In my work of developing a new vision of mystical transformation and spiritual creativity, I unite two significant worldviews or ways of transforming. The first is the depth understanding of the mystical traditions, the second is the metaphysics of the heart and mind’s creative intention.
In the depth of the mystical traditions, we transcend the ego consciousness toward the true self in Divine unity by healing our fear based conditioning, intergenerational transmissions, childhood wounds, and traumas. In order to heal and transform, we are primarily developing and practicing an observing or witnessing consciousness of the heart and mind. Through meditation, we open to the Divine presence, and the peace, energy, and goodness of the true self. This way of healing our unconscious conditioning through contemplative oriented practice enables a vertical growth to a higher consciousness. This is the mystic self of a unified nondual consciousness and being.
Along the mystical path of healing and transforming, the goal of the journey is enlightenment to our true self in Divine unity. This is our infinite and eternal being and consciousness in the physical dimension as well as the transcendent spiritual dimensions. This pathway of the mystical and esoteric tradition expresses the depths and heights of the work of transforming consciousness. Much of this work is the diligent focus on meditation, psychology, allowing the unconscious to become conscious, and detaching from negative thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.
In the depth aspect of the mystical tradition, our emphasis is on healing our negative conditioning that is expressed in thoughts, emotions, and actions. As we are opening to the heart-based consciousness of the true self, we are healing the impediments that prevent the awareness of freedom, peace, cooperation, love, and creativity.
However, to incorporate our creative intention, we must shift to a height orientation that places the emphasis on the goodness of results and not on the problem. Here, we have the modern tradition of the New Thought movement and a science of consciousness and subtle energies. The emphasis is on the infinite creativity of our true self in Divine unity. The intention of human creativity lives from the consciousness of the new and allows action to bring the good desire into physical reality. Along the path of creative intention, our goal is to be creators through the Divine action of health, happiness, prosperity, and abundance.
At first, these two major traditions may appear paradoxical. The mystical tradition often focuses on healing the negative conditioning as we transform to a higher mystical consciousness, while the creative tradition deemphasizes the problem and focuses on the goodness of our desire, true self, and creativity. The paradox arises because we understand that we must focus on healing our fear-based ego impediments in order to creatively intend, but we cannot creatively intend if we are fixated on the negativity of our problems.
In the new vision of mystical transformation and spiritual creativity, we are synthesizing both traditions into a new unified way. In this vision of transforming and creating, we focus on the solution in a way that we are aware of the negative problems of deeply unconscious fear conditioning without focusing on the problem.
Jesus focuses on healing and transformation with an understanding that our ordinary consciousness is not free–i.e., “You must be born from above” and “you will know the truth and the truth will make you free” (John 3:7, 8:32). He describes certain aspects of the discipline in healing the wounded self by a persistent effort to deny the ego’s misguided ways to fill a false sense of lack,i.e., “let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23).
Within the current reality of the negative fear conditioning, Jesus emphasizes the shift in consciousness to the creative light. He says, “whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24).
He teaches that a transforming life in creative intention will express the goodness of the true self in Divine unity–i.e., “will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these” (John 14:12).
A unified life of mystical transformation and creative intention is the way of healing and expressing our true self of love and creativity. Jesus sums up this message in saying, “I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).
Transformation is something a person can read about but book knowledge differs from personal experience. Exploring the practical side is another side to the coin. It enables you to move away from theory into other realms of self-understanding.
Thank you for your comment on the importance of personal experience in the journey of transformation. Your insights show the wisdom that our healing and transformation requires both knowledge and experience.
Practice needs to become a unity of action, sensation, feeling, understanding, and heart-centered awareness. We learn by opening to the Divine within our heart beyond images and concepts, by observing our thoughts and emotions, and by understanding how our consciousness manifests in our relationships and actions.
Transformation to the true self can be furthered by a creative mysticism that incorporates the healing journey of our fear-based consciousness and traumatic wounds. In this way, mystical consciousness is lived in our practical life of relationships, intention, creativity, and work in the world.