Loving the Soul

The soul is our essence—it is who we are.  As souls, we have a unique soul signature within the infinite Divine.  We are known by our infinite harmonic frequency.  The soul is of infinite essence in Spirit that emanates as energy along a dimensional continuum.  We truly know each other when our soul awareness knows, feels, and loves the other as soul.

The Awareness of Soul Love

When we live from the awareness of soul, we are our true Divine essence.  We are goodness, beauty, kindness, harmony, unity, creativity, etc.—all the essence and attributes of Divine love. In the soul, we have a self-love that is always in loving service to the other and the Divine.  The nature of love is forever an infinite outpouring of giving.  Love is an infinite giving expansion.  Love knows and feels the Divine truth in the other.

We know the soul beyond the senses and beyond the thinking mind.  With a quiet mind and our soul awareness, the fullness of the soul’s essence is revealed to us.  We open to our soul awareness from within the heart. The soul is within the Spirit and emanates the essence and energy of Divine love.  The soul is a crystal clear infinite beauty of Divine love.  Each soul has an infinite frequency of the Divine.  Certain souls resonate more directly with each other because of the similarity in signature.  Here, there is a knowing-feeling infinite soul love that is forever.  This soul love is the purity of the essence of love that the Divine Source has for each soul.

When we see each other as souls, we see each other in truth.  We also hear each other in truth, and feel each other in truth.  This soul awareness uses a higher subtle energy form of sensing that is beyond the physical senses.  We have full acceptance, love, and thankfulness for the soul.  As we awake to the awareness of our soul, and interact with each other as souls, we live from the love that we are through our mind, emotions, and body.

Love of the Divine Soul on Earth

In awakening the Divine soul, we are healing and transforming all levels of our being.  As we emanate more and more the purity of Divine love, we change the frequencies of the mind, emotions, and body.  Our physical body, emotions, and mind begin to be informed by the soul.  As we deepen and heighten the infinite love of the Divine soul, we move beyond informing the body-mind to the body-mind emanating directly as soul in the Divine—a soul-body.  We are evolving to the awareness where we fully live the Divine soul in the physical on Earth.  We generate the infinite frequencies of love where we live from pure harmonic goodness.

We are at a point where we have faith and trust in the Divine, and the Divine process to emanate the soul’s Divine love on Earth.  We need to be willing to trust and move through the challenges of all unresolved energy that is not of Divine love within all the levels of our being.  In order to be this, we trust in the faith and feeling of the solution/outcome of the love of our soul’s path.  With this knowing, we ask the Divine to clear and release all energies from our mind-emotion-body system that are not of love.  We become pure clear mirrors of the soul in Spirit of Divine love.  As pure mirrors, our love infinitely amplifies.

Let us move beyond seeing, knowing, and relating to each other only from our mind, emotions, and body.  Let us be our unconditional soul love for one another that is pure, infinite, and eternal.  It is the forever love of the Divine.  Let us shift to our truth of soul awareness where we know, see, hear, and feel each other as we truly are—loving souls in the Divine.

Divine Soul Love

The journey of awakening to a Divine awareness in the physical is an awakening of the soul.  The soul is, knows, and feels the infinite and eternal Divine love.  The soul has an essence and energy that emanates from pure Spirit.

Soul Awareness

The consciousness and awareness of the soul transcends the bodies of the human incarnate vehicle—mind, emotion, etheric, and physical body.  As we awaken to soul awareness, the soul increasingly informs the mind, emotions, etheric, and body.  Here, the body-mind nature is elevated to a more coherent frequency that is still the mind, emotion, and body consciousness.  When the soul is fully awakened, we can begin to descend the heights of Divine love into the mind, emotion, and body where they are transformed to be a full emanation of soul awareness.  The human nature becomes a soul-body or body-soul.  They are purely one and the same with unique infinite frequencies.  We fully live the Divine soul in Spirit within the physical on Earth.

As we awaken to the awareness of our soul, we become directly aware of the soul of others.  We come to know others not just as a personality of mind, emotions, and body, but truly as souls.  We see, hear, know, and feel as soul to soul.  We use frequencies of awareness that are beyond the mind, emotions, and body.  The soul is paramount.  Within the soul, there is a purity of unconditional love.  Divine love just is, and it is forever.  There is no beginning and no end. The soul loves.

Soul Love

In our true awareness of essence and being, we love each other as souls.  The forever depth and height of love is Divine and infinite.  True love is a Divine soul love.  It emanates from the Divine in spirit.  The soul in spirit is a lens that uniquely expresses the Divine, a voice that resonates the Divine, and an energy that feels the Divine. The soul is the essence and energy of love as experienced and expressed through the mind, emotions, and body.  Simultaneously, we love the soul and love the expression of that soul in a human mind, emotional, and physical body.  In doing so, we never lose sight of the soul.  The soul is always and forever primary.

The love of souls is pure—it is unconditional and always is.  The changing attributes and the complexities of the incarnate world never affect the Divine soul love.  Soul love is unchanging.  It is a bond and unity that is not born of any obligation, indebtedness, or contract.  It is the essence of love in the Divine.  Love is not of the mind. It does not have a reason.  It just is.  Love is essence, being, and creation.  Ultimately, only love is real.

We are Divine through the soul, and we open to soul awareness within the heart.  Our heart consciousness is our frequency where we touch the soul.  Love is a trust in the Divine that is all- knowing and all-being.  The beauty of the soul transcends the awareness of physical, emotional, and mental beauty.  Its goodness, beauty, and truth is of a Divine essence.  The soul’s beauty is purely beyond the incarnate.  As it transcends the incarnate nature, it also includes the mind, emotions, and body in its essence.

Divine soul love is an unconditional, eternal, and infinite love.  Let us continue to go within our heart, fully awaken our Divine soul, and to love each other as pure Divine souls incarnate on Earth.  May we, in the purity of our Divine soul, express love for other souls in their wholeness of spirit, soul, heart, emotions, and body in our earthly journey.

The Twin Soul Mission of Divine Love

The mission of the twin soul journey is to harmonize and unite in the physical in an embrace of mutual self-giving love through the Divine wholeness of each twin.  This is a journey of two twin souls uniting as one in physical life on Earth.  It is a journey of emanating unconditional love and Divine creativity.

The purpose of twin souls uniting in the physical is to bring a frequency of Divine love on Earth during this time of frequency shift for humanity.  In emanating Divine love, the twin soul union is also establishing a new way for humans incarnate to be in sacred union.  This is a pathway beyond the fear-based relationship template of conflict, control, and separation that manifests in co-dependent relationships.  The twin soul sacred union is a partnership in a pure harmonic flow of mutual self-giving love.

Beyond Fear-Based Relationships

The fear-based consciousness has conditioned human relationships to be relationships of mutual self-serving interests and conditions.  These conditions maintain a co-dependent relationship that enables each partner to avoid looking at and feeling their unresolved emotional coding, wounds, and imprints.  Humanity has been in fear-based relationships for thousands of years, and its conditioning is passed on genetically, through the emotional body, through the mental body, and within the etheric body.  The wounds emanate from soul history, generational biology, and early childhood development in a family system.

Twin souls along this journey to harmonization must relinquish their imprinting of the conditioning of the expectations of the current culture of human relationship.  Twins will often try to fit a sacred union into their conditioned beliefs of relationships, and how they expect a relationship to meet their needs. The conditioning is both conscious and unconscious.  At this point in our human soul evolution, both twins have misconceptions on how they think the relationship should be.  Both twins must heal, release, and clear all of their early wounds and imprints that impinge on the freedom of unconditional Divine love.  The twin soul union is about the freedom of love and trust.  This is a developing understanding that goes beyond conditional expectations.  It is a pathway of Divine surrender to a new and pure harmony and creativity.  It is the way and being of unconditional love.

Healing the Self in the Twin Soul Journey

The twin soul journey is about the uniting of twin souls of the same harmonic signature to express a purity of Divine love.  In order to unite the spirit, soul, heart, mind, emotional, and physical in the self-giving embrace of love, each incarnate soul must heal to awaken the wholeness of their soul in God.  The souls need to release all the attachments and impediments to a total love of self in the Divine.  The souls must release and clear all imprints and wounds embedded in the etheric body in conjunction with the emotional and mental body.

The key is to release through feeling the emotional energy without the necessity to understand all of the exact details of the origin of the wound—ancestral templates, intergenerational, past life, and childhood conditioning.  Your multidimensional soul with the higher self and the Divine will provide the understanding and wisdom as part of the clearing process through feeling energy.  The imprinting energy of childhood wounds and generational history carried within the DNA, cellular, emotional, and etheric bodies remains beyond our conscious awareness until we truly intend to release all of the energy that inhibits our pure harmonic and unconditional love of the Divine soul.  All of the fear-based resonances that inhibit the full expression of the Divine soul in the body-mind must be transcended in order to enable the pure Divine soul of love and creativity its full essence and expression within incarnate life on Earth.  It is a total commitment to release all that stands in the way of higher evolution and transformation to the awareness of the Divine soul in spirit.

Twin Soul Stages

In recent years, we have received a lot of information on twin soul stages and signs of authentic twin souls.  We also have understandings that distinguish between authentic twin souls, 5D soulmate sacred union partnerships, and spiritual catalysts.  In truth, all of these may overlap.  And from a human mind perspective, we may not yet be at the level of Divine consciousness where we can know with such specificity the differences that would fit in human categories. Only a soul truly knows what their nature is.  This pure knowing is of the soul within the heart in the spirit and is beyond lower human language frequencies.

We do not need an external framework of categorization that provides definite distinctions that we can apply to all twin souls and sacred unions. We really cannot delineate a Divine intricacy that applies to all souls along the sacred union journey.  The need to strictly define is still part of our egoic nature that wants to pronounce criteria for a determined way that people are defined.  We are still living in a mystery of the infinite workings of the eternal Divine.  One day when we are living in the fullness of Divine consciousness on Earth, we may have our own highest knowing.  We are not yet emanating our pure Divinity incarnate on Earth.  Until we do, only the soul can know its information from within the depths of being.

While stages and information are helpful, we must keep in heart and mind that it is ultimately a non-linear journey.  Jenna Forrest, through her experience on the journey and her channeling , provides excellent information on the twin soul stages that is very helpful.  See her book, “Moving Toward the Soul Merge: Guidance in Love for Twin Flames” at http://www.profoundhealingforsensitives.com.  However, along with all of the information on the stages, she has most insightfully indicated that we truly move beyond a linear movement experience on the twin soul journey.  The stages are guideposts for our early understanding of the overall pathway and signs of our progress.  Within this guidance is an infinite unique journey of Divine timing.

Surrender to the Divine and Being Unconditional Love

The twin soul pathway is about surrendering to the Divine in awakening to the wholeness of the Divine soul.  Our true desires and unique intentions are all within our soul signature and Divine knowing.  The journey is to follow our heart and the true intuition of our soul.  Here, we find and know our true intention of our soul in spirit and our incarnate mission.

The twin soul mission is to bring a Divine love among souls that is a higher Divine consciousness on Earth. The purpose of the pathway is love, creativity, and service.  In the twin soul journey and overall human journey, the way is about soul wholeness and partnership with other souls that is a Divine sharing of love and creativity.  The human journey on Earth is about expressing the infinite Divine with each other as souls.  This is the joy of the meaning and creation of souls.  It is about souls uniting in sacred partnership through a mutual self-giving and receiving love that is the pure harmonic of the Divine.

In the purity of love, unique souls merge as the intersubjective unity of one—a unitary awareness as one soul with unique consciousness.  It is the highest mystery of the Divine that is a pure oneness with unique awareness.  A truth that words cannot convey, but only direct experience can know.  The great mystics among all traditions have attempted to convey their experience of such a unity in the Divine while maintaining the distinct awareness of still being themselves.  This same experience is manifested within a twin soul union.  From the human consciousness, it is the seeming impossible unity of one soul in two bodies fully whole and emanating the pure harmonic soul signature of their infinite eternal creation in the Divine while on Earth.  May we be open to this mission and follow the deepest and highest calling of our soul to live the purity of unconditional Divine love on Earth within the physical.