Dimensional Ascension: An Elevation in the Holographic Frequency on Earth

We are living in a time of a change, shift, and elevation in the organized level of the frequency pattern on Earth.  For hundreds of thousands of years, humanity has experienced life on Earth in a 3D frequency field.  Thus, the human soul and mind-body has been decoding, perceiving, interpreting, and experiencing this reality through the frequency of a 3D hologram.

In addition to our Divine infinite consciousness incarnating in a more limited 3D conscious reality, the experience in 3D became distorted by the infiltration of a fear-based matrix of conflict, control, and separation.  Because of the nature of this embedded false matrix in human consciousness for so many years, as humanity awakens and remembers the true infinite self, it is part of an ascension in the dimensional expression on Earth. The elevating shift is to a 5D consciousness and embodiment.


Divine Humanity of Love, Freedom, and Unity

There was a time on Earth when humanity lived a heart-centered unity consciousness in the 3D holographic frequency.  We have no known records or artifacts of human civilization experiencing this level of consciousness.  Certainly, the last 5,000 to 6,000 years have been heavily structured in the fear-based conditioning.  Before this time, we find a mix of some higher consciousness civilization, but not a true Divine unity consciousness in 3D.

The higher technology civilizations such as ancient Egypt, Atlantis, Lemuria, and others all existed within some level of the duality 3D matrix.  In fact, a true heart consciousness human civilization in 3D is before any of the advanced technology structures and monuments on the planet.  This includes high technology sites and monuments such as the Great Pyramid at Giza, Baalbek in Lebanon, Ollantaytambo Peru, Sacsayhuaman in Cusco Peru, Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku in Bolivia, and Gobekli Tepi in Turkey. Therefore, what we understand as golden ages from various traditions are not cycles of fully incarnate Divine 3D human life.  We need to go back at least 250,000 years of more before this level of human consciousness was experienced Earth.

The true infinite consciousness of the human being is multidimensional.  The spirit and soul of humanity is infinite and eternal, and expresses through the incarnate form of the physical body.  We are each unique beings of frequency expression that is love, freedom, and creativity with the unity of all that is.  As we awaken and remember who we really are beyond the fear-based mind and body programs of limitation, we will begin to experience and express our infinite consciousness directly through the cellular consciousness of the physical body.  For a more detailed description of the higher mind in the heart of cellular consciousness, see my recent article, “Awakening the Higher Mind of Cellular Consciousness.” http://blog.peterborysjr.com/2013/04/10/awakening-the-higher-mind-of-cellular-consciousness/.  I am working on a book on Divine cellular body consciousness, “Heart Consciousness and the Body” which is scheduled to be released by the end of 2013.


Interior Technology of the Multidimensional Human

The multidimensional human expressing in the fifth dimension and above is the fullness of an interior consciousness technology.  The current bandwidth of the physical senses and the thinking mind within the fear-based 3D matrix is a very narrow band of frequencies within the electromagnetic spectrum.  Along with the narrow electromagnetic frequencies, the current capabilities of the conscious mind are limited to only a few experiences of attention at once.  Within the limits of 3D, the direction has been to extend the human senses through external technology.  The difficulty of reliance on external technology in a distorted 3D culture of conflict, control, and separation, is that it has become part of a devolving transhumanist agenda.

If personal consciousness stays at this level, humanity in 3D will succumb to a continual restriction of consciousness.  With the higher dimensional galactic and solar energies now interacting with human consciousness, we have the choice to awaken and remember our infinite Divine awareness.  This is our true self where we experience our interior consciousness technologies of the spirit and soul through the mind and physical body.

Our own internal technology includes telepathic consciousness, multichannel telepathy, teleportation, bi-location, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity and manifestation.  The human consciousness of the higher mind in the heart through cellular consciousness is the power of Divine love and creativity.  We have been asleep to our true being on Earth for thousands of years within the fear-based matrix conditioning of severe limitation.  As we remember and awaken to our Divine consciousness, we will move beyond using artificial technologies to extend a very narrow conscious and sensory awareness.


The Devolving Transhumanist Agenda in 3D

Because of the nature of the infiltration of the inharmonic energy of fear, conflict, control, and separation into human life in 3D, this matrix continues to devolve in 3D with participation from a negative bandwidth in 4D.  As this matrix continues to centralize through external technology and the religious, political, and economic cultural system, its agenda is to create an artificial reality.

The transhumanist agenda is an extreme movement of limitation through external genetic modification, mind control, and biological electronic interface.  The fallacy is the need to transform a perceived fallible biology and limited consciousness with external control and technology when the current limited consciousness and body is only a result of the false fear-based matrix.  We are expressing a limited consciousness because of the infiltration of a dense inharmonic matrix, not because of our true nature.  Therefore, we do not need to transform and evolve to a new being through external means.  We need to awaken and remember who we already are as infinite Divine consciousness.  It is at once an awakening and change to a higher frequency dimension of our authentic being of love, creativity, and unity.

The agenda of the transhumanist matrix is to create an artificial reality of control using the centralizing structures of religion, politics, economic, and material scientific institutions.  As part of this agenda, we see the movement to alter human genetics and biology through artificial changes in food, air, and water.  The agenda includes the genetic modification of food through GMO’s, water fluoridation, weather modification through chemtrails and external frequency systems such as HAARP, and through electronic radiation from wireless technologies.  This is changing the climate, vegetation, and animal life, and is all leading to human genetic engineering.  With artificial genetic alteration and ever expanding electronic technology, the religious, political, and economic culture is moving toward a central global fascist state with the merger of biology and the machine through the microchip and electronic tracking of all information.  In the current 3D culture, this is devolving through environmental and chemical stressors on the body, mind, and consciousness, and through hypnotic programming of the limited 3D mind-body consciousness through mass media.


Awakening Divine Awareness and Choosing Ascension

In this time of shifting frequencies, we are awakening to the infiltration of humanity by a false conflict, control, and separation system that began on Earth and within human consciousness thousands of years ago.  We see its ultimate devolutionary movement in the current centralized global control and transhumanist agenda.  The infinite human soul incarnate in the physical body on Earth was never meant to live under an authoritarian system of rulers, conflict, and separation.  The fear-based consciousness that dominates and controls through separation and its extreme negative emotions of fear, hate, greed, and control has divided humanity against itself.  It has become embedded in all religious traditions and cultural institutions because we always find the same pattern of external doctrines and authority outside of the self which promotes separation from our infinite consciousness and our unity with all that is—nature, universe, cosmos, infinite spiritual dimensions.  This good and evil duality experience within human consciousness is not human nature.  For thousands of years, humans have been living on Earth co-opted by this enslaving consciousness.  The true nature of the human being is an infinite unique expression of free choice to experience the soul in body consciousness so the infinite goodness of the Divine can express infinite ways of love and creativity within certain frequency dimensions of the Earth.

In truth, we are infinite information, consciousness, and energy of spirit and soul in the vehicle of the body.  When we remember who we are, we will emanate our Divine consciousness within the cells of the body.  Through Divine consciousness, we open the full capabilities of the heart to receive, organize, and transmit the highest frequency information and energy in harmonic flow through spirit, soul, and body.  Here, our DNA becomes a receiver/transmitter of our complete expression of infinite information through biophotons and liquid crystals.  The consciousness of the physical body level becomes a pure harmonic expansion and contraction of plasma pulsation without friction or stress.  The true human being is unlimited creativity without disease, conflict, or limitation.  We journey in soul evolution by experiencing and learning from incarnate life through infinite choice of love and creativity.

As the 3D holographic frequency devolves, we have the opportunity to awaken and choose Dimensional Ascension to a higher dimensional frequency of Earth reality.  We do not yet understand the actual progression, the mechanics, and the Divine timing sequence of both a change in the Earth hologram and human dimensional consciousness.  This understanding will continue to unfold as we move through the evolving shift in consciousness frequency.  For now, it is important to make a firm choice and commitment to awaken, remember, and be our infinite consciousness.


An Earth and Human Shift in Holographic Frequency

In this article, we have described the reality of thousands of years of humanity living on Earth in a false 3D matrix of consciousness and energy that is fear, conflict, control, and separation.  It has invaded all of human life and severely restricted human consciousness in limitation and fear-based enslavement.   When in reality, the human being is an infinite Divine consciousness that is unlimited.  Any healing , transforming, and evolving of the limiting beliefs, emotions, and experiences of frequencies of consciousness is really within the awakening and remembering of the infinite consciousness that is our true being.  Our infinite consciousness is part of our current experience of bodily form within a certain Earth dimensional frequency.

We also discussed the continuing devolutionary pathway of the fear-based conflict, control, and separation system in the 3D hologram as part of the transhumanist agenda.  Given the collapsing nature of this embedded frequency within the 3D holographic dimension of the Earth, how do we awaken, remember, and ascend to a higher dimensional consciousness on Earth in this shared frequency space.  Human awakening involves our own personal work to heal and remember our true infinite Divine consciousness, and to live our awareness within the body in unity with others and nature.  As part of this healing and awakening, we must truly wake up to the full extent of the fear-based reality of conflict, control, and separation that has been restricting human consciousness–this includes the devolving transhumanist agenda.  Our seeing and remembering opens awareness and assists our ascension to a Divine consciousness in the body on Earth.

Within this experience, we then open to the larger context of a shift in Earth dimensional reality.  This is part of a Divine intelligence timing sequence of galactic, solar, and planetary evolution.  In our awakening and remembering, we are preparing for a shift, change, and ascension to a 5D and beyond consciousness that is within a higher frequency dimension of the Earth.  May we continue to awaken and choose to live our infinite Divine consciousness through the physical body vehicle in the organization of a 5D Earth hologram that will emanate in Divine timing.

Awakening the Higher Mind of Cellular Consciousness

As we continue to receive and resonate with the higher dimensional galactic and solar energy that is communicating with the Earth and humanity, we are awakening to Divine awareness.  This awareness of infinite consciousness is who we are as a Divine human consciousness in incarnate expression.

Our journey is to awaken and remember our multidimensional and infinite humanity.  As this occurs, we no longer resonate with the false 3D fear-based matrix of conflict, control, and separation.  The inharmonic false frequencies have conditioned the dualistic thinking mind to decode Earth reality in a very narrow and disconnected way.  This imprisonment to the “thinking mind,” with its restrictive use of just a narrow range of sensory frequencies of the five physical senses, has separated humanity from both the Divine and the body.

The thinking mind removes humanity from the body, nature, and the Divine by censoring all experience based on the past and future.  It has separated us from the experience of the Divine within the body in the now.  Thus, as a result of this false intrusion into our mind, we have been imprisoned from our true being of spontaneous freedom of knowing in action.  By using the mind to separate our infinite Divine consciousness from the life of the body, humans have been enduring a conditioned anti-life orientation that has greatly inhibited our love, freedom, harmony, and creativity as Divine being.


Supramental Approaches to Cellular Consciousness

The way to awakening, remembering, and being our wholeness is to unite the Divine consciousness and the body.  With the false matrix infecting humanity for thousands of years, the body is imprisoned by the limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and dense inharmony of the distorted thinking mind process.  When the body is imprisoned by armoring precipitated by the mind, there is a veiling of the soul and spirit.

We are awakening to the fact that the conditioning of the thinking mind has enabled a false dichotomy between an external materialism and a mind spiritualism.  Both materialism and spiritualism are part of the same fear-based separation of the Divine and the body.  We are beginning to see this understanding put forth by several different approaches to knowing our true Divine being as expressed through the incarnate body.

Sri Aurobindo, in the early twentieth century, envisioned the awareness of Divine human embodiment as a supramental consciousness of incarnate humanity on Earth.  Mirra Alfassa, known as the Mother, continued Aurobindo’s vision of an evolving Divine human consciousness through an intense work from 1950 to 1973 to realize the Divine body mind.  She understood that the way beyond the thinking mind was in the body mind, or the mind of the cells (See Satprem’s books on Mirra Alfassa insights and practical action to awaken the Divine body mind, including “The Mind of the Cells).

The spiritual, esoteric, and metaphysical traditions have understood the trap of the thinking mind that restricts awareness to a mechanical physical mind that is separated from the true infinite freedom of consciousness.  However, they have mainly used the mental and spiritual frequency bandwidths of consciousness to open to the experience of the Divine.  This is still a level of translation that keeps the body separate from the Divine.  We can open to and connect with higher mystical states through mental and spiritual domains, but it is only a level of translation until it is expressed as a pure oneness in the cellular consciousness of the body.

Baird T. Spalding, in his books, “Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East,” details the life experience of incarnate human beings living in God consciousness or Divine unity.  They express the consciousness abilities of telepathy, bi-location and beyond, teleportation, levitation movement, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity and manifestation.  These humans living on Earth in the early twentieth century show the higher consciousness that humanity is awakening to and remembering within the current time of higher dimensional galactic and solar energy.  The way to realize this higher dimensional consciousness that is our true Divine human awareness is to awaken this resonance in the physical body.


Consciousness Science Approaches to Cellular Consciousness

Wilhelm Reich, through the sciences of psychology, biology, physics, and subtle energy came to a similar understanding of the body consciousness.  He referred to the wholeness of the body consciousness as “orgonotic functionalism.”  Reich saw materialism and spiritualism as contained with a “mechanistic-mystical civilization” that is the false matrix of the fear-based consciousness.  The erroneous distortions of the thinking mind has armored the body and furthered either a mechanical mind-body veiled from consciousness or a mystical supernatural understanding of nature.  Thus, the 3D thinking mind has both taken humanity from connection with the body and connection with our true Divine consciousness.  On Earth, the only way to be our true Divine nature is to be one in the body consciousness.  Therefore, once we awaken to the Divine in the physical body mind, we experience full infinite being through the incarnate cellular consciousness.

In recent times, the understanding of awakening to Divine awareness in the body mind of cellular consciousness has come from sciences such as somatics and biophysics, as well as dimensional approaches including star being channeling and direct heart knowing.  We will discuss these dimensional viewpoints in the next section.   Somatics encompasses body-centered approaches to the integration of body mind awareness.  Don Hanlon Johnson, in his book, “Groundworks: Narratives of Embodiment,” covers many somatic disciplines including the Body-Mind Centering of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and Emilie Conrad’s Continuum.

In biophysics, Fritz-Albert Popp discovered that DNA emits photons.  This shows us that the body is a vehicle of light that receives, decodes, transmits, intends, and expresses infinite consciousness.  Matter and the body is consciousness organizing at various frequencies of the consciousness continuum.  We are finding that the cells are of a liquid crystalline nature that receives, decodes, and transmits the light of Divine consciousness within incarnate experience.

Quantum physics describes the experience of this level of the consciousness continuum of the universe as frequency wave form information that can be organized, slowed in frequency, and transduced into particle form.  Our higher frequency nonlocal consciousness can decode the wave form information as a particle experience in consciousness and can also intend experience through creative intention and manifestation.  David Icke views the mind-body as a lens for experiencing consciousness in this frequency domain on Earth.  Our incarnate reality is holographic, and we express and intend our experience by decoding electromagnetic energy through consciousness.


Dimensional Approaches to Cellular Consciousness

The understanding of a physical ascension of consciousness has also been furthered during the last several decades by channeling from star beings.  For example, the Pleiadian channeling of Barbara Marciniak conveys a shift from two strands of DNA to twelve strands.  This is part of the awakening to Divine consciousness of the higher mind within the heart through the body mind cellular consciousness.  Many insights and experience from higher intelligent consciousness have also awakened us to the understanding of frequencies of consciousness along a dimensional continuum.

Through the higher dimensional frequencies that humanity is receiving at this time in the cycle of galactic, solar, and planetary evolution through a direct higher mind and heart knowing, we are becoming aware of the physical ascension of consciousness.  We are learning that the physical body needs to become unarmored through a balanced nervous system, and that the heart-mind connection coordinates the hormonal system of the pineal gland, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus within heart consciousness and throughout the cellular body as a whole.  In awakening, the physical body becomes a fluid harmonic pulsation of information as light through a cellular consciousness.  Ascension is awakening and remembering our true infinite being in the body consciousness that when fully awakened is a higher dimension of matter.

The physical ascension is waking up to our true infinite consciousness within the heart, and experienced and expressed in our being through every cell of our body.  In cellular consciousness, we are our multidimensional Divine humanity of the higher mind.  It is an infinite heart consciousness lived as one with the Divine consciousness emanating as the frequencies of the body.  May we move beyond the separation of the thinking mind, and be the oneness of the Divine in the life of the body on Earth.

Divine Cellular Consciousness: Beyond the False 3D Transhumanist Matrix

We are now in a time where the highest dimensional frequencies are communicating with the Earth and humanity through consciousness, light, and energy.  This more direct resonance of the infinite consciousness is providing humanity with an opportunity to awaken to our full Divine awareness in the body consciousness.

With the awakening of humanity to our true Divine awareness, we are also seeing a continuing degeneration or devolution that is the false 3D matrix of conflict, control, and separation.  This dense and narrow band of consciousness, through the thinking mind, has veiled human awareness from infinite consciousness and separated humanity from the pure knowing higher mind within the heart in resonance with the body mind.  In this veiling, most of human awareness is restricted to a narrow decoding program of the current five physical senses. As a result, humanity has become separated from both infinite consciousness and unity with the body.

In this time, the fear-based 3D matrix is intensifying through a controlling transhumanist agenda.  This is apparent throughout the centralizing structures of religious, political, and economic institutions.  As part of this agenda, we see a movement to alter human genetics and biology through artificial changes in food, air, and water.  Within this low level consciousness, there is a reliance on digital technology systems to externally extend the human senses.  This entire agenda keeps frequencies that do not harmonize with the true Divine interior consciousness technologies of humanity.  The true Divine consciousness of the incarnate human being is the higher mind in the heart expressed through a cellular body consciousness.  Here, we have the consciousness abilities of telepathic consciousness, multichannel telepathy, bi-location and beyond, teleportation, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity and manifestation.

As the false agenda rolls along, our purpose is to awaken Divine awareness through infinite consciousness.  All this is happening in our time within a much larger context of a shift in Earth’s dimensional reality.  This shift is part of the Divine timing sequence of galactic, solar, and planetary evolution.  The holographic pattern of how we decode and express incarnate experience on Earth is changing.  The change is a Dimensional Ascension.  It is an unveiling or unfolding to incarnate life on a higher frequency dimension of the Earth.  This is a fifth dimensional and beyond frequency that is part of our journey of awakening to Divine awareness within the incarnate experience.

We continue to learn how this sequence progresses amidst the developing transhumanist agenda, our awakening to Divine awareness, and the shifting energies of the dimensions on Earth.   May we continue to open to our Divine awareness within the heart so as to live a heart-centered consciousness of love and creativity.