and body, we will become aware that somehow we must let go of the entire false belief structure of the duality encodings within the mental body in order to fully anchor heart consciousness and restore our natural sight of the third eye. We come face to face with the structure that has enabled all of the emotional and physical wounding. It is the primary structure that has kept hidden our true Divine nature as unlimited Beings of Light presently incarnate in a physical body on Earth. This erroneous structure of false encoding is the limiting mind structure of a fear-based conflict, control, and separation. In third dimensional life, the limiting mind structure is the cultural and societal conditioning of a chaotic inharmonic human consciousness. The false awareness of working against in conflict, separation, limitation, and scarcity.
The entire 3D restrictive awareness narrows humanity to an imprisoned state of consciousness that is controlled by forces outside of true Being. This is the whole matrix of 3D society. All of humanity is conditioned from the outside and forgets our true freedom and empowerment from our unity in Divine Being. The outside sensory and mind conditioning has left us with a reliance on a logical functioning that doubts our true capabilities as Divine Beings of Light. Our souls incarnate in human form on Earth are infinite beings of love and creativity. All the answers to knowing ourself is from within our heart. The doubts and the fears of receiving outside validation is not necessary. The whole structure of the programmed 3D duality mind makes us doubt what is possible.
Therefore, the final step in preparing for ascension is to release this entire false structure of the mind. After opening to the transcendence of the spirit, healing the many layers of restriction in the emotional and physical body, and grounding our light on Earth, this is the most difficult choice. It is the last impediment to heart consciousness and our interior sight of the third eye. We cannot have our full awareness as infinite multidimensional beings with this false mind structure in activation.
All of our soul evolution is within Divine timing. Thus, we cannot force the final decision to fully release this limiting mind structure. However, as the Galactic energies accelerate toward a new manifiestion phase of Dimensional Ascension, we can now prepare and decide to commit to our choice of letting go of this whole programming that is not who we really are as infinite souls in Divine Being living a human incarnation on Earth.
With sufficient core level healing to enable the full anchoring of the heart center, the higher dimensional energies of the Light Body will be able to coexist in the physical body. With the integration of the Light Body, all higher chakra capabilities are opened and restored. The point of transition is when the fully restored third eye unites with the heart. Then we have awakened our entire inner feeling sense in combination with a full vision of who we really are. The release of the controlling belief structure of lack, conflict, and separation of the duality mind is the point of transition. Now we will solely operate from the higher mind within the heart through the body. Any need for the 3D thinking mind will be as a 3D tool is service to the heart. No longer will this level of the mind cause limits to the true self in Divine unity.
When inner feeling and inner sight become one, we know our multidimensional self as the true self in Divine unity. As we evolve to know this in incarnate form, we become ready for a fifth dimensional and beyond incarnate life. May we choose to continue to heal all core trauma and conditioning, and prepare for the full clearing of the 3D duality mind so as to ascend with the Earth to a higher dimensional consciousness.
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