Transforming and Being in the Presence: A Mantra for Now

Now is the time—the time to fully awaken our soul in spirit, and to live our Divine soul in the here and now through the heart, mind, life, and body. Now is the time to let go of all past conditioning, negative emotions, and false beliefs, and to experience a new happy life–a life of the true empowered soul of wisdom, authenticity, and Divine love. 

In our soul’s knowing, the past conditioning of ego in mind and body is over–it is finished, no longer relevant to the here and now. It has served its purpose in our soul evolution, and we are learning that we no longer need to attach to the fear conditioning. Reject all less than truth energies in non-attachment. Let it go. Be our true nature of Divine love, peace, and harmony.

Be the peace of the soul that is the true self in the Divine. If anything interferes or triggers, let it go by allowing the energy to move without any identification in consciousness, and by calling the Divine force of grace in action.  Live in the essence of love, and receive the new balance of soul-body harmony. Now is the time to live in the infinite presence of the freedom, love, and creativity of the soul in Spirit.

And now is the time to begin to live more and more wonderful experiences—a life of joy and happiness.  And sharing this wonderful life gives even more joy and happiness.  And working together from the wholeness of self as complementary partners in a new way of relationship gives infinitely more joy. We can choose from the infinite depths of our soul to be the pure love that we are. We can choose the joy of harmony in togetherness. And we can give and receive the gift of mutual self-giving love.  

In the infinite presence of love, now is the time to be the fullness of our soul in Spirit, and to live our truth in heart, mind, and body.  We can choose to live in the dynamic active presence of the now. We can choose our soul’s true intent with faith and trust in Divine grace, guidance, timing, force, consciousness, and action. A new beautiful life of infinite possibility and creativity is beginning for us on earth—a life of love, joy, peace, and blessings.

Awakening the Divine Soul on Earth along the Twin Soul Journey

In this time of shifting dimensions on Earth, we are transforming to our true Divine soul as embodied in the physical.  We are healing the fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation so as to emanate our Divine love and creativity in unity consciousness.

For thousands of years within the egoic fear-based consciousness, there have always been seekers of the true self in unity with God—a pursuit of higher consciousness as described in religious, spiritual, mystical, esoteric, shamanic, metaphysical, and new age traditions.  For the most part, there has been ascending pathways toward a non-dual awareness that is higher than the physical frequencies.  Sri Aurobindo and the Mother went beyond this understanding to a true ascent/descent paradigm where the Divine is working to create a Divine physical human on Earth.

When Aurobindo wrote in the first half of the twentieth century, he envisioned a supramental consciousness fully present among humanity on Earth within one-hundred and fifty years.  As we are now in the second half of this timeframe from the time of his writings, another level of paradigm is beginning to emerge.  This emergence is the twin soul journey.  In this understanding of the Divine soul incarnate on Earth, the Divine soul-in-soul relationship fully realized in the physical provides the pure harmony and dynamic power of Divine love and creativity.

Twin Soul Sacred Union

The twin soul sacred union is a soul with soul harmonic of being. We are our whole unique self and emanate the fullness of Divine love in the infinite mutual self-giving love as a unified harmonic soul essence. This emerging level of soul journey on Earth is awakening our unique wholeness in the Divine, and remembering our unified soul-to-soul essence that is a sacred union of two souls created in the same harmonic signature.  The uniqueness in unity realizes the Divine’s mission in creation as a journey to allow souls to emanate Divine love among each other and return that love into the infinite source of God.  It is a Divine play of soul evolution.  The soul is always the essence of God. The long journey of creation enables the Divine love to express in various frequencies and densities.  The soul’s creation journey is an experience of reflecting a non-dual and non-local love in infinite frequency expression. This is the ultimate journey of realizing the soul’s oneness in God.

The union of souls in the physical is the next higher frequency beyond mystical union and supramental consciousness.  The real in-depth understanding of this evolving level will need to continue to develop.  We have known something of the understanding of soulmate love in humanity.  These connections have been important for soul evolution. However, much of these relationships have been a higher love within the lower nature of mind, emotions, and body.  There has been something of the soul informing the lower nature, but not yet the pure direct action of the soul essence as the body-mind.  The knowledge of a more profound soul-to-soul unity as a higher path beyond the thousands of years understanding of the path to mystical unity in God is just beginning to move into human awareness.

Many Soulmates, One Twin Soul

As we make our long journey of many incarnations through the cosmos and on Earth, we have many soulmates, but one twin soul.  Throughout many incarnations we awaken and transform to our true self in God through shared experience and loving many soulmates.  This is all leading to an evolving readiness to unite with our true twin soul in physical union on Earth.

A New Mystical Paradigm of Soul-to-Soul in the Divine

In the many thousands of years in a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation on Earth, the mystical paradigm has been soul to God.  We find this in all religious, spiritual, and metaphysical traditions.  Examples include Plotinus’ “the flight of the alone to the alone,” and St. Augustine’s “You have made us for yourself O God and our hearts are restless until they rest in thee.” Here, God creates souls to experience incarnate life and then reunite those experiences in union with God. This understanding is all about the individual soul and God.  As souls begin to awaken within given incarnate lives, they seek their Divine nature in a direct unity with God—the Divine itself is understood as the ultimate other and then as oneself.

While this is true, our approach to the experience of this journey on Earth is changing.  We are now beginning to see that the Earth journey is more about realizing this truth in a soul-to-soul unity as an emanation of the soul as Divine.  It is the same pathway of the awakening of the incarnate human that is a Divine soul as God.  However, the highest way of awakening and being that Divine awareness is to merge with another soul that is initially understood as other and then as oneself.  Thus, being Divine consciousness on Earth is a soul-to-soul expression in God, and at its ultimate level is the infinite souls’ unity in God. This is God’s gift of creation of an evolving soul journey to realize the pure mutual harmonic of love among and within souls which is truly our oneness of our unique soul in God.

In our evolving understanding of twin souls, we are not saying that all souls are meant to take this pathway in this lifetime.  This path occurs over multiple incarnations and across different dimensions.  Some twins are working with one twin incarnate while the other twin is beyond the Earth dimensions.  Many souls are continuing to learn and evolve in love in soulmate relationships.  Many souls continue to have a soul intention to awaken and transform to the fullness of the Divine soul on Earth in pathways where the soulmate and twin soul relationship is not primary.  There are many pathways to soul evolution and emanating the Divine soul.  The twin soul is one emerging pathway.  What is emerging is that there are more twins that are both in the physical that are intending a harmonizing and sacred union in the physical.  And what we envision is that in a manifestation of a supramental consciousness on Earth, sacred relational Divine love between two souls in unity will be an essence to the incarnate experience of love and creativity on Earth.   The current evolving twin soul experience on Earth is forging a new level of human relationship that will be universal in the full manifestation of a Divine consciousness of humanity on Earth.

In the new and evolving paradigm, God creates souls to develop the same love experience that is God with the souls learning and evolving to express and experience the pure essence of Divine Being among souls.  Therefore, God creates twin souls of identical harmonic signature.  The soul journey becomes the awakening of the Divine self in God where the souls merge as one soul in God within Earthly physical experience.  This is the twin soul journey and soul merge.  Jenna Forrest in her work with sensitive souls and in her channeling has brought forth an understanding of the stages of the twin soul journey and understanding of the soul merge in the incarnate physical.  For more information see her work at,   For additional insights, wisdom, and understanding of the evolving twin soul journey see also the work of Alison Lessard,,

In our new Divine mystical paradigm, the overall purpose for the creation of souls and incarnate experience is to connect a soul-to-soul back into God within the human experience on Earth.  In this way, God reflects through creation the same dynamic unity of mutual self-giving/receiving love that is within the Divine.  The mission of incarnating is more about shared experience than the flight of the alone to the alone in God.  While we awaken, heal, and transform to a unity with all, the soul’s deepest joy is to share the soul journey in pure harmony specifically with another soul, and more overall as an expression of love and unity with all souls.

The soul merge is the ultimate union of the incarnate experience.  It is bringing the fullness of the timeless eternal Divine love into the totality of the Earth experience.  Incarnate Earth experience then becomes the infinite unique expression of love and creativity. The depths and heights of Divine love are experienced in an infinite choice of pure harmony and love in creativity on Earth.  The evolving ability for this to occur has consisted of many lifetimes.  Throughout the soul journey within lifetimes, the soul is always working to unite with its twin soul at a higher or multidimensional level; only now are we realizing an evolving dimensional shift on Earth where a Divine consciousness is making it possible for twin souls to unite the multidimensional unity in the physical on Earth.

The Creation of Twin Souls

The first emerging understanding of the creation of twin souls is of God creating a single soul that splits into two in order to experience the duality of incarnate life in lower frequency dimensions.  All souls are created in this way which means all souls have a twin.  Incarnation then becomes a long journey of finding the twin and merging back into a reunion of the soul.  According to this viewpoint, the journey is like finding and reuniting with our lost other half.

However, God may have created the twin souls in another manner.  Instead of creating a single soul that splits, God creates souls two at a time with the same harmonic signature.  Thus, the journey is not about finding a lost split other half that separated, but uniting or merging with the twin soul for the first time as created souls within incarnate life on Earth.  This is the goal of incarnate experience.  The soul-to-soul union is the ultimate process of returning in unity with God for all eternity.  Ultimately, the souls have memory of the other twin from the spirit within God and from a multidimensional unity that has never been separate—a oneness in eternity.

In the evolving, shifting, and transforming Earth journey, the souls have not yet fully merged as a single soul entity in creative experience.  They have experienced unity in higher frequency dimensions, but not incarnate in the physical on Earth.  They know each other as one perfect being because of their multidimensional unity and because they exist forever in the essence of God.

Mission of Twin Souls to Emanate Divine Love on Earth

The twin soul journey is about each soul awakening, healing, and transforming to their unique wholeness.  In this Divine wholeness, the twin souls can move to reunite in the physical on Earth.  The pathway of the twin soul assists each twin to heal, clear, and release the distorting beliefs and emotional coding of a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, separation, and co-dependence—it is a process of transforming to soul purity within incarnate form.

The twin soul journey is not a simple pathway.  While there is a lot of misinterpretation and over-romanticizing throughout much twin flame information, this is a genuine emerging path for souls in both multidimensions and on Earth.  The journey consists of much complexity and is guided by pre-incarnate soul contracts, the Divine Source, the souls’ intent, and freedom.  It is foundationally a journey beyond egoic consciousness to the non-attachment of Divine love—a mutually self-giving love of two whole human beings outpouring an infinite eternal love in a forever deepening harmonic flow.

The mission of twin souls on Earth at this time of a dimensional shift is to bring Divine love frequencies into human life on Earth.  The Divine harmonic love of twin souls assists with restoring the pure harmony, love, creativity, and unity in resonance with the Divine infinite Earth frequencies.  The harmonizing journey in the physical is a total unity of spirit, heart, body-mind, and sexual union.  The highest frequencies of Divine love are expressed throughout all of the energies in the relational unity. The path of the soul-to-soul unity as the soul in God is to emanate unconditional love within humanity on Earth.  This is part of the realization of a Divine consciousness on Earth where humanity is in pure harmonic resonance with the infinite Divine.

Healing Emotions on the Way to Divine Consciousness

While our emotional system is part of our lower nature of thinking mind, vital (emotional), and physical, the feeling of emotion is vital in our soul’s journey of transformation.  Insights, meditations, activations, energy healing, etc. all contribute to our awakening, evolution, and transformation of our human consciousness on Earth, but feeling our wounds of emotional encoding is paramount in the releasing of our ego consciousness.  We make the most progress when we feel our emotions undefended from the numerous ego defenses of distraction that keep emotional pain from full conscious awareness

Divine Human Awareness beyond Thinking Mind and Emotional Energy

The Divine soul in multidimensional frequencies and its emanation as human incarnate is a soul-body of knowing and feeling.  Both knowing and feeling ultimately form a oneness of awareness.  The Light mind in unity with the heart is the soul’s knowing.  The body in unity with the heart, is the soul’s Divine feeling.  Knowing and feeling are direct free flowing awareness.  They emanate from love and creativity.

Knowing knows in the infinite now, needing no memory, conditioning, or templates.  This is different from the thinking mind’s development from conditions and input.  The thinking mind is a censoring, screening, and reactive cognitive means to experiencing life in a limited duality consciousness.  It is born of a defensive conditioning.  It is never in spontaneous direct experience—it is always skewed in its evaluation of the present moment experience.  Emotional energy is the same way—reactive to a stimulus and in its conditioning of encoding responds to present moment experience with its programmed reactions.  Divine feeling directly interacts with the Divine being, joy, and creativity in all of life.  It is harmonic, connected, and pure in love.

When we awaken to our true soul nature embodied in physical form, we will transcend the reactive emotional system.  We will live in the true essence of affect which is Divine feeling.  However, in our journey to Divine consciousness, we must not bypass the emotional energy that is a part of our current lower egoic consciousness.

The Key is to Feel Emotion

The only way to our Divine consciousness on Earth is to clear and release our emotional wounds of our soul from early life, birth, perinatal, ancestral, and past life.  This emotional energy is the pain and fear that limits our true being of love and creativity.  It is not about re-living content and searching for mental insights or answers, but is rather the feeling of emotional energy.  The feeling of the energy is the key to learning and releasing emotional wounds.

While there is no shortcut to genuine feeling of emotional energy that has become conditioned in our body-mind system, we need to proceed with some direction in our transformation.  Here, we must generate a clear outcome of what we intend—how we want our life to be.  With this clear intention, the mind, heart, and soul knows where to search for learning and releasing impediments within our soul history—early childhood, birth, perinatal, intergenerational, and past life.  The actual manifestation of change occurs within an instant.  But these spontaneous moments of change are accompanied by the willingness to feel unresolved emotions and clear all the false self-serving motivations and actions in the ego consciousness that developed through emotional wounds.

Thus, along the journey we are open to feeling emotion without ego defenses, but also maintaining a clear direction of our intent.  Without direction, the unresolved emotion carried by the human being from its soul history and human generations is virtually infinite.  If delved into without direction there would be no end to processing fear and pain.  Therefore, we acknowledge healing and transformation come through processing our feelings with the knowing that we are moving beyond them to an infinite Divine awareness that is lived in the physical.  May we be willing to feel and clear our emotions to be our soul essence of Divine love and creativity on Earth.

Love of the Divine Soul

The deepest fulfillment of the human being as Divine soul on Earth is to love with all our heart, mind, and body.  This is a soul love in the Spirit through all of our multidimensional being.  The Divine soul incarnates as human for this purpose and it is restless until the wholeness of its essence can love in this way.  The soul’s supreme wisdom on Earth is where in full faith and trust it can love another soul with all its soul, heart, mind, and body.

The Mission of the Soul is to Love

The deep truth of the mission of the soul is to love without a focus on the lower self or searching for that self to be loved.  When a soul loves, it inherently loves itself because true love knows no boundary or separation.  Therefore, the soul’s focus is on giving its love to the world, not on seeking to be loved by others.

In the true natural order of Divine creation, we are made to love and be loved—a mutual self-giving and receiving-giving love.  Because of a fear-based consciousness within humanity on Earth, this natural flow of love has been veiled in a restriction and inhibition.  An egoic consciousness of conditioning and defenses inhibits love through a false perception of lack, guilt, shame, and unworthiness.  Even though this is an illusionary perception, the experience is accompanied by real feeling.  This causes a wound of hurt and the ego’s preoccupation with receiving love.  We are all in a soul journey of healing this consciousness and restoring our pure Divine love experienced in bodily form on Earth.

It is most important that we love—and love is always self-giving in its essence.  We are happy and at peace when we love with our whole heart, mind, body, and soul.  We love all of creation, the Earth, and other souls.  Our mission is to love others in infinite ways through our unique gifts, empathy, compassion, kindness, and caring.  As a human on Earth, our deepest yearning is to fully love another soul incarnate as human.  This is the deepest essence at the core of the human incarnate journey of loving God and experiencing our Divine self on Earth.

Our intention is to give of ourselves in love.  This full expression and experience is the joy of being human.  We are eternal and never separated from God.  Our purpose is to experience this truth here incarnate on Earth.  Anything less, leaves us feeling incomplete, unfulfilled, and yearning for the pure harmonious flow of our being.  Thus, we must intend and express love, and not worry about whether love is coming to us.  The profound receiving of love must ensue in its own Divine timing.  It is not something that you find, seek, or make happen from the level of the egoic thinking mind and emotional system.  Love cannot be controlled in this way.  Love only comes to you in its full freedom.  It manifests from the deep infinite intent of the soul.

Divine Love Does Not Grasp

Love is an infinite continuum.  It is spirit, consciousness, subtle energy, and electromagnetic physical energy.  It experiences itself as all of these frequencies, but within its essence it is beyond and within them all.  Just as love can express through varying infinite frequencies, the harmonic of love can express at various levels of purity.  In our true being, we are pure Divine love.  We are journeying to experience this love in a human body on Earth.  Love can express and inform our lower nature of mind, emotions, and body.  Therefore, we can experience some levels of love through our lower nature of personality when it is elevating by the soul through heart consciousness.

Yet, as long as we are still operating from an ego personality, our pure Divine love through the soul is not allowed full expression in the absence of all restriction.  When love is pure, it does not hold on our grasp.  It supports the total freedom of the soul or creation that it loves. Perfect love has no fear.  The egoic fear-based personality fears loss and non-connection so it holds on through control or conflict which is actually a separation.  This type of grasping can be mental, emotional, and physical.  It is a frequency range that is not in a purely harmonic flow.  The grasping energy has an incoherent energy that develops a certain level of density.

Mutual Self-Giving Love

While we can only be responsible for our own self-giving love, the soul’s highest aspiration is to share that love with another soul in mutuality.  Love is infinite—it is a boundless essence, ecstasy, bliss, and peace as a restful action that expands forever.  When love gives in full freedom of the other, and the other gives in full freedom, the synergy of love infinitely expands in purity.  When two souls only self-give to each other, they are infinite multipliers of the depths and height of love.

Soul Unity Love

Our mission of Earth is to love and create. We do this in infinitely unique ways of loving nature and loving humanity.  There is the whole range of friendship, acquaintance, parental, marital, relational, and overall interaction to help humanity love and thrive as incarnate beings on Earth and in the multidimensional journey.  Yet, the soul-to-soul relationship is the mirror of most clarity to understand the degree of the purity of our love.  Since there is no fear in love, the fullness of an infinite relationship reveals the full capacity of the soul to love.  This is not to say that the deepest levels of love cannot be expressed outside of this level of human relationship.  It is saying that one can fully love as the Divine soul is able to express this love in the fullness of a mutually self-giving relationship that includes partnership, friendship, and sexual union.   It is a sharing of the whole being in an equality of creativity to emanate the Divine on Earth and reveal the great eternity of Divine love.

When souls can love in this way, they transcend the fear of loss of love and unworthiness—a fear of not being good enough, and the fear of the pain of losing love in the duality constraints of the lower dimensions.  In the ability to give and receive in a mutually self-giving love, all the multidimensions of the soul, mind, and body are clear.  There are no restrictions or inhibitions.  In this freedom of self and other, the soul can express love in the deepest and purest frequencies of gentility and tenderness.  It is a soul love expressing through the heart, mind, and body incorporating the sexual energies.  This infinite love in the physical is a Divine manifestation of the souls in incarnate physical form.  It is the purest level of love in God as experienced by humans on Earth.  In this love, the human can create anything.

The freedom of love is an infinity in physical form—a Divine human.  We awaken to a human with perfect regeneration of physical form, communication, and creativity.  This is a human that has the infinite freedom to be in bodily form and to be in spiritual form—a true immortality.

The relationship of man and woman in spiritual friendship and sexual union is a love at one with all dimensions of the cosmos, all spiritual realms, and the source in God.  It is true power and peace that is the all.  The strength and softness of love is a unity that is non-dual and non-local.  It is a unity of uniqueness that is everywhere at once.  In physical form, it moves at the speed of Birkeland currents that show no duration of time—an action manifests and it is simultaneously at all locations in the universe at once.  This love is infinite freedom with no separation.  The infinite wave of love in physical form has no limitation, resistance, or restriction.  It is beyond all fear, and within and through its manifestation, the soul can be and create.  Our souls in spirit are created to express this love in all dimensions, spiritual realms, and within incarnate form. May we open to the fullness of our healing of any wounds and restrictions of the ego consciousness, so that we can be open to the mutual self-giving of this love on Earth.

The Divine Life on Earth

For many thousands of years, humanity has experienced life on Earth in a duality/polarity consciousness that is a dense frequency restriction of consciousness as physical matter.  It is a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  It operates as a conditioning within humanity through the thinking mind and a narrow range of the current physical sensory system.

We can speculate, debate, and offer particular points of view of the origins of the restrictive fear consciousness within humanity.  Is it part of an evolutionary process?  Is it an infiltration from negative intelligence or beings?  Is it a normal progression in the universe, or frequency range within this galaxy, universe, or cosmos?  Much of this information can be helpful in our journey of awakening and transforming to an expression of our Divine soul as embodied on Earth.  But what is most important is that we focus on resonating with the shifting frequencies that are assisting humanity to awaken to our infinite consciousness as lived through a physical body on Earth.

The information as consciousness and energy is being manifest to us in multiple levels.  It all emanates from the subtle energies within–that infinite realm of the heart where we resonate with the knowing mind of Light and the Divine feeling body.  In the domain of multidimensional unity consciousness, the perception of interior and exterior, inside and outside, and within and without is one unified frequency of consciousness.  Thus, our assistance from our Divine soul and infinite connections with intelligence in the dimensions of the universe and spiritual realms is also being received by our consciousness from the galaxy, Sun, and Earth.

The Sun is the major transducer of information, consciousness, and energy in our frequency levels of Earth life.  Information codes and the dimensions and vibrations of light that communicate with the Divine soul as human consciousness manifesting a physical vehicle of the body are relayed by the Sun.  For Earth life, the Sun is foundational in any inner heart-centered shift of our consciousness resonating with our infinite Divine consciousness.  We are in a rapidly shifting environment where the inner and outer are becoming the same experience.  In this frequency reorganization, we are going beyond the spirit/matter divide.  Spirit is matter and matter is spirit.  They are two aspects of a unified being and consciousness.

Humanity as Unified Spirit/Matter Being, Consciousness, and Energy

The perceived split between spirit and matter that has been the fear-based consciousness within humanity for thousands of years, has resulted in humanity living a restricted experience on Earth and not the fullness of the Divine soul.  In whatever way we have found ourselves in a fear-based consciousness as a narrow range of matter resulting from a spirit/matter split, it is clear that this is not natural to who we are as infinite Divine beings.  We are infinite knowing Divine souls experiencing a Divinity in a particular frequency organization through a physical body-mind.

Although we are already infinite and eternal Divine souls, the transformation to experience this fully on Earth as a physical body is a substantial shift in consciousness.  It is a wholesale relinquishing of a conditioned personal or egoic identity.  It is a shift beyond the thinking mind to a heart-centered consciousness of intuitive mind and supermind—a mind that purely transduces and conveys infinite knowing in the physical frequency dimensions.  It is a change to an expanded human sensory system beyond the narrow confines of the current physical senses to an infinite subtle sensory range—a range that processes light and sound on multidimensional levels.  And most of all, it is a consciousness change manifesting beyond the current experience of the laws of physical matter.

In the true Divine physical, matter is fluid, pliable, melodic, and harmonic.  It is frictionless without grating, grinding, or interference to Divine loving and creative interaction.  This is the harmonic flow of love and creativity.  It is spontaneous, effortless, and of Divine flow—and infinite expansion and creative energy.  The shift to the Divine soul of humanity emanating as a Divine physical body on Earth is a profound and clear manifestation of the fullness of true being.

In the fullness of our true Divine being, humanity is infinite creativity.  Love is a never ending Divine being, consciousness, and energy that is perfect rest and perfect action.  Its energy is a perpetual heightening and deepening of infinite experience.  As we open to our multidimensional consciousness and beyond within a physical body manifestation on Earth, we will experience and express our infinite Divine awareness without need of time and space mind categories such as height and depth.  It is a whole new experience of physical matter.  It is still very much physical, but of a quality that bears no relation to our ordinary experience of the restrictions of current frequencies of physical matter.

The Divine Soul and Divine Physical Body

The Divine life on Earth with a Divine physical body is a fully harmonic experience of infinite levels of love and creativity as lived by the soul within matter frequencies.  It is an infinite experience of creativity with consciousness as matter that is fully unique while always being in perfect Divine harmony with all.  Humanity as a Divine soul and Divine physical body has an infinite range of subtle senses.  These senses work in harmony with the Light mind and Divine feeling within heart consciousness.  At this frequency of the Divine soul on Earth, communication includes telepathy and movement includes teleportation. These actions are intrinsic to the freedom of the soul and emanate into physical Earth experience without thought.  The cellular frequencies of the body emanate as a perpetual harmonic regeneration.  There will no longer be the fear-based encodings of ageing, disease, and degeneration.  The transition of the soul to other realms of experience beyond Earth will occur in ways that is beyond death of the physical body vehicle that we have known in the restrictive conflict, control, and separation consciousness.

The energy emanation of the Divine physical cellular consciousness will occur by the natural subtle, light, and sound frequencies of consciousness.  No longer will the body need to devour or consume separate energies that are lacking in a fear-based consciousness.  The energy configuration of the cells is fully sufficient as emanating from the infinite Divine frequencies.  The Divine soul as physical body is fully aware—gone are the split of conscious and unconscious.  Thus, the processing of dream states of consciousness is unnecessary.   Also, since the energy manifestation of the cellular consciousness is perpetual, there is no expending and replenishing of energy.  Therefore, there is no need for the body to recuperate in a sleep mode of consciousness.  The current fear-based consciousness of mind tires the systems of the body, and thus sleep has been a very important requirement of repair and recuperation in a restrictive consciousness.  In the freedom of Divine consciousness, energy is never expended or depleted. It just is. The action of energy and the manifestation of energy is the same thing.

The Divine life on Earth is a radical change in the perception of matter.  For the Divine soul to have the full experience of love and creativity in the Earth physicality, the manifestation of the physical body will have different qualities than current physical perception.  While this is a huge leap for human life on Earth, it is truly natural to the experience of a soul emanating within, through, and as a physical body.  The Divine life on Earth has been our longing during the years of the restrictive conflict, control, and separation consciousness.  It is simply the true essence of our being.

Humanity is a Divine soul emanating in physical form.  Living the fullness of truth of who we are as a loving and creative infinite Divine awareness will be living the Divine life on Earth as fully Divine physical matter.  May we continue to awaken, transform, and open to heart consciousness where we are aware of our being as Divine love and creativity that intends to live our full essence on Earth.

Heart Consciousness is Love

Within the awareness of the heart, we realize our unity consciousness with all.  Humanity is non-local, non-dual, and of no time.  Our journey of remembering, restoring, and transforming consciousness is to be our Divine multidimensional awareness within the body.

When our awareness is in heart consciousness, we are Divine awareness experiencing the infinite in the holographic frequency bandwidth on Earth.  In the heart, we open to who we are as love.  Within our interior from the heart, our energy flows to the exterior—inner and outer unite as one movement of being.

From within the current 3D frequency range of consciousness, Wilhelm Reich described the two inclinations of moving toward the world or moving away from the world.  When we love, electric potential flows outward to the world as shown by the body’s increased electrical charge on the extremities (i.e., measurements of pleasure sensations on the skin).  Thus, when our awareness is in the heart, we have full connectivity with the cosmos.  The soul and body is then in perfect harmonic resonance as a receiver, transducer, and transmitter of information, consciousness, and energy.  When in the personality of the linear thinking mind, the electric potential decreases in a retreat that is anxiety.

In the heart, we are creation, cosmos, and the dimensionless spiritual realms.  Living in the interior of the heart creates the dynamic peaceful power of moving outward to all.  We awaken to our true Divine soul of an infinite expansion of our soul-body consciousness.  It is the experience and expression of reality.

Instantaneous Communication Through Soul-Body Unity

Light as the electromagnetic frequencies and sound waves are one in an instantaneous communication.  When we are in resonance with Divine love and energy, there is no presence of a time barrier, and hence no delay or restriction to the communication.  The body is an intricate complexity of consciousness organization that is a receiver, transducer, transmitter, and creator of information.  The complex frequency organization works through the heart’s electromagnetic field, the brain’s receiver/transmitter capabilities, the nervous system, hormonal system, sexual energy, biophotons, sound frequencies, a direct current electrical system, magnetic field, water, plasma, oxygen, DNA, liquid crystals, and cellular consciousness.  As we continue to awaken to our incarnate being as a soul of Divine love, we will increasingly understand the body’s frequency state as the soul.

In heart consciousness, we are our true being of love.  We are one unified essence expressing in the dimensional hologram on Earth.  Our body is our spirit/soul emanating as various frequencies, dimensions, and densities of consciousness.  From within the heart, we are beyond the thinking mind’s way of categorizing and externalizing dualities.

The entire dimensionless realms, dimensional universe, spirit, soul, subtle energies, body, and matter are all of one being and consciousness.  It all manifests at differing frequencies of expression.  It can be analogous to water (H2O) emanating as a liquid, solid, or gas depending on its frequency.  It is the same unified water experiencing in different configurations. There is no higher or lower, up or down—just a creative way of expressing and experiencing the universe as love and creativity.  This is the nature of our true being that is known when we move beyond the false fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  In the true reality of our being, the false separation of the materialisms and spiritualisms is no longer.  Spirit and matter are one.  As we continue to restore and know ourselves as love, we will not manifest the habits that condition inertia, conflict, friction, disharmony that has given us the experience on Earth that our Divine soul is separate from our Divine physical body.

However, these inharmonic frequencies have been so deeply conditioned that humanity has been unaware of the deep conflicts in the physicality of our soul expression.  These conflicts have led to the belief and experience of an inevitable soul and body distinction.  As we open to love in heart consciousness, we live through the knowing mind of Light and our Divine feeling body as an expression of our Divine being.  Here, we are transforming to our true nature as soul-body.

Love is the Dynamic Power of Harmony, Intelligence, and Creativity

Love is the Divine intelligence.  It is the information, consciousness, and energy that is the creativity of the universe.  It is the harmonic dynamic power that is all knowing, intention, and creativity.  Love is the most powerful force, yet is known and experienced as quiet, soft, and gentle.  It is a comfort, joy, ease, beauty, dynamism all in one.  Love is a tremendous power of pure coherent light.  In its emanation in the dimensional hologram, its frequency is so fast that it is completely at rest.  Action and rest unite as being.  This is the perfect harmonic flow that is the multidimensional human as an infinite consciousness emanating with a physical body in the Earth dimensional hologram.

May we continue to awaken our Divine awareness within the heart so as to be our infinite creativity and unity on Earth.  In this restoration and transformation, we live from heart consciousness that is the infinite simultaneous intercommunication that is love.

Transforming in Heart Consciousness

From the perspective of the thinking mind through the left brain, the process of transforming from one frequency to another is a paradox.  With the thinking mind, we perceive that we must change by identifying a belief, emotional encoding, or activity we do not like.  Once identified, the concept is to “change” it by working against it to replace it with the desired state.

In reality, the moment we try to change it by using any means, we actually reinforce its existence.  The duality consciousness of the censoring thinking mind and reactive emotional system perpetuates duality consciousness with its concept of change.  This is a self-replicating mechanism of the fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.

We transform in heart consciousness by being fully aware of beliefs, encodings, activities, etc., as they are.  Our main effort is not to change, but to really see and feel the reality that is expressing that is less than our true being of Divine infinite consciousness.  Now, we do not have to do anything using a concept of change.  We allow our natural intention of our soul to emanate in the present moment.  True transformation is not of time.  Thus, it is not changing from one state to another.  It is a beyond time emanating shift of frequencies.  Therefore, in transformation, there is a seamless shift from one frequency organization to another.

Transforming Frequencies through Intent

The frequency pattern alters by a knowing intent.  It is simply a manifestation of an expression of a unique resonance of Divine awareness through consciousness as energy. From the 3D point of view, we are misguided in using a linear concept of having to change something into something new.  In the Divine awareness of unity consciousness, we allow a shift of frequency by the infinite and timeless emanation of frequency organization that is our true being in Divine unity.  It is love that shifts the fear-based frequency condition, not our mind’s action to change it using a duality frequency.  Love is the infinite timeless of Divine being.

The challenge of transformation is twofold.  First, we must open awareness to the heart and trust in the knowing of our true Divine nature.  Second, we must become fully aware of the fear-based state at its most deepest level of frequency distortion—a pure look at what is.  This second part is the real challenge of the transformation process.

Because of our fear-based conditioning, the ability to see what is without filters or overlays takes a time sequence in the current 3D dimensional frequency.  It is here that we use healing modalities, meditations, self-observation, books, etc. as an unveiling process to accept the condition as it is.  As we become fully aware of the condition, we enable our Divine consciousness to transform our frequency expression to our soul’s intent and being of love and creativity.  The modality or any external action including meditation is not performing the change in frequency.  The action can provide resonance to assist both Divine awareness and most specifically the unveiling process to see unobstructed what is the conditioned belief, emotion, or activity.  Any shift is totally interior to the soul as Divine awareness.

Moving Beyond the Mind Concept of Linear Change

If we try to use the restricted thinking mind’s concept of change through the left brain to change the specific condition, we reinforce the fear state and its myriad distortions of defenses that all further a consciousness of separation.  The objective of learning is to trust the unveiling process to fully see and feel the distortion.  In the fear condition, we always have an awareness at some level that there is a distortion, but we do not fully see and feel. Thus, we are not accepting of what is.

The learning is always about the unveiling of the distorted condition, not who we are as Divine awareness or the process of transformation.  The learning is time bound.  Fortunately, with accelerating frequencies as part of a shift in the dimensional hologram, the time duration in 3D of the learning part is reducing.  Therefore, there is a faster acceptance of what is, an opening to Divine awareness, and allowing the transformation as an emanation of love and creativity through the body vehicle on Earth.

The transformation itself is not understood as a need to learn.  It is a choice, an experience and expression of Divine consciousness.  The Divine awareness is a pure knowing and feeling—our true being of Divine unity.  As we learn to accept our condition, we will transform to the true good choices of our soul as Divine awareness.  We will restore our understanding of the true purpose of the soul to experience and express the infinite of love and creativity in unique ways within various dimensional frequencies.  We will move beyond the need to learn in a dense restricted consciousness.  The current necessity to learn is because of the infiltration that has distorted human consciousness in mind and body.  As we transform, we will be our infinite knowing and continually express our love and creative action.

From one point of view, we are not evolving or ascending consciousness.  We are evolving and ascending our limitations to the unveiling of our fear-based condition.  Our limitation has been to use the dualistic mind to repeat the conditions of our separation by not fully recognizing it.  We either perpetuate the separation by defending against the pain of the distortion to our humanity, or we perpetuate it by not accepting it in how we go about working against it in duality to seek a linear change.  We must transcend beyond the dominant thinking mind of conflict, and remember that we cannot change a restricted condition by using the same distorted mind that is causing or enabling the condition.

Restoring Our Awareness as Divine Infinite Consciousness

We are restoring our Divine infinite consciousness as a human being.  The knowing mind in heart awareness of humanity has not been on Earth for hundreds of thousands of years.  We are moving beyond the damaged nervous system and biochemical system of the thinking mind.  The true human nature already is an infinite Divine consciousness of multidimensionality with full interior consciousness capabilities of cellular regeneration, telepathy, teleportation, and intentional manifestation.  Our current fear-based consciousness, cultural, and institutional condition on Earth is a distortion of who we truly are as Divine beings.  Therefore, we must transform with our Divine awareness that is beyond the distorting frequencies.

It is good that we have a sincere desire to move from a lesser consciousness of conflict, control, and separation to an expanded awareness of love, creativity, and unity.  However, the next point of focus is to open to the consciousness that will transform the information, consciousness, and energy configuration.  It is only with a profound acceptance of our current frequency organization in thought, emotion, and actions that we will allow our Divine consciousness to shift to our true harmonic frequency.  Developing this level of attention and awareness is the challenge at this point in the shifting frequencies of the dimensional hologram on Earth.

We transform by continually placing awareness on seeing our condition, resisting the misguided linear thinking mind’s attempt at changing the undesirable state by using the limited thinking mind, and let the Divine love that we are express on Earth.  This is transformation in heart consciousness.   We are not becoming a new humanity—we are allowing our Divine infinite consciousness to organize as our higher mind and physical body to emanate the true humanity that we are.  May we continue to open to our Divine awareness so as to enable a shift from a restricted humanity to a frequency organization that is our true humanity of love and creativity.