From the perspective of the thinking mind through the left brain, the process of transforming from one frequency to another is a paradox. With the thinking mind, we perceive that we must change by identifying a belief, emotional encoding, or activity we do not like. Once identified, the concept is to “change” it by working against it to replace it with the desired state.
In reality, the moment we try to change it by using any means, we actually reinforce its existence. The duality consciousness of the censoring thinking mind and reactive emotional system perpetuates duality consciousness with its concept of change. This is a self-replicating mechanism of the fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.
We transform in heart consciousness by being fully aware of beliefs, encodings, activities, etc., as they are. Our main effort is not to change, but to really see and feel the reality that is expressing that is less than our true being of Divine infinite consciousness. Now, we do not have to do anything using a concept of change. We allow our natural intention of our soul to emanate in the present moment. True transformation is not of time. Thus, it is not changing from one state to another. It is a beyond time emanating shift of frequencies. Therefore, in transformation, there is a seamless shift from one frequency organization to another.
Transforming Frequencies through Intent
The frequency pattern alters by a knowing intent. It is simply a manifestation of an expression of a unique resonance of Divine awareness through consciousness as energy. From the 3D point of view, we are misguided in using a linear concept of having to change something into something new. In the Divine awareness of unity consciousness, we allow a shift of frequency by the infinite and timeless emanation of frequency organization that is our true being in Divine unity. It is love that shifts the fear-based frequency condition, not our mind’s action to change it using a duality frequency. Love is the infinite timeless of Divine being.
The challenge of transformation is twofold. First, we must open awareness to the heart and trust in the knowing of our true Divine nature. Second, we must become fully aware of the fear-based state at its most deepest level of frequency distortion—a pure look at what is. This second part is the real challenge of the transformation process.
Because of our fear-based conditioning, the ability to see what is without filters or overlays takes a time sequence in the current 3D dimensional frequency. It is here that we use healing modalities, meditations, self-observation, books, etc. as an unveiling process to accept the condition as it is. As we become fully aware of the condition, we enable our Divine consciousness to transform our frequency expression to our soul’s intent and being of love and creativity. The modality or any external action including meditation is not performing the change in frequency. The action can provide resonance to assist both Divine awareness and most specifically the unveiling process to see unobstructed what is the conditioned belief, emotion, or activity. Any shift is totally interior to the soul as Divine awareness.
Moving Beyond the Mind Concept of Linear Change
If we try to use the restricted thinking mind’s concept of change through the left brain to change the specific condition, we reinforce the fear state and its myriad distortions of defenses that all further a consciousness of separation. The objective of learning is to trust the unveiling process to fully see and feel the distortion. In the fear condition, we always have an awareness at some level that there is a distortion, but we do not fully see and feel. Thus, we are not accepting of what is.
The learning is always about the unveiling of the distorted condition, not who we are as Divine awareness or the process of transformation. The learning is time bound. Fortunately, with accelerating frequencies as part of a shift in the dimensional hologram, the time duration in 3D of the learning part is reducing. Therefore, there is a faster acceptance of what is, an opening to Divine awareness, and allowing the transformation as an emanation of love and creativity through the body vehicle on Earth.
The transformation itself is not understood as a need to learn. It is a choice, an experience and expression of Divine consciousness. The Divine awareness is a pure knowing and feeling—our true being of Divine unity. As we learn to accept our condition, we will transform to the true good choices of our soul as Divine awareness. We will restore our understanding of the true purpose of the soul to experience and express the infinite of love and creativity in unique ways within various dimensional frequencies. We will move beyond the need to learn in a dense restricted consciousness. The current necessity to learn is because of the infiltration that has distorted human consciousness in mind and body. As we transform, we will be our infinite knowing and continually express our love and creative action.
From one point of view, we are not evolving or ascending consciousness. We are evolving and ascending our limitations to the unveiling of our fear-based condition. Our limitation has been to use the dualistic mind to repeat the conditions of our separation by not fully recognizing it. We either perpetuate the separation by defending against the pain of the distortion to our humanity, or we perpetuate it by not accepting it in how we go about working against it in duality to seek a linear change. We must transcend beyond the dominant thinking mind of conflict, and remember that we cannot change a restricted condition by using the same distorted mind that is causing or enabling the condition.
Restoring Our Awareness as Divine Infinite Consciousness
We are restoring our Divine infinite consciousness as a human being. The knowing mind in heart awareness of humanity has not been on Earth for hundreds of thousands of years. We are moving beyond the damaged nervous system and biochemical system of the thinking mind. The true human nature already is an infinite Divine consciousness of multidimensionality with full interior consciousness capabilities of cellular regeneration, telepathy, teleportation, and intentional manifestation. Our current fear-based consciousness, cultural, and institutional condition on Earth is a distortion of who we truly are as Divine beings. Therefore, we must transform with our Divine awareness that is beyond the distorting frequencies.
It is good that we have a sincere desire to move from a lesser consciousness of conflict, control, and separation to an expanded awareness of love, creativity, and unity. However, the next point of focus is to open to the consciousness that will transform the information, consciousness, and energy configuration. It is only with a profound acceptance of our current frequency organization in thought, emotion, and actions that we will allow our Divine consciousness to shift to our true harmonic frequency. Developing this level of attention and awareness is the challenge at this point in the shifting frequencies of the dimensional hologram on Earth.
We transform by continually placing awareness on seeing our condition, resisting the misguided linear thinking mind’s attempt at changing the undesirable state by using the limited thinking mind, and let the Divine love that we are express on Earth. This is transformation in heart consciousness. We are not becoming a new humanity—we are allowing our Divine infinite consciousness to organize as our higher mind and physical body to emanate the true humanity that we are. May we continue to open to our Divine awareness so as to enable a shift from a restricted humanity to a frequency organization that is our true humanity of love and creativity.