Over the last few decades, there has been a steady acceleration of the awareness of the movement time. The experience of this shift has been different for souls depending on their Divine timing sequence of awakening and transformation. Therefore, the experience of time can vary greatly according to the complexity of a person’s encodings of thought patterns, beliefs, emotions, and memories, in conjunction with their level of remembering and restoring their true Divine infinite consciousness on Earth.
Within the last two years, the experience of the acceleration is virtually universal although some souls do not interpret it as a change in time. Some sense a shorter duration to the experience of events, while others have a vague sensation of experience feeling different. Most feel the change as an all encompassing intensification of the speeding up of time. I have written articles on this phenomenon on occasion, most notably in “Time and the Dimensional Shift: From 3D Linear Time to 4D Synchronic Time and into 5D Multidimensional Time.” http://blog.peterborysjr.com/2012/07/16/time-and-the-dimensional-shift-from-3d-linear-time-to-4d-synchronic-time-and-into-5d-multidimensional-time/ .
The basic movement from 3D time, to 4D synchronic time, to 5D multidimensional time (no time) is continuing to be revealed by experience. There are many factors that are contributing to the change in the experience of time. Some are of human 3D origin—i.e., changing how the thinking mind and brain processes information as a result of electromagnetic waves (ELF) through television, computers, cell phones, etc, and the exponential increase in 3D language information and compressed cycle times for information. However, the overall context for the change of time is the shifting dimensional hologram on Earth. The sequence is driven by galactic and solar shifts in information, consciousness, energy, and frequency.
Into 4D Synchronic Time
We are now fully in 4D synchronic time as a frequency organization. However, not everyone fully perceives this change. For those most aware at this point, it is a full 4D time. Although there may be a full awareness of 4D time, without a full transformation to our Divine infinite consciousness lived through the Light mind and Divine body, 4D synchronic time is being lived in part within an old 3D cultural organization. All human systems still operate on a 24 hour Earth rotation, calendar (yearly, monthly, daily), billing cycles, income periods, tax periods, holidays, schedules, etc. The list of how human society has been structured though the limited thinking mind in 3D time is endless.
With an awareness of 4D time, our orientation of movement from past, present, and future is changing. This reference point for ordering our experience or progress is almost entirely no longer part of our experience. However, we are in a strange transition because we are still functioning in the same 3D societal organization. Thus, we must still navigate the 3D time pattern with a new beyond time perception that does not orient to past, present, and future sequencing.
The good news is that synchronic time places our awareness more fully in the now. Experience is more simultaneous with the now moment and the intention of consciousness without the thinking mind’s filter or overlay which templates all experience from both past conditioning and a reference to the duration of time. The synchronic state of not feeling time is our true state that will be the totality of our experience in 5D and beyond where there is no time perception. Beyond the limitations of the thinking mind, there is no time—just infinite shifting experience of the present now.
Our perception of the speeding up of time may be a result of the breakdown of the past, present, and future overlay to the orientation of experience. As this is occurring, a greater percentage of experience is oriented to the “now.” This means that we are not holding the sequencing of past experience in consciousness. We are in a way deleting this experience. Therefore, we do not remember a detailed sequencing of how our experience of events is moving from one thing to another. We maintain a distinct memory of past experience without the chain of events that divides experience in a sequence of movement from one event to another—we no longer hold the events in consciousness as a linked string. Because of the deletion of the detailed ordering of experience, there is no longer an old orientation that would give time a slower duration as step by step process. Thus, by not holding the past-present-future memory sequence to experience, it feels like time is moving faster.
5D Multidimensional No Time and the Divine Harmonic Body
We are in a movement beyond the artificial construction of time that has been created by the restrictions of the inharmonic thinking mind. This filter of restriction has been used to orient our experience in a narrow density of limitation. The mind of the false self has created all disharmonious habits of physical limitation. They appear to us as laws of 3D material Earth life. We will find that the materiality of Earth life, which is a frequency of consciousness, will operate on a shifting frequency of infinite energy when the Divine infinite consciousness is emanating as the body. This occurs in a 5D and beyond organization and experience of the dimensional hologram on Earth.
When our Divine infinite consciousness is lived as the physical body, there is no more limitation of time. The artificial construct of time serves no function. The infinite universal connectivity of consciousness is its own organization of activity, shared experience, and communication. Beyond the thinking mind, there is a simultaneous creative intention of telepathy, teleportation, cellular regeneration, and intentional manifestation. It is the knowing Light mind of heart consciousness lived through the Divine feeling physical body. Within this awakening, there is the soul and body consciousness in a dimensional hologram of Earth beyond time.