The destiny of mystical transformation is to enable the true self full expression in all areas of life. One of the most important and joyous elements of life is the romantic relationship between a man and a woman. The union of masculine and feminine through spirit, soul, and body reveals the Spirit of love and creativity. The soul mate and marital relationship can be a deep expression of the mystic life.
Fear based cultural conditioning has tried to separate the mystic journey from the soul/body self-giving of romantic love. We desire to move from a disembodied spirituality to the oneness of a spirit/soul/body spirituality centered in the heart. We are unified spiritual/psychological/physical beings and will be for eternity, even though our current physical body will become a spiritual body. The human person lives simultaneously across several dimensions–Spirit, heart, mind, emotions, and body. The true self is a unity of spirit, soul, and body. The true self lives in a transcendent dimension and expresses itself in earthly life.
Mystical love in a romantic relationship is self-giving through all dimensions. The true self loves the very being of the other person from the heart in the Spirit. The true self loves through the mind by appreciating and supporting the gifts and talents of the other. The true self loves through the emotions with empathy and compassion for the other persons struggles and hopes, and the true self loves through the body in affection, sensory communication, and sexual love.
The new vision of mystical transformation and spiritual creativity sees living the transcendent within all of our human dimensions during our journey on earth in the physical dimension of the universe. The relationships of soul mates and spouses is a core of our humanity. Hopefully, as we evolve toward our true humanity, mystics as soul mates, and mystics and marriage will be seen as a normative path in everyday life.