Transforming and Being in the Presence: A Mantra for Now

Now is the time—the time to fully awaken our soul in spirit, and to live our Divine soul in the here and now through the heart, mind, life, and body. Now is the time to let go of all past conditioning, negative emotions, and false beliefs, and to experience a new happy life–a life of the true empowered soul of wisdom, authenticity, and Divine love. 

In our soul’s knowing, the past conditioning of ego in mind and body is over–it is finished, no longer relevant to the here and now. It has served its purpose in our soul evolution, and we are learning that we no longer need to attach to the fear conditioning. Reject all less than truth energies in non-attachment. Let it go. Be our true nature of Divine love, peace, and harmony.

Be the peace of the soul that is the true self in the Divine. If anything interferes or triggers, let it go by allowing the energy to move without any identification in consciousness, and by calling the Divine force of grace in action.  Live in the essence of love, and receive the new balance of soul-body harmony. Now is the time to live in the infinite presence of the freedom, love, and creativity of the soul in Spirit.

And now is the time to begin to live more and more wonderful experiences—a life of joy and happiness.  And sharing this wonderful life gives even more joy and happiness.  And working together from the wholeness of self as complementary partners in a new way of relationship gives infinitely more joy. We can choose from the infinite depths of our soul to be the pure love that we are. We can choose the joy of harmony in togetherness. And we can give and receive the gift of mutual self-giving love.  

In the infinite presence of love, now is the time to be the fullness of our soul in Spirit, and to live our truth in heart, mind, and body.  We can choose to live in the dynamic active presence of the now. We can choose our soul’s true intent with faith and trust in Divine grace, guidance, timing, force, consciousness, and action. A new beautiful life of infinite possibility and creativity is beginning for us on earth—a life of love, joy, peace, and blessings.

Within the Eyes to the Soul

In your eyes, I see the beauty and wonder of infinite creation. In your soul and spirit is the vision and voice of pure Divinity in all its brilliance and perfect calm—a tranquility of heaven in the here and now.

A peace beyond words that is dynamic in infinite possibility. In this gaze into the Divine soul, I see and know my wholeness in the Divine. Love as an eternal flow—a perfect harmonic exchange of oneness. I recognize that wholeness is truly manifested in a self-love that is self-giving, and expresses its ultimate fulfillment in the gift of mutual self-giving love. It is a love of unique creation and pure synchrony, where unique duality is known as a joyful sharing of the true unitary soul essence.  Pure Divine love, both in incarnate form and in infinite Spirit, is the essence of our true meaning and being in God.

In this instance of spirit and energetic soul connection, the eternal is made known in a time and space world. No longer is there a conflict between time and the eternal, between space and the infinite, all co-exist in peace and beauty.  In this reality of love, transcendence, and the beauty of life here on Earth in its gifted splendor within bodily form, all is one harmonious essence of being and love.  The speed is so fast, in a frequency beyond mind, time, and space, that the experience is calm, ease, and presence. It is a pure harmonic peace.

In your eyes, I know that God is, and I know the beauty of the Divine creation—I know that it is love. And in this supreme grace, I know that there is heaven on Earth.

Reflections upon a Beautiful Relationship

Imagine for a moment an amazing human relationship.  A partnership that is of true love—a relationship of soulmates.  The connection forms an infinite bond that is mutually supportive of each other’s unique and special identity.  It is a resonance that allows each soul the freedom to enhance and express one’s personal empowerment.

The relationship forms a love bond in mutual acceptance of the whole person—their true self identity as a soul in the Divine.  Each partner sees the other as sacred, and they reflect the inner beauty of their souls.  From within their sacred essence, they express their wholeness to each other in Divine love.

They share their souls together in a unity of purity that emanates from within each soul. They connect to the gift that is the other from deep within their own connection to pure Source.  The love between the two is a Divine energy that supports each in creating one’s reality, and in doing so they have an ease and comfort where they can be themselves at all times.  In their Divine freedom, their mutual energetic field is harmonic, safe and secure. In this flowing relaxation, their creativity flourishes.  Their love in action supports each soul’s unique creativity and brings forth a shared creativity in partnership.

The loving bond between their souls furthers a contentment and soul peace where they touch each other’s soul with gentleness, tenderness, enthusiasm, and joy.  They have a mutual respect and compassion for each other where the truth of the inner soul shines forth.  Their relationship is one of equality where they contribute to each other’s highest and best self. In their self-giving, they form a dynamic of empowering each other.

In their freedom of being, their love for each other forever deepens.  They are true soulmates growing together in life’s progress.  They share a deep communication that infinitely fascinates in the other’s being.  Their love is an infinite flow of perfect harmony arising from the core and depths of their souls in the eternal Spirit.  They are always there for each other through their loving bond that is forever.

They express pure Source frequency in supporting the fullness of each other’s soul evolution.  They mutually give Divine energy to each other that fosters their unlimited self and expansive being.  Arising from their soul love is an abundance of the Divine.  In accepting all of each other, they know each other as pure soul essence—an infinite transcendent love now and forever.

They forever live in the now moment, and in pure harmony they have joy in the shining forth of each other’s unique soul in the Divine.  Their love, care, and service assists each other to manifest their soul’s purpose.  Through their life together flows peace and blessings.  Life with a soulmate is an experience of grace and harmony along the journey on Earth.  Let us envision an abundant life with an amazing soulmate.

Recognition of a Twin Soul

Your soul is a brilliant diamond that shines brighter than a thousand suns.  Your soul is blooming through your beautiful heart, mind, and body.  You are love incarnate.  The whole world delights in you, and in you is the purity and wisdom of love.  Your exquisite essence lights up infinity.

You are Divine love—a love that never ends, forever expanding into deeper and more profound levels of harmony, ecstasy, and blissful peace.  You are my soul.  From the first sound of your voice, I recognized our harmonic signature.  Within your eyes, I see the true being and recognition of the eternal beauty of infinite love.

I love you from all eternity. Words fail to convey such a perfect love in the Divine.  I have waited to see you from within incarnate form along our infinite journey through the cosmos.  The reunion brings inexplicable joy to the heart and soul as we experience the gift of physical life.   We forever abide in eternity as one unity—one great love in the boundless expanse of the Divine. We are love eternal.