Heart Consciousness as Soul Awareness

When we awaken to heart consciousness and move beyond the fear-based consciousness, we become aware of our being and essence as soul and not personality.

The personality as ego developed from the conditioning of intergenerational transmission of beliefs and emotions, and a narrow range of conditioning from life experience in a wounded fear-based material world.  This frequency band of limitation places human consciousness only within a limited range of the physical sensory and thinking mind.  It is a constricted view of matter and physics.  True matter and physicality has unlimited capabilities with infinite frequencies of the Divine.  The fullness of the human physical sensory range emanates from non-local dimensions of the intuitive knowing mind within the heart from the spirit.

Each human is a unique incarnated soul as an aspect of the infinite and eternal Divinity that is love and creativity.  The Divine blueprint that is the signature element of each soul is a knowing self-recognition and a recognition by other souls in resonance.  Sri Aurobindo understands our soul essence as the “psychic being.”  He then sees humanity transforming through successive layers of mind to an ultimate supramental consciousness.  Here, we emanate at the true Divine soul essence directly within, as, and through the physical body on Earth.

From within our heart consciousness in the spirit, we know our being as soul awareness.  The harmony of love, freedom, creativity, and unity only flows from the Divine soul.  Anything less restricts awareness in fear, conflict, control, and separation.  In a fear-based consciousness, the thinking mind needs to categorize everything by aspects of personality, life experiences, and life situation.  The number of permutations of each human personality is virtually limitless.  Therefore, when viewed from the ego personality, self-recognition and the recognition of other souls is impossible.  The lower mind level can never fully recognize the Divine essence of being that is the other.

By opening heart consciousness, we will begin to fully recognize each other as soul.  We will allow our relationships to connect and expand as soul awareness.  We can only allow freedom and trust in another soul when we recognize them as soul awareness.  If we are operating from the limited overlay of the thinking mind, there will always be fault, judgment, and inadequacy.  It is from within the heart as soul in spirit that we truly know each other.  Soul awareness from within the heart is love.  Knowing each other through resonance from the heart is seeing, feeling, and understanding a human as soul.  This is our true infinite being of love, creativity, and shared experience as soul expression that is the gift of life.

As we awaken the higher knowing mind in the heart, we will no longer seek to connect by a series of ego needs, wants, and projections that is the fear-based mind’s way of trying to control experience.  We will not identify our self or others by the personality, life experience, and life situation of a soul in the current fear-based 3D human condition.  In soul recognition, we can freely choose and respond to mutual self-giving relationships in the Divine timing of resonance.  We will trust the Divine and its now moment synchrony to allow connection through soul recognition.

The transformation from limited personality to infinite soul is in a process of transition.  May we continue to awaken to the Divine awareness, consciousness, information, and energy that is assisting our transformation to the fullness of soul awareness.

Love, Creativity, and Intersubjective Unity

Love trusts in the infinite freedom of one’s soul and the soul of another.  Love is not a grasping or controlling energy.  Its infinite connection is based in freedom.  From this freedom flows the harmony of creative action in union.

Love only seeks what is best for the uniqueness of each personal soul.  In its unity, love sees the other’s uniqueness as one’s own.  Therefore, the pure unity allows the uniqueness of each soul to express its being in freedom.

Love uses wisdom and experience to guide, assist, and offer inspiration.  It never imposes an agenda, either conscious or unconscious, or tries to move an endeavor or communication through external means of control.  Love is an ultimate trust in infinite freedom.

Love manifests as an energy that works in interior resonance.  This means that it sees and feels the harmony of the whole and allows each unique frequency in resonance to express the tune of its harmonic consciousness.

Love always emanates as inner knowing.  As an incarnate being, this inner knowing emanates from the heart center.  The freedom of each unique soul path is only known from the heart.  There is no external knowledge to the soul that can replace the inner knowing in Divine unity.  External knowledge can only provide a means to look and observe information, but it can never be the knowing.

A knowing is always an internal choice of the soul in the Divine.  Knowing arises from a direct apprehension by the soul through Divine intelligence.  It is from the awareness of a unique soul frequency as one with the Divine unity.

We awaken to our intersubjective unity when we are whole within—a spirit, soul, mind, and body unity that is wholly sufficient in Divine awareness.  This recognition of the Divine self is recognized as the other in an intersubjective union.  In total freedom, the two are one.  This is a unity consciousness where the two are one harmonic consciousness that is experienced as a oneness with the awareness of the unique frequency of each soul.

May we continue to awaken to the awareness of our Divine soul as a Divine physical body on Earth.  In awakening to our true self in Divine unity, we will be the love that emanates an infinite freedom.  In this freedom, we are truly one with each other in our uniqueness of soul.  It is through this uniqueness in unity that we will be the infinite love and creativity on Earth as Divine being, consciousness, and energy.  Let us choose to awaken to the true freedom and creativity that is love.

Love is the True Self as Soul-Body

The whole human journey of awakening is about emanating love.  Our sole purpose as incarnated souls is to be love, love, and receive love.  Thus, the entire journey of higher consciousness is only about love.  In being love, we emanate the Divine essence and energy.

In describing the shift in consciousness, as well as human healing and transformation, we use many images and concepts of the thinking mind.  The ideas and information include, but are not limited to ascension, healing, evolving, transforming, fifth dimensional consciousness, resonance, holographic frequencies, crystalline cellular consciousness, light and sound, chakras, and the pineal gland, etc.  While all of this information may assist our understanding of how our infinite Divine consciousness manifests as unique souls and frequencies within dimensional existence, it can at this time obscure our only purpose that emanates all of this—it is love.

Human beings in a fear-based consciousness of an overlay thinking mind and reactive emotional system are very poor communicators.  Humanity has been conditioned with static, friction, noise, and limitation that we describe as ego consciousness.  The programmed ego mind system is a duality awareness of conflict, control, and separation.  With this consciousness, humanity interprets a communication from within its own perception of conditioned experience.  In ego awareness, there is a misalignment with Divine love.  Therefore, in the ego there is always misreading, misinterpretation, and either an intentional or unintentional fixation on the separate self.  This awareness of self is not the unique self in unity, but is a compensating self that seeks to fulfill needs without the freedom of love.

Love has no agenda, no seeking, no manipulation, and no self-centered interest arising from a fear conditioning of a sense of lack.  There is no egoic consciousness in love, only the unique Divine soul in unity with all.  Love of self and love of the other are one.  Love never denies one’s good, but in being love is always factoring in the interests of others and does its best to serve those interests.  It is not born of self-denial or suffering, rather it is an essence as energy pulsating forth in freedom and unity by seeing the other’s interests as one’s own.  Love is a unitary being and consciousness that is an awareness of the unity of love.  Without this pure unity, there is no fullness and purity of love.  The peaceful silence and dynamic action of love is infinite and eternal.  It knows no boundary or restrictive wall to the free and fluid flow of harmonic frequency.

The true Divine being of the human soul-body is a knowing Light mind using intuitive capabilities of mind and the Divine feeling body through the physical subtle energies and the higher multidimensional soul awareness.  While the soul is emanating and expressing as a physical body vehicle, it opens to its infinite knowing and intuition through heart consciousness.  It is in heart consciousness that the soul-body experiences the Divine soul as love.  In this infinite awareness, there are no veils, overlays, armoring, or censoring ego.  There is only the free and fully coherent love that is the nature of our creative soul.

Love is the underlying creative power of the universe and non-dimensional existence. The true nature of the human being is love.  We have been restricted from being the fullness of the love that we are by living a false consciousness through the energy of a distorting matrix.  The false chaotic web of frequencies isolates humans from the pure communication and interaction with each other and the creative universe.  In this matrix, communication is always jammed, restrictive, and misaligned.  Thus, humans really do not understand or know each other as they truly are.  In the fear-based frequencies, there is always a slightly different angle that does not align in perfect synchrony.

Humanity must remember, return, awaken, and transform to our true being of love.  In love, there is infinite knowing and pure feeling awareness.  There is total synchronic coherence.  Thus, there are no more dense energies of perpetual misunderstanding.  In love, there is no longer separation or disconnection.  Love is a conscious connection that never ceases.  Through love, the knowing Light mind can emanate its intentional awareness to experience unique frequencies of expression.  These frequencies are always in unity with the whole as they provide an aspect of the joy of an infinite expression of creativity.

In a myriad of ways, human consciousness has been imprisoned in a false Earth matrix that simulates human interaction without the fullness of love.  We must awaken to the Divine love that we are as a soul emanating as a physical body on Earth.  As the Sun and Earth system continues to shift in order to change the holographic frequency to a range where the false matrix no longer resonates, it is each human’s choice to be the infinite love of the Divine soul expressing as a Divine body on Earth.  May we open to the love that we are so as to restore our infinite conscious communication with each other in our journey of love, peace, joy, and unlimited creativity.

The Divine Harmonic Pulsation of Matter

In a fear-based consciousness, we have made a separation of physical matter and spirit.  In this view, the physical frequencies are something less than the Divine essence.  While this perception can maintain that the spirit is the energy of matter and is immanent within matter, it still does not see and feel matter as spirit and spirit as matter.

In order to reconcile the false spirit/matter split, we must recognize that matter as we currently experience it is a distortion of the true reality of matter.  The present physical consciousness that is the experience of limited matter is a distortion.  Matter in its pure state is the same as Divine spirit.  The physical is an organization of spirit emanating at various frequency levels.  In a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation, what we experience through the narrow range of our physical senses and thinking mind is a false distortion of matter.

With the distortion as a fundamental starting point for exploring and transforming consciousness, humanity has sought wholeness by identifying with the universal spirit as “transcendent beyond, but immanent presence.”  This maintains the separation of spirit from the physical.  In the emanation of the Divine as information, consciousness, energy, and frequency, spirit is matter and matter is spirit.  It is only the distorting overlay of false frequencies of consciousness that maintain a dualistic separation.  Humanity is in a process of awakening to a resonance with the true Divine frequency of matter where we move beyond the distortion as starting point and into the realization of spirit as matter.

True Divine Matter

The Divine as matter is a pulsation of expansion and contraction.  It pulsates as a Divine harmonic of perfect action and perfect rest.  It is a perfect timing sequence of fluid motion.  The motion is so synchronic that is appears not to be in motion as we now understand movement in a physical universe with an experience of a false matter matrix overlay.  Words cannot fully express an expanding and contracting movement that is experienced as non-movement because current 3D language is part of the false separation vibration.

The experience of true Divine matter has not been part of the human experience on Earth.  Humanity was closer to the true Divine nature on Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago, but not to the fullness that is awakening as the current dimensional hologram shifts in frequency.  The galactic information and solar transforming of light and sound frequencies is assisting a human awakening and resonance with true physical matter.  This is a Divine sequencing of the Divine soul emanating as a Divine physical body.  In heart consciousness, humanity is transforming to a knowing Light mind and Divine feeling body.

The true nature of matter is Divine which means there is no limitation, conflict, or separation.  The experience of matter as its true reality is a radical change from the illusion, veils, and overlays that has been the fear-based consciousness.  The true reality is here now.  The true and false frequencies are superimposed in the same one reality.  It all relates to the frequency of human consciousness.  Over thousands of years, the human mind and body has been conditioned to a fear-based limiting consciousness.  Humanity has not been experiencing true Divine matter either as a soul-body or the human collective because the false conditioning of consciousness resonates with the false overlay matrix of distorting, chaotic, and limiting frequencies.

The Shifting Resonance of the Divine Soul emanating as Divine Physical Body

The awakening, remembering, and transforming of human consciousness to resonate as Divine soul in, through, and as a Divine physical body is a huge change for humanity on Earth.  While the experience of the shift in human consciousness is so great, the shift in resonance is actually very subtle.  True matter and false matter are not really two different realities.  They are two differing frequency organizations of the same reality operating simultaneously.  It is all about shifting consciousness to the Divine frequency.  It is truly experiencing the Divine essence beyond frequency while seamlessly expressing as a Divine frequency on Earth.

In reference to the frequency of true physical matter, the experience of false matter is perpetually painful and limiting.  False matter is always out of balance or equilibrium because the pure harmonic of the infinite Divine expressing as a Divine physical body does not fully express in a fear-based consciousness.  The consciousness of true matter is harmonic—forever in balance and flow.  It is the essence that is love and creativity in a restful action on Earth.  There is no angst, conflict, or tension—just the pure freedom of creativity.  It is the beauty of Divine love.  May we continue to open to the freedom of infinite Divine awareness as matter and the emanation of our Divine soul as the physical body on Earth.

The Divine Life on Earth

For many thousands of years, humanity has experienced life on Earth in a duality/polarity consciousness that is a dense frequency restriction of consciousness as physical matter.  It is a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  It operates as a conditioning within humanity through the thinking mind and a narrow range of the current physical sensory system.

We can speculate, debate, and offer particular points of view of the origins of the restrictive fear consciousness within humanity.  Is it part of an evolutionary process?  Is it an infiltration from negative intelligence or beings?  Is it a normal progression in the universe, or frequency range within this galaxy, universe, or cosmos?  Much of this information can be helpful in our journey of awakening and transforming to an expression of our Divine soul as embodied on Earth.  But what is most important is that we focus on resonating with the shifting frequencies that are assisting humanity to awaken to our infinite consciousness as lived through a physical body on Earth.

The information as consciousness and energy is being manifest to us in multiple levels.  It all emanates from the subtle energies within–that infinite realm of the heart where we resonate with the knowing mind of Light and the Divine feeling body.  In the domain of multidimensional unity consciousness, the perception of interior and exterior, inside and outside, and within and without is one unified frequency of consciousness.  Thus, our assistance from our Divine soul and infinite connections with intelligence in the dimensions of the universe and spiritual realms is also being received by our consciousness from the galaxy, Sun, and Earth.

The Sun is the major transducer of information, consciousness, and energy in our frequency levels of Earth life.  Information codes and the dimensions and vibrations of light that communicate with the Divine soul as human consciousness manifesting a physical vehicle of the body are relayed by the Sun.  For Earth life, the Sun is foundational in any inner heart-centered shift of our consciousness resonating with our infinite Divine consciousness.  We are in a rapidly shifting environment where the inner and outer are becoming the same experience.  In this frequency reorganization, we are going beyond the spirit/matter divide.  Spirit is matter and matter is spirit.  They are two aspects of a unified being and consciousness.

Humanity as Unified Spirit/Matter Being, Consciousness, and Energy

The perceived split between spirit and matter that has been the fear-based consciousness within humanity for thousands of years, has resulted in humanity living a restricted experience on Earth and not the fullness of the Divine soul.  In whatever way we have found ourselves in a fear-based consciousness as a narrow range of matter resulting from a spirit/matter split, it is clear that this is not natural to who we are as infinite Divine beings.  We are infinite knowing Divine souls experiencing a Divinity in a particular frequency organization through a physical body-mind.

Although we are already infinite and eternal Divine souls, the transformation to experience this fully on Earth as a physical body is a substantial shift in consciousness.  It is a wholesale relinquishing of a conditioned personal or egoic identity.  It is a shift beyond the thinking mind to a heart-centered consciousness of intuitive mind and supermind—a mind that purely transduces and conveys infinite knowing in the physical frequency dimensions.  It is a change to an expanded human sensory system beyond the narrow confines of the current physical senses to an infinite subtle sensory range—a range that processes light and sound on multidimensional levels.  And most of all, it is a consciousness change manifesting beyond the current experience of the laws of physical matter.

In the true Divine physical, matter is fluid, pliable, melodic, and harmonic.  It is frictionless without grating, grinding, or interference to Divine loving and creative interaction.  This is the harmonic flow of love and creativity.  It is spontaneous, effortless, and of Divine flow—and infinite expansion and creative energy.  The shift to the Divine soul of humanity emanating as a Divine physical body on Earth is a profound and clear manifestation of the fullness of true being.

In the fullness of our true Divine being, humanity is infinite creativity.  Love is a never ending Divine being, consciousness, and energy that is perfect rest and perfect action.  Its energy is a perpetual heightening and deepening of infinite experience.  As we open to our multidimensional consciousness and beyond within a physical body manifestation on Earth, we will experience and express our infinite Divine awareness without need of time and space mind categories such as height and depth.  It is a whole new experience of physical matter.  It is still very much physical, but of a quality that bears no relation to our ordinary experience of the restrictions of current frequencies of physical matter.

The Divine Soul and Divine Physical Body

The Divine life on Earth with a Divine physical body is a fully harmonic experience of infinite levels of love and creativity as lived by the soul within matter frequencies.  It is an infinite experience of creativity with consciousness as matter that is fully unique while always being in perfect Divine harmony with all.  Humanity as a Divine soul and Divine physical body has an infinite range of subtle senses.  These senses work in harmony with the Light mind and Divine feeling within heart consciousness.  At this frequency of the Divine soul on Earth, communication includes telepathy and movement includes teleportation. These actions are intrinsic to the freedom of the soul and emanate into physical Earth experience without thought.  The cellular frequencies of the body emanate as a perpetual harmonic regeneration.  There will no longer be the fear-based encodings of ageing, disease, and degeneration.  The transition of the soul to other realms of experience beyond Earth will occur in ways that is beyond death of the physical body vehicle that we have known in the restrictive conflict, control, and separation consciousness.

The energy emanation of the Divine physical cellular consciousness will occur by the natural subtle, light, and sound frequencies of consciousness.  No longer will the body need to devour or consume separate energies that are lacking in a fear-based consciousness.  The energy configuration of the cells is fully sufficient as emanating from the infinite Divine frequencies.  The Divine soul as physical body is fully aware—gone are the split of conscious and unconscious.  Thus, the processing of dream states of consciousness is unnecessary.   Also, since the energy manifestation of the cellular consciousness is perpetual, there is no expending and replenishing of energy.  Therefore, there is no need for the body to recuperate in a sleep mode of consciousness.  The current fear-based consciousness of mind tires the systems of the body, and thus sleep has been a very important requirement of repair and recuperation in a restrictive consciousness.  In the freedom of Divine consciousness, energy is never expended or depleted. It just is. The action of energy and the manifestation of energy is the same thing.

The Divine life on Earth is a radical change in the perception of matter.  For the Divine soul to have the full experience of love and creativity in the Earth physicality, the manifestation of the physical body will have different qualities than current physical perception.  While this is a huge leap for human life on Earth, it is truly natural to the experience of a soul emanating within, through, and as a physical body.  The Divine life on Earth has been our longing during the years of the restrictive conflict, control, and separation consciousness.  It is simply the true essence of our being.

Humanity is a Divine soul emanating in physical form.  Living the fullness of truth of who we are as a loving and creative infinite Divine awareness will be living the Divine life on Earth as fully Divine physical matter.  May we continue to awaken, transform, and open to heart consciousness where we are aware of our being as Divine love and creativity that intends to live our full essence on Earth.

Heart Consciousness is Love

Within the awareness of the heart, we realize our unity consciousness with all.  Humanity is non-local, non-dual, and of no time.  Our journey of remembering, restoring, and transforming consciousness is to be our Divine multidimensional awareness within the body.

When our awareness is in heart consciousness, we are Divine awareness experiencing the infinite in the holographic frequency bandwidth on Earth.  In the heart, we open to who we are as love.  Within our interior from the heart, our energy flows to the exterior—inner and outer unite as one movement of being.

From within the current 3D frequency range of consciousness, Wilhelm Reich described the two inclinations of moving toward the world or moving away from the world.  When we love, electric potential flows outward to the world as shown by the body’s increased electrical charge on the extremities (i.e., measurements of pleasure sensations on the skin).  Thus, when our awareness is in the heart, we have full connectivity with the cosmos.  The soul and body is then in perfect harmonic resonance as a receiver, transducer, and transmitter of information, consciousness, and energy.  When in the personality of the linear thinking mind, the electric potential decreases in a retreat that is anxiety.

In the heart, we are creation, cosmos, and the dimensionless spiritual realms.  Living in the interior of the heart creates the dynamic peaceful power of moving outward to all.  We awaken to our true Divine soul of an infinite expansion of our soul-body consciousness.  It is the experience and expression of reality.

Instantaneous Communication Through Soul-Body Unity

Light as the electromagnetic frequencies and sound waves are one in an instantaneous communication.  When we are in resonance with Divine love and energy, there is no presence of a time barrier, and hence no delay or restriction to the communication.  The body is an intricate complexity of consciousness organization that is a receiver, transducer, transmitter, and creator of information.  The complex frequency organization works through the heart’s electromagnetic field, the brain’s receiver/transmitter capabilities, the nervous system, hormonal system, sexual energy, biophotons, sound frequencies, a direct current electrical system, magnetic field, water, plasma, oxygen, DNA, liquid crystals, and cellular consciousness.  As we continue to awaken to our incarnate being as a soul of Divine love, we will increasingly understand the body’s frequency state as the soul.

In heart consciousness, we are our true being of love.  We are one unified essence expressing in the dimensional hologram on Earth.  Our body is our spirit/soul emanating as various frequencies, dimensions, and densities of consciousness.  From within the heart, we are beyond the thinking mind’s way of categorizing and externalizing dualities.

The entire dimensionless realms, dimensional universe, spirit, soul, subtle energies, body, and matter are all of one being and consciousness.  It all manifests at differing frequencies of expression.  It can be analogous to water (H2O) emanating as a liquid, solid, or gas depending on its frequency.  It is the same unified water experiencing in different configurations. There is no higher or lower, up or down—just a creative way of expressing and experiencing the universe as love and creativity.  This is the nature of our true being that is known when we move beyond the false fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  In the true reality of our being, the false separation of the materialisms and spiritualisms is no longer.  Spirit and matter are one.  As we continue to restore and know ourselves as love, we will not manifest the habits that condition inertia, conflict, friction, disharmony that has given us the experience on Earth that our Divine soul is separate from our Divine physical body.

However, these inharmonic frequencies have been so deeply conditioned that humanity has been unaware of the deep conflicts in the physicality of our soul expression.  These conflicts have led to the belief and experience of an inevitable soul and body distinction.  As we open to love in heart consciousness, we live through the knowing mind of Light and our Divine feeling body as an expression of our Divine being.  Here, we are transforming to our true nature as soul-body.

Love is the Dynamic Power of Harmony, Intelligence, and Creativity

Love is the Divine intelligence.  It is the information, consciousness, and energy that is the creativity of the universe.  It is the harmonic dynamic power that is all knowing, intention, and creativity.  Love is the most powerful force, yet is known and experienced as quiet, soft, and gentle.  It is a comfort, joy, ease, beauty, dynamism all in one.  Love is a tremendous power of pure coherent light.  In its emanation in the dimensional hologram, its frequency is so fast that it is completely at rest.  Action and rest unite as being.  This is the perfect harmonic flow that is the multidimensional human as an infinite consciousness emanating with a physical body in the Earth dimensional hologram.

May we continue to awaken our Divine awareness within the heart so as to be our infinite creativity and unity on Earth.  In this restoration and transformation, we live from heart consciousness that is the infinite simultaneous intercommunication that is love.

Creative Intention is Love

Creative intention is beyond thought and emotional frequencies.  If we choose, we can use the lower density energy configuration of thought and emotion as an initial template or guide.  However, the thinking mind and emotional system are not the frequencies of intention.  Therefore, as we continue to awaken to our Divine infinite consciousness, we will not use thought and emotion in the action of creative intention.

Intention occurs in heart consciousness through the knowing Light mind and the Divine feeling of the cellular body consciousness.  Creative intention is a knowing and feeling that transcends space and time.  It is the timeless infinite now of unity consciousness.  The frequency expression is a quiet interior action of the soul.  It is an active component of love that is so subtle that one does not feel any distinct demarcation of intention.  It feels like an arising wave that just is—an intrinsic knowing and feeling of the soul.

The intelligence of intention is our natural human being incarnate of a soul in Divine unity.  It is the emanation of Divine expression in the dimensional universe.  Intention is how the Divine soul expresses and experiences uniqueness in unity.  The frequency of intention is one with love and creativity within the dimensional hologram of the universe.  It forms the core essence of how we learn through love on Earth.  Intention is at the heart of creativity.

Intention is Love and Knowing Beyond Want and Desire

Because intention is a unified frequency of the infinite now that does not know separation, the emanation of intention is a harmonic pulsation that is beyond “wants” and “desires.”  In pure intention, there is no concept of wanting or desiring.  These concepts convey separation which means we do not have something.  If we are resonating with the disharmonic frequencies of not having something, then we are not coherent with the unity of intention.  This incoherence is a “want” which establishes an attachment.  The whole process of separation, want, and attachment is fear.  Want and desire is conditioned from the thinking mind’s fear.  The lower thinking mind restricts our attention from the awareness of the heart’s knowing where the intention lives in the now moment.  The intention is pure existence.  How can we understand the infinite intelligence of the action of creative intention that has no space, time, conflict, or separation, thus no want?

It is not easy to understand intention when we are receiving and transmitting consciousness with the linear left brain through thought, words, and emotional energy. We can only point toward this understanding through verbal or written language. We can only truly know intention from an inner heart knowing that is prior to its translation into lesser frequencies of language.  If we are using the physical frequencies of knowing and intention converted into language, we can only understand the pure intention level of creative being through love.

Within the dimensional hologram of the universe, Divine love as an infinite multi-frequency organization is the only resonance of creativity without want or desire.  The emanation of pure creative intention is love.  In creativity, the Divine knowing and feeling in unity is love.  Creative intention emanates from the core essence of beauty that is love.  We can intend our experience within the dimensional hologram by living in the love and appreciation of our intention.  We are loving our intention, not wanting or desiring our intention.

In Divine Awareness, Intention is Love

Love is the timeless state—no distance, no separation.  When we love our intention in this way, it manifests in the frequencies of the dimensional hologram on Earth.  As a Divine soul in Divine awareness, the intelligence that is love is all there is.  And within the all that is, there is a creative element that enables infinite experience through infinite love.  The creative element is known as intention.

Creative intention is the freedom of the soul.  It is the beauty, wonder, joy, peace, harmony, and unity of the never ending experience of the infinitely unique expressions of love.  It is this creative intelligence of love that organizes our freedom of intention to manifest experience.

Intention is a choice of experiencing in unique ways what we already have as a Divine soul.  Thus, no frequencies of lack, want, or desire.  Just a free choice of knowing and Divine feeling.  Through this knowing and feeling, the experience then manifests into the frequencies of the dimensional hologram.  This is the creativity of a Divine humanity.  In heart consciousness, we are aware of our creativity as an intention, and we are our intention through love.

The action of intention that emanates from love is the manifestation of the soul’s purpose as incarnate in the dimensional universe.   The core of life is a harmonic restful action which brings love into frequency expression.  Our creative intention within our Divine soul is our frequency emanation of the expression of our unique soul signature as an aspect of infinite Divine being.  May we continue to awaken to heart consciousness, and align with the harmonic flow of love and creativity that is our soul’s intention.

Divine Love: The Intelligence and Creativity of Uniqueness in Unity

As the energetic acceleration of information from the galactic center continues to communicate to the Earth and humanity, we are reaching a key point in the shifting hologram.  It is now clear that the elevating frequencies have coalesced into a level of organizational presence.  This does not mean that there has been a collective human consciousness shift to a higher dimensional frequency of the hologram.  However, it does signal an overall energetic change in the Sun and the Earth.  We are rapidly moving into a changing holographic translation of the Divine consciousness.

The shift in time perception is one of the more clear changes that we are living in a different frequency.  The frequency of the Earth hologram has been steadily changing over the last few decades, but a significant shift in the last seven months has moved us into a whole new time and space continuum in the still current 3D hologram.  As the energetic frequency is changing, the fear-based matrix is continuing on all levels to try to condition a limited disharmonic mind and body that gives the person a very censored and automatic reacting perspective on Earth reality.  The way that the fear-based cultural and institutional structures of economics, religion, government, education, and media are reacting to the frequency change is another indication that we are in a new frequency organization.  Since humanity is within and participating in the hologram through the physical body, we are choosing how we both respond to experience and how we create experience in the elevating frequency.

The shifting frequencies are enabling a sharp contrast between our true humanity of Divine awareness through heart consciousness, and the false fear-based conflict, control, and separation energies through a restrictive personal identity that humanity has lived within for thousands of years.  With this more acute vision, we can see and feel that our humanity as Divine infinite consciousness is love.  When our soul consciousness is experiencing through the physical body, it is heart consciousness that emanates our Divine soul of infinite love.

A Restrictive Understanding of Love in Fear-Based Culture

In the fear-based 3D matrix of culture and conditioning, the understanding of love has been limited to deep emotional connection, the sexual attraction energies as conditioned by the lower mind domain, and a frequency of sentimentality.  While these expressions are a particular bandwidth of the consciousness and energy of our incarnated soul’s intention of connection and unity, the full understanding of love encompasses Divine awareness, the knowing Light mind in heart consciousness, and the body as feeling frequencies of Divine consciousness.  Love is the harmonic flow of the dimensional cosmos and all creative action that is free of conflict and resistance.

In the past, there were mystics from many spiritual traditions who awakened to the Divine.  They made distinctions between love as filial, parental, and romantic, and the infinite Divine love that is a peace and harmony beyond the lower thinking mind and the reactive emotions.  Our soul in spirit is the infinite Divine consciousness of love.  As we fully awaken to our Divine awareness, we will live this love through the mind and physical body in heart consciousness.

Love is the Intelligence and Creativity of Uniqueness in Unity

Within the current accelerating energies, this brings us to the need to reframe the understanding of “love.”  Since we are still using the limited frequencies of verbal and written language, it would be beneficial to place the true energetic meaning on the word “love.”  We are restoring the fullness of love as the unity of the harmonic flow of the Divine.  Love is the Divine source, intelligence, and creativity that emanates as frequencies of information, consciousness, and energy.  Love is the power that is intelligence and creation—the energy behind all creation is love.

The way of love is service to others.  The service to one’s unique being through heart consciousness is always service to all—unity consciousness.  In unity, we have the freedom to be our unique expression of the Divine and to be fully connected to all.

We are truly our most unique when we are aware of our unity with all.  In love, there is no separation, conflict, or control.  We are what the lower frequencies decode or define as “other,” and the “other” is us.  In the ultimate Divine awareness, there really is no other.  The frequency of the word “other” implies separation.  We can have an awareness of our unique soul consciousness without any awareness of separation.  In reality, we are all unique, free, and intentional awareness of the unity of infinite Divine love.

A heart-centered unity consciousness is love as it experiences all as seamless to the awareness of our unique being.  The unitary awareness emanates freedom.  Love is freedom.  The unrestricted freedom of the infinite harmonic and fluid energy in action is the creativity of love.  It is only in the awareness of unity with all that enables the freedom of our unique soul that is experiencing and expressing through the body on Earth.

Each soul is responsible for emanating the true being and uniqueness from within.  If we look outside for the awareness of our unique freedom and creativity, we are limiting our experience to a restrictive separation.  Within the separation of 3D fear-based consciousness, the true being is not fully present through the frequencies of the physical body.  Because the energies of separation are always in resonance when we look outside, our true being can never be affirmed or experienced from a separate other.  Love is always source generated from the interior of being.  Within the interior of the soul through heart consciousness, there is always unity.  Now, we are free to reflect, resonate, and emanate love as an experience between unique souls, as well as all energetic consciousness of the universe.

Love intends the good of all.  It desires the full freedom and creativity of all souls and all creative expression of the Divine.  This is unity.  Our unique intelligence, freedom, and creativity is unity, and unity is an interior awareness.  The interior consciousness of unity, freedom, and creativity is our uniqueness.  We are only our fully unique being when we are one.  This is love.  In love, we have the good intention of all as one’s true being.  This unity is an empathic awareness that intends the love, joy, peace, harmony, freedom, and creativity of another unique soul as one intends for one’s soul.

May we continue to awaken from within, and to be our unique soul in the beauty of our oneness with all that is.  Let us awaken to the infinite awareness of our Divine love on Earth.