Now is the time—the time to fully awaken our soul in spirit, and to live our Divine soul in the here and now through the heart, mind, life, and body. Now is the time to let go of all past conditioning, negative emotions, and false beliefs, and to experience a new happy life–a life of the true empowered soul of wisdom, authenticity, and Divine love.
In our soul’s knowing, the past conditioning of ego in mind and body is over–it is finished, no longer relevant to the here and now. It has served its purpose in our soul evolution, and we are learning that we no longer need to attach to the fear conditioning. Reject all less than truth energies in non-attachment. Let it go. Be our true nature of Divine love, peace, and harmony.
Be the peace of the soul that is the true self in the Divine. If anything interferes or triggers, let it go by allowing the energy to move without any identification in consciousness, and by calling the Divine force of grace in action. Live in the essence of love, and receive the new balance of soul-body harmony. Now is the time to live in the infinite presence of the freedom, love, and creativity of the soul in Spirit.
And now is the time to begin to live more and more wonderful experiences—a life of joy and happiness. And sharing this wonderful life gives even more joy and happiness. And working together from the wholeness of self as complementary partners in a new way of relationship gives infinitely more joy. We can choose from the infinite depths of our soul to be the pure love that we are. We can choose the joy of harmony in togetherness. And we can give and receive the gift of mutual self-giving love.
In the infinite presence of love, now is the time to be the fullness of our soul in Spirit, and to live our truth in heart, mind, and body. We can choose to live in the dynamic active presence of the now. We can choose our soul’s true intent with faith and trust in Divine grace, guidance, timing, force, consciousness, and action. A new beautiful life of infinite possibility and creativity is beginning for us on earth—a life of love, joy, peace, and blessings.