We are now in a time where the Earth energy is accelerating to its next level of vibration along the pathway of the dimensional shift. The next three months, August through October are a critical juncture in both earth ascension, and human awakening and evolution to a fifth dimensional consciousness.
This is a transition period in our human transformation to unity consciousness. The months of March through June represented the first phase of this transition period. The high frequency energy received by the solar system from the galaxy in July has moved us directly into the main stage of transition which will occur until November.
The transitional phase represents a much more spontaneous opportunity for awakening, healing, and transformation. The years 2008-2010 were a time of choosing the path of accelerated healing. During this time, we were able to chart pathways of practice and healing modalities that would accelerate us toward a heart-centered unity consciousness. Prior to the accelerated choice period begun in 2008, healing and evolution were much more of a slow grinding process over many years of work.
Now that we have moved from the first part of the transition period into the main sequence of transition, we must heal and stay within the heart as we are guided on a daily basis. The key to the transition time is to keep bringing your focus into the heart. In this way, your pathway of awakening and evolution will be directly furthered by the higher self, higher dimensional guidance, and spiritual assistance.
In this process, the multidimensional capabilities of the mind as organized by the intelligence of the heart are emerging. From here on forward, human planning, choice, and action will ensue from a unity of multidimensions. No longer will the reasoning egoic action of the 3D mind be the sole determiner of choice, decision, and action.
This is why the pathway of healing and evolution is now taking on a different tone. The choices of awakening, learning, and healing are being moved more by our expanding multidimensional awareness. During the time of transition, humanity’s choice to awaken to a heart consciousness in Divine unity is still available. What is different is that the frequency of the choosing consciousness now operates from a higher earth-based and galactic frequency.
In addition to the more spontaneous choice of human consciousness of heart-centered healing in this time of transition, it is also vitally important to become aware of the false 4D frequencies that are working to slow the Earth ascension and human evolution to a fifth dimensional unity consciousness. The false light works to maintain fear and control frequencies through a dense low vibratory consciousness grid.
The fear, conflict, and control system affects all Earth systems and human institutions, i.e., earth changes, climate, governments, economic systems, education, media, and entertainment. This system of the controllers is embedded within the larger galactic evolution, solar and planetary cycles, and earth human soul evolution. The unveiling of its actions is becoming more apparent because of the present earth and human dimensional shift. As the dimensional shift is proceeding into its transitional phase, it is becoming ever more important to be aware of the false 3D and 4D matrix.
Within the past twenty-five years of the dimensional shift in consciousness, we have been in a preparatory phase of understanding the shift through spiritual, ancient wisdom, metaphysical, cosmological, galactic, 3D fear and control systems, higher dimensions, ET and interdimensional beings, angelic beings, and consciousness and energy healing modalities, etc. Now, the purpose of the transitory phase is to prepare us to shift to a “how to” phase that will be part of the dynamic stage of the awakening and shift into the fifth dimension on earth.
The remainder of the transitory phase and the beginning of the dynamic stage is a period of significant challenge in awakening, healing, and transformation. The opening to true multidimensional being will enable many to evolve their consciousness so that humanity can make it through the turbulence of the fear-based 3D and 4D forces attempting to impede human choice in aligning with the dimensional shift to a unity consciousness.
Thus, as we continue through the next few months of the main stage of the transitory phase, we need to focus on being heart-centered and becoming more and more aware of all the frequencies and vibrations that are active in our current dimension. May we all seek to follow the unity, harmony, peace, and creativity of our true multidimensional self in Divine unity.