Sharing the Journey of Divine Love

The mission of our soul incarnate is to transform to Divine love in the physical body on Earth.  As we are transforming, we emanate and express the love that is our truth to the best that we can offer at any given moment.  The soul is evolving, but we must always keep a focus on the life we are given and the gift of the present moment.  In truth, the only opportunity we have to give our love is now.

For souls as human beings, this is a path to the wholeness of the self in the Divine.  It is awakening and realizing the self in the Divine that always is—no separation, conflict, or control.  There is only peace, harmony, and love.  While this is our truth, our pathway also encompasses healing emotional wounds, imprints, and beliefs that limit us from fully being our truth as Divine love and creativity.  Thus, we are constantly healing, releasing, and clearing, and at the same time emanating our love.  We cannot wait to be fully awakened and transformed before we give all of the love that we can in any moment.

Shared Experience as the Gift of Souls on Earth

When we reflect on our life experience, we recall many joys and memorable moments.  We also find the challenges, struggles, and deep pain.  We gain meaning through seeing the Earth and all of life as a unity in the Divine—a multidimensional frequency of unique aspects as one.

Along this journey, we realize that the soul-to-soul experience on Earth is paramount.  The true meaning and gift of this incarnate experience is not what we do, accomplish, or even create.  The true meaning and joy of life is in the sharing of any experience with other souls.  While we can find happiness within our own soul, as well as in times of solitude and communion with nature and the universe, the true joy of being human is to experience the Earth with another soul and other souls.  This is what our soul remembers from its experience as it evolves throughout infinite eternity.  It’s all about the unity of bonding and love in walking this journey together.  This includes soul-mate sacred unions, family, friendships, pets, and our many acquaintances throughout life.

If we remove the depth of this sharing or the sharing becomes shallow, our spirituality takes an overly interior perspective and life loses its joy, meaning, and enthusiasm.  This is not to say that we do not find the answers within.  Our only knowing and wisdom come from within the heart, soul, and spirit.  However, the inner connection to the Divine must always be accompanied by the flowing of this interior in the shared experience with other souls and nature.

We desire and intend a mutual self-giving of our whole self with others.  This giving to the other in love amplifies the beauty of the shared experience.  As we are within more of a mutual self-giving, the greater the depths and heights of the awareness of Divine love as expressed in the shared experience.  The being with the other in the shared walk of life is the harmonic unity that our heart rests in.  This is the contentment and peace that is the gift of Divine love throughout the dimensions.

The soul-to-soul sharing of our soul evolution is foundational to who we are as souls in human form.  As we evaluate our experience in sharing and our experience in solitude, we find the fullness of flow, harmony, peace, and joy of the soul in the shared experience.  At certain levels of spiritual evolution, we can perceive that in our peaceful solitude we find the love and ever present connectivity to all.  While this is our truth at a certain level, the truth of love finds its pureness in the wholeness of self in a sharing of mutual self-giving with others.

Because we have been conditioned in a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation, we are learning how to be our whole self without needing the external or the other to provide our intrinsic wholeness.  As we awaken to this knowing, we simultaneously must be open to experience our whole Divine self with others.  Along the way, we still may require quiet space, solitude, and times of reflection only within our own soul.  We are working to release all wounds and create a greater harmonization.  As we awake and transform to our infinite freedom, harmony, and love that is our Divine soul, we will naturally emanate this in a more seamless way in our shared experience.

Trust, Commitment, and Integrity in Divine Love

In Divine love, there is self-love that emanates a highly coherent integrity of the self.  We have a Divine love for self where we intend and provide all that is the highest and best for ourself. We trust in the true intentions of our soul.  We know in wisdom that love is a mutual sharing in harmonic unity.

From the love and integrity of self, we emanate an awareness of service.  Not serving others in order to achieve some gain for the self, but an unconditional love of serving for the good of others.  In unity consciousness, the other is not separate from us.  The love of self is love for the other, and the love of the other is love of self.  This is our truth of mutual self-giving service.

In order to reach the wholeness of self and the realization that we love others as ourself, we must heal and clear all emotional wounds and conditioning from the etheric, emotional, and mental bodies.  It takes a courageous willingness to see the depths of the fear-based conditioning that is from our soul history, ancestry, intergenerational transmission of emotions, beliefs, and DNA frequencies, and early childhood wounding.  The depth of the false fear-based conditioning has been encoded within human incarnate consciousness for thousands of years.  This is why much of religious, metaphysical, spiritual, and new age consciousness promotes a certain level of spiritual development while the deepest core wounds remain.  As a result, there remains a hidden narcissistic perception that erroneously focuses on the love of self without truly giving to the other unconditionally.  When we clear our unconscious conditioning through emotional healing, our love of self seamlessly coincides with love of the other. In truth, the other is not really an other—the other is a unique aspect of the Divine.

Love emanates a fidelity, integrity, and trust.  It is a profound being there for the other– a deep commitment that forms infinite bonds of eternal unity.  Love intends to stand with another, support the other, and delight in the path of the other as in one’s own path.  Love emanates a humility and empathy that bears with the imperfections of the other.  This tolerance is not a self-deprecating feeling that arises from an emotional neediness.  It is a love that perpetually looks at self and is willing to love the other in the knowing that we are healing, transforming, and evolving as a humanity incarnate.

We are yet to emanate our true Divine soul in the physical.  When we do, we will be pure unconditional love.  All of our harmonic intentions will work for the good of all. Our bodies will be beyond the fear-based frequencies, and therefore will have perfect cellular regeneration. Thus, the body will no longer have disease, and we will be able to transition to other realms of soul existence in a different way.  We will have full telepathy and teleportation. We will form Divine sacred unions with each other.  Life on Earth will be the way we all know to be true deep within our hearts and the heights of our multidimensional consciousness.

However, we are still in a process of movement to the fullness of our Divine soul in the physical. Therefore, love requires a patience and kindness to stand by and be with others as we still work through our false fear-based conditioning.  Love has a high level of trust that knows that we are not yet perfect, but we are moving in that direction.  Love knows that the sharing and mutual embrace of the other is where we find true peace, harmony, and a contentment in the knowing that we are fully giving the love that we have been gifted by our creation in the Divine.

May we continue to heal our deepest woundedness, awaken to a pure love of self, and fully share the journey with other human souls and all of nature as we are transforming.  We have the gift of living on Earth in a highly transforming time of frequency and consciousness.  Above all we have the gift of our eternal soul experiencing incarnate life.  Our awareness is only now.  This very moment is what we choose to make of it. Let us not be skewed into thinking that we are doing the work for other lifetimes of our greater soul evolution—this is a limiting belief.  We must trust, heal, and transform for now.  Let us be ever mindful and open hearted to seek the trust of self in a way where we share our love now. We have only now to love each other more.  We have all of eternity to experience the fullness of Divinity—levels of awareness that is incomprehensible to the lower frequencies of the human mind.  Let us heal and trust to give all that we can in this moment.  We have been given this opportunity on Earth.  May we utilize to the fullest the only time that we truly have—the present moment.

Embodying Divine Sexual Energy beyond all Fear-Based Frequency

Humanity is in a transition of moving from fear-based co-dependent relationships to Divine soul unions.  In a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation, the sexual energies manifest as incoherent electromagnetic energy.  Any wounds and emotional armoring within our multidimensional body system inhibit the pure harmonic of sexual energy.

At this level, the sexual relationship maintains some levels of self-interest, motivation, feelings of comfort and self-balance, self-definition, and conditional expectations in relationship.  This has been the level of human egoic consciousness that has formed a relationship template of sexual attraction, romance, and feelings of falling in love. These feelings are the denser levels of electromagnetic charge between an attraction of wounded persons with constricted chakra energy.  The similar wounds and compensation of the chakras attract.  This becomes the typical co-dependent relationship where mutual self-serving maintains a tenuous balance of wounded energies.  All types of addictions and conditions are maintained in order to avoid genuine feelings of unresolved emotion.

As humanity shifts to a higher frequency of consciousness, we are awakening to our true Divine soul love in relationship and sacred union—an unconditional love which unites from the heart and the infinite spirit. This emanation of love is a Divine awareness through the sacred heart energy that informs the mental body, emotional body, and the sexual energies through the physical body.  It is a soul-to-soul unity that in its purest expression in incarnate form is a soul-body to soul-body unity.  We are awakening to the true heart and soul intimacy of human sacred union.

Divine Sexual Energy

The resonance of attraction of Divine sexual energy is a totally different frequency.  It is a Divine soul energetic where the sexual energies are purely harmonic and soft—a highly powerful frequency, but without the charge of the denser egoic sexual energies.  When the energies are of harmony, unity, and self-giving tenderness, Divine love emanates within the physical sexual energies.  For most souls incarnate on Earth, this feeling through the sexual energies is not experienced, although many can remember the feeling of purity from prior soul history and times incarnate in other dimensions.  In order for this experience of harmony, all inharmonic frequencies must be cleared from the mental, emotional, and physical body.

As we transform to a humanity where the Divine soul is unified with the mind and physical body, the purity of sexual union will return.  This is a Divine soul that loves the soul and body as one, without the self-interest of the ego’s need to seek something that it perceives as incomplete in itself.  Within the Divine soul in the spirit, there is unconditional love.  It is a love that loves within one whole heart, mind, soul, and being.  It is an infinite and eternal love in the depths and heights of the Divine.  This love can manifest through the human sexual energies.  May we be open to our healing and transformation, and bring this Divine love to human relationships in sacred union on Earth.

Healing all Armoring to Reveal Divine Love Expressed within Sexual Energy

In order to emanate the trust and intimacy to express the purity of Divine love in sexual union beyond all fear, we must heal, clear, and release all imprints and wounds embedded in the etheric body in conjunction with the emotional and mental body.  The imprints/wounds are conditioned from ancestral templates, intergenerational transmission, soul history, and childhood conditioning.  All of the fear-based resonances inhibit the full experience of the Divine soul in the body-mind.  They form armoring and restrictions in the mind and tension within the energy centers and physical body which inhibits the free harmonic infinite flow of the sexual energies in the purity, softness, tenderness, and dynamism of Divine love.  May we heal and release all fear-based restrictions in the body-mind to enable our Divine soul embodied to experience and express infinite eternal love within the physical sexual energies of our incarnate life on Earth.

Awakening the Divine Soul on Earth along the Twin Soul Journey

In this time of shifting dimensions on Earth, we are transforming to our true Divine soul as embodied in the physical.  We are healing the fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation so as to emanate our Divine love and creativity in unity consciousness.

For thousands of years within the egoic fear-based consciousness, there have always been seekers of the true self in unity with God—a pursuit of higher consciousness as described in religious, spiritual, mystical, esoteric, shamanic, metaphysical, and new age traditions.  For the most part, there has been ascending pathways toward a non-dual awareness that is higher than the physical frequencies.  Sri Aurobindo and the Mother went beyond this understanding to a true ascent/descent paradigm where the Divine is working to create a Divine physical human on Earth.

When Aurobindo wrote in the first half of the twentieth century, he envisioned a supramental consciousness fully present among humanity on Earth within one-hundred and fifty years.  As we are now in the second half of this timeframe from the time of his writings, another level of paradigm is beginning to emerge.  This emergence is the twin soul journey.  In this understanding of the Divine soul incarnate on Earth, the Divine soul-in-soul relationship fully realized in the physical provides the pure harmony and dynamic power of Divine love and creativity.

Twin Soul Sacred Union

The twin soul sacred union is a soul with soul harmonic of being. We are our whole unique self and emanate the fullness of Divine love in the infinite mutual self-giving love as a unified harmonic soul essence. This emerging level of soul journey on Earth is awakening our unique wholeness in the Divine, and remembering our unified soul-to-soul essence that is a sacred union of two souls created in the same harmonic signature.  The uniqueness in unity realizes the Divine’s mission in creation as a journey to allow souls to emanate Divine love among each other and return that love into the infinite source of God.  It is a Divine play of soul evolution.  The soul is always the essence of God. The long journey of creation enables the Divine love to express in various frequencies and densities.  The soul’s creation journey is an experience of reflecting a non-dual and non-local love in infinite frequency expression. This is the ultimate journey of realizing the soul’s oneness in God.

The union of souls in the physical is the next higher frequency beyond mystical union and supramental consciousness.  The real in-depth understanding of this evolving level will need to continue to develop.  We have known something of the understanding of soulmate love in humanity.  These connections have been important for soul evolution. However, much of these relationships have been a higher love within the lower nature of mind, emotions, and body.  There has been something of the soul informing the lower nature, but not yet the pure direct action of the soul essence as the body-mind.  The knowledge of a more profound soul-to-soul unity as a higher path beyond the thousands of years understanding of the path to mystical unity in God is just beginning to move into human awareness.

Many Soulmates, One Twin Soul

As we make our long journey of many incarnations through the cosmos and on Earth, we have many soulmates, but one twin soul.  Throughout many incarnations we awaken and transform to our true self in God through shared experience and loving many soulmates.  This is all leading to an evolving readiness to unite with our true twin soul in physical union on Earth.

A New Mystical Paradigm of Soul-to-Soul in the Divine

In the many thousands of years in a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation on Earth, the mystical paradigm has been soul to God.  We find this in all religious, spiritual, and metaphysical traditions.  Examples include Plotinus’ “the flight of the alone to the alone,” and St. Augustine’s “You have made us for yourself O God and our hearts are restless until they rest in thee.” Here, God creates souls to experience incarnate life and then reunite those experiences in union with God. This understanding is all about the individual soul and God.  As souls begin to awaken within given incarnate lives, they seek their Divine nature in a direct unity with God—the Divine itself is understood as the ultimate other and then as oneself.

While this is true, our approach to the experience of this journey on Earth is changing.  We are now beginning to see that the Earth journey is more about realizing this truth in a soul-to-soul unity as an emanation of the soul as Divine.  It is the same pathway of the awakening of the incarnate human that is a Divine soul as God.  However, the highest way of awakening and being that Divine awareness is to merge with another soul that is initially understood as other and then as oneself.  Thus, being Divine consciousness on Earth is a soul-to-soul expression in God, and at its ultimate level is the infinite souls’ unity in God. This is God’s gift of creation of an evolving soul journey to realize the pure mutual harmonic of love among and within souls which is truly our oneness of our unique soul in God.

In our evolving understanding of twin souls, we are not saying that all souls are meant to take this pathway in this lifetime.  This path occurs over multiple incarnations and across different dimensions.  Some twins are working with one twin incarnate while the other twin is beyond the Earth dimensions.  Many souls are continuing to learn and evolve in love in soulmate relationships.  Many souls continue to have a soul intention to awaken and transform to the fullness of the Divine soul on Earth in pathways where the soulmate and twin soul relationship is not primary.  There are many pathways to soul evolution and emanating the Divine soul.  The twin soul is one emerging pathway.  What is emerging is that there are more twins that are both in the physical that are intending a harmonizing and sacred union in the physical.  And what we envision is that in a manifestation of a supramental consciousness on Earth, sacred relational Divine love between two souls in unity will be an essence to the incarnate experience of love and creativity on Earth.   The current evolving twin soul experience on Earth is forging a new level of human relationship that will be universal in the full manifestation of a Divine consciousness of humanity on Earth.

In the new and evolving paradigm, God creates souls to develop the same love experience that is God with the souls learning and evolving to express and experience the pure essence of Divine Being among souls.  Therefore, God creates twin souls of identical harmonic signature.  The soul journey becomes the awakening of the Divine self in God where the souls merge as one soul in God within Earthly physical experience.  This is the twin soul journey and soul merge.  Jenna Forrest in her work with sensitive souls and in her channeling has brought forth an understanding of the stages of the twin soul journey and understanding of the soul merge in the incarnate physical.  For more information see her work at,   For additional insights, wisdom, and understanding of the evolving twin soul journey see also the work of Alison Lessard,,

In our new Divine mystical paradigm, the overall purpose for the creation of souls and incarnate experience is to connect a soul-to-soul back into God within the human experience on Earth.  In this way, God reflects through creation the same dynamic unity of mutual self-giving/receiving love that is within the Divine.  The mission of incarnating is more about shared experience than the flight of the alone to the alone in God.  While we awaken, heal, and transform to a unity with all, the soul’s deepest joy is to share the soul journey in pure harmony specifically with another soul, and more overall as an expression of love and unity with all souls.

The soul merge is the ultimate union of the incarnate experience.  It is bringing the fullness of the timeless eternal Divine love into the totality of the Earth experience.  Incarnate Earth experience then becomes the infinite unique expression of love and creativity. The depths and heights of Divine love are experienced in an infinite choice of pure harmony and love in creativity on Earth.  The evolving ability for this to occur has consisted of many lifetimes.  Throughout the soul journey within lifetimes, the soul is always working to unite with its twin soul at a higher or multidimensional level; only now are we realizing an evolving dimensional shift on Earth where a Divine consciousness is making it possible for twin souls to unite the multidimensional unity in the physical on Earth.

The Creation of Twin Souls

The first emerging understanding of the creation of twin souls is of God creating a single soul that splits into two in order to experience the duality of incarnate life in lower frequency dimensions.  All souls are created in this way which means all souls have a twin.  Incarnation then becomes a long journey of finding the twin and merging back into a reunion of the soul.  According to this viewpoint, the journey is like finding and reuniting with our lost other half.

However, God may have created the twin souls in another manner.  Instead of creating a single soul that splits, God creates souls two at a time with the same harmonic signature.  Thus, the journey is not about finding a lost split other half that separated, but uniting or merging with the twin soul for the first time as created souls within incarnate life on Earth.  This is the goal of incarnate experience.  The soul-to-soul union is the ultimate process of returning in unity with God for all eternity.  Ultimately, the souls have memory of the other twin from the spirit within God and from a multidimensional unity that has never been separate—a oneness in eternity.

In the evolving, shifting, and transforming Earth journey, the souls have not yet fully merged as a single soul entity in creative experience.  They have experienced unity in higher frequency dimensions, but not incarnate in the physical on Earth.  They know each other as one perfect being because of their multidimensional unity and because they exist forever in the essence of God.

Mission of Twin Souls to Emanate Divine Love on Earth

The twin soul journey is about each soul awakening, healing, and transforming to their unique wholeness.  In this Divine wholeness, the twin souls can move to reunite in the physical on Earth.  The pathway of the twin soul assists each twin to heal, clear, and release the distorting beliefs and emotional coding of a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, separation, and co-dependence—it is a process of transforming to soul purity within incarnate form.

The twin soul journey is not a simple pathway.  While there is a lot of misinterpretation and over-romanticizing throughout much twin flame information, this is a genuine emerging path for souls in both multidimensions and on Earth.  The journey consists of much complexity and is guided by pre-incarnate soul contracts, the Divine Source, the souls’ intent, and freedom.  It is foundationally a journey beyond egoic consciousness to the non-attachment of Divine love—a mutually self-giving love of two whole human beings outpouring an infinite eternal love in a forever deepening harmonic flow.

The mission of twin souls on Earth at this time of a dimensional shift is to bring Divine love frequencies into human life on Earth.  The Divine harmonic love of twin souls assists with restoring the pure harmony, love, creativity, and unity in resonance with the Divine infinite Earth frequencies.  The harmonizing journey in the physical is a total unity of spirit, heart, body-mind, and sexual union.  The highest frequencies of Divine love are expressed throughout all of the energies in the relational unity. The path of the soul-to-soul unity as the soul in God is to emanate unconditional love within humanity on Earth.  This is part of the realization of a Divine consciousness on Earth where humanity is in pure harmonic resonance with the infinite Divine.

Love and the Soul’s Freedom

Love is freedom, and the intention of freedom for all souls.  Love delights in Divine being and its goodness.  It delights in the goodness of another soul as Divine.  Love is the essence of everything and appreciates the uniqueness of each aspect of creation.

Freedom and Divine Goodness of the Soul

As souls created in the spirit of the Divine, we experience the dimensional universe through varying experiences of incarnation.  Our soul is born in love, and that love enables its full freedom to experience the universe.  Within incarnate life on Earth for thousands of years, the human freedom of the soul has been veiled in a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  Currently, it is the soul’s journey to rediscover its full freedom. And in the process of once again being its essence, it delights in the freedom of other souls.

When the soul through the heart and body awakens to its true Divine awareness, its intention is to be its essence which is love.  In being its own freedom, it rejoices in the freedom of nature and animal life, and it loves all as the unique expression of the Divine.  For humans on Earth, the deepest part of the soul journey experience is to share this journey with other souls.  Through love, the soul sees the Divine goodness, uniqueness, and freedom in the other.  It has deep joy in experiencing the other’s gifts.  The soul desires that another soul experience the full being of its Divine essence and mission in the same way as its own Divine being.  This unity is love.  In love, there is no separation, just unique soul aspects abiding in the “we.”  It is one unity forever.

Love Rejoices in the Goodness and Happiness of the Other

Love desires the best for another soul no matter what the life journey brings.  Love receives great joy in the other’s accomplishments as in one’s own.  However, it is not a vicarious identification.  In love, one does not use the other’s gifts, but only receives intrinsic pleasure in the joy that is the other.  Love gives because its essence is the happiness of the other, and the intent that the other is the fullness of their true self in the Divine.  Only the ego, and its needs and fears, give to receive conditionally.  Love is unconditional.  Love is not of time—it is forever with no beginning and no end.  It expands infinitely into deeper and deeper levels of purity.  It is a joy that never ceases.  It becomes brighter and brighter in its expansion.  This is what we desire for the other.  When we give in this way, we receive.  In love, the giving and receiving become one.  The giver is the receiver and the receiver is the giver.  It is a mutual harmonic flow.  There is no restriction or conflict–just pure synchronic fluidity.

Love desires the perfect well-being of the other.  It listens, takes action, and enjoys being with the other—always supporting the full freedom of the other that it loves.  At its most profound level, it loves just being with the other in shared experience.

Love is Known in the Soul

Love can only be known and felt in the soul.  The lower human mind can understand something of love, and can point to it without a full knowing.  At times, the soul will inform the mind of the essence of love and the mind will attempt to communicate it in words, through the senses, or in body language.  Love is beyond our poetic and mystical language.  It is a knowing, being, and feeling of the soul.  At times, the infinite frequencies of love translated in the physical can resonate in words.  For example, we can find this in the mystical poetry of John of the Cross such as in the Spiritual Canticle, stanzas 14 and 15 as follows:

My Beloved, the mountains,

and lonely wooded valleys,

strange islands,

and resounding rivers,

the whistling of love-stirring breezes,

the tranquil night

at the time of the rising dawn,

silent music,

sounding solitude,

the supper that refreshes and deepens love.

These words convey the infinite love between the soul and the Divine and between soul and soul. Within our incarnate Earth journey, Earth, soul, and Divine become one.  In order to touch infinite Divinity, we must love the incarnate frequency domain that we are in—our current human experience is of Earth.  When we are in unity resonance with Earth, our awareness expands the infinite dimensional universe and the infinite dimensionless spiritual realms.  We are in unity with God.  Then in this profound soul journey on Earth, our joy is with sharing this in love with another soul.  As we transform into the fullness of our Divine awareness, we will live our soul love fully in the physical through the heart, mind, and body.

May we all open to the full freedom of our soul that is love.  In that freedom, we will love one another in a way that supports the full freedom of the other to be their Divine consciousness on Earth.  This is the joy and delight in the Divine goodness of the infinite soul.

Divine Awareness through Interior Resonance

In the journey of awakening and transforming to our true being as a Divine soul emanating as a Divine physical body, we progressively generate the Divine harmonic frequency from our unique aspect of infinite unity consciousness. Our Divine soul exists infinitely and is experiencing the unity with all through points of reference.  We are each expressions of the one Divine unity.

The False Egoic Mind Loop and Exterior Inharmonic Frequencies

For thousands of years, humanity has been experiencing the Divine soul in the physical frequencies with a limiting false overlay consciousness.  This is the thinking mind and dualistic physical frequency that is a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.  Without this program, the Divine soul would perfectly express a unique Divine harmonic frequency through the body in infinite ways of love and creativity on Earth.  While the soul is in harmonic resonance with all, it is participating in generating the harmonic Divine frequency.  Each soul does this from its awareness—both as its unique awareness and its awareness in intersubjective unity as the other.  Thus, the Divine awareness is always emanating and expressing from a perspective of interior resonance.  Here, the interior is the exterior, and the exterior is the interior.  However, the unity is referenced from the interior soul generations.  This is the Divine soul’s participation as Divine Being.

Because of the false overlay of which we are healing and transforming, we have been susceptible to exterior resonant frequencies.  In the fear-based consciousness, the thinking mind is conditioned by a time sequence frequency loop.  This circuit is imprinted with beliefs, emotional reactions, actions, and experiences.  The false loop was originally conditioned by an external catalyst.  It is a distortion of our true infinite being that is love and creativity as Divine unity.  Once conditioned, the time loop circuit generates and operates without any external stimulus. This is the false inharmonic frequencies that we project into the world from conditioned experience.

The mission of transforming is to release the entire false operating system of the thinking mind and reactive emotional system and the body’s adaptation to them.  The time loop of the false egoic identity is also triggered directly by external inharmonic frequencies.  Currently, the human culture is producing external inharmonic frequency through all of its systems.  Therefore, the false egoic mind of conflict, separation, and incoherence, is maintained both internally and externally.

The Divine Soul Generates the Divine Harmonic in Interior Resonance

In awakening, we can be assisted by harmonic frequencies referenced as exterior, i.e. galactic information, the sun’s transducing consciousness, nature and other person’s higher consciousness.  While these Divine frequencies are all helpful in our experiential journey, we must generate the Divine harmonic solely from interior consciousness.  We must generate the universal resonance through awareness of the universal harmonic.  It is our soul path to awaken to our Divine nature and to be this frequency. It infinitely generates and emanates from within the core of our being—a core that is limitless, non-local, and non-dual.  It is the essence of who we are as spirit, soul, intelligent being, Light mind, and physical body.  We are love.

Love does not need to know itself. It just is.  It is infinite knowing itself.  In its infinite beauty, love is forever deepening and expanding.  It moves so fast in its dynamism that it is perfectly still.  At once, it is a pure silence and musical harmony of infinite expression.  Love does not need duality, time, space, and duration to learn or harmonically know itself.  Love is all knowing and all feeling.

Humanity in the Divine Frequency of Uniqueness in Unity

Within a false overlay of 3D fear-based distortion, we have confused unique frequency configuration with duality.  We are all unique souls with an interior unity as Divine love.  We do not need a false perception of an external in order to communicate and experience the Earth and each other as infinite souls emanating as a physical body.  There are no external frequencies that we need to resonate with.  This is the illusion of the false matrix overlay of a conflict, control, and separation consciousness.  We are the Divine frequency, and our Divine Being as that frequency expresses and experiences itself in all its uniqueness as others and the world.  We are an infinite love and creativity without static, friction, and noise.  We are a pure fluid harmonic being without limits, resistance, and restriction.

In whatever way we may call it—our awakening, remembering, transforming, evolving, or ascending, our journey on Earth is to be the love that we are.  While all of our interior and exterior experiences are currently a part of this journey, we must ultimately know and be that love.  It comes from the depths and heights of being where there is no dimension.  It is who we are as Divine spirit and Divine soul.  And as we shift in awareness on Earth, it is us as a Divine Light mind and Divine feeling physical body.  This shift in dimensional frequency, where the Divine fully emanates as the Divine physical on Earth, is the cessation of resonance with the false matrix of fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation that is egoic identity.   We will experience our true Divine soul of Divine Being as a Divine physical body on Earth.

Humanity Emanates Divine Being from the Infinite Present Within

In whatever way we may travel to realize our true Divine being on Earth, it is in the infinite present that we must just be the knowing, love, and creativity that we are.  There is no answer to becoming our being from the outside—no teachings, books, religions, spiritualities, esoterics, sciences, meditations, silence, beliefs, energy healings, sound frequencies,  gateways, portals, channelings, animals, plants, crystals, metaphysics, or anything.  We can be grateful for all of these because they prepare us and focus us to ultimately understand that we already are the answer.  We just could not see it under the veils, illusions, matrices, and distortions of the false conditioning of duality consciousness.  We can only generate our Divine frequency through the mystery of being.

May we open to the Divine awareness of our interior resonance, and be the love and creativity in infinite freedom.  Within freedom, our Divine soul as physical body resonates with the Divine all in love, joy, peace, and creative action on Earth.

The Divine Harmonic Pulsation of Matter

In a fear-based consciousness, we have made a separation of physical matter and spirit.  In this view, the physical frequencies are something less than the Divine essence.  While this perception can maintain that the spirit is the energy of matter and is immanent within matter, it still does not see and feel matter as spirit and spirit as matter.

In order to reconcile the false spirit/matter split, we must recognize that matter as we currently experience it is a distortion of the true reality of matter.  The present physical consciousness that is the experience of limited matter is a distortion.  Matter in its pure state is the same as Divine spirit.  The physical is an organization of spirit emanating at various frequency levels.  In a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation, what we experience through the narrow range of our physical senses and thinking mind is a false distortion of matter.

With the distortion as a fundamental starting point for exploring and transforming consciousness, humanity has sought wholeness by identifying with the universal spirit as “transcendent beyond, but immanent presence.”  This maintains the separation of spirit from the physical.  In the emanation of the Divine as information, consciousness, energy, and frequency, spirit is matter and matter is spirit.  It is only the distorting overlay of false frequencies of consciousness that maintain a dualistic separation.  Humanity is in a process of awakening to a resonance with the true Divine frequency of matter where we move beyond the distortion as starting point and into the realization of spirit as matter.

True Divine Matter

The Divine as matter is a pulsation of expansion and contraction.  It pulsates as a Divine harmonic of perfect action and perfect rest.  It is a perfect timing sequence of fluid motion.  The motion is so synchronic that is appears not to be in motion as we now understand movement in a physical universe with an experience of a false matter matrix overlay.  Words cannot fully express an expanding and contracting movement that is experienced as non-movement because current 3D language is part of the false separation vibration.

The experience of true Divine matter has not been part of the human experience on Earth.  Humanity was closer to the true Divine nature on Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago, but not to the fullness that is awakening as the current dimensional hologram shifts in frequency.  The galactic information and solar transforming of light and sound frequencies is assisting a human awakening and resonance with true physical matter.  This is a Divine sequencing of the Divine soul emanating as a Divine physical body.  In heart consciousness, humanity is transforming to a knowing Light mind and Divine feeling body.

The true nature of matter is Divine which means there is no limitation, conflict, or separation.  The experience of matter as its true reality is a radical change from the illusion, veils, and overlays that has been the fear-based consciousness.  The true reality is here now.  The true and false frequencies are superimposed in the same one reality.  It all relates to the frequency of human consciousness.  Over thousands of years, the human mind and body has been conditioned to a fear-based limiting consciousness.  Humanity has not been experiencing true Divine matter either as a soul-body or the human collective because the false conditioning of consciousness resonates with the false overlay matrix of distorting, chaotic, and limiting frequencies.

The Shifting Resonance of the Divine Soul emanating as Divine Physical Body

The awakening, remembering, and transforming of human consciousness to resonate as Divine soul in, through, and as a Divine physical body is a huge change for humanity on Earth.  While the experience of the shift in human consciousness is so great, the shift in resonance is actually very subtle.  True matter and false matter are not really two different realities.  They are two differing frequency organizations of the same reality operating simultaneously.  It is all about shifting consciousness to the Divine frequency.  It is truly experiencing the Divine essence beyond frequency while seamlessly expressing as a Divine frequency on Earth.

In reference to the frequency of true physical matter, the experience of false matter is perpetually painful and limiting.  False matter is always out of balance or equilibrium because the pure harmonic of the infinite Divine expressing as a Divine physical body does not fully express in a fear-based consciousness.  The consciousness of true matter is harmonic—forever in balance and flow.  It is the essence that is love and creativity in a restful action on Earth.  There is no angst, conflict, or tension—just the pure freedom of creativity.  It is the beauty of Divine love.  May we continue to open to the freedom of infinite Divine awareness as matter and the emanation of our Divine soul as the physical body on Earth.

The Rapidly Shifting Frequency Organization on Earth

We are now in a very rapid change of the frequency domain on Earth.  The configuration of the information and energy from the cosmos and galaxy as transduced by the Sun is assisting a human resonance with the harmonic frequency of the Divine soul.  This is part of an evolving consciousness shift to a Divine physical humanity on Earth.

At this point in the shifting frequency, the collective energy of the Earth is experienced as more of a deconstructing frequency.  This is the collective frequency experience that is the current organization on Earth.  It is a fear-based conflict and separating energy that is the distortion and false perception of matter in a disharmonic 3D matrix.  Even within the overall current false perception of matter, we can open to the unitary harmonic truth beyond the veils of the inharmonic overlay.

Artificial Frequencies in a Distorting Perception of Matter

At present, the soul must resonate in heart consciousness to experience the harmonic flow of the Divine being of love and creativity.  As humanity is awakening to a more coherent resonance with infinite consciousness on Earth, the current perception of matter in the 3D world is devolving in an exterior frequency simulation.  It is the artificial frequencies that are constricting all the current 3D systems.  While the means of frequency manipulation of air, water, food, and the visual/acoustic waves are too numerous to delineate here, we can get an overview of the 3D deconstruction through computer and RF/microwave technology.

The merging of electronic communication into everyday life is the main sign of a devolving 3D frequency and the larger movement to a Divine emanation of matter on Earth.  The true Divine soul human manifesting as the physical body has its own intrinsic interior consciousness technology that is a spontaneous knowing, telepathy, teleportation, and perfect harmonic emanation and communication of the cells.

Artificial external communication frequencies are affecting humanity within a 3D perception in two major ways. First, the myriad of chaotic electromagnetic frequencies being generated by RF and microwave transmission is disharmonic to the cellular consciousness of the physical body.  Second, the systematic use of electronic communication is stressing the thinking mind and sensory system.  It is changing the way the mind and brain process information.  The body’s habituation to this awareness carries over into all areas of life.  If awareness remains in the 3D frequency, then the result is a dulling of awareness in everyday interaction.  This occurs because the mind and senses are always functioning in an electronic information processing mode.  Thus, both the electromagnetic frequencies and the change to a habituated sensory and thinking overload of the mind and body is a major contributor to the devolving human 3D systems.

The Harmony of a Divine Physical Cellular Consciousness

In heart consciousness, the true human infinite Divine consciousness emanates as the soul-body through the knowing Light mind and Divine feeling body.  The level of Divine awareness is beyond the thinking mind and current sensory system.  The true human soul-body as Divine physical is a direct cellular consciousness.  It is a spontaneous knowing and acting Divine consciousness that is emanating as a pure harmonic cellular consciousness.  The purity of a Divine cellular consciousness is the true frequency of matter without a distorting and constricting frequency overlay.  The Light mind and Divine body is the true nature of matter, not the false distortion of the perceived conflict, control, and separation in current collective 3D perception.  The true nature of the direct Divine cellular consciousness of matter is the Life Divine of a supramental consciousness that Sri Aurobindo wrote about and the “mind of the cells” that Mirra Alfassa, “the Mother” described.

The true nature of matter on Earth has not been part of the human experience.  The current experience of matter is a complex web of restricting frequencies.  This is the matrix that imprisons human incarnate consciousness in an extreme limitation.  While some view the human electronic web as an advance to a global brain or nervous system, it is actually an intensification of the matrix as the 3D frequencies of perception devolve.  A Divine soul-body consciousness through the cells forms its own direct awareness of infinite communication.

At times, the transformation to a Divine matter on Earth is referred to as a fifth dimension or beyond.  While this term conveys much of the essence of a Divine life on Earth, it is not fully coherent in that its awareness is being interpreted by levels of mind and not fully by the consciousness of the cells.  We must emanate the Divine awareness fully and directly as the cells of the body.  In the past, we have used the higher levels of the mental mind with some separation of body in order for our consciousness to access or participate in the infinite Divine awareness.  By using the mental domains as not fully the Divine physical body, the body is only able to participate in the access of Divine awareness.  In order for humanity to live and be our Divine soul of love and creativity on Earth, the physical body must be directly the Divine awareness.

This is our evolving transformation to a true Divine humanity on Earth within the true perception of matter which is purely fluid, harmonic, and loving.  In our true being, we are incarnate in frictionless frequency patterns.   The current false distorting frequencies of matter on Earth form an intricate web that is intertwined with our perceptions of mind and matter—this perception is conflict, control, inertia, separation, and friction.  The soul, mind, and body cannot be purely harmonic in this milieu.  This is why the artificial frequencies are only contributing to a further devolution of the current 3D based frequency organization.  In awakening and transforming our consciousness, may we continue to open to the harmonic Divine awareness of love and creativity and to emanate our soul-body directly as a Divine physical cellular consciousness.